Monday, March 29, 2021

Acts 12

 Good Morning and Welcome back...late start again! Blood work!! I have such an exciting life!

We are introduced to King Herod. This was Herod Agrippa I, the grandson of Herod the Great, who ruled in the days of Jesus’ birth (see Matthew 2)  Herod Agrippa I was also the nephew of Herod Antipas, who had a role in the trial of Jesus (see Luke 23). His "mistreatment" of the Christians made him popular with the people- there was still lots of hate for the new Christians and the more the rulers persecuted them, the more their popularity grew! This happens all too often today! How have you experienced someone in power using "persecution" to gain popularity? James was killed- the first of the original apostles to be martyred (Stephen was the first to be martyred- but he was not an original apostle). Up until now, the church had been on a streak of success, experiencing one exciting conversion after another. First there was Saul of Tarsus, then the Gentile centurion Cornelius, then the highly successful work among Gentiles (and Jews) in Antioch.

Peter was next (vv 3+)-- during the Passover (reminiscent of Jesus' arrest!). Peter had escaped prison before, so Herod tries to prevent it with lots of guards. There were four sets of four guards each that would rotate through security detail. Normally a prisoner was handcuffed to just one guard- but not for Peter! I especially love v 5- the church earnestly prayed for Peter. We bring up joys and concerns in church; someone says they will pray for you. Do they do it earnestly? Is the church earnestly in prayer?

Peter showed no anxiety (v 6) as he was quietly sleeping in the prison! The chains, the guards, the prison doors meant nothing to God and God's appointed messengers; Peter was instantly set free. We tend to worry and get anxious. How does Peter's story help you change those thoughts?

Peter leaves the prison, realizing that God had saved him. Peter naturally went to where he knew Christians would be gathered and praying (v 12+). They would want to know that their prayers had been answered. Rhoda was so excited to hear from Peter that she left him out at the gate! Have you ever been that excited? She tells the people that Peter is out of prison- their response- "You're crazy!" Kind of like the disciples on Easter morning! And "Doubting" Thomas later that same day! Why do we sometimes have a hard time believing the strength of God and the power of prayer? The people gathered assumed it was Peter's guardian angel. The Jews believed in the idea of guardian angels, and it seems that some among them may have believed that one’s guardian angel bore some kind of resemblance to the human it was assigned to. They finally realized it really was Peter! Peter tells them what happened and then leaves. This is the last we hear about Peter until a brief mention in Acts 15. Peter connects with Paul in Antioch (in the Galatians epistle) and also writes two epistles of his own. 

Herod seems to have saved the people of Sidon and Tyre from a famine (vv 20-21). They eventually treat him with lots of praise and thanksgiving. They looked to him as a god (v 22). Herod enjoyed it way too much! Herod's death (v 23) was appropriate to his spiritual state; he corrupted from the inside out.

The church continues to grow (vv 24- 25). The contrast between Herod and the church was clear. Herod believed he had the upper hand against God’s people, but God showed who was really in charge – Herod was judged, and the church was blessed.Herod fought against God. He killed James but didn’t defeat God’s plan. He arrested Peter, but the earnestly praying church saw God rescue Peter and the apostle’s work continue.The continual message in Acts is that God will continue!

Have a great rest of the day! Enjoy the snow and cold!!

Pastor Paul


  1. Blood work? I hope all is ok! I just want to mention something that you wrote in your comment to Jack about Paul’s name! I have read several books about Paul and they all state that Paul was not only a devout Jew but also a Roman citizen (very rare) and because he was a Roman citizen he had three names - a forename, a family name and an additional name! A forename and family name all Jews had but Roman citizens were given an additional name, According to my readings he had all three names - one book indicating that perhaps Paul was chosen as the additional name because of its similarity to Saul! But your comments to Jack made it seem like the name was one and just different interpretations according to the language. ?????? I was told once that when you say you are going to pray for someone you should do it right away because our lives are busy and we forget! I have to do that because I am not good at praying! I know a person who has a list and prays from that list every day - I wish I was that good! Not only that but we have joys and concerns every Sunday and new concerns are given so we forget the old and start praying for the new! I think if we met as often as the people of the first church did and all prayed as one - then we might continually pray for one thing! It was sad to read of the first killing of the original apostle! I felt bad for his brother and mother! In my translation in vs 9 it says “...And he (Peter) went out, and followed him (the angel) and was not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought it was a vision”. And vs 11 says “And when Peter was come to himself ....”. Does that mean that Peter wasn’t really sure it was really happening? That maybe he thought it was a dream or vision ? I think Peter always knew his death would be violent - as Jesus told them - but his faith was so strong that he was ok with it! I don’t think I would be as “ok”. I would not be sleeping so soundly! Here is something interesting my study Bible notes - in vs 25 it says that Barnabus and Saul took John whose surname was Mark with them. My notes say that this John Mark is the same person who wrote the gospel Mark and was that young man that we read about who was in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was taken - who fled naked leaving his linen cloth! ( Mark 14; 52-52). I find that pretty cool! In my comments to me you stated that we don’t celebrate Passover because we are not Jewish and Jesus did because he was! Yet Jesus did many things against Jewish tradition - why not this? And if we are to celebrate our Savior and His life - isn’t Passover part of it - just as Easter is? And speaking of Easter - vs 4 in our reading says “.... intending after Easter to bring him (Peter) forth to the people.” My notes say Easter: The NT word is Passover. It is another way of referring to the whole week of the festival! Is that where the term Easter came from? Oh that we were meeting in person to have these conversations!! Winter is back - stay warm!

    1. Interesting comment about Saul/Paul. I know he was both a Jew and a Roman- very unique like you say. I will investigate more about the name-- I have always understood Paul/Saul to be the same name just different languages. Thanks!
      Regarding prayer list- I see the importance of it, but sometimes it seems like a gossip chain too! Our days do get busy and I like your recommendation to pray right way!
      Correct about Peter- it sounds like he wasn't quite sure about what was going on! Can you imagine that! Someone preaching about all that God can do, and not know God was instrumental in Peter's release! How often does God send us angels and we don't acknowledge them!
      We meet Saul, Barnabas, and John Mark in chapter 13!
      Hmmm...yah, let's talk! I think Passover was important to Jesus as it celebrated freedom from Egypt's oppression...and Jesus is celebrated as freedom from earthly oppression= maybe that is a connection he was thinking of?? Never heard of the Easter= Passover thing! Will look that up!
      Good comments and thoughts!

  2. The persecution of Christians is starting to become more prevalent. James is dead by the sword, mostly because the Jews officials wanted the Christians gone I am guessing, so Herod was willing to do what they wanted.. Peter was arrested and jailed.
    I can be very confusing at times reading the Bible with the names being the same without a last name as to who is who. I remember seeing the old epic movies they made back in the 50's "Quo Vadis" was one I recall where it showed the Christians in prison and being killed in arenas by lions etc I believe Peter was hung upside down in that movie. "Ben Hur" was another that the persecution of Christians was shown to be brutal.
    Back to Acts it was amazing that Peter walked out of prison with the angel being chained to 2 guards and also there were 16 guards "watching" him. It does not say that they were in a trance or how God got peter out of jail only that He did. It does say that the guards did not know Peter was gone til the next morning.
    Peter knocking at the door and the of mary's house and the people nt believing that he is there reminds me of jesus rising from the dead and the apostles not quite believing it i think i would have been a "doubting Thomas' also because after all he was in jail with 16 guards. Peter relates what has happened and he goes to another place, where that is it does not say.
    Herod is angry with te people of Trye and Sidon and because of the famine they depend on him for food so they send delegates to speak to Herod Herod grants and audience but when the people call him a god he is struck with a terrible sickness and dies because there is only one God. It does not say if the problem with the food is satisfied?? The Word continues t obe spead and now we are going to Paul. Poor Peter where is he gone to?

    1. Right- Herod wanted to gain public approval- and a good way for him to do that was to kill a Christian or two! Often times Christians were thrown into arenas with lions and bears- and this was the entertainment for the day!
      I like your connection with not knowing Peter and not knowing Jesus!
      We will meet Peter later...
      Good thoughts!

  3. I hope I pray with earnest. I pray every night but Donna you are right we should pray for that person as soon as we can after we say we will because we forget. I also pray in the car a lot. I just find if I turn off the radio and I am by myself without distraction I find it comforting. Rhoda was so excited to see Peter that she left him at the gate. A memory immediately came to mind. I grew up next door to my grandparents. My grandmother took in foster children. She had a boy from when he was an infant until he was I believe 13. My grandparents tried to adopt him but were told they were to old. They adopted him out of their home at 13. As you can imagine my mother and her family were devastated. While I was growing up they always spoke so highly of him and how they missed him. One night I was at my grandparents and answered the phone. I was maybe 12. The caller said he used to live with .... and he said my grandparents names and then said his. I knew right away who it was. I ran and got my grandmother and then next door to get my mother. Many happy tears were shed. Uncle Mike stayed in our lives until he passed away a few years ago. We were so very grateful. My grandmother was an amazing woman who made a difference in many peoples lives and she lead a very simple life. I makes me so sad that people still today use persecution to gain power. It is very hard for me to understand how someone will admire someone with that kind of behavior.

    1. Turning off the radio in the car is good. That is why I enjoy hiking so much-- away from distractions and people and alone with my thoughts!
      What a great story! Thanks for sharing!
      Great thoughts Cindy!

  4. What a great story! Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Wow! what a great story! Can you imagine a light coming into your cell when you're chained! and so many guards. Then an angel comes to you and breaks you out of prison. That's a good day!
    I was thinking about Herod- the grandson of another horrible leader. Again, is this nature or nurture? I can think of a number of people who have used power and intimidation to get ahead. I've known people in the church, people that have been on the library board and even politicians who use their position and power to get what they personally want- maybe not's what good for the majority. Is this getting more common? I think so. Look at the number of people in our country who have assault rifles, not just hunting guns. How many people have been involved with incidents where they think that their lives are being threatened?
    I'm so happy that you had such an amazing grandmother, Cindy. I'm also really glad that you share her with us. She must be why you're such a nice person. :)
    Don't let that sun fool you, it's cold. Spring is a precarious season, isn't it?

    1. Nature or nurture is certainly something to look at!
      Power makes people do unusual things! I have known several incidents of people using their position for their own gain!
      Good thoughts and comments Cathy!

  6. Before Peter was taken he had Christ's promise that he would live to an old age, so he had faith and believed in Gods word. As I do these studies, I seem to pray more, also keep the music on, the news off, keep busy with what you enjoy and with friends. When the angel sets Peter free he is in a dream like state,until the city gate opens, and the angel leaves then he becomes more a where.He them goes to the house of Mary, mother of Mark, the last supper was held here, and now was the church in Jerusalam. They don't believe Rhoda when she hears his voice at the door. They tell her she is out of her mind. Peter tells them to be quiet. tell James and the brothers about this, he then left for another place. Herod questions the guards about Peter, an has them executed. I can see why Herod had a terrible death, he did not give praise to God,an angel of the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms and it took him 5 days to die. But the word of God still spread. Bandanas and Saul finished there work and returned to Jerusalem. I like these stories, but in the same time they are very hard and sad.

    1. Right- God did promise Peter he would live to an old age! Thanks for bringing that up!
      Acts is a great book- but there is some hard and sad parts to it.
      Good comments Rose Marie!

  7. How did the angel cast his light and rescue Peter without waking the guards? This is another story that we must accept by faith. Herod decided that he must punish the guards by death after Peter's escape. People in that part of the world were every unforgiving and that continues to this very day. Witness the manner of execution of westerners by the sword a few years ago. We are a much more forgiving people than they were, even though it doesn't seem that way at times - we really are! The Romans were brutal in the way they meted out punishment. It is tempting to say that Herod's death was very apt, but this is all I am going to say about it.

    Cindy, that was a heartwarming story you shared. I am so happy that it turned out the way it did. This proves my point - there is good in this world and I pray that it will always be that way. Mankind is good!

    I am truly enjoying studying Acts. The message is that God will continue, and that is a very comforting message, especially with all the stuff going on in the world today.

  8. again Jack!! I think we are more forgiving at times- certainly we don't throw people to the lions anymore! But we have more to learn in the forgiveness and acceptance arena!
    There is good in the world- but it doesn't get noticed too much does it!
    Acts is a great book!
    Thanks for the comments and thoughts Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...