Thursday, January 28, 2021

Galatians 3

 Wow! Paul comes out harsh with the Galatians! Foolish people, bewitched (v 1)! Paul is saying that he can't believe their thinking is so cloudy, so unbiblical! Then Paul fires a question (v 2), "Just tell me-- where did you get the Holy Spirit from? That's all I need to know!" Here we get back to the entire question-- works or faith? One cannot get the Spirit from works- only through faith! God does what God does because of our faith in God, not because of what we do and how well we can follow the Laws (vv 4-5). Are there people that still insist that the Law is more important- that if they do enough good works- regardless of their faith, they are saved?

The next series of verses (6-10) refer back to Genesis 15, Abraham was not circumcised (that covenant hadn't come out yet) and Abraham had no children. God said (my words)- you just wait, I will make you a great nation. Abraham had faith that God would do what God said and Abraham believed God. Abraham didn't do any works; Abraham didn't follow any Laws; Abraham didn't have to do anything special- other than trust and have faith in God- to be made right with God. Paul emphasizes again- it is belief and trust in God that makes one right with God.  I can almost hear Paul saying, What part of this don't you get? Paul continues (v 7) by saying if you have faith and trust God, then you are a descendant of Abraham. The Gentiles were not direct descendants of Abraham (they weren't Jews), so they Jews would use their ancestry against the Gentiles. Do we sometimes use our "ancestry" against others? Paul continues to say it is faith that makes us right with God, not works, ending this series with the commentary about Jesus taking all the Laws that we couldn't fulfill and removing them from us, and acknowledging Abraham's faith that made Abraham right with God (vv 13- 14). Paul's entire premise in this chapter so far has been that faith in God is what sets us apart.

Paul says that the covenant God made with us through Christ is a solid covenant and there is no going back (vv 15- 18). Paul does speak of the Laws (vv 19- 21) and their purpose. They were essentially developed to keep people from doing wrong. The Laws were there to keep us pure and Holy before the Messiah would come. Some laws are essential- but not to the extent that there used to be in the Hebrew texts. Before we lived our life in faith, before we were saved by faith, we were protected by the law- showing us God's love, showing us the best way to live (vv 21- 25) Confused? I am! 

Paul makes a radical statement in v 26 "You are children of God through faith." Jews had lived under the idea that your obedience to the law made you a child of God. Paul (and Jesus) says, it is faith! Having faith means much more than believing that God exists or did certain things. It is to put our trust in God, both for now and eternity. Is that hard to do or easy to do- trust God for all time? The words Paul ends with remind me of "One Bread, One Body" (UMH#621) Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or man- no more! We are one body in this One Lord! May we all be united under our love and faith in God.

Enjoy the snowy day and stay warm!

Pastor Paul


  1. Paul is still angry with the Galatians calling them foolish.

    he continues to stress it is not the law that saves them but faith in Jesus Christ Once Jesus is "in" you yes you can try to follow some of the laws to be good but the laws cannot save us.
    The laws would have to be carried out by a perfect person and only God is perfect so we would faail if we followed the laws on that thought alone let alone that we need faith in Jesus to be saved.
    Paul further says that God's promise to Abraham was even before the laws The ten commandments came later at time of moses and the people were sinning and I think they were brought for the people to see thaty they were doing wrong//
    Paul ontinues to stress FAITH FAITH TAITH is the way to God

  2. I see that Paul is continuing the theme of his letter albeit a little harsher. I like that the continuation is followed by different “reasoning”. I totally believe in Paul’s line of thinking and reasoning. Without faith, nothing else matters! However, I do know people who believe that they will “get into heaven” because they are good people, do good works, but don’t believe. I thinks it’s difficult to think of people who really are good yet won’t have life eternal. I never realized that we are sons and daughters of Abraham by only faith and through that faith we receive the promise God made to Abraham. No matter who you are - slave, free, man, woman, we are all one in Christ - something to think about in today’s discussions in the church. I find it interesting that Paul points out that God’s covenant was made to Abraham and his “seed” or “descendant” - one, not all. And that person is Jesus. I like Paul’s reasoning in this chapter as he continues to make his point. I also find it interesting that Paul says we are all the children of God BY FAITH. That we are not automatically children of God - but only by faith. But, again, we are all children of God by faith, not works or actions, just faith. Like Jesus who says in John 3:17 that He is not here to condemn the world, Paul says in 21 that he is not saying that the Laws were against the promises of God only that they will not bring about the promise of God. The law serves to reveal sin and how that sin tends to alienate God from Man. So I don’t think Paul was for or against circumcision but was against the prejudice of others against people who were not. Paul does seem to say the law is ok as long as you don’t believe that by following the law will bring you salvation. We are ALL one in Christ if we believe And if we are Christ’s through belief then we are Abrahams and if we are Abraham’s we are heirs to the promise! Faith. I think Paul is emphasizing that faith is definitely the cornerstone.

    1. Paul is quite harsh! It is somewhat odd to see him this way!
      Like Clara said- FAITH FAITH FAITH!
      Great thoughts! Thanks!

  3. Laws have been with us since Adam and Eve, they paid the price because they didn't listen to God's words. We are still not listening to his words as Jesus died for us. Sent his disciples to teach and correct some laws. Telling us we are all sinners, we have to listen to his word,be baptized in Christ, spirit baptism, which brings you into a living union with God. We are all son's of God no matter what.

    1. Good points- We are all children of God- and God will love us like a parent loves us!
      Nice Rose Marie!

  4. I think I understand what is being said here but it seems to me both faith and our works make us right with god. That we are children of god through faith No matter who we are slave, freeman, woman, man we are all one in Christ I absolutely believe. I am also always in awe of those who have been through unimaginable hard times yet keep their faith.

    1. It is definitely through faith we are made right with God- the works come as a result of our love for God.
      Good points Cindy!

  5. I think having faith in God is a process. I am a worrier. I can find a reason to worry about just about anything. I think that God made me the way I am and He knows that he created a worrier. Sometimes I think that if I just had more faith I wouldn't get so anxious. I pray for what I am worried about and I pray for peace in my mind and body. (Stress is very bad for your body- I worry about that!). It seems that we are the way we are but if we're open to letting God help He comes through. Being able to know that God is always there and willing to listen is such a blessing. One of my biggest hopes is that I can help my granddaughters know this kind of blessing.

    When we make policies (laws) at the library, I always stress that we need to remember that our laws need to be "fluid". As situations change, as staff changes, as we learn more, as times change, we need to adjust. It's hard for some people to work with a "Law Breaker" (me). I think rules have their place but so does compassion. This doesn't work for everyone and I respect that. Balance is good.

    1. I worry too-- about everything! And I like your take on it- God made me that way! Prayer helps- but I get what your saying- it is hard not to worry!
      Fluid laws are good! It is hard to have definites that people cant maintain
      Good points Cathy!

  6. Yes, Paul was definitely angry at the Galatians. I, like Cathy, am a worrier. I think I understand the concept of the Law (with a capital L). This is God's Law, probably as spelled out in the ten commandments (maybe) but definitely going back as far as the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. They got thrown out of Eden for violating God's Laws. I get the impression here that the Law is supplanted by faith. Faith in God and in Jesus Christ. I am bothered by the concept of everybody being equal in body to each other. That brings me to the present time where gender and sex is being erased and every one who disobeys these concepts (me!!!) is either sexist or racist. These people are bad people in that I do not believe that they believe in God and Christ. If they did, why would they act this way? I am deeply troubled by what is happening in Washington, DC (I wonder when they will change the name of our capital city!) and this is where my worrywart tendencies get the best of me. I have faith in God and Jesus, but I have no faith in our nation's so-called leaders.

    As I read this chapter, I felt more and more confused. I can't put a finger on why. Perhaps it is the Law versus the law. The Law is God's Law and the law is man's law. If this is correct, a lot of my confusion goes away.

    I never realized that Abraham was not circumcised (I feel funny stating this). Does Judaism go back this far? There is much division between the Jews and the Gentiles at this time, and I am happy that both Jesus and Paul were tolerant of the Gentiles. This division is happening in today's world in the Holocaust and it is happening again in China. I'm fearful that it will happen here, too.

    In closing, I just want to add that I am a trusting man. I do not believe that God can make mistakes and I do not believe I have the right to be mad at God. Also, it is not snowing here in the Wild West.

  7. The Laws are mostly in Leviticus and Deuteronomy...there are so many. It is an interesting read sometime! Plus 10 Commandments.
    As you know my thoughts- all people are equal under God- as long as there is faith. I hear your frustrations and anger though. Belief in God is something that is lacking by many people...I wish we could fix that!
    Law= God, law = have that correct.
    Not sure when "Judiasm" started, but Abraham wasnt circumcised until he was 100. That's when the Abrahamic covenant started. Laws says that all baby boys by age 7 day (?) must be circumcised.
    Thanks for your thoughts and honesty Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...