Friday, December 10, 2021

Revelation 14

Good morning group! Good day yesterday. Sherri worked from home, so it was strange having someone else (other than Finn) in the house with me! Got enough work done to be able to sit out in the woods for a few hours yesterday- didn't see anything- except for two hairy woodpeckers (picture below, not mine) that were moving from tree to tree looking for insects! It was fun watching them!

Today we begin to see some good and signs that God is active; the beasts will eventually be defeated!

John sees Jesus (the Lamb) with the 144,000 we met back in chapter 7; they are identified by their marks and are Jewish "ministers" who are active during the Tribulation. Satan's followers have their mark ("666") on their foreheads, these people have God's mark on them! Zion is the ancient name for the hills that surround Jerusalem. God's voice booms from the heavens, harps (Rev 5:8, some of the elders had harps) begin playing, and they all sing a new song. Something new and different is coming!

These 144,000 are pure ("virgins") but not necessarily all female. We tend to use the word virgin in description of females, but the Greek "partehnos" can be used for either male or female. The idea is that they were pure and holy; they are Jewish followers and clearly believe in Jesus as they "follow the Lamb wherever He goes".

Another angel comes from the heavens and proclaims the Gospel- and it is to all people (as per Matthew 24- we don't get to decide!). The angel tells the world what to do- fear God, judgement is coming! ANoter angel comes announcing the fall of Babylon (more in chapter 17). This "Babylon" could literally represent the historical city, or Rome, or another political or religious system. Whoever this Babylon is, it spiritually corrupted the world. The third angel comes and announces the fall and torment of the followers of Satan (the full strength of God's wrath and vengeance) - those with the mark of the beast on them. The torment is real and our vision of hell- fire and burning sulfur and smoke. Interesting that the holy angels and Jesus will be there while this is happening. God is present even in hell!

In contrast, those that are the saints will rest continually. What courage and comfort for those that have fought to do good all their life, who have done the best that they can, who have believed. The works of the saints follows them to heaven and they will rest from all their labors. 

Coming out on a cloud is Jesus wearing a crown with a sickle in his hand. The purpose of a sickle is to reap the harvest of wheat or other grasses. Satan had his chance to harvest from the earth- and now it is God's turn. 

After God harvests the good, another angel comes to harvest the bad (I think this is what is going on) as they are crushed in a winepress and their blood flows as high as a horse's bridle!

These last few chapters have been the "Battle of Armageddon" (I think Donna T brought that up in one of her commentaries). This is the ultimate battle between good and evil- and as we see- good does win. 

This was another interesting and strange chapter! Yikes! What a great story though! Good wins!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to reading more! Almost done! I was planning on a small "graduation ceremony" in celebration of our work. Maybe in worship on December 26? Is that possible for all of us to be there (I know Jack may have a hard time! Maybe we can Zoom you in for a while?)

Pastor Paul


  1. I sure hope I am one of the 144,000 though not sure if these are meant to be just Jews?? I don't want to be the one with the 666 on my forehead or hand. Is the first of the three angels giving people one last chance to repent of their sins and follow God? The second and third angel bring bad news for the ones with the mark of Satan as they will suffer in fire and brimstone. Jesus then comes to collect the faithful and the unfaithful will be judged with the crushing wrath of God.
    I thinking that the people in the mid central states need all prayers as they probably thought the end was near as they went through those terrible tornadoes Friday night.
    Jack, hope your "black eyes" are healing now and it has helped your vision.
    SAying prayers also for Pastor Paul's family.

    1. I think the 144000 are Jews- but then Jesus comes and "marks" the Gentiles and others- so we are good- I hope!!
      The angels are to offer repentance and salvation- but as we know- many people refuse!
      Thanks Clara

  2. This chapter brings several things to mind. Certainly that the good and faithful will be rewarded and the unfaithful will be judged harshly. It also makes me think about that vengeful God of the old testament and that more black and white view of things. Then I think about a compassionate God who forgives and loves. Some confusing thoughts.

    1. These words do sound much like the Hebrew God of vengeance and very different from the God of love and peace. It is all confusing and odd for us, from Christian eyes, to read this!
      Thanks Cathy

  3. I’m sorry I’ll miss the graduation ceremony. I imagine we’ll be taking a trip back east once this COVID stuff dies down. As far as a Zoom display. That would be good, as long as you can keep Pat McCauley quiet!!! (That’s a bad joke.)

    I am happy to see that Jesus and God are present in this mess. I agree with Clara. I hope I am one of the 144,000. To be excluded from these folks would be very unpleasant indeed.

    One thing struck out at me while reading the material. I am not sure where I saw it, but it struck me that the 144,000 were Jews and it appears they believed in Christ. I didn’t think that Jews believed in Christ. Were these folks Christians who converted from Judaism?

    I worked with a Jewish man many years ago. I don’t know if he was Orthodox, but if he wasn’t, he was very strong in his religion. Anyway, he told me the Hell is a Christian creation. Apparently, Jews don’t believe in it. Interesting.

  4. There is no way to keep Pat quiet!
    I too hope I am one of the chosen! Hmmm....good point- the 144,000 are Jews then they must be converts? I will have to research that more!
    Regarding Hell and Judaism...Jews have a place called Gehinnom (translated roughly as hell). It is not a place of punishment, it is a place of getting clean and redemption. From "It is like a spiritual washing machine. Think of your socks- you put them in a washing machine to clean them, not to punish them," That is a rough understanding of Gehinnom.
    Thanks Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...