Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Hebrews 11

 This chapter is probably the most common part of the entire letter that the author writes. We have heard these passages probably several times in our life. As long as the letter is, my commentary will probably be brief as it is mostly a list of Hebrew people of great faith.

I really like the first line of this chapter: "Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it." (NCV) Just like our eyes and ears give us a sense of what is true in the physical world, faith gives a sense of what is true in the spiritual world. Faith is that thing that is difficult to describe or explain, but we all know what it is! 

Remember- the author is writing to Jews that were following Christ but then became discouraged or disillusioned with that and were turning back to Judaism. At this point in history, God had created a new covenant; the original several covenants were with Jews, but they didn't take them seriously or didn't uphold their end of the covenants. The goal of this entire chapter is to list the great ancestors that followed God, had a faith in God, and did what God had asked (v 2), and they "benefited" from that relationship. The author is trying to show that God does uphold God's promises, if we uphold our end. Do you believe that? Does God uphold God's end of the covenants made through history when people do?

The author begins the list of great Jewish patriarchs (and a few women, eventually) that had great faith in God and were "rewarded" for that faith. As the author says in v 6, God requires faith, we have to believe God is real if we want to "benefit" (probably not best choice of words, but that's what I have for now) from the relationship. Not exactly the same, but I can remember my mom, when I was younger and questioning the reality of Santa, saying "If you don't believe in Santa, then he won't come." I definitely changed my thoughts and believed! If only believing in God were that easy!!

V 13- these people all died before receiving what was promised to them, but hey could see evidence of God's promise. They carefully considered the promises God made, and assured themselves that the promises had to be valid because it was God making the promise. Walking in faith is easier if we think about the reward of a heavenly future (vv 14- 16). When we realize that are destiny is greater than what we have here, it helps our faith grow and develop. If we know that we are here only temporarily and that God has something better for use in he future, we are living in faith! When you get discouraged or down of begin to lose faith, do you look at or think about the heavenly future we have- or do you focus on the negatives in life?

The author continues to give examples of great faith for the Jewish people. All the people described were great Jewish leaders and, if you were a good and faithful Jew, you knew all about these people. The intent of the author is to prove that some of the great Jewish leaders had faith in God, so they should also.  What does this list of names do for you ? We aren't Jewish. yet we know of the great faith that these people had. Does this build your faith and help you have more confidence in God?

The author seems to be getting tired (v 32), "Do I have to give you more?" (Now, my words...) You should get it by now, but in case you forgot... The next brief list (Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel) were men of faith, yet had notable areas of failure in their life. Yet, the author commends their faith, and lists them in the "Hall of Faith." This shows that weak faith is better than unbelief, and you don't have to be perfect to make it into God's "Hall of Faith." 

The next section (vv 33-38) is a list of situations where faith prevailed, even when it didn't look like it would. "Great is thy Faithfulness..."

None of the people listed actually received what God had promised, yet they continued to work and trust that God would come through. They didn't get discouraged, they fought the fight, they ran the race, they persevered, they continued to live a full and devoted life to God (v 39). We are now seeing the fruits of their labor (v 40). Seeing and enjoying the completed work of Jesus on our behalf gives us much more of a reason to hold on to faith, and to not let discouragement and tough times defeat us.

Again, I love this chapter. It is a good reminder for us of faith and what it can do. If we were to continue this list with people that we know, Who would be included in this "Hall of Faith"? Would you be included in this "Hall of Faith"?

Have a good day. Enjoy the sunshine and peace.

Pastor Paul


  1. I also liked this chapter - first of all I "got" it right away! LOL I liked reading about all the people (whose stories were familiar to me) and all they did just by their faith. It does seem a bit strange to me that the author would use these people as examples because all these people were devout Jews - so by saying they lived correctly by their faith how would that convince people not to return to believing what they did. It's like saying - these people were great but don't believe what they did. I understand these people did not know Jesus but it puzzles me. However, I love the examples and I do wish that my faith were that strong - crossing the red sea, putting up my child for a sacrifice, building an ark - especially putting up my child for a sacrifice, I am just not sure. And being reminded in this chapter of what they did by faith, I should be willing to take myself out of my comfort zone and do more! I have never lost faith, however, my life has been good - not always easy, you understand, and I have had heartache, but in the long run, it has been good. I know a woman who lives in Binghamton who lost her grandchild (whom she was very close to) at 4 years old through a horrible (and on hindsight avoidable) accident. The mother did lose her faith, but the grandmother didn't - she belongs in the Hall of Faith! Do I? I hope so. But I am not sure. My fav vs. is 16 - "......wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." I hope that God is not ashamed that I call Him my God. Day looks like a nice one!!!

    1. Hmmm...I see what you're saying. They were all Jews and that may give a wrong (?) impression of Christianity!
      You bring home the point though- faith takes us out of our comfort zone and allows us strength!
      Great thoughts Donna! Thanks!

  2. The crux of this chapter is FAITH It was good reading about the faith of the ones in the OT How would I have ever been able to offer my child as a sacrifice to God. My faith would have probably failed the test. Also none of us likes to be ridiculed and made fun of, the ark would not probably been built by me if others were laughing at me. I know when I was suffering after my back surgery and all the complications and pain I asked God why me?? but then after w while I began asking why not me ? I am not any better that the next person and it was after that change of mind God helped me and I started getting better. My prayers were answered. I don't think that my faith was as strong as some of the old prophets but it certainly got me through a tough time. I don't think that puts me in the Hall of Faith tho. My faith waned a lot during that time I think that prayer was what helped me get some of my faith renewed.
    So seeing as this chapter was written for the Jewish Christians who were backsliding i can relate to what the were going through and understand that faith in God is our answer and he will always be there for us.

    1. Great comments Clara...and I know I wouldn't be able to offer my child as a sacrifice. I would do anything to prevent their pain! Thanks for the thoughts!

  3. It's hard to believe the hardships stories, with all the gory details. Have heard some but not all. What FAITH and guts, they had.Some time seeing is believing, but these people had Faith plus. For God keeps his promises, a better country, a city built by his hands, a heavily one. Hopefully,with prayers and Faith I can be a person to produce some good fruits. Sometimes it hard to walk in FAITH, there's so many stumbling blocks in our path, and we trip.

    1. You are right, Rose Marie, it is hard to walk in faith sometimes with all the stumbling blocks that are in front of us...but we keep trying and growing. That is what God is desiring- for us to grown in faith.
      Thanks for the thoughts!

  4. It seems to me that we must have some faith to feel that it’s worthwhile to read, think about, and write about the Bible study. What we are doing helps me to be closer to God just because I think so much about things.
    I have thought all day about people in my life who I feel have great faith and I’m not coming up with many. Anyone who comes to mind is elderly, really. People who have lived a long time and are still faithful.

    1. Good point Cathy- we must all have some faith to be doing this study!
      I wonder how our group's Hall of Faith narrative would read?
      And i agree that when I think of strong faith- it is typically older people!
      Great comments! Thanks Cathy

  5. These stories are all familiar to me and I do take comfort in that. I have said it before...I would definitely would have failed when given these tests. I do have a very dear friend who is in the faith hall of fame. She makes me crazy because she is always late but that is because she is always doing something for someone else. She will never through away a penny or leave it on the ground ... It says in God we Trust on it. I could give you so many reasons why I believe she is
    Chapter 16 in my text says...they were looking forward to a better home in heaven. While I agree that heaven is our ultimate home I feel sad when I hear someone say Hell is here in earth. I also know it's easier said than done but doing good work while here on earth I feel is a good goal.
    I finally took down my outside Christmas decorations on this nice day!

    1. We all like familiarity...and I think most people would know several of these stories. There is comfort hearing them.
      I have heard people say that earth is hell- and I do not agree either. There are many instances of good and we do have a decent life that God has provided for.
      Our Christmas came down this weekend...finally!!
      Thanks for the thoughts Cindy!

  6. Cindy, it is easier to take Christmas decorations down when you don't put them up in the first place. LOL We had very few decorations due to my surgery and my son, who was here from Texas to help out, put them up, or we would have had nothing other than a few things on the lawn and no lights. I hope this Christmas will be better.

    This chapter for me was the most hopeful and encouraging of all the Hebrew's chapters. I felt great joy reading and hearing Rhea read about faith. I know that during the dark periods of my life, I had no faith. In fact, I told a man of the cloth that, in my opinion, the story of Jesus was a bunch of BS. Rhea told me that I had to have faith that all these happenings with Christ actually did happen. Now, with the dark portions of my life in the rear view mirror, my faith is stronger than ever.

    If I were to pick people to be in the Hall of Faith, I would pick the framers of the Constitution. These were God fearing men who did their best to make our nation a good place to live and raise children. I now fear for our country as the people in charge want a Godless society. They want to close churches and all houses of worship. They want to eliminate God from our psyche. As it says in this chapter, God will not help us if we turn our backs on Him. I fear what will happen to the US if they carry through with the Socialist agenda that they are pushing. I have faith in God and Jesus, but I do not have faith that the country will not go down the tubes.

  7. Hahahaha! I agree Jack!!
    It is good to be reminded of all these people with faith and we can learn through them. Faith is the thing that keeps us going, knowing that there is something better and different. We need to believe that there is good and that there is strength in the lives of the faithful.
    Thanks for your thoughts Jack.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...