Thursday, August 12, 2021

1 Corinthians 7

Good morning. What a nice cool morning it is so far! Hope you all had a good and cool promises to be hotter yet! Sherri and I are off to Vermont to see Morgan and Bobbi-Jo; slightly cooler there! We should be back Saturday night. I will not be posting anything tomorrow (Friday); sorry...I know how you all wait with bated breath for my wise words! (J.K.)

Great discussion about "looking but no touching"! Like I mentioned in one response, if we are all created in God's image then we should all be good looking- right?! Is it like appreciating good art? Not to trivialize it, but we all are masterpieces of art!

Paul changes his attention here to issues in the church that people had written him about. He tackles some sensitive issues- starting with marriage-- well more like sexuality in marriage (that's a surprise for Paul!?).  The conversation may get uncomfortable, but we are all friends!  Some translations use the word "touch" (v 1); by "touch",  Paul is referring to sexuality. Paul's take is that celibacy- even in marriage- is much better than any sex. His view is that sexuality is such a great temptation, that even in marriage it may lead to adultery or other sexual impurity! Paul goes on to say that if you must marry- you should be monogamous (vv 2-3)-- I think we would all agree with that! My translation says that the two in a couple must give their spouse "all that they owe them" (v 3). I'm not sure if I like that word "owe"; some translations use the word "due them." The point being, we should respect our partners. Note that it a two-way street...both partners are to give to the other. One isn't superior to the other! Paul touches more on this in v 4; both share each other's body. Somewhat in contrast to what he said earlier, Paul then goes on to stay abstinence isn't good- as Satan is waiting for that to happen so that the tempter can work his "magic." When we deny or deprave physical attraction or intimacy, we are cheating our partners. Any thoughts? Comments? God makes it clear that there is nothing wrong, and there is everything good, about sexuality in marriage. Satan loves it when there is "issues" with sexuality in marriage, that's when Satan can work in temptation! Paul adds the benefit of being single as she is now (v 7). There is some thought that Paul was once married; it is almost a Jewish "requirement" to be wed. Men unmarried by age 20 were basically considered "not real men" and "probably would not make it to  heaven"! We're not sure what happened to his wife.

Paul continues wit his commentary. If you can't be celibate and sexually pure...then you are better to get married (v 9). For Paul, marriage is a better alternative than temptation. I guess that's an OK thing! How would the wife feel in this case? And notice that it seems like the male is the one that is with impure thoughts!

Now to a tough subject- divorce. Remember- this is a question from the church people. If both partners are Christian- than divorce is off the table (v 10). We have talked about this before, and in my opinion, there are some times when divorce is better than staying together. Thoughts? If divorce happens- then the people should stay unmarried forever after. This, like the last section, is a two-way street. Both husband and wife are held to the same high standards. The same rules seem to hold true for a Christian married to a non-believer (vv 12- 14). The Christian is not to break the marriage covenant. The non-believer can become holy through the faith of the Christian in the relationship. God is at work even in these "mixed" marriages. However, the non-believer can end the marriage, and it is as if it never happened (vv 15-16). 

No matter what your situation is- married, single, divorced, widowed, remarried, whatever- God can and will continue to work through you (v 17). The idea of circumcision comes up (again- surprise!). We all know Paul's thoughts...if it wasn't done- it doesn't need to be done (vv 18-19). God loves all people just the same! Paul uses another example- slavery (vv 20-24). And again, the take home message is God loves you just the way you are.

Paul bounces back to the marriage debate. If you're single- stay that way; if you're married- stay that way (vv 25- 27). Paul feels that it is better to stay single, but doesn't condemn the married people.

Paul begins to comment on end times...the time is near (vv 29-31). Some treat Paul as a false prophet by saying these words (the end is near), but he was repeating what Christ was saying. Paul is emphasizing trust in God and work for God in these verses. We are to act as if the world is ending and we have so much work to do. It would be better if we weren't married, so we had more time to do God's work. Husbands take time away from wives; wives take time away from husbands. Time that we could be spending doing for God.

The next few lines are confusing (vv 36- 38).  Parents are responsible for arranging marriages for their children. The question being answered here is, Can a Christian parent recommend celibacy for their child? Given what Paul has said about marriage, it is not wrong for a Christian parent to arrange a marriage for their child, but celibacy is a good option too and it should not be looked down upon. 

Finally- a Christian woman has the right to marry a Christian man if her first husband dies (v 39); however, Paul thinks she will be happier if she stays single (v 40). And he is probably correct on that! (J.K.). Again, Paul affirms celibacy because then the person will be more focused on God. 

This chapter had lots of discussion points, but the overall theme seems to be stay focused on God!

Can we? Do we?

Have a great weekend.

Pastor Paul


  1. I have to admit that I got to laughing reading all this. I have to say that I am not really a fan of Paul, I think I have said that before. He certainly knows what he thinks but how does he arrive at all these ideas? Did he come from a dysfunctional family? Was he abused as a child? or bullied? He seems to feel that anything that is human conflicts with having enough focus on God. Didn't God give us our lives and free will to think and do things so that we could have full lives? It seems to me that if you want to be instructed on how to be miserable, read Paul's writings.
    I seem to remember that Paul was not married and had no plans to be. I even think that Catholic Priests should be allowed to marry. How does someone who has never been in love or married give this kind of advise to people? I love verse 7- "I wish all were men were like I am". I guess I'm glad that they are not!
    I thought I commented yesterday but apparently I didn't or it didn't post. Angels are interesting. I wonder how a person gets to be an angel. And then there are good angels and bad angels? another layer of complexity. I agree with those who would not want to judge angels.
    Well anyway, it is supposed to cool down a bit this weekend and I'm ready. Although my granddaughters and I enjoy our pool and there is air conditioning in the house and at work, I know that many people live without these comforts. Have a good weekend everyone. Stay cool.

    1. Love your comments on Paul! There is some thought that Paul was a very well educated Jew and we know that he persecuted the Jewish Christians relentlessly until his "conversion". Some people believe he was married, but we don't know what happened to his wife. He does have some very negative views on women and marriage though doesn't he! I did giggle some when I read the verse you comment on! Paul did have some high feelings of himself!
      The angel "debate" is a good one. I did a Bible study an angels a while ago and we had some interesting discussions!
      Thanks for your comments and thoughts!

  2. I almost couldn't believe what i was reading when i read this chapter. if we were all like Paul, mankind would cease to exist.
    I understand that he wants us to spend more time serving God but God did create man and woman so there must have been a plan for Him doing that. Is there a reason Paul seems to be so hung up on sexual immorality there are other sins also I'm guessing it was because of Corinth but======What about murder etc. Then he talks avout abstinence but not if you have desires don't do thisbut it seems to be okay if you have no desires. Was he lead by the spirit when he wrote this/ i wonder??

    1. Paul does seem hung up on sexuality, more so than murder, etc like you comment. I'm not sure why- maybe because of the intimacy and vulnerability sexuality produces? Murder, etc are all personal- and they should all be addressed...maybe eventually he will get ot them!
      Thanks Clara!

  3. I also laughed at parts of this Cathy.
    Of course it is better to stay married and always be kind and never be judgmental but the reality is we are human and make mistakes. Sometimes marriages are toxic and need to end. My reading also says, if the husband or wife isn't a follower it makes your children unclean in God's sight. I don't believe that is the God I look up to.
    I think my faith would not be as strong as it is if I was presented with Christianity with Paul's words when I was young.
    I am looking forward to a cooler weekend.

    1. We do make mistakes- and God is there with grace to help us through those mistakes!
      And, like you, my God is a different God!
      Paul's theology does seem tough, but he did a good job planting churches!
      Thanks Cindy!

  4. In my version vs. 1 says "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman." Paul is responding to a question we don't know. The question very well may be - is it ok for a man to touch a woman that he is not married to and Paul is responding not to And vs. 2 -" Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband." I think Paul is saying to NOT avoid fornication with your wife or husband, just avoid with those you are not married to - as supported by vs. 3-5. However, Paul says in vs. 6 and vs. 12 and vs.26 (maybe more) Paul says he is speaking for himself and not for God. It does make me wonder how much of this is Paul's thoughts and how much is revelations from God? I do wonder about the validity that a person believing "saves" a nonbeliever if they are married. When Jesus clearly says the only way to His father is through Him - not through being married to a believer. Does that mean that no matter how you live your life, if you are married to a Christian you are saved? That seems odd to me. And, of course, there is always the thoughts from Paul that we are all to be happy in the position that God gave us, (even slaves) even though he goes on to say that we should better ourselves if we can but if we can't to be accepting and happy. Hmmm - not sure about that one!

    But all of this is in response to a letter that we have not read - as Paul makes clear in vs. 1 by saying "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me..." Paul is not just bringing up random topics, he is responding to direct questions. If we think of letters we have written, it would be strange if someone read them without reading the letter we are responding to.

    I admire Paul and his dedication that we live our lives for God and do realize that he is writing under circumstances we know nothing about, not to mention that he is responding to a letter that we can't read. He suffered greatly for his belief and dedicated his entire life to living for God.

    Have a good weekend Paul and Sherri! Safe travels back home on Saturday!

    1. Good point Donna- we don't know the exact question Paul is addressing. We assume, but that's as far as we can go with that.
      Good point- when Paul says "these are my thoughts"! But, isn't all scripture through divine inspiration?
      The marriage to a believer is confusing, because also in many of Paul's texts and Jesus' words, the comments are "nobody comes to Me except through the God", so God has to be in there somewhere!
      Good idea- Paul is very committed to his theology and God. He was very dedicated to God and built many many churches. I wonder where Christianity would be without his influences in the beginning?
      Many good points Donna! Thanks!

  5. I found this chapter confusing. It seemed that Paul changed his views on sex half way through it. I don't care for Paul and I was very happy to read Matthew's Gospel as a break from Paul. I was very disappointed to learn that with Corinthians, we are right back with Paul. How much longer to we have to put up with him? I am sorry about this, but this is how I feel.

    It seems that in this chapter that Paul is encouraging either no sex or sex outside of marriage. This violates the Ten Commandments. However, we are living animals (as humans) and we are going to have sex, either in marriage or outside of it. It is not sinful to have sex inside of marriage, except if you are Roman Catholic where it is sinful unless you are having sex to conceive a child. How convoluted is that!. Paul seems to think, along with the RCs, that sex should not occur even with marriage. However, it also seems that he is condoning sex outside of marriage. I find this very confusing and, after I finished reading this chapter, I was almost baffled.

    1. Good point Jack- we are animals and (I have told this in many classes in school) the purpose of life is to create the next generation. All the focus in any organism is on the movement of genes to the next generation. Are we different?
      My take- Paul says if you're going to be sexual- it had better be in a monogamous relationship. But, like you say, he isn't really into sex either. Paul's comment is that singleness is desired, but if you are tempted by sex, then it is better to be married. So, marriage is good if you are sexual, but singleness is better. Paul does seem to have some different views on sexuality.
      Thanks for the honesty Jack!

  6. Are these my initials that appear twice in your writing, Pastor? If they are, I am afraid that I don't see the connection. If they are not, pretend that this comment doesn't exist! Thanks (I think).

  7. Often, jk means just kidding 😉

  8. Thanks Cathy. I never saw that before.

  9. Right---sorry...
    jk means "Just kidding"
    Guess I should define the abbreviations before I use them!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...