Friday, May 28, 2021

1 Timothy 4

Great day yesterday...we are as ready as we can be for the invasion of Joseph (and Lauren and Chris). Positive news- she has a few interviews lined up soon! We leave later this morning to drive to State College. Then the packing and moving begins! When I think about the number of times I have helped my kids pack and move, my head explodes! 

Paul begins this chapter with a short discussion of  the teaching of false doctrine. Paul brings this up a few times in his letters to Timothy. In this one, Paul says that the Holy Spirit (v 1) has warned him (and us) of these false teachings! The end times will begin by people leaving the church, being easily disillusioned by evil, and pay more attention to the false prophets. When will we know this is happening? Are people beginning to lose faith now? As pastors, we need to continue to preach and teach sound doctrine (faith, hope, love, salvation, grace, mercy) and journey in faith with our people. The statement "consciences destroyed as if by a hot iron" (v 2b) means that their faith and belief is so misconstrued- once they would know what they were hearing was false doctrine, but now they don't know that. The hot iron also refers to branding of criminals on their forehead; for these that Paul speaks of, it is not their forehead that is branded, but their conscious. The idea of not marrying and not eating certain foods (v 3) is the idea that if we withhold something good for us, God will owe us something. These (obviously) are false teachings that Paul cautions us against. Paul refutes all of this with vv 4 and 5- everything God made is good and we should accept all with thanks and praise. What we eat or don't eat doesn't make us more or less righteous in the face of God.

Paul charges Timothy with instruction of sound doctrine and faith. The job of a pastor is edification (through "lecture" and living). Our model is Jesus. Not only did he sit and teach, but through his life and interactions, the disciples learned. Does your pastor instruct through both word and living? Keep your priorities straight (v 7). Focus on God's words- not man's (wives tale, foolish stories, fables). Exercise toward godliness (train yourself to serve God). Ancient Greeks and Romans were all about physical strength and health. Paul is saying to Timothy- train in the faith as an athlete would train for their competitions. All professions have some type of professional development "requirement." Part of a pastor's life is personal edification- reading, classes, discussions with colleagues; this is what Paul is talking about. He refers to this several other times in these two letters to Timothy. Do your pastors model this? 

We end this chapter with some personal words from Paul to Timothy. When Timothy started his ministry with Paul, he was young (maybe 14 years or so). This letter was written 15 or so years after that. That puts Timothy at about 25 or 30 years old. Certainly not too young, but the elders of the town would consider him too young to preach. I know when we received a young male pastor fresh from seminary, many people questioned his ability, because of his age! Paul urges Timothy to live his life so that nobody would question his youthful status (v 12). Be an example to the "elders" through your life of faith, action, love, and purity. Live and look like a pastor! Think of your pastor, do they model these qualities? I used this passage many years ago when I addressed the youth at a youth retreat in the (old) Wyoming Conference. Do we tend to trivialize the knowledge of young people?

Paul reminds Timothy of his gift of congregational ministry (v 14)! Not everyone has the gift of preaching/teaching, but everyone has gifts that they shouldn't ignore. From these words, we can get the idea that the elders of some towns (maybe Lystra and Derbe) held an ordination service for Timothy and they laid hands on him. Give your full life and attention to the work that you were graced with (v 15) and as you use  your gifts, give glory to God. Some very personal words from Paul. You can really sense his love for Timothy!

A great reading for today. I am really liking these letters and am learning some good points!

Regarding the next few weeks. I hope to maintain the same schedule- posting and responding in the morning. However, with an almost 18-month old kid running around, I am not sure if that can be done! He loves outside time and I have lots of plans for him! I will continue with the daily commentary, but they may not be posted until nap time! For Joseph, not me! No rest for the wicked!

Have a great weekend!

Pastor Paul


  1. Cooler days for moving but hope Rain doesn't interfere with the moving process for your family. Good luck with the move.

    Paul warns of false teachers ,do not let them lead you astray. Paul encourages Timothy to be strong and diligent in his faith so the elders will believe him as his youth may keep them from believing him.
    Paul kind of says something here that I find hard understand as he wants Timothy to be a leader but in other verses he says that the young need to develop before they become leaders. Why does he think Timothy can be a leader if he says that we need to develop in our Christian lives before we can become leaders?

    Have a great Memorial weekend everyone! Remember all those that have served our nation over the years. God bless them all!

    1. Good question about Timothy. He was young, so the church elders looked at him as inexperienced. Paul knew that Timothy could do it, Paul knew that Timothy was strong in faith and a good teacher. When you are leading a church- there are many expectations for excellence and no room for error!
      There does need to be some development as a leader- depending on what you are leading. Leading worship- being a whole church leader, starting a church probably requires some faith development!

  2. Face it, pastor, you're going to love every minute that Joseph is running around raising the devil. What a great time to look forward to. Mt granddaughters are all about silliness. I keep saying that I am going to turn them upside down are shake all the silliness out of them. (Hint: it doesn't work.) With three boys, I escaped all the giggling that goes with girls. Dan is going to have to put up with it, but I think he will like it. He is a good father. As for me, well, you know what my job is!

    To get on to more serious matters. I believe that people are turning away from God and looking to false prophets. Is this a sign of end times coming. I sure hope not. Haven't we gone through this before? I remember rough times in the 60s with the rioting over the Vietnam war, Kent State, and the 1968 Democratic Convention is Chicago. Remember Abbey Hoffman and Malcolm X (to name one or two)? We got through it and, I hope and pray, and I honestly believe that we will get through this, too.

    For Timothy being young, was thirty that young back then? I know that people didn't live to their 70s and 80s as they do today. I remember talking about it when I was in school. At the time of the ancient Greeks, 35 was old age. I doubt if they made that much progress in life expectancy in the years between Greece and the Roman Empire.

    Have a great weekend everybody and enjoy all the Josephs in our lives.

    1. I am exhausted, but it has been a few good days! I love that kid! And he went right into the barn, in my arms, and petted Jerome the steer with no anxiety! He loves the "baa" (sheep) and pigs. So happy that you are with the grand kids! They make the world a better place!
      There are so many "false prophets" that take away our attention from God. Music, TV, movies, all those things are part of it. There is much we can do to promote goodness and grace. We can do it!
      I think was looked at as young to be starting a church and taking control of that church! I remember when we received a newly graduated seminary Pastor, one of the comments I heard was. "He is so young!" He did great things for our church! The age thing is dependent upon what type of leadership you are attempting I think!
      Thanks fro sharing Jack!

  3. By now your grandson and his family are all moved and settled (?) in! It's great that Lauren already has some interviews lined up!! This will be such an exciting time - and I think naps on your hammock with Joseph might be in order!

    Clara, Thanks for the reminder that Paul had mentioned the fact about not being a novice! His love for Timothy must have been great to now tell him to not let his youth get in the way of his work.

    I sat in the library of the Apalachin UMC one evening and pulled out a book about bringing the youth back to church. And after reading the first chapter (which said that children going to college tend to loose their faith) I looked at the copyright - it was 1932. I am thinking that the problem of people leaving the church is not new. However, whereas young people who left the church USUALLY came back once they were older and started families, now, we can't seem to bring them back! (Maybe we should fish from the other side of the boat!!!) So will we know when the second coming is near? I don't know - so many signs are seen over and over again through the years! As Jack mentioned, hopefully, we will get through this as well.

    I agree that sometimes we may trivialize the knowledge of the youth but it is in reverse as well - the youth do not respect the knowledge of their elders.

    What did Paul mean in vs. 10 when he said "...because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe...." All men???? Specially of those that believe?

    I really like the last vs - 16 - "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." Good advice for us all!

    I love that image, Jack - "enjoy all the Josephs in our lives."

    Monday may we remember and thank all of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that I may sit here and give my thoughts so freely!

  4. I don't know if we will ever be settled in this summer! from the other side of the boat- that will preach some day! True- kids do leave the church when they are in college (generally) and like you said- they don't come back. So how can we fish from the other side? What types of "bait" do we need to use??
    Good point about youth respecting elders. Where is that taught? Maybe families? But many families can't even get along with each other! We have lots of work to do!
    Re: V 10- are you arguing with the word "men" Or "believers"? I think the statement goes back to Paul's understanding of justification by faith alone we are saved! Not our actions, not our deeds, but our faith!
    I do like that v 16 "Live and teach rightly, and you will save both yourself and others." We are in it for others!
    Good thoughts and comments Donna! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...