Wednesday, November 10, 2021

1 John 2

 What another great day yesterday! After church work in the morning, we went out for lunch at Sugar Maple and then an afternoon of yard work! What an exciting  life!!

In the previous chapter, John makes it clear that sin is a reality we all have to consider. Even the best people sin! In this chapter, John takes it more seriously and says that the reason for this letter is so that we know sins we are doing and that we prevent them as much as possible. God's desire for people is no sin, however, God knows that sin is likely, so God is there for forgiveness (v 2) and mercy. Satan accuses us before God but God is our defense lawyer! Interesting note, Jesus used the word Advocate in John's Gospel for the Holy Spirit, yet John uses it here for God? Anyway, John continues and brings up the propitiation (atonement, "pleasing the gods").

The evidence that someone knows Christ and is a Christian is not the words they use but the fact that they follow the commandments from Christ (v 3+). Relationship with God promotes a simple, obeying relationship. "If you're going to talk the talk, then walk the walk." There are many people that say they are Christian, yet their actions say differently (I am there sometimes I know!). We become different people when we are in Christ and Christ is in us. 

John begins talking of the commandment; it is both old (i.e. they have heard it their entire life) and new (i.e. it is the new commandment from Jesus)-- "Love one another!" Back to the symbology between light and dark. Darkness has taken over the world (much like today) so the Light needed to come; love needed to happen for the darkness to be put away. If Light exists, darkness cannot exist- they are mutually exclusive. We need to hear that today in our world! Hope exists in the Light! When we are in the dark, it is easy to get lost, it is easy to stray off the path and get turned around. John addresses us as "little children" (i.e. new to the faith). 

John now goes through all levels and ages of people. Fathers- men and women with long and deep  spirituality and true knowledge of God and Christ; young men (people)- not children yet not full grown, still on the "front line" of ministry, spiritually alive and active; children- new to the faith, fresh and desiring learning and edification. What level are you?

Worldliness is an attack on our relationship with God (v 15).  We get caught up in the world and the desires in the world and we lose track of God and lose sight of God's mission/ministry for us. The world is focused on lust, flesh (carnal), pride, riches, getting ahead, being the top dog. We know all that- right?! John says that will all pass away- and God will remain!

Another warning from John- the coming of the Antichrist! John mentions "the last hour" (v 18) as it was expected that Christ's return would be now; obviously after 2000 years it hasn't happened yet0 but we do not know the time or the hour! The world had "antichrists" 2000 years ago- people that were leading Christians astray. Is it the same today? Who are the antichrists? The Antichrist is the one that will end the world- a character with charisma that will lead people to ultimate destruction. Scary! Will we know this antichrist? They may be people from the flock (v 19), yet lead people away- false shepherds (we have talked about that a few times!). John says we have a discerning quality  to us (v 20) and should be able to recognize these antichrists.  One way we will recognize these people is their denial of Jesus and GOd (v 22). You can't be a Christian and deny Christ!

The battle against the antichrist is a solid relationship with God (v 24) and other Christians. Live in the hope and the knowledge of Christ and that will sustain us. The more we focus on Christ and the more we learn and the deeper our relationship with Christ and fellowship with others, the more we will be able to stand against the antichrist! God's anointing will guide us (v 27); if we are truly in relationship with God, we will know the antichrist and be able to turn away.  Our whole eternity is based on a solid relationship with God! John continually uses the word "abide"- be part of, be intimately connected to, have a solid relationship with, be part of- God! How many different ways can John express the importance of a relationship with God. Did the people back then get it? Do we get it?

Some really great- and some scary- words for us today! Hope you enjoy it!

Off to lectionary and errands today!! Yahoo!

Pastor Paul


  1. In reading this second chapter, it does now seem more like just John is writing - and it is so much like the Gospel According to St. John. If my commentary didn't say that 1 John was written AFTER the Gospel of John, I would have almost thought that these were "notes" that John wrote before he wrote the Gospel. Or it does seem like this Book is very connected to John the Gospel - like a follow-up.

    In today's society "white lies" are so casual and accepted, but I am thinking that lies of any type were not accepted and a shame to a person's reputation/dignity - because John calls people who do not believe, who do not follow the commandments, who do not love their "brother" a liar. That must have been a very strong "slam" on a person's dignity.

    I do agree with John, a relationship with God is so important - mine does lessen and increases, sad to say, as I live my life (and always think "I can handle this") BUT I have always had a relationship with God. John's words -both in the gospel and in the book - are so inspiring and so direct - not like the parables Jesus told which are sometimes hard to interpret.

    I love John

    Have a great day

    1. Good point Donna. These letters from may be follow-ups or commentaries to individuals that are struggling or asking questions.
      We talked about the truth in lectionary group today (John 18:33-37, "What is truth?") and the amount of trust that we need to believe people! Integrity was (and is now too I guess) a big part of who we are.
      Great thoughts

  2. This chapter seems to be written in the first person not we so assuming by john himself .John speaks of sin saying I believe that Jesus has already atoned for our sins so we need not worry about atoning ourselves , what we need to do is abide by doing what God wants Love one another and do right, try not to sin and ask for forgiveness if we do. God knows what our sins are but he wants us to ask for forgiveness. We need not love the world but love God let the things of the world not mean so much to us that we forget about God. John warns of the Antichrist. We need to be alert to false teachers so we are not lead astray.

    1. John's big idea in this chapter was the knowledge of our sins but we can make that right by developing a strong relationship with God
      Good thoughts

  3. Most of this part is about sin and our relationship with God. It seems to me that this is so futile when humans sin soooo much and everyone’s relationship with God is personal. Of course I see the point of “drilling it into us”. I guess he thinks it will do some good. Who knows.
    Someone once said to me (about trying to not sin) why bother? We know we can never succeed. Even our unintentional thoughts can be sins. I have to admit that this can sound comforting when trying to be a good person seems exhausting. And we won’t know if our efforts are worth it until after we die. Hmmm.
    Reminds of something funny that Garrison Keillor once said. He was talking about the wonderful things that people say about you at your funeral and what a shame it is that you only miss hearing it by a couple of days. Ha ha
    Anyway, I sin every day and I hope I can be forgiven. I wish I felt more sure.

    1. Human nature is to sin- but the forgiveness we get from God helps us build a good relationship with God. God wants us to try to be better, knowing that we cannot be perfect.
      Love Garrison Keillor!
      Good thoughts Cathy

  4. Pastor, you say that “Darkness has taken over the world (much like today) ...” I have to agree that the world is very much in darkness. There are so many bad happenings in this world today. I pray that we all venture into the light before something really bad happens. I know that I am a sinner and I will be as long as I am on this Earth.
    John talks about the Antichrist in the second part of this chapter. I have seen this term in movies and in dramas on TV, but I never knew exactly what it meant – until now. Who is the Antichrist? Will we know him? What can we do to stop him? The answer to this last question is a solid relationship with God and Jesus. If we all, show our faith in God, the Antichrist will be defeated. Unfortunately, the world has moved away from a belief in God and Jesus. This is evident in the fact that there are very few young people in church these days. It also is apparent that our government is abandoning the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which it was founded. This is very sad.

    I have not always been faithful to Christ, but I am now, and I pray that it will continue.

  5. There is darkness- but we need to look for the light spots out there- they are there!
    We will likely "know" the antichrist John says that it may come up from our group (v 19). We can look back on history and see some people that had "antichrist-like" characteristics; there will be more! A solid relationship with God will prevent us from following them.
    Good and honest thoughts Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...