Wednesday, August 25, 2021

1 Corinthians 15

 Good morning! What a nice day yesterday...and what a nice day today is going to be! 

Paul begins this chapter with a statement of how the gospel will benefit the people of Corinth. Salvation! Easily said! The benefit exists only if we stand on it and believe it though. The Corinthians, as riotous and carnal as they were, did stand on the gospel. FYI- the word gospel means good news (I think we all knew that) but it is any good news- not just the good news of Christ.

Paul states that the gospel of Christ that he shares was not made up by him but he received it from Christ (based on his statement in Galatians 1:11-12). Paul will describe the events of the life of Christ, facts that can stand the test of time. Our religion is based not on opinion, but on facts. Paul describes the events of Jesus' last day and then the following few days. Death, resurrection, sightings by many. Nobody saw the actual resurrection, nobody was in the tomb during that event- but there were witnesses to both Jesus' death and Jesus after. Peter is mentioned first- there may have had to be some feeling of restoration and comfort between Jesus and Peter after Peter's denial. Paul even says, if you don't believe me- go ask these people that were there (v 6)! The James that Paul mentions (v 7) is likely Jesus' brother, a prominent leader of the church in Acts 15. Notice that there were no women mentioned! The testimony of a woman was not allowed in court- so Paul didn't mention them here either. Surprised?

Paul talks about his pre- and post Jesus life (vv 9-11). He describes how he persecuted Christians and how God's grace changed his life. Once full of hate- now full of love. You can really feel Paul's love for God and Jesus in these statements. I am sue we all know people like Paul...maybe some of us are like Paul.

The Corinthians Christians did not reject the resurrection of Jesus, but they did reject the resurrection of people. Possibly influenced by Greek teachings or teachings from the Sadducees, they just could not get the idea of human resurrection straight in their minds. If Christ rose- then so will others! The resurrection is core to our life as Christians. An essential part of our faith is the belief in resurrection. 

Adam gets the "blame" for our death in sin; Christ is the one who can reverse all that (vv 21-22). Jesus is sometimes referred to as the Second Adam, the one that undoes the sin that the First Adam brought to the world. 

Paul then discusses the return of Christ and the resurrection of believers. There will be destruction of  enemies (Satan and Satan's angels and followers). The last enemy that will be crushed is death. Paul continues to stress the concept of resurrection and life for eternity. We can really feel Paul's passion for preaching and teaching in these lines. The people of Corinth should be getting the same feeling and ideas that we have about resurrection!

A big question that exists is what kind of body will we have after the resurrection. Paul makes an analogy of a farmer planting seed. When I plant a corn seed- I get a plant that comes out, something so very different; we don't get big corn seeds to come out of the ground. The same will be for us and our resurrected bodies. After we are "planted" something better and greater will happen. Paul doesn't tell us what we will be like- he probably doesn't know completely. Reading his description of celestial beauty and glory, we can assume that we will be something great! We may not have a physical body, but instead a spiritual body.

We are all made in the physical image of the first Adam- from the dust of the earth. Our spiritual body will be in the image of the Second Adam- Christ. Our physical material bodies cannot inherit God's kingdom- only spiritual bodies can. So, we must be resurrected to inherit the kingdom. We aren't sure when this is going to happen, but Paul assumes it will be in his lifetime (v 51) as some "will not sleep in death." The resurrections will happen immediately and without hesitation. We can feel the glory and power in these words from Paul!

New life will happen and new spiritual beings will arise. Death will never happen again (v 55). 

I love the closing words from Paul (v 58). Stand strong! 

This was a great piece of literature from Paul. I really enjoyed his enthusiasm and passion. He really was a good and faithful person!

Have a great day. Stay cool!

Pastor Paul


  1. Verses 51-55 is a beautiful part of Handel’ Messiah in the Lenten section. I can just hear the music as I read these words.
    I wonder how Paul is so sure about the resurrection of the dead. Of course Jesus’ resurrection was a well known story but how does he know so much about what happens to us? He is so sure that if we do the right things we will be resurrected. I hope so.

    1. I have never seen/heard Handel's "Messiah". I need to!
      You focused in on Paul's attitude- hope! That is hope!
      Good thought

  2. I have been pondering this chapter and not sure what I think. We know Christ was resurrected and was back on earth before he ascended into heaven I know that he died to save me from my sins and that it means with my faith in Jesus I will have life eternal . When we die our body that we have now is buried and I think our "soul" goes on for the time being as Jesus has not yet returned, Our body is just a vessel I think. I guess I never thought how we would look when Jesus returns and we are in heaven with him forever and I don't know as if I care how we look only that we will be with him I never before heard Jesus referred to as the second Adam but I understand why Paul says He is this. My thoughts are Adam sinned so why should we call Jesus, Adam, when Christ never sinned. Adam is Adam and Jesus is Jesus regardless in my thoughts.

    1. When we die, our theology says that we reside in Paradise until Christ's return. When Christ returns, our new heavenly spiritual bodies will be resurrected. We don't know what they will look like. I imagine some angelic type form.
      Adam "brought life" to earth; Jesus brought life to earth- that's how they get the thoughts....
      Thanks Clara!

  3. In my translation - vs. 5 Paul says that Jesus was seen by Cephas, then of the twelve. Was Cephas Peter? Also, I understand Paul's proving that if Christ rose, then He will raise the dead, and if Christ did not rise from the dead then everything else is a lie and that the apostles, including himself, must be lying. It must all be believed and that it will all happen. But here is where I have a problem. Paul says that if the Corinthians do not believe in the resurrection of the dead, then what is the point - as Paul says in vs. 32 "If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die." And you said "An essential part of our faith is the belief in resurrection." So here is my question - Paul (and sort of you in your statement) seems to be saying if there is not resurrection (a reward) then forget it - eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die! So that is the only reason we are a Christian? The promise of being resurrected? It is only the "reward" that makes us live as Christians? What if there was no promise of resurrection? Then we should not try to be Christ like? In that case, I would rather be Jewish - who try to live good lives (with all their laws and thoughts) because they (in today's world) want to be good for the sake of being good and worshipping God - with no promise of a "reward" of doing so. ?????? I do like Paul's thoughts and explanation of how we will be resurrected. But, like Clara, I didn't really think too much about it - but still loved reading it. I did enjoy vs. 58 - be "steadfast, unmoveable" I wish I could always be that - steadfast and unmoveable!!!

  4. Peter and Cephas are the same!
    Our theology is that Christ died for us and will resurrect us all in new heavenly spiritual bodies. I don't necessarily think it is a reward, it is part of our belief system though. Still strive for perfection, still do good, still have faith yes.
    Our resurrection is just part of our belief system. Paul was really hitting this home, so it may have sounded like that's all there was, but he is still a be good, do good, follow Christ person.
    Good question! Thanks


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...