Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Ephesians 6

 The beginning verses (vv 1-4) are a continuation of the previous chapter...the essence is respect and honor. This time children and parents- but the idea is the same- we just need to get along! Paul references Deuteronomy 5:16 when he says this is the first commandment that has a promise that goes with it (Honor your father and your mother, just as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well for you on the land which the Lord your God is giving you.) I have heard people say "Kids don't have any respect these days..." but I like to comment back- have we taught them! The closing verses in this section relate to fathers and mothers teaching and training their kids. Kids need to know God and to be comfortable with God. Our kids were in church from their beginning; I would bet that they are who they are because of our training, but also the care from the congregation members. Kids need more God in their life. How can we do that? What are some stumbling blocks to this?

The next set of verses relates to slaves and masters-- obviously outdated for us today (although this was used by many "good" people to fight release of the slaves in the United States!). The common theme- as has been in the last few sections- is to respect and honor each other. We can also look at it through the eyes that we are "slaves" to God who is our "Master" and that we should be obedient to God. Like the last verse says "The Master in Heaven treats everyone alike." Can we do that? Why can't we do that...treat everyone alike?

The last set of verses is quite familiar to everyone- put on the armor of God. Paul reminds the people- be strong on the Lord (v 10). Suit up for the fight against evil (v 11) by putting on the "full" armor of God. God has given us a whole set of equipment to fight evil- we need to use it all- not just part of it. Our fight isn't against people- its against the power of darkness. We are in a spiritual battle and it isn't going to be easy. If we are suited up and completely protected- then evil will have no hold on us. We are to use all our truth, righteousness, peace and faith to fight the Evil One. the battle is real- can you feel it sometimes? The closing line of this section says to "always pray for all of God's people" (v 18). How does it feel to pray for others? How does it feel to know that you are being prayed for?

Paul asks for prayers for himself while he is in prison so tat he can find the right words. I always ask God for help when I am writing for Sunday (and then teaching on Sunday) As I get ready for my morning, one of the things I do is sit in the Sanctuary and pray for guidance and wisdom and that I use the words people need to hear and that people can understand (sometimes it works, sometimes not so much!).  Can you feel God sometimes telling what to say?

Tychicus (v 21) is an associate of Paul (disciple?) and traveled with Paul often. Tychicus is the one that brought the letter to Ephesus and the other places it went to and gave everyone a report of how Paul was doing in prison. 

I love Paul's ending- just an overwhelming feeling of grace and love being sent. How does it feel when someone says things like that to you?

Remember= tomorrow we start Philippians. I will post later today an introduction to Philippians.

Have a great rest of the day.

Pastor Paul


  1. I love the way that Paul opens and closes his letters! Even the ending of this letter which was written by Tychicus I love . I am thinking probably because it was a circular letter and each ending would be different depending on who was receiving the letters that Tychicus wrote it. I have heard people say that kids today have no respect also. However, being a person who reads a lot of history, I can tell you that every generation says that about the kids in the next generation. In the early 1700s pieces were published in papers and magazine complaining about the youth today - even back to Socrates. And obviously in Paul’s day because he takes the time to teach how fathers and children, children and parents should behave (not only servants and masters). However, I agree with you, Pastor, we are responsible and, besides, everyone says it about other children, but not their own! Kids need more God in their lives. But, sadly, I think it goes back to how committed and energetic are we in reaching out to others in our communities. Not just inviting them to Sunday church, but having programs all year, once a month, or even once a week for children to come and learn about God and church. I think, at least for me, it’s difficult for us to treat everyone alike. I can listen, I can try to help, I can talk to everyone alike; but let’s face it, I just don’t feel the same to everyone. Some people I just get along with better, find it easier to be around, want to do things with them. Others I might not be as comfortable with - And I am sure that there are people who feel the same about me - so I can’t feel exactly the same toward everyone! Can I love your child as I Iove my own? Love all children as God loves all of us - equally? Hmmmmm - I just don’t know. But we are all children of God so maybe that makes it “easier” for God? I try - I try to be a good person to everyone - but deep down feel exactly the same to all? So I can treat them all the same, but feel about everyone the same? I don’t think so. And If I can’t feel EXACTLY the same about everyone does that subconsciously make me treat them differently? Even though I think I am not? Hmmmmm - maybe. I love the image Paul creates as he describes our putting on the whole armour of God . It makes it very real for me and I am sure made it very real to all of those who read that letter. I could imagine doing it. Vs. 16 “Above all, taking the shield of faith, where with ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Wish I had done that in my foolish youth more! The battle is real - and, if only we/I can remember, it is not against flesh and blood but “principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. If we could all remember that, then we would know where our “battles” should be fought and our armour worn! Sometimes, when I fill in at the pulpit, I can write what I think I am going to say and then, at like 4:00 in the morning, I wake up and realize it’s all wrong, and rewrite it - almost without thinking - those are the times I know I am listening to God. But those are unique times. Sometimes I can walk away from a conversation and think to myself - yes, I got it right and know it came from God. Other times I can walk away and think - man, did I get that wrong - and know I did not listen to God but myself. I love it when people tell me they are praying for me or for someone I love that they do not know! Lots of times when I am called upon to do the benediction in church, I quote from the ending of a letter from Paul. They make me feel like you say - peace and love. My son who lives a couple of hours away from me with his family, thought it would be really cool for us to write letters to each other - no pattern, just when we felt the urge. I have to admit, I do it more often but I so wish my letters opened and closed as well as Paul’s does!

  2. Great comments about kids! Thanks! And I agree with the commitment aspect...many churches want to add people- but few churches are willing to go the extra mile (and spend the energy required) to invite, "program", educate, etc...It takes more than just saying I wish people would show up! It takes lots of energy!
    I agree- I find it hard to love all people equally-- I have had favorites in school and will continue to have favorites! I can remember Morgan ask me when we were in the car one day, "Dad, do you love me or Lauren more?"
    Great thoughts about Paul's openings and closings- all his letters are like that. He truly was a good person with compassion and energy for the church.
    Thanks for the comments DOnna!

  3. Children obey your parents Wow that would be hard in todays world not that they don't completely obey but there is lots of back and forth arguing going on between the child and parent and quite often the parent gives up just to have peace. I know my father was a firm believer especially when we were in public that children should be seen and not heard, often times at home when we were arguing amongst our siblings, my father would tell us to quite arguing and go to fighting Meaning to him it was time to zip our lips. We respected out parents however. I know when raising my kids i had to pick when to let go and when to not let go. Raising kids is not the easiest task for parents. Although unconditional love is there , That is what God gives to us.
    Thank goodness we are past slaves in this country although the history of it still lingers on I hope that someday this will be no more. We do have workplaces and the system of boss and leaders down to the lowly worker and the obey and respect is there in that element. Sometimes we may grumble about the boss etc but we have to obey and follow his orders especially is we want to keep our job and be able to support out families. Kind of similar to what Paul was saying about the slaves.
    Then Paul talks of putting on Armor to fight the evils of the world he is speaking of the devil and his followers We must be truthful and and trust in the lord. With Jesus as our foundation and head of the church(body), we can be strong in our belief and faith and defeat the urgings of Satan, as a group for God(church) we will be stronger. I think this is the meaning of what Paul is saying?? Paul is a very strong Christian undergoing what he has and being imprisoned because of his faith and teaching I wish I had his strength as I often fail.
    Looking forward to reading the nex.t book of Philippians have enjoyed Ephesians and the comments by all

    1. One big problem I see is that parents want to be their child's "friend" rather than their parent...big difference. And like you say- parent often goes the "save the peace" route! Raising kids is very tough. I'm not sure if it is different know- we all had our share of things to worry about as we raised our kids- but I wouldn't want to do it now! Is this where the church can step in and provide a safe environment for parents to drop off kids for a break or for parenting classes??
      You're right about strong in faith and belief. Evil picks away at our disbelief and makes us stray away. I am amazed at the strength and faith of Paul!
      Good comments Clara- thanks!

  4. I agree with Donna that all generations have said that the children of their time are not as respectful as they once were. When I read this chapter it made me think of the song What’s The Matter With Kids Today from Bye Bye Birdie done in 1963. We are still saying it but I think there are a lot of wonderful young people out there doing amazing things! I do feel my children could be closer to god than I think they are. I try to tread lightly on this subject with them. I am very proud of them and the path that the the three of them have taken but I also believe attending church and our church family helped shape them. As far as treating everyone the same I don’t know how this is possible. I try really hard to be kind but I certainly enjoy being with some people more than others. Part of my daily routine are my prayers and praying for those in need and I would be very grateful to have someone pray for me. Just reading the last line in this chapter made me feel good.

    1. I agree Cindy- there are lots of good kids doing good things. The problem, like "regular news" is we don't hear about hem often!
      I also agree it is hard to treat everyone equally- I have favorites= and I'm a pastor! I continue to try, like you, and continue to see value in all people.
      And FYI- all of this group are included in my daily conversations with God!
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Cindy!

  5. I agree with Donna that all generations have said that the children of their time are not as respectful as they once were. When I read this chapter it made me think of the song What’s The Matter With Kids Today from Bye Bye Birdie done in 1963. We are still saying it but I think there are a lot of wonderful young people out there doing amazing things! I do feel my children could be closer to god than I think they are. I try to tread lightly on this subject with them. I am very proud of them and the path that the the three of them have taken but I also believe attending church and our church family helped shape them. As far as treating everyone the same I don’t know how this is possible. I try really hard to be kind but I certainly enjoy being with some people more than others. Part of my daily routine are my prayers and praying for those in need and I would be very grateful to have someone pray for me. Just reading the last line in this chapter made me feel good.

  6. Oh my, kids. I think we all parent differently and for different reasons. Some of us feel that we had a wonderful childhood and we want to give the same to our children. Others feel that their childhood wasn't so good and they want to do the opposite of their parents. As parents we feel that we're being judged everywhere; by other parents or by our families. It's a hard job and we come into it with our own baggage. To me, the basic tenet was always respect. From their youngest days, we tried to instill that they need to respect us and we would respect them. It seemed to work pretty well.
    It does take a super amount of energy to bring people into the church. I know, I've worked for a church as a Program Director. Part of that job was being Christian Ed Director. It was a huge "part time" job. Another part of the job was identifying and attracting families to be part of the programs of the church and supporting them as they came on board. It was actually a full time plus position, tiring but very rewarding.
    I think it's a wonderful feeling to pray for others and to know others are praying for you. I know that two people are praying for me everyday and it makes me feel good.

    1. I agree Cathy, the biggest lesson to be taught is respect. That does seem to really help all people in any kind of relationship.
      There are so many outside things competing with is difficult. We have talked several times at Little Meadows about what to do and how to do it...still talking!
      And as I said in my comments to Cindy- this group is included in my daily conversations with God.
      Thanks for sharing Cathy!

  7. I think that the biggest stumbling block to kids and their attitudes (if that is a good word) toward God is other kids and their attitudes. We attempted to raise our kids in the church, although I have to admit that I wasn't the best at doing so. However, one of our three encountered a situation through one of his friends that turned him so against the concept of religion that he now calls himself an atheist. Rhea knows some of what happened, but I am totally ignorant. I know the family involved was a religious family, so what happened is a complete mystery to me. I have a steadfast rule in this regard to keep out of their affairs, so I will say and do nothing. You may disagree with this, but my mind is made up. I hope and pray that someday things will be different.

    I was really surprised to see the reference to slavery. In today's environment, where people are talking about reparations to blacks for their anguish of something that happened over 150 years ago, how do people think about slavery in the Bible. My guess is that most people are ignorant. I know I was a little more than a few hours ago.

    1. Thanks for sharing Jack. It is hard when we try to have our kids involved and active in church and they decide to not be active. I know there are some difficulties with time and careers, and certainly other issues preventing our kids from going. The door is always open. And regarding your one son- just keep praying and having conversations with God about it. Find peace.
      The Bible was used by both sides in the slavery argument. Passages can be found supporting slavery and passages can be found against slavery- similar to some situations we are currently facing in the church now. I don't ever like the Bible being used as a weapon and so much of how it is used is just that way- to offend and degrade others.
      Thanks for sharing your comments Jack

  8. Paul, a servant of God is still in prison, he isn't worried, if he dies he will be with a God. If he is let out, he will work for God. Being we lived in a time, we respected our parents, as children we obeyed. We had good family times with much love and faith. Today times have changed, have taken God out of our schools and lives, by trying to dictate how we live. Yes stuff happens, but by faith,and guidance and love for all we will make it.

  9. Good words Rose Marie- a big point that many people make is the lack of God in our lives...and that is very obvious. What can we do to get God back- and then issue like respect and love and peace will follow.
    Good points Rose Marie


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...