Friday, March 12, 2021

Acts 1

 Thanks for all the positive comments and thoughts. Dentist went small cavity and need to have one wisdom tooth removed- eventually (oh no- prayers for wisdom!! Hahahaha). We are excited to have Morgan and Bobbi- Jo visit this weekend. Lauren, Chris and Joseph were supposed to come also, but the kid has been quite sick since Monday (he is going for COVID test today; I think its just a bad cold, but it will be good to know). They are planning a visit for Easter!!

Right away, we have the name of the "intended" recipient-- Theophilus; we were introduced to Theophilus in Luke 1:3. Luke used the words "most excellent" in that introduction- words sued fro someone of high rank, so the assumption is tat Theophilus was a person of higher rank (probably Roman) that is interested in learning more about God and Jesus. The name could also be symbolic too. Theo is the root for God (as in theology, theologian, etc); philus means love (remember, Philadelphia?). So, does Theophilus mean "God-lover" which could then be addressed to us?! First line and we have a paragraph of discussion!! Could you be Theophilus? 

Whoever Theophilus is, Luke wrote this text as a follow up to the first text (the Gospel). The Gospel of Luke tells about Jesus and Jesus' ministry here on earth; in Acts, we hear about Jesus' ministry through the Holy Spirit and all that occurs after Jesus' ascension (40 days after Easter). If Acts had not been written, we would know of Jesus' death and resurrection and then this guy named Paul starts writing letter to churches in the Roman Empire. Who was Paul? What's his story? How did the Gospel get from Jerusalem to Rome? All these would have been unanswered!

We get a quick recap of the end of the story (vv 3-5). Jesus died; Jesus was resurrected; Jesus was with the disciples for 40 days; Jesus ate with them and mentions something about receiving a promise from God, remember, I told you about that, and then Jesus says something about the Holy Spirit. This is really the first mention of the Trinity in one complete unit- Jesus talks about God the Father providing the Holy Spirit.  If you didn't know the Gospel story- how would this sound to you?

The apostles then ask Jesus "the question" (v 6) "When are you going to restore the kingdom?" As per usual, they were thinking an earthly kingdom, waiting for Jesus to take control like he said he would. Jesus doesn't give a timeline though (v 7). It has been over 2000 years. How would the apostles have felt of they had know this time frame when they asked the question ?

Jesus does mention the power they will gain form the Holy Spirit (v 8). I assume they are thinking power in the terms of "Caesar power" or power that a king would have. Then an interesting word choice- (v 8b) "You will be my witnesses..." It is not a suggestion, not a "if you want to" request; it is an essential! Are you? A witness?

Jesus then ascends to God. Two angels (some theologians think possibly Moses and Elijah?) are with them. Again, imagine how the apostles felt with this ascension?!

They return to Jerusalem (v 12+), probably to the upper room. Luke lists the people present: 11 apostles (Why only 11??), some women (some theologians think that some of these women may be wives of the apostles) Mary (Jesus' mother) and James and Jude (Jesus' brothers) Interesting- Jesus' brothers were not mentioned much pre-crucifxion, but they seem to play a bigger role post-ascension. Also interesting- no mention of Joseph! This scene shows us unity in the group. They all went back to Jerusalem, they all sat together, they all prayed together. 

Peter takes control of the group (v 15). Not unusual since he seemed to be the spokes person of the group when Jesus was alive. Peter shows growth and wisdom  as he mentions (v 16-17)  that "the Holy Scriptures said..." He also shows maturity as he goes on saying that Judas didn't spoil God's plan, Judas was part of God's plan. How do you view Judas now, in light of these words from Peter?

Luke tells us of Judas' fate (compare to Matthew 27:5) and then Peter quote two Psalms to support selecting a replacement for Judas.  They begin listing qualifications for the replacement (vv 21-22). Whoever replaces Judas must be one who had been with them since they were baptized by John, stayed with them during the days of Jesus' earthly ministry, and they must have seen the resurrected Jesus. Two names come up- and they pray together- to help make a decision. Actually, they flipped a coin to find the replacement! Seems odd after the qualifications and the prayer that they seem to leave it up to chance for the replacement!You could say this was their way of relying fully on God though. The casting of lots may be an imperfect way to discern God's will, but it is much better than the methods many Christians use today, relying on emotions, circumstances, feelings, carnal desires and so forth. Thoughts on that??

Matthias is selected. And that's the last we hear of him! But then again, we don't hear much of any other disciples either! Peter and John are really the only ones mentioned after this chapter! What does that say about recognition and doing God's work?

I hope you liked this first chapter. It is really setting up the rest of the book. Chapter 2 is LONG but has the very familiar story of the coming of the Holy Spirit...Pentecost. Lots of interesting comments on that one!

Enjoy the weekend and see you all Monday.

This Sunday's message: "Just Looking" using the text about Zacchaeus!

Pastor Paul


  1. Good Morning!! Paul, about your comment about Barnabus, I did have him and Bartholomew confused!! Opps! Thanks for clarifying. My Bible says that Theophilus was a person rather then all lovers of God. But, I am going to take it that Luke is telling me the story of what happened next! I am curious, why in the Affirmation of Faith does it say that "The third day he rose from the dead, he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty...." And on the cross he said, according to Luke, Jesus said “Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.”- (I understand that Paradise and Heaven are not the same place - but Jesus says He will be there) But Luke also says Jesus was here about 40 days before ascending into heaven. ????? In your intro you say that Luke and Paul "probably did not work together."? But here and in Colossians it seems like they are????? In lieu of the questions you ask in Paragraph 3 it's funny we didn't read this book first before the others. In reading vs. 20 referring to what was written by David in the Psalms, I see that something was predicted to happen. However, I think it was Judas because it was known (by God) that Jesus' words would not sway the heart of Judas, but the devil could. Poor Judas - he must have been so tormented to eventually take his own life. Casting of Lots does seem to be a very random way to select a replacement for Judas for such an important position. However, the two men that were chosen before the "casting of lots" did meet all the qualifications! What trust they had in God, that God would answer their prayers by making the correct selection. I, unfortunately, rely on all those things you mentioned when I make a decision. And sometimes, due to my impatience, I make a decision that later I clearly see was not the right one! Have a wonderful weekend with Morgan and Bobbi Jo. I am sorry that Lauren and family could not make it! I know the wonderful feeling of having all your family together under your roof!

    1. Biblical names can be confusing! I have to really think sometimes! And the idea that Theophilus is a real person is true- but also the name means God lover- so it is addressed to us!
      Regarding the affirmation of faith question- that was written by the church- not Christ. There is even a difference between t denominations and what they say. I went to a Lutheran church for a while. We would say "...was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven ..." Notice the descended into hell part! There are Gospel stories about seeing Jesus after the crucifixion too...Maybe the reason is just poetic license?
      I don't think Paul and Luke worked together- but I thin they were aware of each other's ministries and travels. They even did travel together for a while, but had separate ministries.
      I do feel bad for Judas. Maybe next Lent season I can do a series on the people of Holy Week and their "feelings and thoughts"?
      It was a good weekend- but short!!
      Thanks for the comments and questions Donna!

  2. What a beautiful day! I think I have "spring fever"!
    Hope the little one is okay and it's only a cold.
    Luke tells of Jesus continuing to teach the apostles after His resurrection so they can go out into the world and spread the gospel.
    I was amazed that after all Jesus's teaching that they still wanted about when Israel was to be freed and their kingdom restored. Jesus told them the Kingdom of God was a spiritual one and only God knew when that would happen. That we are still waiting I guess means God's Word has not reached all After Jesus ascended into heaven the apostles returned to where they were staying and prayed for guidance The Holy Spirit being with them. They had lost one of their own as Judas had betrayed Jesus . I still have a hard time with Judas as that was foretold that Jesus would be betrayed in order for the prophesy to take place Perhaps Judas didn't realize that he could ask for forgiveness Maybe when Jesus comes again Judas will be forgiven (Some one had to be a Judas after all) The apostles chose to replace Judas by selecting between two candidates such as we do today to elect individuals to positions of rank. I guess they were being democratic.
    Have a wonderful weekend looks like it will be fairly nice.

    1. Joseph just has a bad cold- COVID test came back negative yesterday- so now its off to the doctor to finally get antibiotics that I said he needed last week!
      People of the time thought Jesus' return was going to happen tomorrow- or maybe next week. They were looking for Jesus to restore Israel! And we are still waiting 2000+ years later!!
      I know you have a soft spot for Judas...and so do I. I need to learn more about him! I think there are Judas like people all around!
      Thanks for your thoughts and comments Clara!

  3. I agree with Clara that it’s hard to to understand Judas part even when we have been told this was to happen. I don’t recall hearing about what happened to him after. I also love Donnas compassion about how tormented Judas must have been. We can only imagine. I have to honest I do not remember hearing about Jesus having siblings until this Bible study.
    Enjoy your family time.

    1. Judas is someone I think about often! I do feel bad that he has this mark on him forever! Regarding his death: In one story (Matthew 27:5-8) we hear Judas tried to hang himself; in the Acts story we just read, we hear about his abdomen tearing open and his bowels spill out. The stories may or may not be connected- there is lots of discussion over this!
      It is known that Jesus had a few brothers! Not a well known fact! Imagine how they might feel??
      Thanks for the questions and comments Cindy!

  4. This is a story that we have heard before. I didn't know, however, that Luke was the author nor anything of his background. It is a rather gruesome story of Judas's demise and one could say that he got what was coming to him, but I know that Jesus would not say that. As far as picking a replacement, the argument that is made for picking a successor by drawing lots is a good one and it certainly removes a lot of emotion, but is it fair. I think that one should be chosen on his of her merits (although I doubt that a woman would be in the running at that time).

    If the disciples only knew... They thought Jesus would be right back. If they only knew that in 2021, almost 2000 years later, that we are still waiting for Him to return. And when He does return, who knows what will happen. I am looking forward to Revelations with some trepidation.

    1. Good comment about Judas- people may say he deserved it! Good point- emotion was removed from picking the disciple by casting lots! And true- there is no way they would pick a woman! Mary Magdalene would have my vote though!
      The people of the time thought Jesus would be back tomorrow, or next week, or maybe next month- but , like you said, we have waited over 2000 years for it!
      Good comments Jack!

  5. Sometimes, when you look back on a part of your life when you thought that things could never work out, you see that without certain things happening when and how they did, your problem wouldn't have resolved. Some people probably get out of their difficulty and don't go back over the details to see what happened. I am a person who does examine the path.
    A number of years ago my daughter had a boyfriend who Dirk and I could see was not leading a life that was what we had hoped for for our daughter. Our daughter was in love with him and of course was looking at things through those eyes. It turned out, after they were married for almost 3 years, his drug use was what put her over the edge and she divorced him. All that time she was sure that he would see the light and turn things around. Now, I certainly wouldn't want my ex-son in law to explode and have his entrails all over the ground. I still pray that he can get the help he needs and recover but if his situation hadn't happened as it did, my daughter would still be with him. I think Judas was in the same predicament. If he hadn't done what he had the story would have had a different path. He made the decisions that he did and had to live with the consequences. I, in my heart of hearts, hope that the story of his demise was greatly exaggerated.
    Flipping a coin to choose a disciple? I'm often in a position at the library to hire and fire. 2019 was a terrible year for me with personnel. Four people left of their own accord, (some giving notice, some not) I fired 3 people, and hired about 7 here and there. Some of those are now gone. I think if I had two candidates that were equally qualified, flipping a coin might seem fine. By the way, trusting my gut instinct didn't always prove the way to go. I know my situation is not the same as the disciples but I know how hard their decision could be. It's a tough job.
    The weather is so beautiful! My granddaughters have been here a lot lately because we have a great driveway for two little girls to ride bikes and scooters. They only live less than a mile from us and I thank God everyday that I can be with them so much. I wish everyone a wonderful, peace filled weekend.

    1. I often wonder what Jesus thought of Judas- we know and can hear the compassion and grace in Jesus' words, but there has to be more.
      Wow! Lots of change over in the library!! It is hard making decisions regarding people and emotions do get in the way sometimes!
      It is so good to have family close by!
      Thanks for sharing and your comments!

  6. In my bible, Thephilus means dear to God,probably a Roman official,title, most excellent. God's not through with Israel, and the kingdom will come, but God didn't say when. The gospel must be preached throughout the world. Simon the Zealot helped overthrow Rome, Peter his name means rock, after his denial of Jesus, recovered and got his confidence back. In choosing the next apostle, two were chosen, Joseph, called Barsabbas, also known as Justus, and Matthias. There name's were put on stones and placed in an urn. The stone that fell out first was taken to be Gods choice.

  7. Right- God didn't say when the kingdom will be restored! We are still waiting!!
    Good commentary RoseMarie! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...