Friday, March 19, 2021

Acts 6

 Good morning! Well, yesterday was quite a wash out! Hop you could all stay in and stay dry!

The church was continuing to grow and develop (v 1) and as with all large bodies of people- tensions arose (Satan at work trying to stop the church?) this time between the Greeks and the rest of the people (Not sure why only the Hellenist community was upset). There was always tension between the Hebrew and  Hellenist groups; Hellenists (the "Greeks") were primarily Jews from the dispora (exile) that embraced Greek culture. The Hebrews saw the Hellenists as unspiritual and siding with the Greek culture; the Hellenists saw the Hebrews as "holier-than-thou" because many of them still followed many of the Levitcal laws. It’s important to remember that though the titles Hebrews and Hellenists are used, these were Christians, followers of Jesus. They were all from a Jewish background, but they had all embraced Jesus as their Messiah. Do we not trust those that are from a different culture?

The care of orphans and widows was of primary concern for the "original" Jews, yet they seem to be put aside here . It was the Temple priests that divided up food to the needy. Unfortunately, in such a large group- it was almost impossible to care for all people equally. We see that in our churches and culture today even! The twelve almost seem like they are being superior (v 2) when they say they can't be bothered with caring for the widows. The apostles seem to be saying that A pastor should not have their time consumed in tasks that are essentially serving tables. Yet there is something wrong with a pastor who considers such work beneath them!Comments? Thoughts about pastors you've seen and worked with?  I feel pastors need to be the model of the servant life Jesus told us about! Granted, pastor have been "set aside" to teach and preach", but someone has to care for others! The apostles spoke to the general group of believers and pursued the solution with a lot of communication and input from among the people (vv 3-4). They even asked those – probably especially those who felt wronged – to suggest men of good character to do this work.his was a wonderful way to solve the problem. They didn’t throw the complainers out. They didn’t divide into two congregations. They didn’t shun the unhappy people. They didn’t form a committee and discuss the problem to death. What can we learn from this example? The role of the diaconal minister (deacon) is modeled after this- going out in love and caring and serving; they tend not to preach in a church setting. 

The seven men chosen (vv 5-6) all had Greek names, indicating that they were probably Hellenists themselves. The people (and the apostles) showed great sensitivity to the offended Hellenists by appointing Hellenists to take care of the widows’ distribution. The people nominated the men, and the apostles approved them by laying hands on them, after praying for God’s guidance and approval.

The story of Stephen begins next. Interesting side note- Cilicia is mentioned (v 9) - that is the small area from which Saul/Paul came, so he probably knew people that went to this debate with Stephen (or he may have even been there himself!). We don't know what the debate came from or what it was about-- my guess is he was talking about Jesus and the Jews were not in favor of that! The group accused Stephen  (v 11) of some things (similar to what Jesus was accused of!). Stephen seemed to be preaching about Christianity based on the claims of the accusers. He was taken to "court" (v 12); Stephen was on trial before the highest religious court he could face; examined by honored, educated, and powerful men. He had been falsely accused and seemed to have lost popular support.As he is "on trial" his face reflected (v 15) the perfect peace and confidence of one that knows and trusts his God. Stephen knew that his fate was in God's hands at this moment. We have seen Peter and John face the courts; we have seen Stephen face the courts How would you fare if you had to face the courts and defend Jesus?

We all know the fate of Stephen. His rousing speech is the next chapter- it is long, but great reading and gives an abbreviated historical account of the Jewish faith!

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the first day of Spring this weekend with some warm weather!! See you all Monday!

Pastor Paul


  1. Thankyou for your explanation about Rome and the Israelites. I plan on doing some further reading on that (smile). Whenever I read about the multitudes that became Christians I wonder, where did they go? I know there is a group called Jews for Jesus in Israel, but this is a relatively new group - where did all the Christians go? Out of curiosity I looked up some statistics about Israel and it says only about 2% of the overall population in Israel is Christian - and many of that 2% are Arabs living in Israel. ??? I also looked up what it meant when the apostles said, in vs. 2, "....leave the word of God and serve tables..." as that seemed wrong to me. Like that would be beneath the apostles. Especially since there were no "tables" as there are today. After reading several sources from several different denominations, I learned "tables" back then referred to the money changers and their work. (Makes sense since back then people did not eat at tables but worked at them) So when the apostles said that it was not fitting that they should leave their work of spreading the gospel to start handling the distribution of money, it now makes sense to me. Most clergy people do not handle the money affairs in a church. The apostles were given specific direction directly from Jesus to go and spread the gospel. I have worked with several pastors and, as with all of us, found that certain ones have certain gifts. Some are better at some things then others. But I do agree, Pastors should be an example that we can follow - as long as we don't expect them to be perfect, because they won't be - as none of us are. (smile) I loved the way the apostles handled the problem. They did not try to defend themselves or put the blame on anyone else, they simply said - that is not our calling so lets find some people that you are happy with that can do that calling and work among you. And that they were all Greek was an added blessing. Vs 9 in my Bible says that "Then there arose certain of the synagogue......disputing with Stephen." I am thinking that they were nonbelievers - Jews who did not accept Jesus.???? In my study Bible it even says that since Saul/Paul was from there - Tarsus - that he may have been one of those that did not agree with Stephen and we know at that time Saul/Paul hated Christians. Also in vs. 13 and 14 it says they set up false witnesses saying he spoke blasphemous words against the synagogue, the law and Moses and "that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us." Since they did not say the Son of God I do believe that they were nonbelievers - like Saul/Paul was at that time? Plus these Jews brought Stephen to the council - not the apostles. Am I headed in the right direction? My Bible says that those in the council looked on Stephen and saw his face as "it had been the face of an angel." I am so sure, that if I were facing this group of people, with false witnesses testifying against me, I would not have the look of perfect peace and confidence. I am pretty sure I would be afraid and tormented - I would not have the look of peace and confidence. Looking forward to Chapter 7. Happy Spring everyone!!!

    1. Good research on early Christians! As the word of Christianity spread the church exploded with membership and the Roman Catholic church "evolved" and then ultimately the Protestant Reformation and all he different denominations. You bring up some good questions though about "where did they go?"
      Everyone has gifts- but not everyone uses them! I guess one of our tasks is to help people find their gift and then allow them to use it! Maybe a spiritual gifts study is in order some time?
      Right- Stephen begins to run into trouble as he "defends" Christianity and the original Jews dispute his claims- wait until Chapter 7! You are going in the right direction,. There were a group of Jews that actually aided Rome in their persecution of the new Christians. And Stephen was one of the vocal ones that was not an apostle, so he was really looked after!
      Good comments and thoughts Donna!

  2. At first read I was thinking that all the different groups and sects were very confusing (which, to me, they are) and then I got thinking about all the different types of people that we see today. Who would have thought there would be terrorist groups in our country working against our own government. There are immigrants, both legal and illegal, people who think the virus is a hoax, some that won't wear masks, people sending their kids to public school and homeschoolers, all the different religious sects, and on and on. Each group thinks theirs is the best way. Some are willing to fight for their own way. It's a wonder that people like the apostles were able to hold it together. Their work had to be divinely inspired.
    Stephen was chosen to be one of the persons responsible for giving food to the widows. Another example of a person with such unfailing faith that he is willing to die for his cause. Isn't it interesting that in our world we are so quick to condemn? And just like Stephen people are accused falsely and even imprisoned? I just saw something on TV recently about a man who was very elderly and was just released from prison. He had spent his entire life in prison for a crime that it was later proven that he didn't commit. (Yes, a black man). We need to pray for our world and each other as we try to make our way.
    I wish everyone a happy weekend. It's supposed to be warmer!

    1. Good commentary on the different groups! They couldn't get along then- they can't get along now! It was divine intervention (like you said) that helped the apostles keep things going!
      We are quick to condemn- especially those that are different from us! Stephen was one of those that was "different" and then found "guilty" We do need to try to understand each other and get along better!
      Keep hope alive Cathy!

  3. As the church continues to grow there starts to be dissent among the members. Isn't it a shame that even believers can't get along with each other? was that Satan interfering again> Probably so! The apostles decided that they would delegate to 7 faithful and trustworthy men the task of distributing food to the poor widows because the felt that they were needed more to teach and preach instead of handling problems among the church. That is what happens today we delegate different jobs etc to people that are expert in their special areas . No one person can be great at every thing in this life we all have our specialities.
    Stephen had a debate with a group of Jews from the Synagogue of Freed Slaves. I am guessing these were non believers? they convinced some men to lie about Stephen and he was brought before the high council accused of speaking against the temple and the law of Moses. AS the high council looks Stephen his faith and love of Jesus shines out from his face and we are left hanging til next week when we start Chapter 7.
    Have a great weekend end and happy Spring to everyone. Looking forward to the nice weather coming up.

    1. There is always dissent when two or more people gather together-- the church isn't any different. In fact, I'd say we are worse at times! Satan is always trying to derail the growth of Christianity!
      Right- Stephen was debating with the nonbelievers and trying to convince them to follow Christ.
      Chapter 7 is long but good!
      Thanks Clara!

  4. No one person can be great at everything...exactly Clara. I am finding it so interesting how the church began to grow and the commitment of those that helped make this happen. Cathy you are so right about all the different beliefs not only then but in modern times. We all think our way is best. I have really prayed about this. I am not saying my way is best but it is my way of thinking and what works for me. I really struggle with people bullying and being unkind and saying it’s freedom of speech. Pastor Paul you ask do we not trust those from a different culture? I am so upset by the Asian hate that is spreading I cannot wrap my head around the fact that someone can be cruel to someone because of the way they look. I want to believe we are better than this.
    My heart went out to Steven as he is being wrongly accused. How many times has this happened to people. It is such a scary and unsettling thought.
    Enjoy the nice weekend and happy spring!

    1. The world today really isn't much different than what it was 2000 years ago! People didn't get along then- we don't get along now! But we can try and we can attempt our best to continue to progress to unity of love!
      And Stephen will pay the price. There are many martyrs throughout history that were wrongly accused- many people- not just martyrs! Good comments Cindy!

  5. When you get large crowds and not enough people to work, you hire qualified people to work. Stephen was one,he had the Holy Spirit. HE did such a good job, some men from the church debated Stephen, but they were unable to stand against him. So they got some men to lie against him, saying he always speaks bad about the laws of Moses, and will distory the temple. The council stared at Stephen, because his face became as bright as an Angel's. If I had the faith and courage as Stephen did no problem. That says it all not very courageous, some times I think I could but?

  6. Stephen was a man dedicated to getting the word out. We will see several others that had that courage. Where is our courage today?
    Good comments RoseMArie!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...