Monday, November 1, 2021

John 16

 We had a great night at Trunk or Treats! We had probably close to 90 kids come by for treats and goodies. It was so nice to see them all. There were about 9 or 10 "trunks" giving out treats at the church. The Fire Station also had a Trunk or Treats so many of the kids went there too! It was drizzling when we got there and the wind was howling- but it stopped  just as the kids were coming. It turned out to be a great night!

We were unable to spend the day with Joseph, but Lauren sent photos. When Joseph was younger, he was all excited about fire trucks, but now it is school busses. At the day care that he goes to, there are two busses that stop and pick up kids and he gets so excited to see the bus. So, he was a school bus for Halloween!

This morning begins with a continuation of Friday's reading. Jesus was talking with the disciples about their future persecution and hate. Jesus told them about the coming persecution so they would be prepared for it and not be surprised and stumble (v 1). The disciples would likely be thrown out of the synagogues, rather than leave on their own. When people say things against the current theology and belief, they are often excommunicated or at least shunned enough that they leave. These people, and the ones that will be persecuting, often do it as a tribute to God (e.g. Saul of Tarsus before his conversion was persecuting the "Christians" for God's glory!). Jesus is doing as best as he can to forewarn the disciples of the troubles they will face. Do you think they understood? Would we have understood? Do we now?

Jesus then makes an interesting statement (v 5). Both Simon Peter and Thomas asked "Lord, where are you going?"  The thought is that in both cases, the disciples were more worried about themselves when Jesus left- not on the destination of Jesus. They were concerned about themselves rather than Jesus. In defense of the disciples, they are probably full of confusion, grief, sorrow, wonder, anxiety at hearing all of this from Jesus. Jesus states it is for their advantage that Jesus leave (v 7). When someone is close to death, we sometimes do "wish" for death as it will ease their comfort and pain- it usually isn't a wish for us that someone will die. Here Jesus is saying that the disciples will be better off if Jesus is gone! The "advantage" is that the Holy Spirit/ the Advocate will come. The Holy Spirit, since it influences all people, probably has a greater and more widespread ministry. Jesus is saying that the Spirit would be better for the people than the physical presence of Jesus. Thoughts?

Jesus makes an honest confession, "I have more to say, but I just can't do it right now" (v 12). There is more to learn when the Spirit comes. Is this the anticipation of the New Testament writings? The Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus to us. The ministry of the Spirit is the revelation of Jesus to all people. 

Jesus' arrest is only a few hours away. During the crucifixion and resurrection, the disciples lost their faith and lost vision of Jesus (v 16). The disciples were certainly confused, "First you see me, then you won't, then you will again." I'd be confused too! Jesus knew that they needed clarity; Jesus knew that they were confused- they had to be! Jesus knew that they would be plunged into dark sorrow and pain; Jesus also knew that the sorrow would turn into joy with the actions of God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus makes the analogy of a woman giving birth. The pain of childbirth is replaced by the joy of motherhood and that pain is "forgotten" (or so they say- anyone care to comment on that?). 

Jesus makes it clear that God loves them; God loves the disciples (and all) because of their love for Jesus. And this statement is made before Jesus dies on the cross- God loves before Jesus' death, not as a result of it. God came to earth in love! Jesus keeps repeating the statement "I came from the Father" throughout John's Gospel. Jesus reminds them again, He came from God, lived with people, and now has to go back to God. 

The disciples seem to "get it" (vv 29- 30). They have had their epiphany, their "ah-ha" moment and seem to realize what Jesus had been talking about the last three years! They seem quite confident in the faith. Jesus doesn't doubt the disciples, but He knows that their faith will be shattered in the next few days. The question, "Do you now believe?" (v 31) could also be translated, "You do now believe!" but your faith will be shaken! Crisis will come (soon) and their faith will be shattered as they regroup and try to wrap their heads around what has happened. Jesus tells them that they will abandon Him, yet He will not be alone as God will be there (v 32). 

Jesus summarizes his final talk with the words, "Have peace. Take courage. I win!" Soon (next chapter), Jesus will pray for the disciples, but right now, Jesus wanted the disciples to hear these important words. 

Try to imagine being the disciples, try to imagine hearing these words, try to imagine not having 2000 years of history to "prejudice" our thoughts. 

Have a good day and be at peace.

Pastor Paul


  1. Glad to hear the Trunk or Treat went well and so many kids. Lok the picture of Joseph as a school bus . He looks as if he was having a great time.

    Jesus tells the disciples that He is going to be leaving them and that they will grieve his going but He will be coming back and they will rejoice when they see Him again.. He is speaking of His death and resurrection They don't understand and i am sure I would not have understood what He meant I don't think that they thought when he said he was going away they they thought He would die Maybe just a trip for a few days?? We havwe the Bible to tell us what happened at that time of cousre the disciples only had what jesus was telling them if he said to me he was going away I would never have thought that he was going to die even after he told the disciples plainly I still am not sure that they understood exactly what was going to take place.. He said he had to die so that the meaning of his being here could be spread thruout the land and the only way for that to happen was for him to die and the Holy Spirit to come into the world to help spread the word . His disciples will help with the spreading of his word.

    1. Even knowing what we do it is hard to understand and grasp- I can't even begin to imagine what the disciples were thinking! Such a tough concept!
      Thanks Clara!

  2. It’s interesting that Jesus gave so much thought to all these minute details of what’s to come. He tried to warn the disciples and prepare them. I’m not sure I would have been so worried about others if I knew what was going to happen to me. It’s so incredible that Jesus was SO accepting of his fate. It reminds me of people I’ve known who are going in for surgery or have signed up for the military and seem very resigned to what’s coming. I guess my anxiety keeps me fighting everything to the last minute.
    Jesus says that he tells the disciples these things so that they may have peace. It seems that they would have anything but. They need a lot of faith to believe that despite all that is going to happen, they will be all right.

    1. Jesus pours out compassion, even in his last hours. It is so hard to imagine his care and concern for others. Not me certainly!
      Anxiety grips many of us!
      Thanks Cathy

  3. I was in Philly since Thursday and returned late this afternoon. So I read James 14, 15 and 16 in a continues reading (as well as all your comments) and reading them in this way I could see how all three chapters repeat themselves. Jesus tells them if they love Him, then they are to keep His commandment by loving each other, if they love Him, they love God and because of this, both He and God love them and that He will be leaving them soon to prepare a way for them in Heaven but will return.

    I, like Jack, have such a difficult time in the trinity - after all, Jesus does say that he dwells in the Father and the Father in Him BUT he also says that the disciples will dwell in Him. Jesus repeatedly says that the Father instructs Him on what He is to say and what is going to happen. But if they are one, why would someone need to tell Jesus what to say? And why will Jesus be "sending" a Comforter to them if it is really Him??? So in sending the Comforter, has Jesus actually returned? Because in my translation Jesus states that he MUST die if the "Comforter" or "Spirit of Truth" is to come and STAY with them - and I am thinking with us?

    It is difficult to believe that those of other religions will not get to Heaven because they do not believe in Jesus, although Paul reassures us that people will be judged on the knowledge they know. But if they KNOW about Christianity and then reject it, are they doomed? And we did have the conversation the Jesus will not return until ALL people have knowledge of Him and then decides to accept and reject?

    There is a great quote in one of my favorite movies - Secondhand Lions - A person needs to believe "That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil. That true love never dies...." A person "should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in." That's me - I know that the opposite of what is said here happens - but I choose to BELIEVE in this quote. If that makes sense - smile.

    Hate is still with us - but so is great love!! We just hear about hate more because it makes a great news story.

    Joseph looks so cute!

    1. The Holy Trinity is something that I struggle with too. We are not supposed to know everything! I guess that is one mystery that we will always have with us!
      You bring another good point about other religions believing- again- somethin we may never know the answer to! Sorry!
      With all the negative news and bad going on in the world- sometimes it is hard to believe that there is good. But that is a good point- we do need to believe in good, believe in the positive virtues and that good will win. It is hard sometimes though!
      Hope you had a good time in Philly!

  4. I know that I have asked this before, but this time, there is no doubt. Jesus is talking about His crucifixion. I do not remember the disciples being thrown out of the synagogue, but this is very possible. All throughout John’s gospels, Jesus speaks about His time not having arrived. However, now His time has arrived, and He is trying to tell His disciples what is going to happen, but they are confused. Jesus is clearly talking about the Trinity when He speaks about what will happen to Him. The disciples are confused. In fact, both Simon-Peter and Thomas ask where Jesus is going. All they get in response is “I am going away for a while, but then I will return (the resurrection).” I can imagine why they would be confused. They do not have the blessing of 2000 years to figure it out. They only have a few days to a week to put 2 plus 2 together. I imagine that although they have no idea of what happens to Jesus, the thought of His death is the last thing that the disciples are thinking about. They also have the fear of what will happen to them after Jesus is gone.

    When Jesus says, “I have more to say, but I can’t do it right now,” it is possible that He is talking about His ascension. In any event, it is obvious to me that Jesus is talking about His crucifixion and resurrection, along with His lecturing about the Trinity.

  5. I am sure that the disciples were shunned enough because of their beliefs that they were "excommunicated" from the synagogues.
    Jesus knows that he time for his death has arrived. And they were thinking that his return was going to be quick. THe early church suspected that Christ's return would be quick- and here we are 2000 years later still waiting!
    Good insights JAck- thanks


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...