Monday, September 6, 2021

2 Corinthians 6

 Good afternoon! Late start. Morning chaos was getting some things packed and spending time with "the kid" as they prepare to go to their new place. Lauren and Joseph just left (insert sad face here); Lauren starts work tomorrow and they cannot move into their apartment until tomorrow- so she and Joseph are staying with a girlfriend for the night. Chris is still here; his brother and cousin are coming down later today and we will be packing a U-Haul and driving to Saratoga tomorrow morning. I should be back sometime Wednesday after we unpack them and do some organizing. Sherri, Morgan and Bobbi-Jo will be there Friday through Sunday to help with the organization and unpacking. 

My days are going to be quite quiet! It was so great to be able to spend my summer with Joseph- we shared so much. I don't know how much he will remember- but I know it has filled my heart greatly!

Paul begins this chapter (it will seem like a series of lists and questions rather than "regular" writing!) saying, "As we work together with him..." I am using a NRSV and him is not capitalized, yet in several other translations, Him is capitalized! I will assume that "him" refers to Christ. Paul sees that he is in ministry with Jesus! Have you ever felt that or thought that? We are partners, co-workers, in ministry with Christ! Does God need our help?

The Corinthians are cautioned not to receive God's grace in vain. What exactly does that mean? To receive grace, yet not recognize it? To receive it but hinder the work of grace in us? Have we received God's grace in vain? The quote Paul uses (v 2) comes from Isaiah 49:8 to remind the Corinthians that there is no time to waste, no time to be idle or waste God's grace!

There should be no doubt in the minds of the Corinthians, Paul isn't there to stop them (v 3); if anything, he is doing what he can to help them in their ministry and get back on track. There were many false accusations by the Corinthians, and he wanted them to know that he was willing to do what he could to help their ministry. Paul then lists a series of things he has endured (vv 4-5) and still continues to do ministry- so even if Paul did seem to be doing them harm, his thought is to fight through the tough things! It seems like Paul is giving them a resume of his afflictions and troubles so they can see he is really on their side! He switches (v 6) t o a list of attributes that he relied on to get him through the difficulties. Paul seemed to have extensive trials, but he also seemed to have extensive blessings! He then begins to have a series of contrasts- how God sees Paul in his ministry and how the world sees Paul. The world looks at Paul in a negative view, while God sees the good. 

You can sense that Paul is sensing the frustration/ anger from the Corinthians. He says "we have spoken frankly..." (v 11). In Ephesians 4:15, Paul says to speak truth in love, and Paul is essentially restating this. I know you may be made at me, but I still love you and want to help you (is what I hear Paul saying to the Corinthian church). How do you feel when people are honest to you?! Can we really be honest and truthful to people?

Paul now presents a series of questions (vv 15), and we know what the answers should be! Paul's goal is to get the Corinthians to realize where they have gone astray and what they are doing that isn't quite right! He seems to be speaking to the Corinthians like a father or mother would speak to their children. We have all done that- give them a question and we know they know what the right answer should be! FYI- v 15 Beliar is a Jewish name for Satan.

Paul then adds the important piece of this- we are temples of God. Good Jews knew that temples should not be desecrated or defaced- so if we are temples, then we should do what we can to protect heart and soul from bad/ evil. Paul then paraphrases several lines of Hebrew scripture (Leviticus, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Samuel) so they can see how we are living temples of God. Do you feel like a temple to God?

Some really good words from Paul today! Hope you "enjoy" them and are able to reflect on them

Pastor Paul


  1. It sure does sound like the Corinthians are not happy to hear from Paul. And yet he preserves, still trying to convince them to live good live. He must not have read Luke 9:5. Jesus was sending our disciples to preach about the kingdom of God and heal the sick. Jesus’ advice to them was “ if people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them.” Instead Paul stays and keeps trying.
    Paul says we are the temple of the living God. If we try hard to live as we think he wants us to live, then I guess we are. I do like the idea of being in mission with Jesus.
    Thanks for commenting on the back pack project. So often I just feel compelled to DO something. There is so much need. And luckily for me, my husband supports my efforts. As does the library staff and board. In some ways the library is my “church”.

    1. Cathy how wonderful to think of the need for foster children. Please reach out to this group when there is a need I would love to help.

    2. I love Paul's perseverance! Would we be that strong or would we just give up? Good point about Luke- but also remember most of Paul's letters and missionary trips were pre-Gospel writings!
      I love the idea of our bodies being a temple for God. Puts what we do into a different perspective!
      A church can be anywhere! The word church comes from the Greek "kuriakon" which means building; so a library can be a church. The Anglo-Saxon word "circe" comes from the daughter-goddess of Helios- the sun deity.

  2. I want to thank everybody from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers for my upcoming surgery. You are wonderful people and I am honored to be in a group like this. Thank you all.

    Paul is, I believe, listing the troubles he has had along the way " beatings, imprisonments and riots...". Paul has faced a lot of hardship from people who may or may not profess to be Christians. Maybe this is what he means by receiving God's grace in vain.

    In verses 11 through 13, I can feel the anger Paul is facing from the Corinthians. Verse 12: "We are not withholding our affection from you . but you are withholding yours from us." [NIV translation] This verse indicates that there is tension between Paul and the Corinthians.

    Thank you for explaining the meaning of "Belial" or "Beliar". Rea was quite interested in what that word meant (verse 15). When you think of Belial as Satan, the set of verses makes more sense.

    Paul concludes this chapter with scripture from various sources.

    1. Jack I am just reading this on Wednesday. I pray your surgery went well and you you are on your way to recovery!

    2. Paul certainly has had his share of troubles hasn't he?! But he keeps going! What a great testimony!
      Paul has really struggled with the Corinthians and their actions. He is strong though and will continue to love them through their issues!
      Glad you are well and thanks for your comments!

  3. Paul is beginning to seem desperate. I think he is very afraid that the Corinthians will reject God and the gospel that Paul and his friends are teaching and, therefore, become lost to God. I like the point you made about what Jesus said in Luke, Cathy, but I am thinking that Paul has way too much invested in the Corinthians to let them go. As we do our own children, if they go down a path that is harmful to them - we continue to try to reach out to them. I do feel like - sometimes - I am in co-ministry with God. I don't feel He NEEDS my help but I do feel He WANTS it - and in fact commissions us to do so. My body/life a temple to God? Hmmmmm - sometimes??? This is my take away point from this chapter - how much would I suffer for people when those same people turn against me; physically, emotionally, and verbally? How much do I love God to continue to reach out to the people who do this to me, and I know are rejecting God, to continue to try to bring them to back God? Honestly, I am not sure. If I went to a church and delivered a message and then found out that they were saying horrible things abut me - things that were untrue - and learned that they were rejecting God - would I return to that church? Honestly, I'm not really sure. It has given me something to think about.

    Paul, I am writing this Tuesday morning and thinking about all you are going through - physically and emotionally! I wish you safe travels and a peaceful heart!!

    1. When you think of all the energy Paul has put into the church- to see it beginning to fail- you can sense Paul's frustration and desperation! I imagine may clergy people are sensing that with the church today!
      Tough question- how much would I suffer for others- especially those that have turned against me? Probably not too much! I do love God, but my love for others sometimes falls short!
      You raise some interesting thoughts Donna. Thanks!

  4. Good luck with the move for Lauren Chris and Joseph. You will miss your "little buddy" There are the memories tho and if he doesn't remember you will and you can relate them to him when he is older.

    Paul tells of he hardships but says he loves the people and wants them to know of his love and God's love. Regardless of his trials he will continue to spread the word and God's love to all. He says we should not have close relationships with non believers because they can possibly bring us down to their level We should tell the non believers of the good news however and try to bring them to Christ. I'm not sure if Paul was contradicting himself because he had previously said that a believer should stay with the non believer spouse??
    Paul seems somewhat stressed in this chapter I think? It seems he feels he is being criticized and he is trying to defend himself??

    1. It is hard to have tight relationships with people that go against you! Paul is a strong person and a great testimony of faith! I can definitely feel the stress from Paul...but he built a church that is now beginning to fail. I imagine there are some clergy tat are feeling that now with the decline in church attendance post-COVID.
      Good points Clara- thanks!

  5. On sending our adult children off I a new journey is so many mixed emotions. We are happy for them and want then to succeed but miss them terribly.
    Thank you all for the good wishes for our daughters in Philadelphia. They are all fine thank goodness with no damages. We had a wonderful and productive weekend. We also were able to spend time with our granddaughter who is such a joy.
    Comparing Paul and his struggles to convince the non believers to parenting is a good synopsis. How many times have we said I am saying this because I love you and care about you.
    At first I thought I could continue to talk to someone about my my faith even if they were unkind but then I read Donnas comment and you are right I don't think I could go back to that church.

  6. Family is a joy!
    It is hard to say things in love isn't it! Paul addresses this more in the next chapter! Nobody wants to be that person to call someone out "in love"!
    Good thoughts Cindy! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...