Tuesday, October 19, 2021

John 7

 AAGGHH!!! Our heat came on this morning?! Looks like today is going to be a beautiful sunny day though! Yesterday was quite miserable- but I did have two really great conversations when I was out doing two important errands yesterday. One really spoke to my heart and I have been thinking hard about our talk. 

A brief comment about a common thread that most of you talked about from yesterday's reading. Vv 52- 57; the "eat my body, drink my blood" section. Jesus knew it wasn't literal, we know it isn't literal, but the people of the day didn't. It was a hard concept for them to imagine eating someone's flesh and drinking their blood. These words were used in the communion liturgy even in the early church and many Christians were harshly persecuted by Rome for their cannibalistic behaviors. This was a huge point against the Christians- that they were eating flesh and drinking blood! I often wonder what little children think when we say these words as part of our communion liturgy. When I offer the elements to adults, I say "the body and blood of Christ" but when it comes to a smaller person, I say "this is because God loves you." "Food" for thought!

We begin this chapter with some upsetting news- the Jews are already looking to kill Jesus (v 1). Seems early in his ministry! The Festival of the Tabernacles (Festival of the Booths, v 2) is a joyous weeklong celebration in late September- early October. Families camp out in temporary shelters as a memorial of God's faithfulness to the Hebrew people after their exodus from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. John mentions "his brothers" (v 3); yes, Jesus had brothers and possibly a sister. Mary was a virgin when Jesus was born, but her perpetual virginity isn't a guarantee (although Roman Catholics dispute the knowledge of Jesus' brothers and sister and keep Mary a virgin her entire life).  The brothers try to convince Jesus to go to Jerusalem- the center of Jewish life- to prove "on the big stage" that Jesus is the Messiah (vv 3-4). Partly this was help help the brothers unbelief, partly to advance Jesus as Messiah. How must it have been for the brothers and sister of Jesus?! Jesus bluntly says (v 9), "I am not going!" But, then look at the next verse?! Common thought is he went not for public attention, but essentially snuck in to the festival, unnoticed. Typically people would come to the festival in big family caravans and there was lots of fanfare and attention. It was a happy time. 

The people were looking for their messiah (v 11)! They were looking for the one who would save them,. surely Jesus would be at this festival! They wanted their messiah NOW! Like our current political figures, some really liked Jesus and approved of him, some not so much (v 12). Even Jesus could cause dissension among people! They did their talking in secrecy in fear of retaliation from the religious leaders.

Jesus eventually went to the Temple and taught. Jesus never gives  up an opportunity to teach and proclaim the Kingdom of God. What about us? People were surprised. He wasn't a disciple of a great rabbi (as many teachers were). He was teaching truths, so they attacked his credentials. Jesus "avoids" the credential attack, but looks toward doctrine (vv 16-18). It was God who was my teacher! Jesus continues by declaring his sinlessness (v 18). Jesus talks about the religious leaders- they are "great" and know all the laws- yet they don't keep the laws. They are full of sin, yet live; Jesus who is sinless and follows the law is at risk of death (v 19)! This prompts the people to think Jesus is talking crazy, "You have a demon!" (v 20).

Regarding the circumcision discussion. It was permitted- and even commanded- to perform "negative work"  (i.e. taking something away) on the Sabbath. So, if a child was ready to be circumcised (8 days old), it had to happen- even if it was the Sabbath. So, Jesus is saying, if you can wound a man on the Sabbath,. why can't I help a man (referring to the man at the pool from a few days ago). 

The people of Jerusalem knew the religious authority wanted to kill Jesus, yet outsiders from other towns didn't know that yet (v 25). Knowing that, the people were surprised at Jesus' openness to teach. Jesus never shied away from edifying the crowd! Popular belief was that the Messiah would suddenly appear, like "poof" here I am suddenly. People question Jesus, as they know where he is from, so he really can't be the messiah- his appearance wasn't sudden as they expected (vv 27- 28). Jesus confirms again, very boldly, that he has come from God. An arrest was attempted, but somehow Jesus wasn't arrested. We don't know if people stopped the arresting officers or if Jesus slid away, but it wasn't time for his arrest (vv 30- 31). Jesus says that he will be with them a while longer, but then Jesus would go to  the one who sent him. The Jews and authority suspect that he will go with the Jews that are still in Greece as a result of the diaspora (v 35). The people are so confused (v 36)!

The Feast of the Tabernacles lasted 8 days. The last day was a more solemn prayer filled day thanking God for safety during the exodus.  This is the last time Jesus will address the crowd until his crucifixion. The feats emphasized the care God provided and a big emphasis was placed on the water God provided when the Hebrew people were thirsty. Jesus uses that imagery and tells the people that Jesus is the living water that God provides (v 37-38). Prophecies from Zechariah and Isaiah said that when the Messiah came, a river of water would flow from Jerusalem; Jesus is saying he is that river, just not yet (vv 38-39). 

Dissension still flows through the crowd; is Jesus prophet or Messiah? Well, he can't be Messiah because he came form Galilee and all good Jews know the prophecies say the messiah will be born in Bethlehem (they had forgotten or didn't know that is where Jesus was born!) and must be a descendant of David (refer to my message from this past Sunday!). Dissension still continues today about Jesus' messiahship!

The temple police were impressed with Jesus' words and went to tell the religious authority (v 45). The authority was upset that Jesus wasn't arrested and essentially say that the police are so stupid, because the "smart upper class people" (v 48) don't follow Jesus! Nicodemus (remember him?) was in the group of Pharisees; he comments to not judge too hastily (v 51). The religious leaders from Jerusalem and Judea despised the people from Galilee ("nothing good can ever come from Galilee"), and accuse Nicodemus of being a Galilean (v 52). In response to their comment, "no prophet has come from Galilee" (v 52)- Jonah, Elijah, and possibly Nahum and Hosea, were all from Galilee! The plot thickens!

What a great chapter. Full of excitement, tension, love. So many different aspects we are getting to read about! I hope you enjoy today's reading!

Pastor Paul


  1. It does feel like fall but a beautiful day. I am heading out for a walk soon. I am sad that my flowers will soon be gone and they have been so pretty this year.
    Just a simple comment from me today. Some believe some do not. As it still is in our world today. I had lunch with a friend last week and I cannot get out of my head some of the things she said. I was so disappointed. I read this quote from Viola Davis this morning.
    Your diet is not only what you eat. It is what you watch, what you listen to, what you read and the people you hang around.
    Pay attention to what you feed your soul, not just your stomach.

    1. Great words Cindy! I hear what you say and understand!

  2. Another great chapter. I am surprised that Jesus says he will not go up to Jerusalem because people want to kill him (something he didn't say so clearly in the other gospels) but His "time is not yet full come." But then goes in secret and "preaches" in the temple, where he knew people would hear him and talk to him. In my translation in vs 30 it says "Then they sought to take him; but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come." So I think God prevented "them" that wanted to take Him because it wasn't the time. So, if Jesus knew this, why didn't He go up to Jerusalem when the disciples went? and why did He go into Jerusalem in secret? I also find it interesting that John has Jesus speaking a lot about Moses - comparing what He (Jesus) is saying/teaching and what Moses did. Not to mention what is said about Nicodemus - a ruler of the Jews who defends Jesus. I love that this Book is giving us an all new insight into the stories of the previous gospels - a lot of them from Jesus' thoughts.

    P.S. - BTW, Pastor, in response to your comment yesterday - I would LOVE a Bible Study where we read stories from each gospel about an incident and see where they are different and where they are alike. I actually think there is a study book out there that could help us

    The day was beautiful.

    1. John's gospel mentions several times that "it was not the right time" with a very heavy emphasis on Jesus' death and resurrection- Messianic!
      Jesus didn't necessarily go in secret- he went to Jerusalem but went without all the fanfare people usually do when they came for the Festival of the Tabernacles. When people came into town, there was lots of singing and music and dancing. Jesus just walked in.
      Moses comes up lots in John. Moses represents the law and Jesus the new covenant.
      I will look into comparative study of the Gospels.
      Thanks Donna

  3. I found it very interesting that John speaks of jesus brothes as we don't hear much about jesus family in the other gospels However it seems that they don't have a lot of faith in jesus I wonder if they really knewwho he was? Jesus is critixized for performing a miracle on the sabbath but it it okay for others to do work on the Sabbath such as circumcisions. There were so many laws written that I think that they were brokenoftern but beacuse they wanted to be rid of jesus they tried everything they could think o accusing Jesus of to get rid of him.

    1. Jesus' family doesn't seem to faithful do they? I wonder if he was looked at as the big know it all brother?!
      Good thoughts Clara

  4. This is another chapter that, to my knowledge, does not appear in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

    According to my translation, the NIV, Jesus had siblings. In a sidebar, it explains the “… they found it hard to believe he was more than a human being. While they couldn’t deny his power, they failed at first to grasp his [sic] true identity. They wrongly assumed he [sic] wanted recognition and political advancement.”

    They apparently tried to arrest Jesus at this festival, but the guards let Him go. They told the leaders that “No one ever spoke the way this man does …” in response to the question of why they didn’t arrest Him. Jesus wasn’t arrested because “… his [sic] hour had not yet come.” I assume that John is talking about the crucifixion.

  5. It must have been difficult for Jesus' family to know what Jesus was doing. Did they really know about him?
    John touches on Jesus' death often but usually with the words, "his time has not yet come" very messianic in his presentation.
    Good thoughts Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...