Friday, July 2, 2021

Matthew 10

 Technology! Ugh! My old (15 years or so) laptop is finally spent! Took most of yesterday working on fixing and reinstalling things, and still nothing. So hopefully a new one will be here in a few days! I am still using Sherri's Mac and the keys are smaller and things are set up different…so who knows what I am actually typing!

Beautiful day- except for the rain- but so cool. Almost thought I was going to have to start a fire in the fireplace!!

We are leaving this afternoon for road trip to Buffalo. All three Reed boys will be gathered or the weekend! Lauren and Joseph will be coming (Chris is staying hoe to get some work done that he is behind on). Morgan and Bobbi-Jo will not be there; it is an 8 hour drive to Buffalo from Vermont- too much for the weekend. Kevin's two kids (Liam and Kassidy) are home for the summer; Eric's husband (Joe) is in Louisville- he dad is quite old and health is failing quickly- so he extended his stay there. It will be good to see the family! 

Jesus begins this chapter with the disciples. An important point of the group of men that are Jesus' disciples is the diversity of the group: none of them are "entitled" or upper class, most are working-class, some "hated" by the commoners (Matthew the tax collector eg). Not only did Jesus call them to follow and earn- he sent them out to work! Do we feel called? Do we feel sent out? All 12- even Judas- have an important role in God's goal of redemption and salvation. Some people ask why 12 were chosen- remember the 12 tribes of Israel. It is important to note that Jesus sent the 12 to the lost sheep of Israel first- the Jews. He commands them to no go to the non-Jews (v 5). Quite a contrast to what we will hear Jesus say later. Remember- Matthew was written for the Jews- so thus would make sense for Jesus to say this in this interpretation of the events.  They are sent to preach and teach! And they are to do it frequently (v 8). Jesus commands them to do it at no cost and to expect nothing from the people they meet. Jesus says to find a worthy person to stay with (v 11) not a wealthy person! If they are not well received- then just leave the town and don't get upset (v 14); again the concept of judgement comes up!

Jesus then cautions the disciples to be wary and to know that they will face persecution. How would you respond in this situation? Imagine going to work and having your boss say that you will be persecuted! These men had no police protection and had no idea how they would be received in the towns the visited. Can you imagine that? We at least can travel and know that we will be (usually) safe. And this will happen because of Jesus (v 17). Would you be willing to be persecuted because of your boss? Jesus continues with his warnings and cautions-- and the men still went. I don't know how I would have felt hearing all these warnings! V 23 is somewhat confusing. Is Jesus saying that He would return before the disciples finished their work?

An interesting comment that Jesus makes is vv 24-25: Jesus and his disciples are equal. One is not better than the other and they should be treated the same. Imagine if our bosses today felt the same way?! The reference to Satan (v 25) is the second time in Matthew that this has come up. It was a definite slur and negative feeling to be associated with Beelzebul!

After all of this, Jesus comments (v 26), "Do not be afraid." My response (and maybe the disciples), "Yah, sure, do not be afraid?!" Jesus affirmed that the truth of their honorable sacrifices would be recognized and "remembered" by God. The reminder continues that the message of God should not be hidden form people and should be sent out to all people (v 27). Do we shout out God's message form the rooftops?

There are some tough words in the next verse (v 32- 33). If we are public about Jesus and the kingdom for God, then Jesus will confirm that with God- however, the opposite is true to. If we hold back and don't say anything- Jesus will confirm that with God.  What is Jesus saying about us? Are we public or are we holding back? The message of Jesus us peace, but it is a peace that will require work and commitment and troubles. The world of the time (and now) is not a peaceful place- so there may be battles, there may be division in the family, there may be troubles (vv 34-37+). Then some familiar words- take up your cross (v 38). To take up your cross meant to face certain death, as people sentenced to death y crucifixion would be rehired to carry the cross piece of their own cross. Imagine being a disciple hearing that to follow Jesus may mean death by crucifixion-- but they still followed! Would we?

There are some closing words of comfort in this tough chapter. Words of peace and grace and salvation. These words must have been comfort enough, as the message of God continued to spread and move throughout the world!

This was a tough chapter- filled with potential harm and persecution  and possible death.  If I were a disciple- I'm not sure I could hear these words and continue in the "program"! There must have been something really special about Jesus and his workings and teachings that the disciples really believed. They were a special group of people!

Have a great weekend. I hope we all get time with family and friends as we celebrate July 4th on Sunday!!


Pastor Paul


  1. I'm back, or I should say I'm still here. We got a day behind as we were having our carpet cleaned where my computer is. We got caught up on our reading last night, but it was almost 11 PM and I was too tired to do any blogging. The last few chapters about Jesus's ministry were very familiar. It seems like some of the lessons I have heard very recently, but I don't remember where .

    If it is cool and rainy in Apalachin, it is hot and dry in Great Falls. It is presently 95 degrees here and they are really concerned about extreme drought for most of Montana. It is very dry and the only rain is from a few widely scattered thunder showers which they think will start wildfires from the lightning instead of giving us meaningful rain.

    I wish I could be there to look at your computer. I don't know if it can be saved or not, but I wish I could see it.

    This chapter presents a side of Jesus which we have not ween before. Verse 37 is downright mean. "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worth of me..." The following verse is similar. And verse 39 is very familiar. It sounds like "love me above all or else".

    I agree. I am not sure that if I were one of the 12 if I could go on after hearing the words of this chapter. I would call it a very dark chapter.

    1. This is a tough set of readings! We don't like to see this side of Jesus do we! But he had to have some aggressive moments at times- right?
      Jesus does want and expect our love- as God said too!
      It is hard to hear-thanks for sharing Jack

  2. Oh, the typos keep marching on. I meant "seen and not "ween" in the first sentence of the 4th paragraph. In the next line, "worth" should be "worthy". I'm sure there are more. I wish we could edit these blogs after we enter them.

  3. You absolutely would have to be a brave person to accept this commission from Jesus. I see so many similarities in the world then and the world now. It must have seemed overwhelming then to go out and try to the work that Jesus wants us to do but it's also overwhelming now. And we can feel persecuted for it. Here is an example, but please don't feel that I'm putting it here for sympathy, just to prove a point.
    I hired a woman about 2 years ago to be a clerk. She was extremely overweight and I had a question in the back of my mind at the time as to whether she would be able to do the job, but she presented so well at her interview even the other person interviewing with me said that she thought we should give her a try. So we did. It was a mistake. What a person cannot know from a 15 minute interview is the true personality of a person or what that person has experienced in their life that will influence who they are today.
    This particular woman was not as secure and happy as she portrayed. She had been mistreated all her life because of her weight and had it certainly had made her bitter and act like a victim. Forward 2 years and she just quit. She was having conflicts with another employee. She was telling people that she felt left out and that I didn't value her work and on and on. I really tried to make every accommodation for this person. My hope was that because we are a small business maybe she could find success here. Maybe I could make her feel like this is a place where she could succeed but it didn't work. Employees were starting to come to me and ask me what I was thinking when I hired her! People were threatening not to work when she worked because of the negativity in the building and more. When I read this chapter I could relate to those disciples. Even after the woman was gone for a week I was still getting comments about (in different words) how poor judgement I used in hiring this person. I really wanted to try to help this person succeed, try to make accommodations, try to make them feel valued and I still got persecuted. I can understand Jesus' words "Men will hate you because of me" (I do not feel that anyone hates me because of this, it's a example.
    I love it when the Bible stories become so relatable to your life. I know that I was trying to do a good thing so it's all OK.
    I hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing holiday weekend.

    1. That is a very tough situation to be in Cathy. But you were trying to do a good thing!!

    2. I agree- hearing these words would make it tough to follow Jesus- so why did the original 12 do it? Were others asked, but then turned down the offer? Would we have followed?
      What a powerful story Cathy- thanks. We try to be good to all and sometimes we get stung! Keep being the good person you are and keep trying to make a difference in the world!
      The Bible is quite relatable to our life- if we open our minds and think sometimes. I know I have read passages many times and then suddenly I see a different point come out!
      Thanks for the thoughts Cathy!

  4. i had a hard time with this chapter I reread and think i have the gist of it now .
    Jesus sent his disciples out to heal and preform miracles to the Jewish people not the Gentiles or Samaritans (Possible only those as he was preparing the disciples for their teaching after His death to pass the good news to all .)
    He told them of all the problems that could arise when they went out to the people. However as long as the did as He said God would be with them no matter what happened. Any one who received them received Jesus and anyone who received Jesus receives the Father in heaven. I hope this is the meaning of this chapter.

    1. You got the understanding!
      It is hard being a follower of Christ- especially 2000 years ago! There were troubles and issues- but God was present
      Do we fully acknowledge the presence of God?
      Good thoughts Clara!

  5. Happy Independence Day to everyone. Enjoy the Holiday!

  6. I hope your weekend was GREAT

    I think this was the most detailed Chapter that Matthew has written yet. I can imagine that when the disciples heard Jesus' words they were concerned. But since they still did not grasp that Jesus would be taken from them and the way that Jesus would be taken, it probably didn't have the impact it must have had after Jesus was crucified. After witnessing that I would very much think twice about these instructions from Jesus!! There was a time when people wearing placards that said things like "The end of the world is coming." Or "Jesus is coming." was very popular. I wonder how people felt when the disciples said "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand."? The same as we reacted to the placards? I did have to research vs. 34 -36. It did say that Jesus was saying that there will be great turmoil because of His coming before peace will be attained - since most people - including the disciples - thought that the coming of the Messiah would bring instant peace. How sad that there is still turmoil. I did not feel a lot of comfort in the last few versus. Not as I have in other Chapters. But the general meaning of this chapter is very clear. Do I take up the Cross? Always? Do I shout it from the mountain top? Always? I don't think I do. I am ashamed to say - not always. Although I don't believe I ever denied God. Hmmmm - can I have denied God in my actions????

    1. We sometimes fault the disciples with their understanding- but like you said- we have inside information about death and resurrection that they didn't have!
      I am sure the disciples looked like and were accepted as well as the other "false prophets" of the time. For many years people were saying the Messiah was coming and now these 12 say the same thing- how can they be the ones?!
      Always is hard! It is easy to take up your cross and shout form the mountaintops- sometimes!
      Good thoughts!

  7. Donna, I thought your sermon was just wonderful yesterday. It easy to have faith in good times, not so easy in bad times. Thanks for your message.

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Cathy! How very nice of you to say!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...