Friday, July 23, 2021

Matthew 22

Another great day- and again- no rain so far!!

Busy day here. Lauren and Chris went to State College to visit some friends; Sherri is at work-- so it is just grandpa and Joseph today! We've been grocery shopping already and have done some cleaning-- he loves to vacuum! Now it is nap time for him so blog time for Grandpa!

Jesus opens with a parable about a wedding feast- symbolic of the kingdom of God. A wedding, especially of a prince, is a very significant and spectacular social event. Who would ever turn down an invitation to a wedding (v 3)? There is also no logical reason to turn down God's invitation! The king send out a second round of invites (could you imagine doing that?!) saying everything is ready (v 4). Just as in God's kingdom- everything is prepared for us ahead of time! The people still refused- making up lame excuses (v 5). Do people make lame excuses for not following God still today? The king judges harshly and extracts revenge on the people that turned down the king (v7). Prophecy of what may happen to Jerusalem if they continue to deny Christ. A third round of invites goes out- this time to the rest of the town folk- good and bad (vv 8- 10). Talk about grace! Symbolic of God reaching out to all people. However, the  grace ends there when a man comes not dressed properly (vv 11- 12). Greek tradition shows that the king would offer appropriate clothing if someone showed up underdressed, however there doesn't seem to be that in fluence in the Roman cultures. The man was thrown into the outer darkness (v 13). This isn't about clothing- it is about honoring the king. We are free to dress the way we want for worship- just give God honor and thanksgiving. How do we give honor to God?

The question of taxes comes next from the Pharisees (vv 15+). They combine forces with the Herodians (a group of people that worshipped Herod the Great), who were not well liked by the Pharisees. These two groups combining means Jesus has really upset many "religious" people! Both groups are on the counter attack. After they say positive things and "butter him up", they ask, "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar (v 17)?" Say yes and the Jews get upset; say no and the Romans get upset! A carefully calculated question! Jesus certainly catches on. His response- give unto Caesar what is his, give unto God what is God's. If we are made in God's image (Genesis 1:26-27), then we are to God back ourselves! Are we made in God's image? DO you feel made in God's image? Stymied at Jesus' response, the Pharisees hang their tails between their legs and retreat!

The Sadducees now try to get in on it by asking about resurrection- which they do not believe in (that is why they are "sad, you see") Sadducees were not great in number but they were very wealthy and maintained power and control through their wealth. The practice of a brother-in-law marrying a widow is called levirate marriage (Latin lavir  means brother-in -law). Jesus ridicules them by saying the don't know Scripture and they don't know God's power (v 29). If you knew the power of God- you would believe in resurrection and if you knew the Scriptures you would know about resurrection! Jesus tells them that life after resurrection is different than life now (v 30). "Life" doesn't just continue as it did here on earth. Presumably, since we will be like the angles- there will be no need for marriage- since we will all be married to God (vv 30- 31). We have no idea what resurrection life will be like- we can hope that it will happen though!

The Pharisees come back to the table ready to challenge again (v 34)! Which is the greatest law? There are over 600 laws! There has to be one that is most important. Likely Jesus would answer this one wrong! Jesus' response- Love God and love your neighbor (vv 37-38). Foiled again! This is the essence of all the laws combined! Do you love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul? Do you love your neighbors?

Jesus' turn! "Who is the Christ?" (v 42) The Son of David, of course (v42)- did they forget that Jesus was of the lineage of David?! But if he is son of David, then how can he be divine also (vv 43- 44). Jesus is getting at the divine nature of the Messiah- the divine nature of himself. Some more "trickery" from Jesus and the Pharisees run away and hide- devising a new plan (v 46).

Jesus is getting more bold at questioning the Pharisees and Sadducees; he is getting more bold at pushing his mission. The religious authority is trying to push back and feeling the pressure that their kingdom is in jeopardy! You can almost feel the tensions beginning to rise!

These are some great readings today! Hope you liked them and heard what theysaid!

Enjoy the weekend!

Pastor Paul


  1. When I read the last part of the chapter, it reminds me so much of today. Our country is so divided on so many levels and each side feels that they are right. Jesus was teaching about one belief and the Pharisees and Sadducees were preaching another kind of kingdom. Probably like now, no one really knows what is right. Should we worry about destroying the earth OR should we worry about using the earth to increase our wealth? Should we take care of the poor and mentally ill OR should we assume that they just won't work and leave them to their own fate. And on and on. And, of course, it isn't as simple as I make it sound.
    Hind sight is 20/20 but the people of the day weren't there yet. Sure makes me glad that I'm not in power and have to lead people into the unknown.
    What a beautiful day it is. Actually we've had several beautiful days after so many days of rain. I've been freezing green beans, green peppers and blueberries. Thinking about making freezer pickles next.
    Today I remembered to thank God for the beautiful days we've had. He sure must have heard a lot of complaining about all the storms.

    1. Good analogy- both sides are right in their perception! We are divided- as they were 2000 years ago. DO things ever really change?
      It is difficult to lead people into the unknown. There is so much fear and apprehension of something different. People really do resist- even if things are bad- because they could get worse if we change!
      Things have been beautiful these last few weeks! What a great gift!
      Thanks Cathy!

  2. No rain here in Montana, either. It is not as beastly hot as it has been, but tomorrow is supposed to be in the nineties again! On August 9, we are getting our house air conditioned, so the heat wave has only a couple of weeks to run. I'm sure by the 9th, the temperature will be back into the 60s. (I may have said this before and if I did, please yawn and forget that I have repeated myself.)

    I do not remember ever reading about a donkey and its colt being used for the Palm Sunday ride into Jerusalem. I always thought that the disciples fetched just one animal for Jesus to ride on.

    Jesus again speaks in parables that I don't understand. Why did the king get so upset at the man who wasn't properly dressed? Why did he instruct the attendants to tie and gag him and throw him out? This must be referring to something that is real, but I just can't see it. It used to be suit and tie for Sunday morning in church, but no more. We used to get dressed up to fly and go to work. Maybe we should do all this again. I have been told that God doesn't care what you wear to church as long as you are there. That is all He cares about.

    1. Some days here are miserably hot- some quite chilly! AC will be nice for you!
      Surprise! What things are opened when we read the scriptures!!
      The proper dress one is confusing. The idea was that if you are coming to a wedding, you should at least try to dress nice. The idea is that if you are going to be a follow of Christ- you need to put in some effort! God doesn't care what dress you wear at church- care want us to put in some effort if we are going to call ourselves Christians though! That's what this story is about. It is about walking the walk and talking the talk!
      Re: getting dressed tp travel. I still always wear "good clothes" when I travel- even when driving to visit the kids or other family!
      Good thoughts Jack

  3. Sometimes the parables are hard to understand and others so easy. The wedding feast was a hard one for me but reading what Paul wrote it became more understandable especially why the not dressed guest was thrown out. It's about honoring God. My notes in my Bible(NLT) says that the king gave the guests the proper clothes. God has given us the teaching of following Him and honoring Him.
    it seems the Pharisees and Sadducees are becoming more pushing of jesus asking Him more and more to prove who He is and trying to trap Him so they can rid of Him.

    1. The wedding parable is hard. God wants us to put forth some effort if we are going to be calling ourselves "Christians"
      The religious authority is getting more and more urgent in their desire to get rid of Jesus. Tensions are beginning to get out of control!
      Thansk Clara!

  4. I think the Marriage Dinner is a great parable to tell us that it won't go easy for those who do not turn and choose God. Even to not honoring Him in the correct way (shown by not wearing the correct garment - the "garment" that God has given us! ) It also shows how harsh it will be - Masters slew servants out of spite and Kings killed everyone and destroyed the town. So - I am thinking there is a Hell? I have often thought about the phrase - Give unto Cesar what is Cesar and unto God what is God's. It makes me feel better about paying taxes - LOL - but, seriously, it does make me realize there is a difference between what we do as a Citizen of the US and a child of God's. It is strange that in the Chapter 19 Jesus says that those that marry a woman who has been "put aside" by divorce is committing adultery yet here says in Heaven there is not marriage nor marriage. Is this because it involved a brother-in-law? Or death and not divorce? I know the two commandments that Jesus gives - but do I live them as well as I should? Loving God - yes. Loving other as I love myself - not so much I am sad to say! Pastor, will you talk a little more on vs. 41 - 46? My translation does not have a lot of comment and I am still a little confused by it. Maybe because of the way it's put in the KJV.

    I see vs. 14 says "For many are called, but few are chosen" smile

  5. Good point- wear the garments that God gives us and wear them well!
    Is there a Hell?
    Uncle Sam likes it when you pay taxes! But we do have a duty to God also! It is a tough line to follow some times!
    The idea that Jesus is proposing is that "life" in heaven is different than "life" on earth. There will be no need for marriage. The brother-in=law "marriage" was a reference to a tradition so that they family name could be carried on- applicable only if the original husband died- not for divorce.
    Jesus asks the Pharisees a similar question to what he asked the disciples. "Who do you say that I am?" The confrontation was to get the Pharisees to see Jesus' lineage and his Messiahship- basically to catch them. He starts with who will the Messiah be. "Why, the son of David, of course!" So, the Pharisees were following the Hebrew prophecies and Scriptures that the lineage of David will produce the Messiah. Did the Pharisees forget that Jesus was of the lineage of David? Did they forget he was born in Bethlehem- a city if David? The next part becomes a little tricky to understand. Not only was the Messiah human (David's lineage) but also divine "Lord" indicates that the Messiah has divine lineage also. David knew the divine- as he said (Psalm 110) The Lord (God) said to my Lord (my son, the messiah)... Essentially Jesus is saying that even David knew that the Messiah would be divine and human. The Pharisees didn't see that aspect of Jesus. The hope was that the Pharisees would trick Jesus and therefore embarrass him; however, the Pharisees were the ones caught in an embarrassing situation. Had the Pharisees admitted Jesus was of the lineage of David, that could have also indicated that Jesus was divine- no way they would do that!
    Does that help?
    Good question and thoughts Donna!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...