Friday, December 17, 2021

Revelation 19

 Wow! What a beautiful day we had yesterday?! I cannot believe the warmth and sunshine! Sherri had the day off so after I got some church work done, we harvested the tree. We took the top 8 feet of a 20-foot tree in our back field. It will be going up Saturday. Christmas is coming! Sherri and I are planning a day in Corning today- but will (hopefully) be back in time for the Christmas Party at Little Meadows!!

Finally, we get some good visions from John! Babylon, both the spiritual and commercial cities are destroyed. John hears a great multitude praising God. In Revelation 7:9-14 we saved a great multitude from the Tribulation; maybe these are the same "great multitude"?

"Hallelujah" is sung several times in this chapter. It is the Hebrew word for "Praise the Lord!" Remember, this was shouted to Jesus on his entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. In the last chapter, the "friends" of Babylon mourned her fall; now God's people are praising God and celebrating the fall of Babylon. The great multitude focuses on the great works of judgement God has done for them. 

The multitude continues with the 24 elders and the 4 creatures join in. Loud, enthusiastic, heart-felt, emotional worship from these saved. If only our worship could mimic that?! Just imagine these words and the feeling of relief and love they feel and represent! The excitement! The power!

The "marriage of the Lamb" has come. Jesus has always been with humanity, but this new relationship will be more close- like a marriage between two loving and caring people. In Hebrew scriptures, the bride is represented by Israel; in New Testament scriptures, the church is represented as the bride. In biblical times, the marriage consisted of two events. The betrothal was the first event (think long-term committed engagement) and then finally the wedding- with a big multiday feast (v 9). The wedding is about to happen (so have the last 2000 years been the "engagement" period?). Are we ready for the wedding? How do we make ourselves ready? It is God's work in us that dresses us in the "fine linen, bright and pure" (v 8). We get assurances from the angel (v 9) that these are true words. 

In shock and awe (?), John falls to worship the angel and the angel responds with, "Hey, I am just like you!" Shouldn't John have known worshipping an angel was not the right thing to do? Or did he have a moment of over-excitement? It seems as the angel chastises John (v 10) as a result of this "blunder".

Jesus returns riding a white horse. Horses were modes of transportation for the kings; the white denotes power, purity, and victory. How appropriate that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a horse, and he rides into the new earth on a horse! 

The fire in Jesus' eyes represent that Jesus can see us through and through- there is nothing hidden from Jesus. The many (ten) crowns show that Jesus is King of all kings and nations. Usually a king wears just one, so when the King wears many, He is in control of many! One of the last times we saw Jesus, he had a crown of thorns. His robe is dipped or sprinkled with blood, maybe His from the crucifixion, maybe the blood of his enemies? The "sword in his mouth" is symbolic of the power of God's words; Christ conquers by the power of his words.

"The Return of Jesus"
(Todd Thomas)

Another angel "invites" John and the birds of the air to gather for the "great supper". This will be the final battle. he final battle between Satan and Jesus. Jesus, riding in on a white horse, will certainly defeat Satan (all the flesh that the birds will consume). 

This is the final battle of Armageddon. The final battle seems almost anticlimactic! The beast and his armies gathered together to wage war against Jesus, only to be thrown into the lake of fire (the beast) or be killed by the sword (the armies). The lake of fire is also a name for Hell. But I guess what did we expect?!

In the next chapter, an angel comes and binds Satan to hell- but only for 1000 years?!

On that note- have a good weekend! Possible snow tomorrow. It may begin to look like Christmas!

Pastor Paul


  1. Now there are a multitude of people praising God and all his glory and even the 24 elders and 4 living beings fall down and worshio God.
    The angel asks John to write blessed are those who are invited to the wedding of the Lamb. John falls down to worship the angel but the angel tells him No do not worship me as I and only a servant of God just as John and the others are,
    Next Jesus appears on a white horse and behind Him is His mighty army that rides out to defeat Satan, the antichrist and their armies. Both Satan and the antichrist were thrown live into the flames of Hell. Is this the final judgement of the wrath oof God?? Satan has been defeated for now at least???

    1. Satan has been defeated- until chapter 20! There is more to come!
      Such a great story of the battle between evil and good!

  2. Beautiful Christmas tree. I hope you enjoyed you time in Corning. It's one of our favorite spots. We have family there.
    I believe I am all caught up. It is hard for me to believe we only have a few chapters to go. It seemed overwhelming at first and now we are about to finish the new testament.
    As I have been reading Revelation I have interpreted much of it as symbolic. So much of it reads as destruction and violent which unfortunately continues today. I do believe there is so much good in this world as well. During this time of year people are so very generous we should try to keep this going through our the year.

    1. There is lots of destruction and we can see much of it happening today. Is this the end times?
      But, you are right- there is so much good in the world. We do tend to focus on the negative- that is what sells! Generosity should continue through the entire year!

  3. Clara I was so very sorry to hear about the passing of your brother in law. I hope you your sister and family can find comfort in his memory.

  4. I think it's interesting that the person on the white horse was called "Faithful and True" but yet has a name that was written that no one but himself knew???? "and his name is called "The Word of God." And on his thigh the name "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords" was written. But no where in my translation does it say that this is Jesus or Son of God. Although I know Jesus' name IS King of Kings and Lord of Lords but as all those who went/go to war always have something on them that shows who they are fighting for.....could this be a person who is fighting FOR God/Jesus. Or does this mean that Jesus is not yet "one" with God - as in the trinity. And vs. 21 says "And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse...." Again - no name and "him" is not capitalized in my Bible - where all other pronouns referring to God and/or Jesus always is.

    Does John see so many angles and so many things and people but never actually "sees" God but hears His voice only, become confused as to who he should worship?

    I agree - rather anticlimatic ending - but, I think if I read it from beginning to end, it might have more of an impact!

    Friday night Christmas Part was so fantastic!!

    1. I thought the same- "Faithful and True" yet no one knew the name. Is that a commentary on society?
      Hmm...good question about King of kings statement? I always assumed Jesus and God were connected! Was there a disconnect>\?
      There has been so much action- but now it seems to be "easy" and we are able to predict the outcome!
      THe party was fun!

  5. It's interesting how many times throughout history that a city or a nation are determined to be an evil place and this place is destroyed. Then all the people are relived and think that the world will be a better place but first thing you know, there is another evil place. It makes me wonder what Jesus thinks when an evil place is destroyed. I was thinking about Nazi Germany. The whole world was singing Hallelujah but look at the countries in the middle east and Africa where people are starving and oppressive regimes are keeping their people from having medicines, vaccines, and even food.

  6. There will always be evil- and we can do what we can to get rid of it- but like you say- it will always come back! Why?
    What is our role in all this? So much to think about!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...