Wednesday, November 3, 2021

John 18

 Good morning again. It is dark out there! Yikes!! Thanks for all he comments and discussion over the last chapter. There were some great thoughts! I appreciate the dialogue!

This morning is the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. As we read, remember the words Jesus has said to his followers. 

Some translations add in the Brook Kidron rather than the Kidron Valley. This is the name of the brook that flows in the valley that one must cross to get to the garden. During the Passover, this small brook flows red with the blood of the lambs that have been sacrificed for the feast. A chilling reminder of what is to come. 

As they enter the garden, Judas is there with a small group of police. A brief conversation happens, and Jesus continually addresses himself as "I AM" the symbol of divinity. There seems to be no fighting or disagreement, Jesus seems to willingly go with the police. Peter tries to start something by cutting the ear of the slave, but he is chastised by Jesus. 

Annas was not the high priest, but there was power behind the throne of Caiaphas. While at the High priest's palace, Peter seem to cower in the dark. Several minuets earlier he was willing to fight for Jesus, but now not so much. He even denies knowing Jesus! Annas tries to question Jesus about the disciples, but Jesus protects them saying that He openly taught the whole world. Jesus exercises his lawful right when he asks to confront his accusers (v 21), but as we know- there weren't any! Legally, the high priest was to call the witnesses first to announce the charges and provide testimony, then it was up to the defendant to convince the court of innocence. This didn't happen!

Peter denies knowing Jesus two more times. The rooster crows. I winder what Peter was feeling at this moment?

Jesus is presented before Pilate. In the other Gospels, the trial is primarily with the Sanhedrin; John's emphasis is against Rome and Pilate. Interesting to note that the religious authority would willingly give up an innocent person for execution, but would not go into the Praetorium because they would then be unclean for the Passover feast (v 28). Pilate doesn't want to take the case (v 31). Jews can't execute via crucifixion, only stoning. Rome uses the cross for death. All the Hebrew prophecies point to execution via crucifixion- so Rome had to do it!

Pilate asks if Jesus was the King of the Jews (v 33). Pilate was expecting a military king, someone with great fanfare and pomp and circumstance, and here stands Jesus. Pilate expected what others expected- a great military power that would overtake Pilate and the Romans. Earthly kingdoms are based on violence, war, power, pride; God's kingdom is based on lave, peace, harmony. The two are obviously quite different! "My kingdom is not of this world." (v 36).

I really like this next series of verses that end with "What is truth?" (v 38). Jesus has always told the truth; Jesus has always said what is real, yet they (we) question all the time! For Pilate- Rome was truth, Caesar was truth, war was truth, soldiers and armies were truth, hate was truth. For Jesus- God is truth, love is truth, peace is truth. What is our truth?

Pilate declares Jesus innocent.

Pilate looks for an "easy" way to end this and remembers that during the Passover, one criminal can be granted a pardon (v 39). The crowd wants Barabbas released (v 40), a true criminal. A cruel, ruthless Roman leader tries to win the life of a Jewish rabbi, but fails.  How could the crowd turn so quickly on Jesus? Were they pushing Jesus, the Messiah, to take up arms and save them all? Were they tearing down a leader that they had built up? Were they angry at Jesus for being a "false prophet"? The crowd rejects Jesus ("Son of the Father") and embraces Barabbas (the name Barabbas means "son of the father"). I wonder how Barabbas felt upon Jesus' crucifixion?

The sentence comes down that Jesus is guilty. Tomorrow we read the "pre-crucifixon" beatings and then the crucifixion. The words will be difficult.

Enjoy the day that we have been blessed with and have hope in the resurrection!

Pastor Paul


  1. Jesus is arrested> My heart is heavy reading these next chapters. Altho I know that Jesus great sacrifice has given me eternal lie with Him and God the Father.
    There are some differences reading John description than the other gospels. I do not remember the Kidron Valley or Creek mentioned previously ( thank you Pastor Paul for your explanation)
    Judas leads the Priests Pharisee and guards to Jesus there. when asked if he is Jesus the Nazarene, Jesus replies I AM . This of course is mentioned several different ways in John that Jesus Says I AM
    They arrest Jesus and take him to the High Priest. Peter and another disciple follow and are finally admitted into the courtyard of the high priest there peter denies knowing j
    Jesus three times before the cock crows. I am sure because of Jesus arrest etc. Peter is fearful of what may happen to himself.
    Jesus trial before the high priest is not successful to the wants of his accusers and they want him executed by crucifixion not by stoning as the Jews do . So he is taken to Pilate the Roman governor where Pilate cannot find him guilty so he sent back Jsesus to the accusers. The accusers can't find him guilty as they don't want to make themselves unclean for the Passover. but didn't what they are doing really make them unclean?
    Pilate askes Jesus if he is the king of the Jews and Jesus said his kingdom is not of this earth but He was sent to testify to the truth. Pilate then goes back to the accusers and as tradition goes askes is they want Jesus released and the accusers do not name Jesus but Barabbas , a criminal, to the released. as the old saying goes what evil lurks in the heart of men. A criminal vs Jesus!!!!!!!!

    1. Many times in this Gospel, the author has used "I AM" as words from Jesus- divinity!
      This was a difficult chapter to read.
      Thanks Clara

  2. This is an interesting chapter - no mention of praying and falling asleep and no kiss from Judas - instead there is the question. In my translation vs 6 says "As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward and fell to the ground." The comments in my Bible says "They came to arrest a meek peasant and instead were met in the dim light by a majestic person". Also not said in the synoptic gospels. I found that interesting. Was "the other disciple" mentioned John???? In my translation it says that the Jews responded that they could NOT put any man to death - in any way. ???? And the way that John wrote this - in my translation - it seemed like Pilate was ONLY talking to those Jews who brought Jesus for execution - NOT a group of Jews gathered there - when he asked about the exchange of Jesus for Barabbas. Which kind of makes sense, how could the "common" Jew make that decision or even be a part of it? Wouldn't it make sense that only the Jews in authority could make that decision? And in vs. 28 it says - "Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment and it was early...." Again, only a certain group of Jews - not a huge congregation. And it was early. Does what I am saying make sense? Plus it seems like Jesus is a bit more "chatty" in this retelling.

    Are we Peter? Going from drawing a sword to cut off Malchus' ear (interesting that he was a servant - or does that mean slave?) to denying Jesus three times. And in Luke vs. 61 it says (after Peter's denial) "And the Lord turned and looked upon Peter..." I can't even imagine how Peter felt, denying Jesus, remembering Jesus' words and then having Jesus look at him after he does it. No wonder he cried bitterly. But none of this - nor the story of Judas' death - is here in John.

    Although I have never denied Jesus nor did I never not believe, there have been times when I did not keep his commandment - or God's - which Jesus clearly says several times in John that if you loved Him you would keep his commandments. So I guess in that way I have gone from Peter's action of "cutting off the ear" to "denying Jesus" by not keeping his commandments.

  3. There is much discussion about the guards falling back. Were they surprised? Scared? Did they maybe get it?
    It was probably just the Jewish authority that Pilate was talking with. In the other gospels we get the idea that it is the entire crowd.
    Jesus does talk more in this gospel than in the other three. Some interesting details! Also interesting what John leaves out!!
    Good comments Donna


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...