Tuesday, November 16, 2021

2 John

 Good morning! Some good discussion on yesterday's reading- especially the "mortal sin" part. I did some research and didn't really find anything other than- a mortal sin is a sin done knowingly, or one that causes the death of another, or one that causes you to deny God/Jesus. As I said in several responses, I think these people should especially be prayed for! 

I think we all came to the conclusion that 1 John was quite repetitive! I think there were some good words for us, but could have been said in fewer passages! John obviously was trying to drive home the point of sin and children of God.  It would be interesting to know who this was going to and what their response was!

Today we read John's Second letter. This is a "typical" letter with salutation, body, and farewell. It sounds somewhat like 1 John and the Gospel of John, but there are several differences too- so we really have no idea who wrote it! He addresses himself as "John the elder" so maybe it was a disciple of John? It was likely written 90- 110AD. The main point of this letter is deceivers that are teaching Jesus did not come in the flesh- an important idea since this tells us church doctrine is beginning to form. The "opposing" viewpoint is Gnostic and docetic theology that says Christ only "appeared" human.

The letter is addressed to "the elect lady and her children" but we are not really sure who this person is! Maybe she was an elder of the church and "the children" were the congregation members? Names were not used because of potential persecution if this letter was intercepted by Rome. "Truth" is the common denominator between John and "the lady", the truth is what holds all Christians together. I am reminded of the discussion between Jesus and Pilate when Pilate finally closes with "What is truth?" (John 18:38). The salutation ends with God the Father and Jesus, the Father's Son. The "Father's Son" to emphasize the miraculous conception of Jesus (something the Gnostics didn't believe). No Holy Spirit?

John is thrilled that "some" of the children were walking in truth and love. Some were upholding the commandment to love others- not a new commandment- but one that has been around a while! It is always a joy for a pastor to see their flock "walking in the truth". One of the greatest parts of my ministry is seeing people react/respond in a Godly manner, walking in truth, loving others!

Now comes the "but". John continues with "But, some people are teaching that Jesus wasn't human." There were many travelling preachers in the early church that made a living going from town to town on "ministry/preaching" tours. They were like the travelling salesmen of the "olden days" and would often ask for money for their missions. These people that are teaching Jesus wasn't human are referenced as antichrist (remember the last letter!). John cautions the lady and tells her to fight back with opposite and correct teachings. Denying Jesus means that you are also denying God and denying God prevents you from having eternal life. We must do what we can to prevent these errant teachings form continuing. What are some errant teachings that are being taught now in our churches?

In closing, John is anticipating a future visit. Face to face visits are usually better than letters anyway- we get to see body language and facial expressions! And then the letter is done!  Brief and to the point. It would be interesting (as we have said for Paul's letters) to know the responses of the recipients.

Some good advice for us- be aware of preachers teaching unsound/incorrect doctrine. I was talking with someone recently, and this similar discussion came up. Preachers are in a powerful position and can take their people almost anywhere- and that is John's comment here! Be aware!

Have a nice day- looking like it is going to be sunny but cold!

Pastor Paul


  1. Okay trying again! We have been in Florida visiting our son and soon to be daughter in law. We are very excited to welcome her into our family. I had all intentions of keeping up with our study Abilene was away but waited until I got home.
    I just want to touch on a few things. Again some of this is repetitive so I'm sorry if I repeat myself.
    It would be wonderful to live all of God's children but I seems unrealistic. I think we need to think about how we raised our children to be patient and tolerant. Again this is challenging but something I continue to pray for. Mortal sin is debatable. I recently read an article written by a man who was imprisoned for a minor crime and sentenced to Rikers Island. He spoke about the friendships he made and how he believed only a handful of those he came across needed to be in maximum imprisonment.
    I have to say I am confused about the many letters of John so I googled it. Not sure I still understand but in seems to be in question as to if he did right them.

    1. It is hard raising kids- always has been, but now I think it is much more difficult! There seems to be so much outside influence that easily can take control of kids today.
      Congratulations on gaining a new kid too!

  2. Meant to say to love all of God's children

  3. Congratulations, Cindy!

    WOW - talk about a short but interesting letter.

    I know that John is a Saint in the catholic faith, so just out of interest I looked up to see what he was a Patron Saint of and it turns out he is the Patron Saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and authors. Now love, loyalty and friendships seem totally correct in reading the gospel and the last two books. Patron Saint of authors is a bit puzzling. And, of course, loyalty since he was the only disciple at the cross.

    I also found it interesting that John writes to this "lady" that she is NOT to tell false prophets God Speed because those that do are partakers of their evil deeds. That seems odd since we are to love and pray for everyone - under John's own words. So I looked up what that meant and found this in referring to the statement in vs. 11

    ""In the passage cited Christians are forbidden thus to salute false teachers who might come to them. The injunction does not imply any breach of charity, since it would not be right to wish anyone success in advocating what was believed to be false and harmful. We should be sincere in our greetings; formal courtesy must yield to truth, still courteously, however, and in the spirit of love." - W.L. Walker

    If only today we were so strong in our convictions, actions and words - if only today I was so strong in my conviction, actions and words.

    1. Hmmm...interesting about Saint John! THanks!
      Again- good research!
      How can we become stronger in our convictions? We all seem to waver somewhat- are we "afraid" of offending others?
      Thanks Donna

  4. It was kind of interesting that John should write to a chosen Lady (with a capital L) and her children. Strange way to begin.
    And what about these false teachers. At first I was thinking about teachers, preachers, and others who can lead us astray. How about cult leaders, or even criminals who want people to go along with them. It's almost like anyone can talk many people into doing anything.
    Could this be why there are so many people dependent on substances like drugs, alcohol, or even food, sugar, or any other destructive behavior? If anyone is looking for comfort, and of course that's everybody, can we be persuaded to follow false leaders?
    I'm thinking that any of these false leaders could make be separated from God.
    I guess these letters are important but truthfully I think I could live without them and get the same information from other books of the NT.

    1. It is odd that it was written to a woman! Wonder what the men thought of that!!
      You are so right- anyone can talk anyone into almost anything! We are looking to be part of something and if someone takes an interest in us- we go. So many kids (and adults) get pulled aside in this need "to be".
      It is "easy" to pull people away from God- that goes back to Donna's comment about our strength and conviction!
      Good thoughts Cathy!

  5. John writes to a certain lady and her children and warns about false prophets . However I think he has warned about false prophets in 1John also so I am not getting why this special letter except there must have been some leading and going astray in this group of believers and John felt it necessary to write especially to them But he also states that he is going to visit them and feels he can do better face to face,

    1. He did have a warning in an earlier letter- but it was to someone different! There must have been someone doing some bad things in this church!
      Thanks Clara!

  6. The opening of this letter sounds like Paul writing. I don’t know for sure, but I am sure that Paul was in prison, or maybe executed, when this letter was written, so I doubt it was written by him.

    John continues his theme of abstaining from sinning and loving God. I do not see any differences in his theme from Book 1. Who is “the elect lady and her children”? Just a guess, but could John be referring to a church (the lady) and its congregation (her children)?

    If someone is teaching that Jesus wasn’t human, anyone who is familiar with John’s teaching could tell that this “teacher” is a phony. John makes it very clear that Jesus was with God and also with us, meaning that He was also human. He also had to be human to suffer and die on the cross.

    I can see you point, Pastor, that if a pastor is unscrupulous, he can lead his people in the wrong direction. I want to be very emphatic that you are NOT one of these pastors. Since coming to Little Meadows, I have learned much about the Bible and the teachings of Christ. I do not know where my spiritual life would be if I hadn’t decided to worship at Little Meadows.

    Congratulations, Cindy. That is indeed great news.

  7. Good conclusion Jack- "the lady" was probably a church more than an actual person. We often times refer to the church in the feminine pronouns. Then "her children" would be the congregation.
    If people read John's works-- key word-- IF. Many people couldn't read and were dependent upon people reading for them!
    Thanks for the comment Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...