Saturday, December 12, 2020

Luke 12

 This chapter seems to be primarily about people’s attitudes and behaviors! Starting with the Pharisees. Pharisee means “separated one” and this highly religious group was committed to upholding the Mosaic laws. There seems to always be tension between Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus looks at their life and finds them very hypocritical (v 4), so much so that even a small time with them may start having an affect on you, just as only a small amount of years is needed to affect a large mass of dough. What is it like to be around hypocrites, especially when it comes to religion? Are they easy to spot?

Jesus reminds people to recognize their self worth and importance to God (vv 6-7). Why do some people not realize their importance to God (and to other people). Isn’t it sad that some people think they are not important to someone! Trust in God (vv 11-12).

People think their life is determined by how much they have and how showy they are. Jesus reminds us just the opposite (vv 13-15). Material possessions aren’t anything when it comes to the work we can do (have done) for God! There was a Facebook meme I saw once that said something like “if you have too much food, build a bigger table not a taller fence!”Why do we think more is better? It has been said that John Wesley survived on £28 per year; the rest of his salary he gave to charity— even when his salary increased from £30 to £60 to £90 to £120 per year!

I read a report once that commented approximately 60% of Americans feel stressed at least once a week and 20% feel stressed all the time! Jesus reminds us just the opposite (vv 22- 31). Greed and worry seem to be related! Why do people worry so much? I am a terrible worry wart! I need to remember God is greater than my needs! God is like an ever lasting gob stopper...there is always plenty of God to take care of all my needs! 

The one thing we may really worry about is Christ’s return. However, Jesus reminds us that if we are always prepared we won’t be caught off guard (vv 35- 40)! How prepared are you for Christ’s return? We don’t know when that could be. Were you ever called on in school (or church) and been unprepared? How did that feel?

The division Jesus warns us about (vv 49- 53) seems harsh! Does this division in families really happen? Have people become separated from you because of your ministry or witness? 

We can tell Jesus is getting anxious about the finality of his life. He seems to really be reminding people to keep their eyes open and minds open for God’s kingdom (vv 54-56). Many people seem to be able to “read signs” and are able to tell things. Just a few months ago, I was doing some work in a back field (cutting down brush etc) and as I looked at a small pine tree, I saw the bark was all scrapped off and several of the lower branches were broken. I immediately took a picture and posted it to FB with the caption, “This is a good sign”. Assuming people would know that a buck was around rubbing the “velvet” off his antlers. Even I can read signs. Jesus was upset with the people because he was giving them signs of who he was and they didn’t get it. Would we have gotten it? Do we get it?

I like the closing of this chapter. Jesus basically says solve your differences (vv 57- 59). The way I look at it, we solve our differences with others— we get closer to God! Why do we like to hold on to grudges? Why can’t we forgive more easily? Wouldn’t we feel closer to God if we were closer to others?

Some very interesting reading in this chapter!

Have a great day!


Pastor Paul


  1. Sometimes hypocrites are easy to spot but, mostly, I don’t think they are! I mean, just because we say one thing and go to church and sometimes act another, doesn’t mean we are hypocrites - it just means we are sinners. I want to act the way I say I should, but I don’t always. And sometimes people who are true hypocrites are so good at it, that we don’t see it - they hide their true feelings and actions - the “spoken in darkness,,,,,or in the ear in closets.” I think it is VERY sad that people do not know their self worth - especially in God’s eyes. I have been thinking lately of how to have a service during the week - maybe Wednesdays, maybe in Binghamton, to welcome ALL people, so they can feel comfortable and welcome and can take communion. Maybe by the time this pandemic is under control I will have thought out the logistics. Verses 13-15 remind me of the times when I am cleaning out closets, cupboards, etc - and asking those familiar questions, “Do I need this? Do I use this? Will I ever wear this again?” And then giving it away when the answer is no. It makes me wonder why I thought I needed/bought these things when I was building my nest? Much better if I had spent my time and energy in building up myself to God. If only...... But verses 22 - 34 make me nervous. It’s almost saying that the things of nature do not work or worry for food or shelter - God provides. And we are worth more then the sparrow so God will provide for us. But God does not provide without effort on our part. When my children were young and I struggled, God provided me with an opportunity to work a 2nd. Job and the opportunity to go back to school - but it necessitated some action on my part. I couldn’t just sit back and think - God will provide. Even with our health, we have to go to the doctors. And sometimes that doesn’t work. To worry about things out of our control? Yes, I give that to God. But things that are in my control? That require action on my part as well as God’s? That doesn’t seem to be reflected in these verses. I love the parable of the watching servant. Always be ready in all ways! There used to be a song that asked if God appeared at your door would you have to hide your books, your pictures, your movies? Would you have to change your clothes? Your actions? Always be watching! It’s not like the phrase we use most - “I’ll start tomorrow”. We must start today - right now! In my Bible vs. 51 says “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” I don’t quite get that. Does that mean that the division will come because some will follow Jesus and others will deny them? And we should be ready for that? I have to admit, it’s hard to read the signs in today’s world. We credit so many other things then God for the the good things that happen in our lives. Doctors, coincidence, ourselves. It was so much easier if we lived in Jesus’ day. After all, witnessing to all the healings, miracles, and even bringing the dead back to life - those signs are hard to miss. Once I tried to notice a sign every day and then think about it before I went to bed at night. Needless to say that lasted about a week. I keep forgetting that all things come from God. Vs. 59 reminds me of a conversation I recently had with my brother. While talking we come up with that old saying “If only I knew then what I know now.” And then laughed about never learning from our mistakes. And then thought that if we ever made a right decision based on a past mistake, would our lives then be over? Do we just keep trying until we get it right? Vs. 59? Safe trip!

  2. Much better understanding today reading this chapter in Luke. Oh Humans are so tried and true from hypocrisy to wanting riches to being worriers. The thing is we must believe in God's word and try our best to follow want He says which is not always easy We see what others have that we do not and we want. we worry about just about anything that can stress us in any way Sometimes it is so hard to keep faith It's hard to think of the burden that must have been on Jesus when He knew what He had to face even though He was God's son He was also human and faced trials as we do
    Seeing and doing what is right and being prepared for what is coming can be a constant struggle when faced with all the temptations we have. I know it is for me.

  3. I find when I am around religious people, try to listen an learn. I find that I didn't know as much as I though. Yes we all can be hypocrite at times. I guessing that goes with learning. Now I only want extra food in case family and friends come. I know I will not be prepared when he comes I just hope he will take me as I am

    1. Hmmm...I like your last comment...I hope when God comes I will be taken just as I am! Good thoughts! We all have so much to do to get prepared- will we ever be ready!?

  4. This was a difficult chapter for me. Jesus warns against hypocrisy and worry. He tells us to sell our possessions and give away the money. We’re warned against greed. But why wouldn’t he be praising people who take care of themselves and can even help others? I have never read before vs 49-53. Jesus comes to bring division? I guess that is true in some ways. Beliefs can divide family members.

  5. Some of the words we read are troublesome for us at times! I think Jesus was warning against excessiveness and greed- Jesus would be all about us helping others. Division does happen in families because of God! A former student of mine (many years ago) was essentially asked to leave his home because of his interest in God! He is know a lead youth pastor!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...