Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Revelation 12

 Great day yesterday! Fun Bible study using the book "Faithful" by Adam Hamilton, then home for a few hours of church work, then dinner at Blue Dolphin with my ladies from the church! And of course, Sherri too! We had an ugly sweater "contest" (hard to call it that!); Donna won- barely! 

I hope you're ready for some interesting reading! Let your imagination run free with this chapter!

This chapter begins with one of the seven "great signs" (mega semeion) that John tells us about; my Bible uses the word "portent" which is "a sign or warning that something calamitous is about to happen." This doesn't sound good! Chapters 12, 14, and 14 introduce us to the main characters of the Great Tribulation. The first is "the woman" that is symbolic of Israel. Women are usually symbolic of religion and/or religious systems (E.g., the church is referred to as "the bride); some denominations (Roman Catholic) see the woman as Mary. The twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The child that is born represents Jesus and the pain the woman has represents the trials and difficulties of Israel under Roman occupation during the time of Jesus' birth.

The second sign is the dragon representing Satan. Satan is ready to devour and destroy Jesus, the child. The dragon is a fierce and powerful beast ready to kill and destroy; it wields great power-- seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems (jeweled crowns symbolizing ruling authority); see also Daniel 7:7-8. The dragon wipes out and brings down 1/3 of the stars from heaven; these are the "angels" that help rule with Satan. The dragon is ready to devour the child (think Herod at Jesus' birth!). 

The child (clearly a reference to Jesus) symbolizes the return of Christ as He will rule all the nations. The child is snatched up by God (for protection); the woman is also protected as she is driven to the wilderness for 1260 days (we have seen that number before!). Some people think the "place prepared by God" is Petras- a rock city south of the Dead Sea.

"The Woman and the Dragon"
(from Sabbath School Net- Seventh Day Adventist)

Spoiler alert...Surprise! War breaks out! Who would have thought of that happening?! Michael and his angels come (some [Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, et al.] believe Michael was really Jesus). The battle between good and bad begins (and continues even today!) The two greatest angels know- Satan and Michael- fight in heaven! In our life, this is a spiritual battle, but could it be real? Milton, in Paradise Lost, writes about this (Book VI, 320-334). Evil is defeated and shunned from heaven! Yah God! This is one of the descriptions of the fall of Satan (see also Ezekiel 28:14-16, Job 1:12, Zechariah 3:1, Revelation 20). Satan and his angels (the demons) are thrown to earth; remember 1/3 of the stars were Satan's angels, so 2/3 are still on the side of God!

from Archangel Michael Will Fight Satan During End Times (

A voice (unknown as who this is) announces that Satan is thrown down and humanity is redeemed! Satan can never win against the blood of Christ (blood- emphasizing Jesus' death). If we know and remember God's saving work for us and in us- Satan cannot win. Rejoice heaven- Satan is gone. But woe to earth because that where Satan now reigns! Satan's power is real and strong- but is only temporary (v 12).

The dragon (Satan), now on earth decides to go after the woman. Some see the woman (we talked about her before) as all humanity- as Satan is after all of us; some still see the woman as Israel and then therefore the Jews. Jump to v 17- "the rest of her children" may now represent the Gentiles. Why does Satan desire to attack the woman's children (if referring to Israel)- they are the chosen, they were the lineage of Jesus! The woman sprouts eagle's wings and flies to safety (think about military transport planes carrying people away from war and disaster!) for a long time (times and times and half a time). The dragon is angry and tries to flood the earth- but the earth prevents that. God saves God's people. 

Peter Dennis (Getty Images)
Are There Dragons in the Bible? ( 

Did you like this chapter? More beasts and fighting in the next one!

Hope you have a good day! Today is lectionary, errands, and church work day for me!

Pastor Paul


  1. If I just read this chapter and didn't realize that it was a part of the "end" of the world, I really would have that it was a NEW creation or a recreation of the world, complete with the birth of Christ and expelling Satan and his angels out of heaven to earth. And the fight between the good and evil begins.... again.

    Is the fight between Satan and Michael Armageddon? Or is this to come?

    Earth is a "living" entity?

    I actually enjoyed reading this chapter!

    Jack, how are you doing?

    P.S. I won that ugly sweater competition hands down - I rocked it - ok, truth be known, the Pastor conceded - BUT he said I would win lunch with him soooooo

    1. There is a new world, a "new Jerusalem" that will be created soon (well, not that soon, but in a few chapters!)
      Hmm...good question. Armageddon is the final fight between good and evil. This is a beginning- not sure if there is more to come. I don't know that yet, but we will see soon enough!
      I do believe Earth is a living entity- from a biological and physical view it is alive, with cycles and fluxes in organisms, etc...
      And yes, you won!

  2. This chapter seemed to be and easier read. it tells of how Satan tries to overtake the Jews and devour the babe (Christ) but, of course, he loses. There is a war between his angels and the angel Michael and he is cast to the earth Not so good for the earth as he can now set his wrath on the people of the earth He also goes after the woman (Jews) by trying to drown her but the swallows up the water. What will he (Satan) try next?

    1. It is an interesting read! And the story itself isn't too hard to just read. I am planning on ding that when we are all done. Just sit back and read it as a short story. There is so much going on!

  3. This chapter starts off with a woman who is about to give birth to a male child. Is the mother Mary and the male child Jesus? It appears it could be, but then a third character appears (the Antichrist per the footnotes in my translation). This character is a red dragon with seven heads, seven crowns and ten horns. This is Satan according to my footnotes. The male child is snatched up by God and whisked to His throne. The woman flees into the wilderness and to a place prepared for her by God and she finds refuge there. Michael (??) and his angels fight with Satan and his thugs, but Satan is defeated.

    Did I like this chapter? No. The more I read of Revelation, the more I get a bad feeling about our country and its current condition. For example, I hear more and more on the news that the crime being waged in our land is an indication of order breaking down in the country. This “Smash and Grab” epidemic currently going on it the worst of it. It seems to have grown out of shoplifting, which, in some places, is now only punishable if you steal up to $1000.00 of merchandise. Also, the elimination of cash bail and the election of DAs backed by George Soros are more indications of the breakdown of law and order. (George Soros is a socialist and is known to hate the USA, while he lives in the lap of luxury.) What is going on??? I pray that it stops.

    Tonight, I have two black eyes. My surgery went well, and my eyes feel better tonight, but I am afraid my face won’t look too good for the next several days.

  4. There are a few takes on the mother and child- but that seems to be the most accepted woman= Mary; child = Jesus
    Michael wins against Satan!
    There is so much bad and hate and negative in the world- but we also need to find the good and love and peace that exists- it does exist!
    Glad surgery went well! Thanks for update!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...