Monday, September 27, 2021

James 4

 Good morning (later than usual- dentist appointment this morning! Yahoo!!) What a great beautiful weekend- and the Bills won! Lots of outside work was accomplished this weekend. The UMW had their "Baby shower" on Sunday; we constructed 75 layettes to give away to local family programs. It was a great day! Friday was hike day (only7 miles) on the Finger Lakes Trail in Ithaca (adjacent to Treman State Park). Beautiful day to be in the woods!! Hopefully getting out again this week- but it is looking shaky- lots of work to do!!

Thank you all for sharing and discussing the last chapter Re: words hurting. The chapter we read today seems to focus on humbleness- sometimes a hard thing for people!

James opens with "wars and fights" (in some translations); he accurately describes strife between Christians- they often elevate very quickly to "wars and fights" that are often bitter and severe! James accurately tells us where they come from- inside each of us! If we are true Christians walking with God, then there should be no fights! It is our carnal selves that open us up to fights! Do fights between Christians seem severe? James then goes through some examples of how we can be. He uses the word "murder" (v 2); in this context he doesn't really mean murder, but that inward drive that causes us to do crazy things in an outward expression. We desire what we don't really need; we want more and more; envy rears its ugly head; we have an intense desire for pleasure; we look away from God. James comments that if we should rely more on God than we do on others; others will turn away from us and try to get more from us than they need, but God will always be there and continue to stay in our life (vv 4-5). We strive for worldly possessions and lives; that is not always in agreement with God and God's will for us. God and the Holy Spirit desire a relationship with us, so much that they are "jealous" (v 5) that we don't desire that with them! The solution to all this strife and fighting- humility (v 6).Get right with God. Focus on God and God's desires. Stand with God stand against evil (v 7). The closer we are to God, the closer God will be to us (v 8). Kind of like "ordinary" relationships- the more time we spend with someone, the more we get to learn about them, the  more we fall in "love" with them, the more we want to be with them. Humbleness for anyone is hard! Why? Are we that proud? But humbleness before God should be easy- right? Is it?? Reminds me of the song "Humble Thyself..." (see "Humble Thyself" hymn) James also suggests that it would be good if we could practice humility with people too?! Imagine that! A way to combat strife and arguments- humility!

While we are practicing humility, we are cautioned again about our tongue (vv 11-12). Our tongue (still) gets us into trouble! We have talked so much about that- and James continues!

James ends this chapter with the reminder that we are to cherish the days we have and live them humbly with God. He reminds us that we tend to make long term plans, but we have no idea what tomorrow will bring (vv 14-15). Our life is ephemoral and can change in an instant. Make plans for now. Although I think there needs to be long term planning re: retirement, finances, etc., but I think James is saying don't be so consumed with the future that you miss today. Take some time to smell the roses; rely on God and the direction God is sending us. The theme of humility continues with these comments from James. God is in control and we are kidding ourselves if we think we are. But we like to be in control- right?!

He closes the chapter with an overall theme of his letter- be doers of the word! His last line, "If you know what is right to do and you don't do it, that is a sin!" The uncertainty of life doesn't exempt us from doing good!

Some good words from James today! I have said this a few times, I like what he says and how he says it. Definitely sermon series in here someplace!

Have a good day!

Pastor Paul


  1. James talks of wars and quarrels among the people, he says they plot and scheme to get what they wan, he call them adulterers as they are not faithful to God They want to be friends with the world and have all the pleasures of the world as well as be followers He says yu cannot do both. so often the world leads us astray as there are so many things to tempt us away from God. We must humble ourselves before God and resist the devil We must be pure in our hearts.
    we must not find fault with each other, no criticizing and judging, We have discussed this before from Paul's letters. we do find fault and judge etc James sounds so like the teachings of Jesus. James being jesus's brother probably learned a lot from Him.

    1. Can we be humble with others? With God?
      Good point- James probably did learn lots from Jesus and we see it reflected in his writings.
      Thanks Clara

  2. We do like being in control. In order to be in control we need to feel that we have all the answers. Being humble means that we need to admit that we don’t have all the answers. Saying to someone “you might be right” and being willing to look at another point of view can be hard.
    Sometimes letting go and letting God is a humbling experience. We have to have enough faith to trust that God will lead us the right way.

    1. It is hard to let others "win" or look at a view different than what we have- obviously ours is right!
      It is hard to be humble with people- how about with God? Maybe easier?
      Good thoughts Cindy

  3. There are some passages in this chapter that I disagree with. The first, "...don't you know that that friendship with the world means enmity against God?" Does this mean that you cannot love the world and all its creatures? I thought that was exactly what it meant until I read the sidebar for this verse. '...But when the world means the prevailing attitude of hostility toward God and his [sic] ways, we should reject it." I guess the issue here is the definition of the word "world."

    Other passages I disagree with are: (1) "Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom", and (2) "When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it." The first seems to say "Be unhappy." The second means that you cannot disagree with the law, even if you wanted to. I always though that it was healthy to question things, and the law is something that should be questioned. I could not find anything in the sidebars that addresses the first issue. In the second, James is speaking about God's law, and, perhaps, this should not be questioned.

    The remainder of the chapter seems to follow 2 rules, judge not and boast not.

  4. Good point- it is how we define "world". The point James was making was that friendships are good, but when they begin to take control of us and we begin to have carnal/worldly desires- that's when they become bad.
    The mourning/gloom part has to do with our recognition of sin. When we sin, se often feel good and happy because those sins bring us joy (although temporarily). James says that we shouldn't be happy, we should be sad and gloomy when we sin.
    The "judging the law" part has to do with the context of judging others and slandering others. James' comment is that when we judge others we are then in fact judging the laws as unfit. His comment is let the laws do their job and you worry about your job!
    Hope that helps.
    Thanks Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...