Thursday, March 18, 2021

Acts 5

 Acts 4 ends with such a happy story about Barnabas giving his proceeds from land sale to the newly formed church. Life is good. Then we get the story of Ananias and Sapphira. I have always been troubled by this story! They sell property (vv 1-2), but only give some of the money to the church and keep some for themselves. Did they sell the land because they wanted the same respect and honor that Barnabas got? Did they want recognition? Did they want to be notice? Seems like lack of humbleness. Peter calls out Ananias (vv 3-4)  (knowledge given from God)- imagine how deflated Ananias must have felt- thinking he was doing good, but is chastised instead (for holding back some of the money that he said was dedicated to the church). Peter freely acknowledged that the land and its value belonged to Ananias alone; he was completely free to do with it what he wanted. His crime was not in withholding the money, but in deceptively implying that he gave it all. That was the fault of Ananias- deception. Ananias dies (vv 5-6)- Peter did not cause the death- the church does not pronounce death sentences on anyone. We don't know why Ananias died- heart attack? Stress? It was his time to go? Does God seem excessive in this "punishment"? Did God cause the death?

Now on to the wife (vv 7-8)!Sapphira was a knowing and willing participant in the sin, as well as the blatant cover-up.We don’t know if Ananias and Sapphira had a good or a bad marriage, if they agreed often or fought often. We do know that they at least that they agreed to deceive the Holy Spirit (v 9)! The same judgment came upon Sapphira as came upon her husband Ananias (v 10). Ananias and Sapphira both died, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they did not go to heaven. It is impossible to say for certain, for only God knows. Same questions as before...Does God seem excessive in this "punishment"? Did God cause the death? Interesting side note: The name Sapphira means, Beautiful in Aramaic. The name Ananias means God is Gracious in Hebrew. It might seem that their names contradicted their lives, but we see the beauty and graciousness of God in two significant ways.

News v 11 again...this is the first time the world "church" is used in Acts!

What does this story tell you about God?

Contrary to the suggestions from the council in chapter 4- the apostles continue healing and teaching (vv 12- 13).  We don't know what exactly they were, but we can assume that they were like what we see in other places in Acts and in the Gospels – healings, deliverance from demonic powers, unusual blessings. We see lots of unity and togetherness in the group as it grows (vv 14) The church is growing at an exponential rate! Imagine how Rome is looking at this movement! Peter is getting avChrist-like following; the community thinks that if even Peter's shadow touches them they will be healed (v 15). "If only I could touch them hem of His garment." The church was expanding too (v 16) as Luke mentions that people form "towns around Jerusalem..."

One thing we need to remember is that the church of the day (and even now) didn't exist on its own- it had to integrate with society. Luke likes to talk about the church, but then he also adds in how it is interacting with Rome (vv 17- 18). The more we see of the city- the more we see of persecution. Thrown into jail (v 18), not knowing what may happen to them- and an "angel" comes (v 19)to release them. Was it a guard? Was it a soldier? Was it really an angel? What does this say about God and the desire of God to get God's message out!

Obviously the apostles were not worried about repercussions (v 21)-- they went to the most public place they could-- the temple-- and as soon as they could-- early in the morning--  When they were thought to be in the prison, they were obediently teaching God’s word to the common people.At this point (vv 22- 24) the religious leaders had to wonder just what they were dealing with. They bring Peter and John back, yet fear what the crowd may do (v 26). The crowd is beginning to turn against Rome!

Peter and John are reminded that they were asked not to do what they were doing (v 27- 28) and Peter and John respond with (v 29) "We have to do the work God wants us to do!" Are you that committed to God? The apostles’ response to the council was not a defense, nor was it a plea for mercy; it was a simple explanation of action. 

Peter and the apostles had clearly and briefly explained to them (again) the core ideas of who Jesus was, what He did for all of us on the cross, and how we should respond to who Jesus is and what He did. Their reaction was furious anger (v 33) with the sentence of death! Very similar to when Jesus was gaining popularity!

Gamaliel (v 34) was the grandson of the esteemed Hillel, the founder of Israel’s strongest school of religion and a very well respected rabbi. He reminds them of two people that led rebellions against Rome, but when they were killed, their groups dissolved (vv 36- 37). Gamaliel really doesn't know what to think of Peter and John and the other apostles; he seems like a fence sitter. He spoke as if they should wait and see if Jesus and the apostles were really from God. But what greater testimony did he need, beyond Jesus’ resurrection and the apostles’ miracles? He took a “wait-and-see” attitude when there was plenty of evidence.

The leaders listened to Gamaliel's suggestions and thought they could intimidate and discourage the apostles with a beating and a stern warning (v 40). The apostles leave- full of joy (v41)- joy at suffering for God (this is what Paul says lots in his letters- as we have seen). Would you be beaten for standing up for God? After your beating- would you be full of joy- and then continue to do what the establishment didn't want you to do? This challenges each of us as followers of Jesus. The apostles continued where we may have stopped. We often find the threat of social rejection enough to make us keep quiet about who Jesus is and what He did for us. We need to have the apostles’ courage and determination to stand firm for Jesus Christ.

Lots to think about in this chapter...quite intense! Chapter 6 is short and less intense!

Enjoy the day-- it is a good one to stay inside and read!

Pastor Paul


  1. I find it extremely interesting that when the men gave all their possessions - good example Barnabas, the wives (of which there had to be a few), who had to be in agreement with the husbands' actions, did not get any recognition of the "good" things that were done. But when Ananias and Sapphira agree to try to deceive the Holy Spirit by holding back some of the profits and "lie" about how much they sold their possessions for - suddenly the wife is named. Hmmmmm I find their punishment troubling. I get why they were punished - and I believe they were punished because they both died immediately after telling the lie. And I kind of get why - after all, if they got away with the lie and the deceit, then this newly formed "church" would quickly fall apart. But it just seems so drastic. But does show that we are punished for our actions if we do not repent. I am amused by your words (perhaps satire?) - in paragraph 5 you say "contrary to the suggestions" and in paragraph 8 you say "reminded that they were asked" since the council neither suggested nor asked - the council out and out told Peter and John to stop immediately. In your comments you say a lot about Rome and how Rome is reacting to this movement. I don't see that. Rome never got involved with Jesus until the Jews asked them to because they could not put anyone to death. And even then, "Rome" tried to get out of crucifying Jesus many times. Why would Peter and John's movements bother them? They did not believe either way. Jews did have the ability to throw anyone in jail and to punish them, as shown in many places in the Bible. My vs. 17-18 says "The the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees) and were filled with indignation, and laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison" Could you maybe explain more why you say Rome is so involved and worried about Peter and John? I believe the person who released Peter and John from prison was an angel. And, frankly, if an angel appeared to me and performed a miracle (such as letting me out of prison) and then told me to do something, I would. However, would I continue after being beaten as they were from the council (which is 40 lashes minus one) and be joyful? - that I am not so sure about. I kind of like Gamaliel. It's like he is saying - cut off the head and the body will soon die; it happened with Theudas and his following and Judas and his following, it will happen with Jesus' following. But Gamaliel adds in vs. 39 - but if they ARE of God we can't stop it anyway and will only end up fighting God. It's almost like he is saying - it's a win either way. I have never suffered social rejection for my beliefs and I have always talked about God - even as a teenager - with no retribution from my friends - so I have no excuse not to spread the Good News to strangers - and yet, sadly, I very seldom do it. May God forgive me for not going forth and making disciples.

    1. Good point about the women and getting recognition-- but remember who wrote the texts we read! I have always been troubled by the death of Ananias and Sapphria- seems too drastic and it doesn't sound like my God!
      Me? Snarky? Never!
      There is no outward expression and discussion of Rome in the texts- but there is underlying historical evidence that Rome was in control, and they even controlled (somewhat) the Temple and finances in and for the Temple. If a new religion was starting- this would upset the order of things! The Roman government "had" to be involved in everything and of something new was starting- then they would need some negotiation time (does this make some sense?) The Roman emperor was to be worshiped as a god and if people were converting to Christianity, then the emperor wold lose people. Many of the people that converted were poor- so there goes their slave resources. Roman rule was people had to worship the gods they said were the god in control. When Christians worshiped just God, Rome got angry with that as they were beginning to lose control of their people. (Does this help some?)
      Gamaliel took somewhat of a risk saying what he did- but he was hedging his bets on God- I wonder if he converted later in life-- I don't think there is any evidence of that but I'm not sure!
      Go and make disciples-- of all nations!
      Great questions Donna Thanks!

  2. Donna I feel your comments were spot on. The punishment seems very harsh to me. I so agree with I would very willingly to give some of my possessions but how do you live if you give all that you have. I remember when I was younger a church in our community (I did not attend there)
    Asked their congregation to give their gold so they could gold plate the cross. I was probably in my 20s and actively attended church. I remember thinking that it seemed so wasteful.
    I also agree with several comments made about people being spiritual. I made the comment that young people don’t seem to attend church as much as they use to. I myself have not been inside church in awhile. For my family I believe it worked for us to attend church but I do believe you can have faith and not attend church. Jack I really disagree with you that the US is turning it’s back on god. The wonderful ways that people have come together and helped each other during this pandemic is certainly gods work. I definitely don’t think anyone is trying to run god out of our thinking. I have never felt uncomfortable speaking up about what I believe but there are people who believe differently than I do who are treated very badly by some.
    I believe the key is to Choose Kindness.

    1. A gold plated cross- what every church needs! Maybe I will ask my people Sunday to do that! Aaron got the Israelites in trouble when they made the golden calf in Exodus 32 (although Aaron went on to be high priest?!)
      My next younger brother would say that he is spiritual but not religious. I get what you're saying about religion and spirituality and faith. Religion seems to be too caught up with denomination rules and hierarchy- I sometimes am not a fan of organized religion!
      There has been lots of good this last year- but also lots of pain. I don't know if it is more than usual or we are just seeing it more (on both accounts). I do hope and pray for a shift in theology and spirituality in people and, like you say, chose kindness!
      Thanks Cindy!
      You're welcome to visit us at Little Meadows any time!!

  3. Ananias and Sapphira lied about how much money they had gotten from their sale That was the problem if they had been honest they may not have died this punishment was so OT again. The apostles continue to preach of Jesus(even tho they have been warned not to) and the church is growing fast. They are preforming many miraclesand crowd gather The leaders are jealous and don't like this so Peter and john are arrested which they don't seem to mind at all Do they theink they are being Godlike because they are being punished like Jesus was when the angel appears and lets them out of prison They go to the Temple and continue their preaching. When the council discovers that they are not in jail but at the temple preaching again they want them killed but A Pharisee named Gamaliel speaks up for them convincing the council to let them live.. with a warning to never speak of Jesus again. If I had been arrested and put in jail and told never to do this again I would be so afraid . The boldness of the apostles and their belief that wat they were doing was so strong they if they were afraid they were more afraid of not doing what God wanted. What Strength they had. God wanted the word spread and they were determined to to it regardless of being flogged ,punished and jailed.
    God grant me even a tiny bit of the strength.

    1. Boldness is a key theme to this chapter I think- boldness on the part of Ananias and Sapphria for holding back and boldness on the part of Peter and John fro continuing to preach even when requested not to!
      May we all be so bold!
      Good thoughts Clara!

  4. Well, I guess I was wrong about thinking that the people should have kept some of their wealth for college costs. Ha ha- I just can't see where the lie was. I know that the couple sold land and didn't give all the money to God. Why did they have to? They "implied" that they had but wasn't it their own property? Maybe they had lots of kids and two mother in laws to care for and didn't think they could make it. Seems like extreme punishment to me. Maybe because in the times that we live lying is so common and accepted that this doesn't make sense.
    It's hard for me to believe that the apostles could feel joy that they were considered "worthy to suffer dishonor" for God. Their beliefs must have been so strong.
    I agree with Cindy, I think that many in our country have cared about and helped each other during the pandemic. Think of the restaurants that provided free meals- for months. Free lunches for kids who were not in school and wouldn't have food. People got groceries or did errands for others who needed help. There are so many examples of caring that must be God-inspired.

    1. Good question Cathy- and as I have said before, I am troubled by the Ananias and Sapphria text. I think the biggest argument is that they sold the land for $500 (made up number) but only said they received $400 for it and "gave all they made" to the church. I think if they said they made $500, but needed some for living expense, they may have been good?? Just guessing!
      Can you imagine being beaten and feeling joy?!
      Thanks for the comments Cathy!

  5. I agree with both you, Cindy and you, Cathy - many people and organizations have gone above and beyond in helping people in need during this time. I think the lie came when Peter asked both Ananias and Sapphira if they had sold the land for the money that they gave the apostles and both answered yes. I hope that if they had been honest about the amount, they would not have been punished. I hope. Cindy, it is so sad that the church you spoke about did what they did - asking for gold to gold plate a cross. That is so sad. I hope that if you both decide to come back to church, you will think about coming to mine - Little Meadows UMC. Not that I think going to church or not going means you have faith or don't, I would just like to meet you both and have person-to-person conversations!!

    1. It has really only been a year and a half since I attended church. I am looking forward to meeting you as well and when I feel comfortable will definitely attend your church.

    2. Thank you Donna, I may be with her.

  6. Yes there death sounded bad, but you don't lie and disobey God.The Apostles are obeying God by preaching his word, they had a large crowd always with them. The high priest and his friends, the Sadducees,were jealous,and they were arrested again. This time and angel let them out of jail. They kept on healing and preaching.the next time they were arrested and wipped, they walk away and were very joyfull and happy full of the Holy Spirit. I wish I could be that committed and have the Holy Spirit. But there are a lot of people doing good works for others. God takes care of those who obey him.

    1. Like Cathy said- I think we are so used to people not telling the truth that we have a hard time seeing the issue with the Ananias and Sapphria story!
      I like the courage and strength of the apostles!
      Good points RoseMarie!

  7. I understand what all of you have said about doing God's work during the pandemic. You are right and I agree with you. What I was getting at is our government. When our president can take a pen and slash thousands of jobs during this pandemic and then say that the affected people can code or make solar panels is NOT doing God's work. Here in Montana, the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline is ruining the livelihood and tax base of some of our poorest counties and the entire state as a whole. It is only a matter of time before my son loses his job. Is this God's work? I don't think so.

    In Chapter 5, Ananias and Sapphira deliberately misled the church by saying that they had given all the proceeds from the sale of their property to the church when they had held some back. I don't think that their holing money back was so bad, but they lied about it. That is a sin, but I agree that the punishment was rather harsh.

    Peter and John certainly owe their lives to Gamaliel. In the NIV translation that Rhea and I are using, it states that Gamaliel stated that if Peter and John were doing the work of man, they would fail and disappear. However, if they were doing God's work, they would succeed and there would be no stopping them. If it wasn't for Gamaliel, they would certainly have been put to death.

  8. Good word choice Jack-- mislead. They started to go down a deceitful path by their lie to the church. I think that is the big point to this story is the lying!
    Gamaliel seems to be a good guy- I wonder of he converted to Christianity at a later time?
    Good points and sharing Jack. Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...