Tuesday, June 1, 2021

1 Timothy 6

 Really late start today! Sorry...the kid is keeping me busy! Guess I will have to rearrange my day!

I will comment on your comments from yesterday later today (or tonight!)

Great day yesterday with Joseph and family. We are getting adjusted to life on the farm and he loves the barn- especially Jerome the steer!

The chapter today picks up from yesterday- general advice for people getting along with others. The first few verses are addressed to slaves in general- but we can also go with the metaphor of us being slaves to God. The idea of these first few verses is to essentially work hard for your employer! Hard work glorifies God- regardless of the employer. Regardless if your employer is Christian or not- we should be working hard and not be wasting time. 

Paul returns to the theme of this first letter to Timothy- and that was the idea of false teachings that were destroying the church in Ephesus. The city was full of people trying to lure people away from the church; they were using whatever means they could and Paul warns Timothy that they are not glorifying God or doing the work that God desires. The focus of these false prophets is pride and attention to them, love of money for them, and they will do anything to promote themselves above others. They are expert debaters ("speaking against others and quarrels" v 4b-5) and know how to use words to get their way. Do we know any of those "false prophets" today?

Another aspect of the theology of the false prophets was that the church was in it for the money, and so ten the priests were too! (We are not in it for the money- I can guarantee that!) Paul is saying that we are rich if we have God, because we need nothing more (v 6). We are to be satisfied with what we have and there is no need to "keep up with the Jones'!" V 7- was a great statement from my Mom, I didn't know it was Biblical- "You came into this world with nothing and you leave with nothing." What a great comment on our desire to accumulate for ourselves! We should be happy with what we have. It is the simple things in life (food and clothing, v 7) that are important. Why do people thing that wealth equals happiness? The more wealthy someone is, the more likely they seem to crash in the end- temptations seem to catch you (v 9).Our true richness comes from serving God.

Paul's closing words to Timothy- live right, have faith, love, patience and gentleness (v 11)! What else is there!? We will refer back to this when we read 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Fight the good fight, run the race, keep doing what you are gifted to do (v 14) and even if you run into troubles and persecution- you will be rewarded.  When Paul says that Jesus is "King of Kings, Lord of Lords" (v 15) that was great risk as the emperor was both Lord and God. People were killed because they didn't address the emperor as Lord and God!

V 17 puts things into perspective- those that are "rich" (both spiritually and financially) are to treat people fairly and  be responsible with their wealth. Their "treasure" will be built up greatly  (v 19). This is more of a spiritual wording- our faith is identified and observed through our acts!

The closing lines show us how much Paul cared for Timothy. There is such a great bond between them and a love that is evident. He does respect Timothy and has a definite paternal care evidenced in these closing words.

We will continue with 2 Timothy tomorrow- written shortly after this letter.

Have a great day!

Pastor Paul


  1. In Paul's time there were slaves but now we can equate it to our jobs and our employers and employees. we should do a good job for our employer and respect him. It will show our faithlulness to our job etc but also show our faithfulness to Christ.
    Paul tells Timothy that the love of money is the root of all evil. we should use our money if we are rich for God's use not for ourselves. God will provide us with what we need and if we have what we need what more do we really need. We of course always want more than what we have but Paul says that this is not right, we should use our money to do good. I think it is only human to want more once we have what we need perhaps maybe a better car or a nice vacation etc. It is only human also to provide our children perhaps with more than what we had, a better education etc.

    1. Why does money seem to be the root of evil? Why are we always wanting more as humans? Can't we be happy with minimal? I do want a better life for my kids than me= but not super extravagant. Confusing times we are in!
      Good thoughts Clara. Thanks

  2. Just catching up after missing a few days. Taking care of each other is of course the right thing to do. I have helped care for my aging grandmother, my parents and in laws. This is easier said than done. My grandmother was so gracious and kind it was such a pleasure to care for her. My father in law who I loved was so demanding it was not such a pleasure.
    Cathy I read your comments about should or shouldn't you wear a mask. I was at Iron Kettle Farm today with Divya, the young woman I spend time with who is none verbal. They had a sign as you walk in that I took a picture of because I thought it was well worded.
    It said...Masks Suggested, we would like you to wear a mask while you are here our of respect of young children and those who are not vaccinated. However you are not required to. I wore mine as I will for this very reason. Divya will not wear one but she is vaccinated.
    Clara I think your explanation on how we need and want money was spot on. The keeping up with the Jones reminded me of a visit to some friends in New Jersey after we were newly married. Sitting around the table the woman were talking about their diamond rings. When we left my husband apologized for not being able to buy me a larger diamond. I was very quick to tell my lovely husband that this was not what was important to me.
    Pastor we have moved our children so many times as well as painting and home repairs. We will be happy to do it as long as we are able.

    1. Some people willingly and lovingly care or others- while some don't. I wonder why? Caring for a parent has to be tough. My mom always cared for my dad. I could see the pain and hurt in her face when we visited. I wish we could have been there for more.
      That's a great sign at Iron Kettle- nicely worded!
      We are settling in to the new routine- it is hard after not having people here for so long!
      Thanks for your thoughts Cindy

  3. I always think it interesting that sometimes it's thought that if you are wealthy for whatever reason you are "evil" and if you are "poor" you are good. Which, of course, is not true at all! It can be true but so can the reverse. We all support some charity or other but the wealthy really make them survive!! But Paul does make it clear that it is the LOVE of money that corrupts - like power. Clara, I also agree - we always want more for our own children then we had! I think my favorite of this reading is vs. 11 - "But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness."

    Sometimes I do wonder why this Book (and maybe even Book II once we read that) was included in the Bible since it was a letter between Paul and Timothy. I mean, it does have good information but not new information. ?????

    But I will fight the good fight of faith!

    Enjoy the day everyone!

    1. Donna I do agree that many who are wealthy really do help make a difference and are very giving. As well as the poor can be unkind.
      Cathy I like the thought of a hobby or crafting just making us feel better.

    2. Good point Donna- it seems like wealthy people get their money through "unjust "ways while the poor are good. Never really thought of it that way. But, also like you and Paul mention- it is the love of money that is bad. People can have money and wealth, but if they continue to accumulate without helping, that is where Paul draws the line
      Re: your comment about this book...I think part of the reason why it seems like "old information" is we have read so much of Paul. How many different ways can you say the ideas that Pal is talking about! It is hard to read a personal letter and interpret- but there is good information in it, we have just heard it several times already. Had we started with this- it would all be new!
      Thanks Donna

  4. Donna I so agree with your comment about why some of these repetitive letters were included. So many instructions on how to live but not a lot new.
    I do like the wording of that sign, Cindy. Could you send me the pic? I’m glad you’re spending time with Divya again. You are so good for her.
    We are living in difficult times, I think. So many opinions on everything. I love to read and make quilts by hand. I find these things relaxing and they give me a focus. I think that having hobbies is a great thing. Now I am teaching my 7 yr old granddaughter to sew. It’s good to have ways to slow down, get your mind off the stress and enjoy your time. I see lots of people who could use some de-stressors every day. Do you think if more people had hobbies the world would be more peaceful?

    1. One of Paul's points is the weariness that people have and the things that get them off track! Keeping focused- through work and hobbies- is good. When we are stressed, we are not in tune with God so much- when we decompress, we are more open to God's words. The stressfulness of life has caused lots of personal (inter and intra) tensions, an release of that tension would be great- reading, walking, talking!Great thoughts Cathy!

  5. Donna I so agree with your comment about why some of these repetitive letters were included. So many instructions on how to live but not a lot new.
    I do like the wording of that sign, Cindy. Could you send me the pic? I’m glad you’re spending time with Divya again. You are so good for her.
    We are living in difficult times, I think. So many opinions on everything. I love to read and make quilts by hand. I find these things relaxing and they give me a focus. I think that having hobbies is a great thing. Now I am teaching my 7 yr old granddaughter to sew. It’s good to have ways to slow down, get your mind off the stress and enjoy your time. I see lots of people who could use some de-stressors every day. Do you think if more people had hobbies the world would be more peaceful?

  6. I was still in holiday mode yesterday and nothing got done as far as Bible reading goes. Isn't it nice to have an active youngster around the house? Once Lauren, Chris and Joseph get settled in their own house, your job will be to spoil the kid rotten and let his parents worry about it! Just kidding, of course.

    In the last 2 chapters, Paul has been talking about how to deal with others, the elderly, widowed women, and so on. It seems like Chapter 6 carries on the theme that he started in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, he speaks about the love of money. We do not have a lot of money, but we do have enough to live comfortably. I wonder sometimes if we live too comfortably, but compared to our son's in-laws, we are practically destitute.

    Now, I know that this is the wrong way to look at it. I do not like to think of myself as an envious person and I am happy with what I have. I have realized over the years that money does not buy happiness. I watched my (much) older brother worship the god of money and he ended up losing it all and died a poor man. He and his ex-wife did not believe on God and I believe they paid the price for it. They had 2 daughters, the younger of whom wanted nothing to do with her father, which to me was tragic. (She was killed in a car accident.) The older girl I have seen a few times over the past few years and she lives in eastern Texas, not too far from our son Jeff. She goes to church regularly now even though she was not brought up in a religious household. She and her husband flew up to Apalachin for our fiftieth anniversary. We are both happy to be living near our grandchildren.

  7. It is nice to have the kid around- but I am getting so far behind in work!! It will be a good summer especially when I get my schedule rearranged!
    One of my kids asked once (when thy were younger) if we were poor- Sherri and I were talking about bills or something- I responded with " We have enough and we are full of love- that is what matters." I don't know if she bought that but she walked away.
    The older we get the more we realize the importance of family and the lesser importance of money and such. Thanks for sharing your story Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...