Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Acts 4

 Happy St Patrick's Day!

Oh no! Peter and John are beginning to get in trouble for their preaching about resurrection. Essentially, the Temple police force comes to arrest them (v 1)! The Sadducees were especially upset (v 2) as they don't believe in resurrection (that is why they are "sad, you see"). They are held overnight (v 3) because it was illegal under Jewish law to have a trial by night (even though that's what happened to Jesus!) According to the Mishnah, judgments about money may be commenced in the day and concluded in the night, but judgments about life must be begun in the day and concluded in the day. The Jewish leaders had every right to begin the investigation under the premise of potential trouble caused in the Temple. They were attempting to protect the Temple. Look at the number of followers no (v 4)- about 5000! A jump of 2000 in a few days. Even in the face of opposition, the church still grows. What is happening to the church today? 

The next day (v 5) the trial" begins. The Jewish rulers listed are the same ones who recently condemned Jesus to death. Peter and John, standing before the Jewish rulers, must have thought that the trial of Jesus was going to happen all over again and they would be crucified like their Master, but it didn't seem to matter. Imagine how Peter, especially, must have felt. After his denial and the crucifixion, he is now facing the same people!

Peter takes the opportunity to preach again! This time to the people ready to try him for disruption of the temple and blasphemy! Could you do that-- preach to your accusers? This is a great example of the Holy Spirit- always looking for a way to get to you! Peter begins to sound like Jesus (v 9)- "are you saying healing is a bad thing?" They are on trial for doing good! Huh- imagine that! Then Peter really confronts his accusers by saying (v 10b) "You crucified Jesus..." I imagine Peter pointing his finger at them for emphasis. What strength Peter has! Again, I ask, could you do that-- confront and preach to your accusers? 

Peter then goes on to discuss that Jesus is the only way to salvation (v 12) - not just a way. We cold get into some interesting discussions about salvation and faith here! Protestant reformation  is coming to mind! Oh if we only were gathered together!

The reaction by the court is priceless. I can almost see their shock and faces after this small sermon! And they know Peter and Paul are fishermen from Galilee (v 13b)- they don't have any training! The light comes on and the Sanhedrin realize that these two were with Jesus. Oh no! It was as if the Sanhedrin said, "These guys are just like Jesus! We thought we solved the Jesus problem when we crucified Him, but now it is worse than ever!" Now they are in a bind- what do we do with these guys (v 16). It is interesting to note that the Sanhedrin says nothing about hem talking about Jesus' resurrection- just the healing! They probably could have squashed the whole "Jesus movement" had they done that! God works again! If you were the Sanhedrin- what would you have done?

I think God is beginning to work in the hearts of the Sanhedrin also. They ask- what should we do? We know this is a real healing (v 16b)! It is clear that they are struggling! They acknowledge that a miracle has genuinely happened, yet they refuse to submit to the God who worked the miracle. Do we know people like that- refuse to acknowledge God? They have to keep this contained (like they tried to do with Jesus), otherwise, they could have a widespread revolt happening-- again! As an aside-- it is very possible that Saul of Tarsus (eventually Paul) is in this group of Sanhedrin! The Sanhedrin decides that they need to stop preaching and spreading the Gospel (v 18). Peter and John basically laugh at that and say, "Yah, sure, OK, whatever!" (v 19) and they walked out of the courtroom. "Guts from God" is a good way to describe Peter and John! Could you do what they did?

Peter and John go back to the group (v 23, I am thinking the apostles at this point, not the entire big group), and told them about the day. I can just picture Peter and John saying, "They let us tell them about Jesus! They realized we were like Jesus! They told us not to tell others about Jesus! Hahahahaha! Those silly guys!" And then they all prayed-- together-- as a unified voice (v 24- 28)! The prayer is essentially asking for strength. They know they will face more trials and more opposition, but God will provide the strength that they need (v 29-30). They continue praying, together, aloud, asking for strength and braveness. They have a goal of spreading the word about Jesus to all people and nothing will stop them. They are so convicted to doing the work ahead of them. Is the church like that today or have we lost some of that fervor or passion? God shows God's approval through a small earthquake! They were given an earthquake as a unique emblem of God's pleasure. We don't know the extent of the shaking; it may have been confined to the house itself, but it was from God!

The church is now more unified and cohesive (v 32) and they care more about each other than what they have. They don't look at their possessions, they look at the group and the people init. For them- people are more important than possessions. How true is that today? The group continues to work together for the goodness of the group; they continue to preach and witness (v 33). The central idea of the resurrection of Jesus holds in the message of the first Christians. They preached a resurrected Jesus. Does the church continue to work together as the original church did?

An early example of giving to the community of believers is in the story of Joses/Joseph/Barnabas (vv 36- 37)This radical giving was absolutely necessary to meet the needs of this rapidly growing church. Remember, many of these Jerusalem Christians came as "refugees" from abroad, having responded to the gospel on Pentecost. People didn't wait for someone else to give. When a need arose, they gave of their own possessions to help someone else. Comments/ thoughts??

This was a great chapter! Chapter 5 is long with several good stories!

Have a great day. I am planning on hitting the Finger Lakes Trail in the Danby area for about 10 miles today! Been a long time since I've been on the trail!

Pastor Paul


  1. Acts is fast becoming my favorite Book! What is happening in the church today? It does depend on the location in the country (and even in the State) and the denomination, but many churches in our specific area, would be happy to save 10 souls. Or even get 10 people to come (or come back) to church. Having done things in my life that I know disappointed my mother and knowing how badly I felt knowing that I did, I can imagine how Peter felt when he denied Jesus three times - just as Jesus said he would and just as Peter said he would never do. So, honestly, I think Paul was almost happy to have the opportunity to speak out about Jesus. (my thoughts only) Especially to speak out to those who condemned Jesus and caused him to be crucified - to almost correct Peter's last actions. And he did have the backing of the Holy Ghost. I know we do as well, but sometimes I don't listen as well as I should! Could I condemn my accusers? I think I could - especially if I felt I had nothing to loose and everything to gain! In my translation it seems like the reason that the "council" felt they could do nothing to John and Peter was because a great number of people had seen the miracle and others would soon hear about. The Sanhedrin could not deny the miracle had taken place but instead decided to warn Peter and John about preaching about God/Jesus at all. I don't think they would have "squashed the whole Jesus movement" had they been harsher in their treatment of Peter and John. After all, there were 10 other apostles waiting to spread the word and, later, Paul comes on the scene. It would not have stopped - and, come to think of it, should not be stopping now. "Guts from God"? Will that preach? (smile) The Sanhedrin thought they were right and made a lot of decisions based on that assumption. It would have been very difficult to condemn their entire way of living, their families and friends way of living, their ancestor's way of living I think we have all had conversations with people who can only see their point of view and, no matter what you say, they cannot see yours. Interesting thought on perhaps Saul/Paul (Saul's name was always also Paul - Saul because he was Jewish and Paul because he was also born a Roman Citizen) being there! My translation makes me think that Peter and John go back to a group - "to their own company" - where normally Luke says apostles or gives the number. Plus vs. 23-31 is entitled "The report to the believers.", which makes me think more then the apostles??? Maybe during the Sunday services it seems like the church has lost it's "fervor or passion", but the WORK of the church I think still is strong and lives on! I think, as a whole, the church does work together. And I think it depends on our time in life as to whether we are ready to give up our possessions or not. When you are young and building your nest for your and your family's future, it's one thing. When you are older, you realize you can live on less, need less, and it does make it a bit easier to give up things. I watched a show the other night where a clergy person says to the "main actor" Don't turn away from God just because you couldn't hear Him in your time of need! It reminded me to keep listening to God and the Holy Spirit! Happy St. Paddy's Day everyone

    1. To address one of your initial comments- how happy are we to speak about Christ?
      And you are right about the council being able to do nothing- the crowds saw what happened and the council couldn't risk what may happen if they hurt Peter and John. Similar situation with Jesus and some of his miracles- the council would say- we have to do something about this guy, but not with all the people watching!
      "Guts from God"- I like it. Be sure to mention that to your preacher!
      I think the work of the church does go on...for some people anyway!
      Good points and discussion! Thanks Donna

  2. I would LOVE to study "faith" at some time. Sometimes I think that fearful people like me may try harder to develop faith just because we're hoping for something for help and comfort. I wonder if people who are really determined about something are just stubborn or do they have an inner "faith" in their cause. And how long does a person wait before they give up on faith. It's such an interesting topic.
    I think the Peter must have sought forgiveness from God for denying Jesus but it must be that he forgave himself as well or how could he have gone on being a leader in this faith group? I find it very hard and sometimes impossible to forgive myself. I have an easier time forgiving others.
    It was interesting reading about everyone bringing what they had to a communal place to share. I'm assuming that this is just the men who decided to do this. What about people with families? If my husband decided to throw everything we had into a communal pot, I'd be pretty upset with him. (Some OK but not all lol). We never hear anything about what happened when they got home.
    Living in the Apalachin community and working at the library, one of the few places in Apalachin where people can congregate, I can see that there is a lot of need. Churches and other organizations in the community are needed to help. It is a community of givers. Sometimes we have a "give away" table. We and others put things on the table that we don't need and people take whatever they want. The summer before last, we had people start leaving fresh garden produce. Then people started leaving other food items- even baby formula. We would have people come up to the desk and tell us they could really use something on the table and are we sure they could just take it? They were very grateful for food or other supplies that others just didn't need. Someday I will have to retire from the library and I think one of the things I will miss most is trying to supply the needs of people like these.

    1. Cathy, your comment about your husband giving away your possessions an how that would make you feel - which is exactly how I would feel if someone decided to give away mine reminded me of the time I attended a mass at my son's church and the Priest was taking about Zacchaeus. He commented that he wondered how his wife felt when he came home and said - oh, by the way, I gave away some of our money and even gave away more of our money then I owed soooooo our children's college fund is gone. It was quite funny when he said it - but did make a point. What about the families? What wonderful work the Apalachin Library is doing!!!!

    2. Faith for a study- it is on my list!
      There was a big change in Peter- I do't if he had some kind of epiphany or when it happened. Maybe it was Easter Sunday- some of the Gospel stories have him running to the empty tomb. There would have to be some kind of forgiving of himself too! Hard to do!
      Hahahaha! I like your commentary about the men coming home! And yes, it probably was the men that gave things away! Oh those men! away food-- do you have a give away box outside the library- I can't remember? Like a food closet type thing? We should talk more about this! There are many people in Apalachin that just don't have.
      Thanks for the comments!

  3. How brave of Peter and John to stand up to their accusers. I am guessing Peter is continuing to make up for denying Jesus and is trying to feel worthy. He seems truly committed in his faith. Giving of their own possessions to help is such a wonderful act of kindness. Good comparison Donna of how we feel when we disappoint someone helps us to understand how Peter might have felt. I believe I could confront and condemn my accusers. As far as the church of today that could be a very long discussion. There are so many denominations. I worry about young families not being part of the church to not only spread the word but for the wonderful mission work done by so many churches.
    Enjoy you hike!
    Love the finger lakes!

    1. Jesus did say to Peter one time that he would be the foundation of the church. The Greek of Peter is "Petros" which means rock...Peter is sometimes called the rock of the church as he is the one that really started things (other than Jesus of course!)
      Families are missing out on faith and hope when it comes to them missing church. There are so many things that draw their attention away- and Sunday mornings are tough for families. For some it is their only day off. Maybe we need to rethink Church!
      Hike was good- only 6 miles though...
      Thanks for the comments!

  4. We all know that Peter denied Jesus 3 times,also Peter took his sword an cut the soldier ear,and Jesus heals him. When Jesus rose he restored his relationship with Peter, says his name means, rock and upon this rock I will build my church,and all powers of hell will not conquer it. MATTHEW 16:18 Peter already had his courage and boldness, faith in God. After they were freed, they got together and prayed, what power we have in prayer, there was and earthquake and the Holy Spirit came into them. I wonder what we would do panic or be bold? I know there are churches that are closing, and some are changes there ways. When I watch some of the tv teaching there audience are large. I think more people are becoming believers,and also contributing to the ministry all over the world. There is much power when we pray together.

    1. Sorry,Peter did not cut the ear off it was a bystander. Will keep better track of the facts.

    2. Peter (based on John 18:10) was the one to strike the guard and cut his ear off!
      Panic or be bold- wow! Not sure which one would describe me!
      Some churches are growing huge (maybe too big!) and some are failing miserably! What can we do?
      Good comments! Thanks!

  5. As the Peter and John continue preaching the church continues to grow. what wonderful news wouldn't it be nice to see our church grow as it did then It seems that now all churchs are dwindling in members and attendance i KNOW THE BUILDING IS NOT THE CHURCH BUT THE PEOPLE ARE HOWEVER A GROWING CHURCH WOULD BE A GREAT THING TO SEE. i KNOW I HAVEN'T BEEN IN ACTUAL CHURCH SINCE THE PANDEMIC STARTED BUT I AM HOPING THAT SOON I WILL BE BACK WATCHING ON FACEBOOK IS ALRIGHT BUT JUST NOR THE SAME I FIND MY MIND WANDERS MORE THAN IT DOES WHILE i AM ACTUALLY SITTING IN THE CHURCH BUILDING.

    1. Good point about watching via FB...and thinking of the televangelists and the huge mega churches- I find watching so inactive and tough!
      Commune life is a good description of what the early apostles were like!
      Hike was good- only 6 miles but I got out!!
      Thanks for the comments!

  6. People in that era seemed to get thrown in jail for their religious views. This would never happen in this country and I don't believe it would happen in most of Europe either. I can't help but think what a savage "hell hole" the prisons must have been like back then.

    I agree with hour comment "if only we were gathered together." We would definitely have some good discussions about any or all of this material. But, alas, it cannot be.

    Unfortunately, churches are not growing now. In fact, they are shrinking. Look at all the churches that are now closed or have declining congregations. [Start of rant] I correspond with a fellow in Half Moon, NY (near Saratoga). He is convinced that the US is turning its back on God and God will punish the country severely. He doesn't say how this will happen, but I imagine natural disasters will increase, as they have already. I agree to some extent with him. We are becoming a Godless society and I don't see it ending well. Look at our government. This move toward Socialism is coupled with discouraging people from attending church. They want to run God right out of our thinking. This is bad - very, very bad. I hope and prey that this doesn't get to the point of throwing people in prison for their religious beliefs. I hope the country and the world will come to our senses and stop this nonsense. [End of rant]

    This is all I have to say tonight. It is after 11 here and it has been a long day. I am beat. I hope you enjoyed the Finger Lakes Trail today. It sound like a good way to take your mind off of the daily grind and just get re-invigorated.

  7. Religious disorder was a threat to the Roman government- they wanted ultimate control and anyone that began to threaten that was "removed"
    People are moving away form the institutional church, but I think people are still spiritual. I know its a tough difference between religion and spirituality, but people do care I think. We are in turmoil and we do need to come together. Too much division-- but we need to work for hope and peace!
    Walk was nice- only 6 miles- but it was a good day to get out!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jack.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...