Thursday, August 5, 2021

1 Corinthians 2

 Good morning! Rise and Shine! Hope all is well and that you had some time to get outside and (like my mom used to say to us kids), "Get the stink blown off you!" Another beautiful day yesterday!

Yesterday was my lectionary group. I have been attending the last several weeks. The group is 8 people, some clergy, some laity, some Methodist, some other denominations, one person speaks and reads Hebrew, Greek, and Latin! We sit and discuss the Gospel reading for the week and whatever else happens to come up. I really enjoy this group and gives me something for my mind to chew on! It is interesting, like with this group, to hear people's comments and thoughts on the readings.

One of the topics that came up yesterday at lectionary, and was also a topic many of you brought up, as did Paul- was the division in the church. We all know the divisions that occur and we all can see the split that is happening (or has happened) in our nation. The challenge we have is to bring everyone back together again. How can we do that? Is it possible? Tensions and emotions run deep. One thing to help, like Paul talks about in this second chapter, is to rely on God and God's wisdom! A very timely piece of scripture for us to read!

Paul reminds the people of Corinth that when he came to visit initially (remember, Acts 18, he stayed with Priscilla and Aquila for a year or so while he started the church), he didn't come as a salesperson or philosopher, he came as a witness to the power of God through Christ (vv 1-2). His emphasis was on Christ and the crucifixion and resurrection. Paul wasn't too confident in his teaching ability (v 3), but he kept focus on Jesus and relied on the wisdom of God. Often times, preachers get in the way of the Gospel- Paul didn't want that to happen. Do you know people that "get in the way" of the Gospel by their words?

Paul references those who are "mature" (v 6). By this, he is addressing the ones that have made a commitment to Christ, those that are mature in faith. Those that are immature, like a baby or toddler, will put anything into their mouth (Paul will address this later); those that are mature will be able to discern "man's wisdom" from "God's wisdom". As you know, Joseph is living with us; he is 118 months old and becoming "mature" in the sense of putting things in his mouth. But there are times that everything goes in! The reference to the "rulers of this age" (v 6) is up for debate-  does Paul mean the actual rulers or is Paul referencing the power of evil? Either way- Paul says they are losing their power and their defeat is certain and sure. 

Before the life and ministry of Jesus, God's people had a basic understanding of God's glory and what it could do for the people (vv 9-10). They couldn't really fully grasp or understand it though until Christ came to show. Do we fully get it now? Paul relies heavily on the presence of the Holy Spirit here (v 10). Human wisdom and knowledge is no comparison to what the Spirit can show us. Is the Holy Spirit alive and rich in us? Do we rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding? Every believer has received the Holy Spirit (v 12), and that is what allows us to begin to understand the greatness of God. We do not all equally understand but we all have the abilities to begin our quest for understanding. Do  you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom it gives us? With the presence and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we are then able to go out and explain and discuss and share our knowledge with others. In contrast, Paul talks about the "natural man" (v 14). The person that does not have the Spirit resists the teachings and conversations of the "spiritual people" and their life is bounded by material things. The focus of the natural man is on money, work, accumulating things, enjoying the immediate; they don't have the insight of the life to come. Why waste time on spiritual things when you can be living in the now?! Are the people you know, in your church, in your life-- more natural or more spiritual? Can you see the difference?

The point of this chapter is to focus on God, Jesus, and the Spirit. Paul richly describes and defines the Trinity. The major emphasis is the Spirt- do you have it? Do you want it? Can you share it?

Do you? Can you?

In tomorrow's chapter, Paul really slams the people of Corinth in the way that they are immature and divisive in following their leaders. It is an interesting read!

Have a great day. Lots of work to do today at the Reed home!

Pastor Paul


  1. I have to admit - this chapter was a bit difficult to understand when I first read it - and, of course, being the KJV it was a little more difficult. But in reading your synopsis and in reading it again, I understood it a little more! As long as all churches, denominations, people believe in God and try to live as true Christians, it's ok if we approach it differently. It's when we try to exclude people that I think we start to get in trouble. I attend the church where I feel at home, where I love the people, where I feel good about the missions they are doing but I am sure there are people who do not feel the same and where other churches might suit them better. My son is a devout Catholic. He loves the rituals, the confession, the honoring of saints. Am I a better Christian then he because I am not? Heavens - far from it! Different denominations and different faith paths, as long as they all lead and come from Christ (as Paul says in this chapter) are good because we are different as people and not all would like the same thing. Is this making sense? I do see the point that Paul is making between the "natural" man and the "spiritual" one. However, I think we have to be both to a point - we must live in the now, pay our bills, work, take care of our children, go to activities - but I think we have to do all these things while relying (as you mention Pastor) on the spiritual guidance from God, which I try to rely on but confess that sometimes I go in the direction "I" think is best. In my translation vs. 15 says "But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." I have a notation in my study bible, but what, Pastor Paul and others, do you think it means?
    Enjoy the day!!

    1. You make a good point- as long as we are going for the same "goal", it doesn't really matter how we get there! There are some denominations that do "things" differently- but the goal should be being better people and focusing on Christ.
      In the NCV, v 15 says "The spiritual person is able to judge all things, but no one can judge him." My take is that a truly spiritual person can see good and bad and can know the difference; a spiritual person can see Christ in what they do and has that focus. If you are a "natural" person, you are unable to see those aspects and shouldn't be judging or evaluating others. If you are not of the Spirit than you cannot judge the spirit of people. We are of the mind of Christ and so we should know what Christ desires...but others (natural man) maybe not so much. Maybe??
      Good thoughts Donna

  2. I must confess that I am completely lost in this chapter. I am wondering if the people in Corinth fully understood what Paul wrote also?? I think he is saying that we cannot know what God has for us until we believe in the good news but even then we cannot fully know what God has planned for us . we do believe in the ressurrection and that we will have life after death but we don't know what God's kingdom will be like ,only that there is one/

    1. The essence of this chapter is that if we are truly one of God's and we have the "spiritual" mindset, and are one with the Spirit, then we will know God's will for us. We have a better understanding than the "natural" man. You are right- we will never know fully, but we will have a better idea!
      This was a tough one!
      Good thoughts though!

  3. A work about yesterday. We read Chapter 1 after 11 PM (which is after 1 AM on the east coast). I finished with pastor's notes, but when I attempted to read everyone else's notes, everything turned into a blur and I could not continue. So demerits to me for waiting so late to do this study. Today, we read Chapter 2 in the middle of the afternoon, but here it is after 10 PM, and I am just getting around to blogging. More demerits! I feel that I am back in ROTC and I am getting busted for not cleaning my rifle. At least I can think tonight.

    I can see that at the beginning of the chapter, Paul is quite weak and unsure of himself, but he does the right thing: he relies on the spirit of the Trinity and lets his faith in Jesus help him through this rough time in his ministry.

    He also has bad words for the rulers of Corinth. This can also be directed at the leaders of our own country. This divisiveness has to stop and we have to unite if we are going to survive as a country. Rhea has the Olympics on the TV upstairs and I just heard our National Anthem. We must have gotten another gold medal. I watched the woman wrestler last night (I do not know her name - another demerit!) and her reaction to winning the gold medal. It was heartwarming and it made me proud to be an American. She was in tears and she showed that the love of her country was so great. I will never forget seeing her on TV after winning the gold. This type of thing will help heal the wounds of the country that have gone so deep. This, and the faith in Jesus Christ as Paul described in this chapter. I am afraid that we as a people, have forsaken God and Jesus and the wounds of the country will never heal until we believe in God once again and have faith in a higher being than ourselves and our leaders.

    Pastor, is Joseph really 118 months old? That makes him almost 10! (I know that this is a typo, but I couldn't resist busting you!)

  4. Make sure the rifle is clean before you fire it! I didn't know you were ROTC!
    Paul does rely a lot on the Trinity- do we as much as we should??
    Agreed- we do need to unite. we do need to stand together. We do need to work as best as we can to be one in the Spirit. Can we do it?
    Remember- Methuselah lived 969 years, Jack!!
    Have a great day!
    Thanks for the thoughts!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...