Monday, August 2, 2021

Matthew 27

Good morning. What a rough weekend for the Reed home! We ended up not going to Vermont. Sherri had a high fever all day Friday and slept almost 24 hours! COVID negative (phew!) but really bad flu thing. No sleep. Now the last few days its been severe GI issues. She's lost 8 pounds in a just a few days! And after a week of stomach issues, Joseph seems to be better- but still quite cranky- I think its teeth! Hoping for some relief for Sherri soon!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. What a nice one! There seems to be a nice crisp in the air this morning!

In this chapter, we read some more very familiar stories- the trial before Pilate and Jesus' crucifixion. 

It is early Friday morning (v 1) and this "trial" will replace the illegal nighttime trial tat happened just prior to this. The decision to execute Jesus was made prior to hearing the case against Jesus! Pilate was the Roman governor assigned to Jerusalem; he could condemn execution- the Sanhedrin could not. Pilate was in Jerusalem for Passover to quell any uprising that may happen. He came to town on Palm Sunday- just as Jesus did. 

We turn now to Judas. Realizing (maybe) what he had done, he begins to feel sorry. He comments that Jesus is innocent (v 4)- but the priests have nothing to do with that. Judas almost seems like he wants to renege on his deal with them, but they turn him down (v 4), "its not our problem!" Throwing the money to the Temple implicates the religious authority. The priests comment that they cannot use the money as it paid for someone's death (v 6)- but they were willing to pay for someone's death with that same money! Judas hangs himself. What did God feel with the death of Judas? Did Judas got Hell or Heaven? Interesting side note- the quote attributed to Jeremiah (v 9) is actually found in Zechariah 11:12-13!

Jesus is presented to Pilate. Pilate was a ruthless, angry, power-hungry man, but seemed to be different ion this story.  Were the words he said (v 11), "Are you the king of the Jews?" sarcasm, irony, compassion? No majestic defense from Jesus- just the words, "Those are your words" (v 11). Pilate may be sensing come innocence in Jesus, so offers to release Him. The crowd wants Barabbas released; Barabbas was a revolutionary insurrectionist! He was guilty of murder in one of the insurrections against Rome that he led, yet people still wanted him released. What did Barabbas think upon his release? The voice of the crowd is not always the voice of God! What happened in the week that turned the crowds against Jesus? Pilate could have done the right thing and overturned the crowds chant- yet he went with the crowd. He did what they wanted. Did he feel guilt? Was his hand washing an act or was there some feeling behind it?

The scouring begins. Long leather strips embedded with bone and stone were used to whip people condemned to execution. The purpose was to weaken the condemned enough that death would be more quick. Some people died from the scouring. Flesh reduced to bleeding ribbons of skin, blood loss, shock begins to set in, pain. Humiliation continues with stripping Jesus- a common practice used to humiliate prisoners while they are hanging on the cross; the robe to mock his kingship; the crown of thorns also to mock. Did any of the guards feel remorse? Did any of the guards feel pain as they did this?

Simon of Cyrene (about 800 miles away from Jerusalem) was probably in Jerusalem for Passover. Did he know Jesus? Probably not. Yet, he was forced to carry Jesus' cross. He really understood what it meant to carry the cross. Golgotha, Calvary, The Place of the Skull, was located outside the gates of Jerusalem, but on a well travelled road. Crucifixions were done for punishment, but also for advertising that this is what happens when you go against Rome. As in all gospel accounts, the authors just say, "And He was crucified (v 35)." People of the day knew what crucifixion was, they didn't need a story description of it. Jesus is crucified with two others that same day. The crowd shouted insults at Jesus- possibly hoping He would end the events and "save" them as He said he would. 

Jesus was likely crucified about 9AM; the darkness spread across Jerusalem (v 45) about noon and lasted until about 3PM when Jesus took his last breath. The darkness mimicked the agony and pain of Christ. The whole of creation felt that same darkness that Christ was facing.

Speaking in Hebrew, Jesus yells out, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani." (V 46). My God, My God, why have you forsaken me." Did God hear? What was God "thinking" or feeling at that time?

Jesus gives up his spirit and dies (v 50). No words can be said here.

The curtain in the temple, separating God from humanity, tears in half (v 51). The tear happened from top to bottom- God did the tearing, God stopped the separation between God and humanity. 

The next brief passage about the saints being resurrected is found only in Matthew (vv 52- 53). Commentaries are all over the place on this passage!

Think of who was at the cross that day: men, women, rich, poor, Jews, Gentiles, upper class, lower class, haters of Jesus, lovers of Jesus, religious, non-religious, educated, uneducated. All different types of people were brought together.

Jesus' body was removed from the cross. Usually bodies were left to rot and be eaten by scavengers, but the Jews wanted to stop the horror during the Passover festival. Jesus was laid in a new tomb. He was born from a virgin womb and born again from a virgin tomb. 

The religious authority didn't believe anything Jesus had said, yet they were somewhat cautious about the resurrection thought, so requested an army guard at the tomb entrance. The tomb is sealed. And now we wait. 

It is good to read these stories again and really read them to try to understand and listen to the words that are said. How would we have reacted/ responded?

Have a good day.

Pastor Paul


  1. This must be the time for families to visit. My son's oldest girl came two weeks ago and stayed with me for a week and this past week My daughter, her husband, and their girls came and stayed with me for 10 days. It is certainly different having an 18 year old and then a 3 and 6 year old (smile)

    The plus side of catching up on my reading - reading Matthew 25, 26 and 27 in concession straight through - is there is no break in the story. I enjoyed that - if enjoy is the correct word for this sad story.

    In my translation it says that Judas repented after he saw that Jesus was condemned. I wonder what Judas thought was going to happen. Didn't he realize that Jesus would be condemned and what that would mean? And since he did repent, I believe he did go to Heaven. I didn't realize that Barabbas was a rebel against the Roman Government so I looked him up to learn more. I now totally understand why the crowds chose Barabbas. Here was a person who was actively fighting for their freedom against Rome and then there was Jesus who many THOUGHT would lead this "fight" and didn't seem to be doing much. I think that Pilate's act of washing his hand was absolutely real. Especially after his wife's note! Do the gospels "downplay" the crucifixion because the actual ACT of being crucified was not as important to the "story" as Jesus being killed and being resurrected? and the saints were resurrected AFTER Jesus was - was He calling those that died before Jesus came? Interesting the authorities didn't believe but....maybe.....did? I sincerely hope that Sherry feels better soon!!!!

    1. Family is fun and important. Glad you had a nice visit with your family! I can't imagine two young kids running around! Yikes!!
      There is something to be said about reading the events of Passion week as one continuous reading. It does put things into a different perspective since we usually just read a few verses at a time.
      Some translations say Judas repented, some say he felt bad bad or felt sorry for his actions. However, he never said anything in support of Jesus either! My God is a loving God and if Judas felt some remorse- I do believe he will be in Paradise.
      Good point about Barabbas v Jesus- Jesus didn't do what people expected- Barabbas did!
      The hand washing reminds me of Lady Macbeth who washes her hands after she persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan. Her words, "Out damned spot..." even though she didn't do the killing- she was instrumental in it. Like Pilate.
      Good point- the crucifixion isn't the story- the resurrection is. Everyone knew what crucifixion was and many had seen it many times, so it wasn't news. The resurrection was.
      Good points Donna!

  2. My goodness, I'm so sorry for Sherry and Joseph. I sure hope you stay well. I will pray for a quick recovery.
    I am also intrigued by Judas. As a rule I do not believe in predestination but perhaps I should rethink this. After all, I do believe that people can be placed in your path or you in theirs for a reason. I could tell many stories about how this has happened in my life. I truly believe that Judas was predestined to be who he was.
    I've often wondered about why people are the way they are. Like I said in yesterday's comments, eight billion people in this world-all unique. We know that genetics is a big part of everyone. But just think of all the experiences that everyone has in a day. Just about everything that every person does affects so many. Sometimes only a word can brighten your day or move you to tears. I often wonder why some people find themselves in terrible circumstances while others can have a great life. I suppose we all make decisions that are good and bad. And we make them for different reasons.
    My granddaughter is 7. Last year, when she was in first grade, she told me about a girl in her class. She is kind of mean girl and she hit Miranda on the playground. She actually left a red mark. I asked Miranda if she had told the teacher and Miranda said no. I asked why not and Miranda said that the girl told her not to or she would hit her again. Wow- think about what a dilemma this is for a 6 yr old. Even though she knew it was right to tell, she feared another attack. Even at her age we start having to make decisions about how to deal with people- nice ones and not so nice. Whether right or wrong, I told her that she should probably have told the teacher. So what if the girl hit her again? When the girl found out that she wouldn't just take it, she would probably stop. Easy for me to say- I wasn't the one who was going to be worried about another attack. (This was the answer of my law abiding voice). My real voice wanted to tell her that if she had just hit her back, that would have probably taken care of it. Anyway, on we go.
    Mental illness is a terrible thing. My sister has lived a very difficult life being mentally ill. She has had to be hospitalized many time, her marriage failed, her children were taken away from her, she can't work because she can't look at the world that way others do. If this is genetic was she predestined to living this kind of life even before birth? And of course, we all are living with difficult things, most that no one knows about.
    This is why I think that God saves us. He knows that we don't make good decisions because we are human and that there is A LOT that we do not have choices about. I believe in a loving God.

    1. Predestination is a tricky theology! I do have many questions for Judas if I ever get to talk with him! I wonder what his childhood was like? What were his teenage years like? Is this why Satan chose him? Why not someone else?
      What a sad story about your granddaughter! Kids learn how to act with others- so how did that other girl learn to hot and then learn to say don't tell? Our kids need so much guidance and there often times isn't someone around to do that. Our younger daughter was in elementary school, maybe age 6 or 7, playing with someone and another girl came up to her and said that Morgan shouldn't be playing with the other girl because she was a n-word! When Morgan told me I about flipped! Where does a kid learn that?!
      Our God is a loving God. Is life "fair"- certainly not. Is life tough- yes certainly so for many. Our God is a loving God though and cares for all people.
      Thanks for sharing Cathy.

  3. So sorry to hear about Sherri and joseph Hope they are both on the mend and feeling better soon Not a good way to lose 8 lbs.
    Didn't comment for last couple of days was going to write something yesterday but completely slipped my mind. Did do the reading however.
    Pastor Paul as you know I have such mixed feeling about Judas . i believe it was foretold that Jesus would be betrayed by Judas and even the amount of silver it would cost. So if it was this way. I hope that God does have Judas with Him in heaven. Reading this chapter we see that Judas did try to take back what he had done. I wonder if we had been there could we have been the person that betrayed Jesus Why would Judas betray Jesu? Was it for the money we have learned it really wasn't that much for their times. So why? Was it so Jesus would conquer the Romans and save the Jewish people from them. Just wondering . Enough about Judas for now.
    The priests and high priest took Jesus to Pilate since the couldn't sentence him to death but Pilate could. Weren't the priests just as guilty of Jesus' death as the Roman? What happened to the priest and high priest after Jesus was crucified? Were they punished in any way? No mention if made of that, that I see. Pilate washed his hands after the sentenced Jesus . We do that often when we do something that we know if not right basically we wash our hands of the whole episode. I didn't think about why the crowd freed Barabbas but reading Donna's comment I agree that is probably why the crowd felt that he was the one to let go since they didn't feel Jesus was going to do anything to overrule the Romans. I wonder how the people felt when at the time of Jesus death the darkness came for three hours (three again), the dead rose and the renting of the curtain of the high temple. Must have been very frightening , what do you thingk the priest thought at this time Do you think they finally believed that jesus was who He said He was? They were afraid that jesus would rise again after Three days as he said. O what guilt the was at this time in history. to have killed the Son of God!
    All I know now is that Jesus is my Savior.

    1. I know your feelings about Judas- we have talked lots about him! There are many questions we all have for him! But, like you, I do believe Judas is in Paradise awaiting Christ's return. I wonder what type of discussion they will have!
      The priests were "guilty" of Jesus' death, but the Romans get the blame because of Pilate. The Jews were really the ones that "convicted" Jesus to death.
      As far as I know- there was nothing that happened to the religious authority after Jesus' death and resurrection. It is a good question- but who would question them!
      Good at drawing out the number three! Three hours! Three is that magical number!
      I can't imagine what the people were feeling/thinking when all of this was going on! There definitely had to be some converts!
      I'd like to know Pilate's feelings and thoughts too!
      So many unanswered questions and thoughts!
      Good points Clara!

  4. I have wondered why the people turned against Jesus. On the road into Jerusalem, they were spreading palms on the ground in front of Him. The people were practically standing in line to have Him perform His miracles. Since Barabbas was a known rebel rouser toward the Romans, could their hatred of the Romans factored into their thinking? I think that it is possible, but at what cost? Especially when God "turned out the lights" and tore the curtain in the temple.

    I have another point to make. Since none of the gospels were written when Jesus was alive and most were written at least 60 years later (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong), how do we know that the three hours of darkness in the middle of the day or that this mysterious tearing of the curtain in the temple really happened? I have no doubts that Jesus was treated very badly by the Roman soldiers, and flogged, then crucified, since crucifixion is still being used in the Middle East for executions. This is definitely a cruel and unusual punishment per our Constitution, but we don't live in the Middle East.

    I never should have read "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown!

    1. Jack - just some thoughts. Matthew is credited to Matthew of the original 12 and written around 50AD - that's not very long after Jesus died - which is around 30AD. Plus my father never started talking of his experiences in WWII until he was in his early 80s - some 60 years later - yet he remembered every detail. People who served in the military - especially during war time -usually write their memoirs near the end of their lives - (I read a lot of history - lol) - all by memory - yet we take it as correct history. I am sure your parents or grandparents when they were older told you stories of their lives when they were young - they could remember it all. As I am sure you remember things that happened when you were in your 20s. I was in grade school when JFK was murdered yet I remember it vividly. Sorry, Jack, if rambling - but just some thoughts. It is FREEZING her in NY!!

    2. Matthew was likely the second gospel to be written, possibly around 80AD (range from 60 to 100AD) and the most probable author was Matthew the apostle. Like Donna said, people probably didn't write or talk much about the events until later, possibly for fear of the Romans. Roman persecution was intense in the early days of Christianity and if you wrote something down, you were probably going to get a call from Rome!
      Did all the events happen exactly as we read them? Probably not. Even the four Gospel accounts vary. What is an important detail for one author might not be for another. The audiences were different for each author, so different points were "remembered" and possibly "embellished" to make a point. There were many other accounts from historians of the time, so the authors had that information to look back on to also. We all remember slightly different versions of things when we witness them. Probably doesn't help- but its a start!
      Loved the Da Vinci Code! I led a Bible study on that once!
      Good thoughts Jack!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Pastor Paul, I am sorry you had to scuttle your trip to Vermont this past weekend and I can only hope and pray the Sherri and Joseph are feeling better. Thank God it wasn't COVID-19. I hope you are able to stay well.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...