Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Hebrews 1

 Fact: men are supposed to make the coffee...

It says so in the Bible...."Hebrews"!

That's all I got- sorry! ;)

As I  said in the introduction- we have no idea who wrote Hebrews- and we get no indication from the beginning of the letter. The author starts with God speaking to the prophets in various ways (poetry, parables, psalms, proverbs, etc), and then the prophets translated that message to us (v 1). People were at a different level than the prophets. There was no attempt from the author at explaining the existence of God (doesn't need to happen). The author continues (v 2) with how God has moved to speaking to each of us individually through Jesus. We don't know who "each of us" is; there is no indication from the author who the intended audience is- but be assured that we can be included. How does it feel that God directly communicates to you through the actions of Christ?

The next few lines are a wonderful interpretation and presentation of Christ- an exact duplicate of God, full of glory, greater than even the angels, actively sustaining the world. The author must have had an intimate relationship with Christ!

The author then goes through a series of "reasons" why Jesus is higher and better than the angels.The list continues about how Jesus was called son; how God was Jesus' father; how the angels were designed to worship Jesus; how the angels were designed to be servants to Jesus. All these are referenced back to some of the Hebrew texts; this gives us some indication that the audience may be Jewish Christians since they would know the Hebrew scriptures (same reason why the Gospel of Matthew references many of the Jewish scriptures). How do these descriptions of Jesus' authority and might resonate with you?

The author (very fluent in the Jewish scriptures) continues on with the eternal nature of Jesus and the intimate relationship between God (the first in the Trinity) and Jesus (the second in the Trinity). The two are woven together as One (no mention of the Holy Spirit in these texts!). There is so much power and greatness in these verses about the continuation and eternity of God and Jesus it is hard to discuss! Do these sets of verses give you comfort?

A great beginning to this essay- turned sermon- turned letter that we are undertaking for the next several days. These words were great reminders for me today- God is everlasting!

Enjoy the day and prepare for the next bout of snow!

Pastor Paul


  1. Do these sets of verses give you comfort. Just taking the time to do these readings brings me comfort. For some reason I couldn’t focus. Usually when I am doing the readings I will relate it to something in my life. Rather that is right or wrong who knows. I will read it again later. I am looking forward to your sermon for Ash Wednesday this evening.

    1. The Bible I use has highlighting from Scripture that I have used in preaching. There is minimal highlighting in the Hebrews texts- so this is all new to me. I really enjoyed this opening chapter and did seem a sense of calm come over me as I read them!
      These first few chapters will be hard to relate to our personal life- as they are primarily about the divinity of Christ...going to be tough!
      Thanks for your comments Cindy!

  2. LOL - loved your joke! I really missed Paul's greeting and opening. This gets right to it. I understand that Jews at that time felt that angels were exalted beings - especially revered. So I understand why this particular author goes right into why Jesus is not an angel and is, in fact, superior and the Son of God (and I enjoyed reading the reasoning this author gives as to why that is true). I do like that in vs. 2 the author notes that although God may have spoken to our fathers by prophets, His Son speaks to us. Tthat does make me feel good. And reminds me that, yes, Jesus does know me and speaks directly to me! Sweet. All else may pass and perish, but God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit will always remain - and us through our belief! And although the author in vs. 13 again reminds us that Jesus is not an angel, in 14 the author tells us that angels are all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation - that means us, right? I like that! I am glad that the chapters are short so that I can reread them and study them - especially if the Book gets confusing as you mentioned in your introduction! See you later! Looking forward to the service.

    1. The next several chapters are similar to this first one- explaining and defining the divinity yet humanity of Jesus. The author does a great job- seems almost like a court trial!
      I do feel the same comfort that Jesus speaks directly to me. Sometimes I don't listen- but Jesus speaks!
      My v 14 says, "All the angels are spirits who serve God and are sent to help those who will receive salvation." I wonder if tat's where "guardian angels" come from...and yes, they are there for us!
      Thanks for the comments Donna

  3. I kind of like the way this text begins. The author doesn't mince words. Long ago God spoke through prophets but now through His Son. Very plain indeed. The Angels are certainly put in their place!
    I like reading about how exalted the author thinks that Jesus is. He must be a very firm believer.

    1. I agree Cathy- the author must have strong faith and belief in the divine nature of Christ! No mincing words for him (and yes, I am assuming the author is male- although I shouldn't!)
      Good thoughts Cindy!

  4. So I'm waiting for my coffee, Pastor Paul! LOL
    This first chapter starts out by saying that God spoke many ways to the prophets of old. Then goes to say God speaks through Jesus Christ the Son now. Then the author tells of the many ways that Jesus is above the angels and how he is above the angels. The author tells of how God the father and god the son will last forever even longer than the earth. I am not getting the feeling of the Trinity in this chapter only of the Father and Son.

    1. There is always a pot of coffee going at my place! Stop by any time!!
      I agree- there is no Trinity here- just God and Jesus. It is interesting that the Holy Spirit isn't mentioned. I wonder why- I will have to investigate that!
      Great comments Clara!

  5. God says to his son, your thrown endures forever and ever. Angels are only servants from God to care for those who believes in him. If we believe in him, we will be with him,or we will be foot stools under his feet, if I am reading this right. But it also says with him,I will never grow,but stay the same with much joy.

    1. You are quite right Rose Marie!
      If we believe- we will be right there with God and Jesus (and I will include the Holy Spirit)
      Good thoughts Rose Marie!

  6. I do make the coffee in our house. Rhea doesn't drink coffee, only tea. She offered to make it one day last week, and, when I went to pour a cup, I found a pot full of hot water. I don't know what she did as there was fresh coffee in the basket. Ergo, I make the coffee.

    In the New International Version, the introduction to Hebrews states that the author was probably writing to Jewish Christians who were attempting to convert back to Judaism to avoid Roman persecution. The thinking here is that Jewish Christianity is superior to Judaism and that this conversion should be avoided. Or course, we all know that the Christians became meals for the lions at the Roman Coliseum so I can understand why the Christians wanted to convert back to Judaism.

    In these verses, it is clear that the author feels that the angels and prophets were "OK" until Jesus came along. After that, Jesus was the only being to sit at the right hand of God and the angels and prophets were out of a job. Is this why we don't hear of any prophets or angels today?

    I can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said. We watched the Ash Wednesday service tonight. We meant to catch it live, but the time change bit us and we tuned in late. We watched it later, however. It was a very inspiring service. Thank you.

  7. Oh Rhea!
    That is a correct commentary on the Jewish Christians- Rome was tough against the Christians, and there was great persecution from Rome!
    Hmm...interesting comments about prophets and angels today. I think if we did "hear" prophets or angels- we would be accused of being crazy!
    Thanks for your comments Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...