Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Matthew 24

 Another nice day yesterday! We have been blessed with so many nice ones in a row! I did notice the hazy appearance of the sky yesterday- probably from the smoke from the wildfires in the west and possibly even Canada!

Jesus leaves the Temple (v 1)- the last time he will be there in his earthly ministry. He had had enough and said what needed to be said! The disciples want to stop Jesus so as to admire the Temple buildings. The temple was the center of Jewish life for over 1000 years and was greatly enlarged and "improved" by Herod the Great. Historians say that he employed10,000 men for eight years to rebuild the temple. It was about 500 yards long and 400 yards wide- a great accomplishment. Covered in gold plates, it shined in the light. About 40 years after Jesus (around 70AD), there was  Jewish revolt against Rome; the temple was destroyed by Rome. This was prophesied by Jesus (v 2). There was also some analogy and foreshadowing as Jesus may have also been referring to himself.

A short while later, the disciples needed more information (v 3). Naturally, they would want to know when the destruction would take place. They had assumed this would be the end of ages and Jesus would come in victorious to save them (v 3). Little did they know that Jesus' return would be a while later!

Jesus begins to describe the "end times" with a caution to be watchful for false prophets and false teachers (v 4+). He has talked many times about this, but now the warning seems more urgent. Do we know of the false prophets? Are we able to pick them out? Jesus is sure to tell them that natural events will always be part of man's history: wars, pestilence, famine, natural disasters, etc. These always have happened and they will continue to happen.  People will sometimes say (about the bad and crazy weather we have been having), "Is this a sign of the end times?" I should point them to this passage- its just part of our weather patterns!

Jesus then describes what will happen to the disciples after Jesus' ascension: they will hate you, hurt you, and maybe even kill you (v 9). What were the disciples thinking? Did I sign up for this? We have read about and know about the persecution of Christians during early Rome. It still continues in some places. False prophets will abound (and we have had our share the last few decades!). Inequality and injustices will rule. Hate will attempt to win. How does that sound? Even with all this, we need to continue to preach and teach the Good News; we need to resist all the worldly things; we need to strive to be the people God desires us to be. Jesus talks about a sign from Daniel, "the desolation and terror" describes the destruction of the Temple (both the structure and Jesus).  Jesus continues to describe the desolation and terror that will happen. All sound quite disastrous. Jesus tells the people to flee as quickly as they can (vv16- 18). Get away and go into isolation. 

We have had some awful times (even in my life) and these are no comparison to what the tribulation will be like. The end times will be truly horrible and terrible. I really truly hope this does not happen in my lifetime when I read these words! Even the cosmos will be shifted and affected by the wrath of God on a Godless world (v 29). The sign of the "Son of Man" will appear in the sky (v 30). It is unknown what that exactly means. Some believe it will be a vision of a cross (as Emperor Constantine saw in 312AD); some say banners will fall from the sky. I guess we aren't there yet!

Using a fig tree as an example, Jesus says that the signs will be as obvious as the leaves of a fig tree announcing fruits (vv 32- 35). Some people refer to the destruction of the Temple in 70AD as the sign of the end times- but (obviously?) it hasn't happened? Will we know the signs when we see them?

Jesus then says nobody will actually know when all this will happen (vv 36+). Life will be normal (vv 37-39). Things will be going along just fine, everybody will be doing what they are supposed to be doing, working as usual (v 40-41), doing their daily chores- and then poof- some will be gone and some will stay! If you knew what time your house was going to be broken into (vv 42- 44)- you would live your life getting ready and being ready- but we don't. Same with the second coming of Christ...always be ready! We are to maintain our work ethic, our Christian ethos- even if we don't know when Christ will return (vv 45- 51). Just because the master (God) is absent, it doesn't give us the right to just do whatever. We need to be diligent and always doing the work God wants of us.  Do we? Are we always doing God's work?

This chapter was full of some very difficult words! The end of the world sounds so terrible! Is it enough to "scare" people into goodness? Some things to think about!

Thank you for all the work and dedication that you are all putting in to this. I am learning much and really enjoy digging in to the stories and the ideas behind them!

Pastor Paul


  1. A comment about yesterday. I believe in Jesus and in the resurrection. I just believe that God is in charge or everything including Jesus.
    This chapter is scary and uncomfortable. It sounds like most of us won't make it. But what about God's love. Does God want us all the live in fear of this day and want most of us to perish? So far it seems like the whole new testament is about warning us and teaching us what to do to avoid a terrible afterlife. And yet there are so many people who just can't be good enough for different reasons. We all suffer from stress, maybe past trauma, living in difficult situations, whatever makes us do the things that we do.
    I believe in a merciful God who wants us to do the very best that we can. I know that at one time in particular I have heard God's voice. I believe that he is as close as a prayer. And that he answers prayers. I think he wants to save us even from ourselves.

    1. Great question about God's love! When we look at some of these stories- we see fear and anger! We do have models of goodness and love in the new testament. How do we teach others that can't/won't listen? How far do we extend ourselves?
      My God is a God of love and mercy and grace and I feel that my God is open to acceptance of all people- even if they try and fail at being good people. So much to think about!
      Thanks Cathy!

  2. Jesus tell s of what it to come , wars .rumors of wars, famine etc. but he doesn't want us to focus on that He wants us to be ready and prepared for his return not what is happening.. I'm sure that during the

    Jesus tells of what is to come the destruction of the Temple. I'm sure the disciples did not believe that would happen. He also tells of the future Wars. rumors of wars, Sickness. starvation etc. Jesus however doesn't want us to focus on those things he want us to be ready for His return. Not the end of the world and when it will happen Just be ready as He will come like a thief in the night.
    I'm sure that during WWII the Jews thought the end of the world had come. it must have been so frightening for them. It's hard to imagine that Humans can do such atrocious things to each other. False prophets always bring to mind the "Kool Aid' deaths in Jonestown back in the 70's and the followers of that false teacher there continues to be false prophets and people believe and follow them to this day. we must the aware and keep our eye on Jesus!

    1. Is it always "easy" to see the false prophets? I do remember the Jonestown cult and I wondered why couldn't people understand what they were getting in to- but are we that hungry for a prophet that we will follow anyone?
      Tough questions!

  3. This chapter has made me very uncomfortable. No. It is worse than that. This chapter has scared the daylights out of me. I know that over the years, I have fallen short. I fear that when the time comes, I will be judged negatively. I know that this is the wrong attitude. I should be giving thanks for all the blessing I have in this life - and they are many. I do give thanks. However, upon reading these words, I have become very afraid because of the fear that I will not be chosen. I pray that it will not happen in the time I have left in this life.

    What happens when I die? I have no clue. I have visions of angels welcoming me to heaven. (I don't believe St Peter is at the gate to heaven, or in any of the jokes made in that regard.) I also fear that I will be going the other way, although I am not sure I believe in the fires of hell. I pray that, if there is a judgement, and I am sure there is, that it will be favorable.

    I know that with the life she has led, that Rhea will be pass muster and the gates of heaven will open for her. I say that because of the way that she has willingly helped other people by cooking meals when they have been unable to do so themselves, or by giving them rides to doctors appointments.

    I know I am being selfish here, but this chapter has scared me the that extent.

    1. I know what you mean,Jack. I have not lived the best life. Will I be the one left in the field? I hope not!

    2. My God is a gracious and forgiving God and full of love and mercy. I feel like you, Jack. The big question- will I make it?! I think God looks at our entire life and if God sees improvement and learning and service, God "forgets" the bad.
      You are good and you do good- God sees that past but it will be outweighed by what the good is now!
      Thanks for sharing Jack

  4. In reading this particular chapter, I realize that even though Jesus came to tell us how we are to live and what we need to do in order to be accepted into Heaven, He knows that we won't. Otherwise, the signs would not involved hate and wars and false prophets. And since we, as humans, have experienced these signs over and over again for thousands of year, how would we know which one was the "real deal"? I don't think we can. I think that's why Jesus goes on to tell us to tell us to remain prepared - because only God knows the exact day and time when the second coming of Jesus will be.

    Like you, Jack, I really hope that I am judged well. I hope that God/Jesus will know my heart and know that I truly tried and am sincerely sorry for my transgressions!

  5. Why won't we do what we need to do?! Is human nature that bad that we can't do good? What happens in our lives that we won't listen to God?
    Do we suffer from the "cry wolf" syndrome- we have been ready and people say this is it- but it turns out to be wrong? Can we continue to stay ready?
    Good thoughts Donna!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...