Thursday, December 24, 2020

Luke 24

 This is a great chapter to have on Christmas Eve!We get to hear about he resurrection of Jesus the day before we celebrate his birth in Bethlehem!

The resurrection events are never described- so it will always be a mystery- but we have several stories of the discovery of the empty tomb. I like that women were the first to witness to Jesus' resurrection. Women are often downplayed in the church- but this puts them high on the list! The women come to the tomb to embalm Jesus, but angels announce that he is gone. It is interesting to note that angels announce the birth and the resurrection! In v 4, the women "wonder" where Jesus is; some translations say that they were "greatly perplexed" The women (and the men) obviously didn't expect resurrection-- even after all  the times Jesus spoke of it! Would you have believed it? When the angles announce Jesus is one, I'd like to imagine them saying it in a somewhat snarky voice- "Did you expect to find a living body in a place for the dead?!" I don't know if the angels talked that way, but one can imagine! And then in v 8, "the women remembered!" How must that have felt to the women?! Imagine their excitement! Are you as excited about Jesus' resurrection?

The women runt o tell the others, but they didn't believe them. Although Peter, the one who denied even knowing Jesus, ran to the tomb just to make sure the women weren't talking crazy. The text says he went home, not back to the others, and he wondered. What thoughts were going through Peter's mind at that point?What thoughts would you have had?

Still Sunday, still reeling from disaster and lost, some of Jesus followers start walking to Emmaus (about 7 miles away from Jerusalem). They run into a stranger, and begin to tell him the stories of what has gone on, surprised that he didn't know! I like v 19, Jesus says (in a somewhat surprised yet knowing voice), "What are you guys talking about?!" But, he let us down as we were hoping he was the Messiah, the one to come and free us (v 21). The men are let down and sounding somewhat upset. How often do we feel "let down" by Jesus? Jesus continues to chat and finally says (v 25), "You are slow to believe..." (some translation say slow of heart). Why do you think the disciples and others were slow to believe? How slow are we to believe? Then the epiphany comes in v 30 when Jesus sits and eats, reenacting the Last Supper. They were allowed to recognize Jesus! What block us from fully seeing Jesus?  The men mention it felt like there was a fire burning inside them (v 32). Do you feel that fire? The men go back to Jerusalem (probably running the seven miles) and tell the disciples, probably still in the upper room. It is still the Sunday of Resurrection.

As they are all together, Jesus comes in and says "Peace" (v 36), giving an entirely new meaning to these words! Jesus then says, "Why do you doubt?" (v 38) Do we doubt? Why do we doubt? I love v 44, and I want Jesus to say this in a dad voice- you know the kind- "I told you so!" their minds were opened. Are our minds opened? Really? 

Jesus talk about the coming Pentecost celebration when the Holy Spirit will be given to them all (v 49)(read more in Acts 2-3). Jesus ascends to heaven and the people were very happy (v 52).  Imagine the discussion and thoughts they were having!

This has been a great opportunity to learn and discuss. I hope you have enjoyed the discipline of daily reading and conversation. I wish we could have been together to talk- maybe next year!

I will do some regular posts (Maybe Monday and Thursday) and we can continue these discussions if you'd like. No pressure. Invite others to join us!

May you have a great and now more meaningful Christmas day. 

Pastor Paul


  1. How difficult it would have been to believe - even after seeing all the miracles! Resurrection happened right away! The women were great! Following them as they took Jesus to the tomb, knowing exactly where He was in order to prepare His body! But believing the words of the angels right away, so excited to share the news- as were the followers on the road to Emmaus! No mention of Thomas! Not sure what I would have felt or thought - but I know I am a true believer today! 💛 All I can say is Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! What a great chapter to read today! I have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments! Thank you! Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you Pastor for the explanation on Christians and eating the bread and blood! I totally understand! Thank you also for leading this unique Bible study! Loved it!! I hope your Christmas is great!!

  2. This chapter was a great chapter to read today...dark, rain, tension, tired, anxious...but life will win and God is awesome!
    It was a challenge to do the daily reading on top of life-- but I have a new habit now! I think my goal is to read the Bible in a year!
    Thanks for participating and all your thoughtful comments!

  3. It's amazing to me how the disciples even after all the teaching Jesus did that they did not believe at first that He had risen The women seemed to believe first
    All I can say is Thank God for giving His only Son to save our souls.
    Thank you for this opportunity of reading and discussing this Chapter. Merry Christmas to all! Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks for your daily observations and comments! I have enjoyed reading them and thinking along with you. I am going to continue posting on Mondays and Thursdays, probably looking at the lectionary readings for the week. I can post them and see if people are also interested!

  4. I do so like the end of this book. I like the way Jesus got to tell h it s disciples that indeed they must now believe what he taught. Imagine having to go through terrible torture and death to come back and say “see? It was true!” Then verse 45- he opened their minds to understand the scriptures! Wow. What could that have been like?
    If you didn’t believe by now, certainly when Jesus raised his hands and blessed them. Vs 51- while he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried yup into heaven. Again, Wow.
    Powerful stuff.
    Thank you all for this study experience. I really enjoyed it. Cathy Sorber

    1. The end of Luke is very powerful and leaves us with even more to discuss! Thanks fro your faithful participation and comments. I haven enjoyed thinking and discussing with you. I am going to continue posting on Mondays and Thursdays, probably looking at the lectionary readings for the week. I can post them and see if people are also interested!

  5. I can only speculate, there was so much going on at that time, believing,disbelieving, rumours.To this day we still doubt. Yes this studying his word, is great and every one have a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Doubt is so big- even today! Why do we doubt? I'd like to investigate that more! Thanks for your comments and thoughts, I appreciate all the time and effort! I am going to continue posting on Mondays and Thursdays, probably looking at the lectionary readings for the week. I can post them and see if people are also interested!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...