Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Revelation 17

 Wow! What another beautiful day we were blessed with yesterday! After a great Bible study, I spent most of the day running some errands and getting some last-minute things done. But I did have some time to get outside and (as my mom used to say) "get the stink blown off me"! Today looks like another good one! It is lectionary day for me and then lunch at McCoys! I have never been there, so I am excited! By the way- the sunrise this morning was beautiful!

This morning's sunrise!

Today's reading focuses on Babylon and the "Great Whore of Babylon". Babylon is mentioned about 300 times in the Bible; it is the second most named city after Jerusalem! Babylon was a real city at one time; it is associated with idol worship, lust, greed, and the persecution of God's people. In John's time, Babylon often referred to Rome.

Some backstory to "help" things?! Babylon was a religious city, but their religion was founded on Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod (great grandson of Noah). She claimed to have given birth to a son (Tammuz) without having intercourse who was called the Messiah. He was reportedly killed by a wild beast and then brought back to life a few days later. Story sound familiar?! Ezekial (8:4) protests worship of Tammuz.

Babylon is an international character, as she sits on many waters (v 1). This "woman" is a false religion that will persuade many nations to come to her idolatry. Remember- Rome at this time was a powerful international force that "persuaded" many people to follow their way. A powerful system (religious or otherwise) can make people "drunk" and they will follow them. This is Babylon- the false idol making people think she is the way to follow. 

The angel that John is with (one of the seven that poured out the plagues) takes him to the wilderness and John sees the whore (Babylon) riding the demon beast we met in 13:1- Satan, the Antichrist. She is associating with the Antichrist! Her riding shows that they are intimately associated- she is in control, yet still relies on the power of the beast. If you have ever ridden a horse- you know that feeling. You are in control yet dependent upon the power of the horse. She wears purple and scarlet- colors of royalty and splendor. Roman prostitutes often wore a headband with their name on it; this whore of Babylon had her name on her forehead! She is the embodiment of Satan's world and revels in the fact that people have spilled their blood (the martyrs).

"The Whore of Babylon"
1523, woodcut, Hans Burgkmair

John is amazed (v 6) at the pseudo-religious aspect of delighting in the blood of the martyrs! The angel goes on to explain who the whore is and who the beast is. The seven heads are related to the seven mountains; Rome and the Catholic papacy is identified here. Rome is known as the city of seven hills (mountains). Some see it as the seven kingdoms identified in 17:10. The majority of theologians see Rome and the Catholic church here. The early Roman Catholic Church wanted complete universal control of the world. The angel talks about the seven heads- each head represents a king or empire. The five kings that have fallen may have been the five Roman emperors that predated John or may have been the empires Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Meso- Persia, and Greece. One refers to Rome during John's time, and the one to come is the revival of the Roman empire (maybe??). The seventh king is the clearly the beast (Satan).

The angel then talks about the horns. There are 10. There is no clear idea who the ten are (some think the nations of the European Economic Community). Whoever these ten are, they will ally with Satan, the Beast and wage war on Jesus (the Lamb). The whore comes back wielding power and influence on all of these nations and kings. 

There is a turn of events though. The Whore has helped the beast, but once the beast gets what "he" wants, the Beast will destroy the whore.  Once Satan gains control, Satan will have no need for Babylon and will destroy Babylon. God will use the ten kings (the horns of the beast) to do God's will and destroy Babylon. Will God use an evil group to further God's goal?

The angel concludes by saying "that woman was the great city". Rome was the great city during John's time. Is this story prophesying the fall of Rome? Rome did fall eventually. Food for thought!

Some confusion here in this chapter, but an interesting read! Tomorrow we read more of the fall of Babylon!

Have a great day! Thanks for the hard work. I cannot believe we are almost done!

Pastor Paul


  1. Jack, I owe you an apology. Your comment did say Wednesday was your dr. appointment! I hope today goes very well for you. My sympathies to both you and Rhea and your brother's family. So very sad.

    1. Mo apology is necessary, Donna. I saw the doctor this morning and he seemed pleased with my progress. Th black eyes are nearly gone and I can see a lot better.

      Thank you for your kind expression of sympathy. I haven't heard about funeral arrangements from my brother yet, but I'm sure they will do an autopsy.

  2. More symbolism. I wonder, since we seem to have the "rebirth" of the Savior (in earlier chapters), then we have the trinity - evil this time, could the number 7 just be another reference to Christianity/Judaism - as it was considered as completion or perfection? And perhaps the 10 refers to 10 original disciples that were still alive at the time John saw his vision. Of course, I don't know if that's true - smile - with the timeline so iffy we only know for sure that one of them is dead. I can see how people then and now get "drunk" with false religion or absolute power - especially if it lets you do and live exactly as you want to! Pastor, you reference Roman Catholicism several times - but was it even in power when John wrote this? I mean, didn't Peter and Paul establish this and were still alive and working within this religion when John saw the vision, so I am wondering how it could mean them?

    Enjoy your lunch!

    1. One of the difficult aspects of Revelation is the symbols that we are just not sure of! What you say about 7 and 10 could be true...but we just don't know. Contemporary theologians are still dissecting apart these visions! Will we ever know?
      My reference to the Roman Catholic church was more of a comment on the "Roman church" rather than the Catholic denomination. As an FYI- Catholic tradition has the origin of the Catholic church at Jesus' birth; it obviously wasn't structured as it is now, but there has "always" been a Catholic church. It (the church) was very powerful and did have lots of control on the Roman empire (and many empires after Rome). Constantine was "converted" and issued the edict of Milan in 313AD which ended persecution of the Christians and it was furthered by the council of Nicea in 325AD.
      Sorry for the confusion in my words.
      Lunch was good- except for this one rowdy group of women in the next room!

  3. A beautiful sunrise! Sorry to have missed yesterday's comments. After a great bible study I came home and shortly after received a call from my sister, Donna Welch, that her husband had passed away during a valve replacement procedure yesterday morning. That made think back to the time I lost my husband. It kind of threw my day off. Ater talking with my sister in law we decided to go ahead with some previous plans and take My other sister in law to lunch, as she was leaving in a few days to spend a time in Florida. Never the less from all that I completely forgot to write a comment.

    The battle Armageddon was fought in the Middlle East, was that because previously 1/3 of the earth was destroyed or because John did not know of this world we now live in? This vison of John's was of the future so why did John focus only on the places he knew of ? Just wondering?

    Today's reading has so much symbolism it's hard to follow but it seems to me the base of it is that some evil will destroy some evil before God completely destroys all evil? Satan lets the "Whore woman" do her evil things until he destroys her?? Is this the gist of today's reading?

    1. Clara, our sympathy to you and your sister about the passing of your brother-in-law. He is with God and Jesus, and that is a good place to be. No time is a good time for this to happen, but this time of the year is terrible. It sure puts a damper on Christmas. Have as good a Christmas as possible.

    2. Pat told me that Lawrence had died during surgery! Wow! Sorry
      It is hard to tell exactly where Armageddon really is! There are a few suspected spots- but remember- this is a vision!
      Some of these symbols and words from John in these last few chapters have been difficult to dissect out!

  4. I'm thinking this chapter says that God is in charge even when evil seems to rule. Eventually God will overcome all evil.
    I am so sorry to hear about your nephew's death, Jack. And also about your brother in law's passing, Clara. It's especially sad when these things happen at Christmas time; a time that can already be stressful.
    I am always a bit down around holiday time. Having children in your life at this time does certainly help. It's so wonderful to see them so full of joy and happy anticipation.

    1. Thank you for your kind expression of sympathy, Cathy. I am not exactly in the Christmas spirit this year. We have not put up any decorations yet, (and I doubt we will, either), other than the Christmas tree. This is a crummy time of the year to have to consider death.

    2. True- God will overcome all that there is- if we are patient and can endure the evil!
      I too struggle with Christmas. We all have these ideas of what Christmas should be, but it is hard at times!
      Fine joy and peace.

  5. Someday, I am going to have to learn to proofread what I write before I send it!!!!

    This was quite a chapter, with the whore, Babylon, riding the beast from Chapter 13. According to a sidebar in our Bible, Babylon may represent the cities of Babylon, Rome, or Jerusalem. The sidebar goes on with the following: “It may be that she symbolizes all cultures that are unfaithful to God.” This chapter is heavy with symbolism and is hard for me to understand.

    There is also a reference to seven kings which may be Roman kings. Five have already served, one is currently in office and the seventh will serve in the future. There are other possibilities listed in a sidebar, including on from the future which may be the kingdom of the antichrist.

    The beast wages war against the Lamb, and the Lamb is victorious. The Lamb, of course, is Christ. Goodness wins out, finally.

  6. Babylon was possibly any one of these cities and a few more. They were all symbols of idolatry, lewdness, drunkenness, and all the other "sins".
    I like your interpretation of all cultures (or any cultures) that are unfaithful. That is the message for us!
    God does eventually win...good will triumph!

  7. Jack, forgive me for not telling you and Rea how sorry I am for the loss of your nephew. We think of Christmas as a time of Joy but it is not always so for all. I think also of the people in the middle of the country that have lost lives, homes, etc


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...