Friday, November 27, 2020

Daily Bread- Nov 27

 The focus scripture for today is 1 Chronicles 16:1-11. It is a brief story about a time when the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem and kept in  tent that David made. The ark of the covenant was the dwelling place of God, so there was worship and celebration that God was with Jerusalem and the people of David. The reading for the day ends with word from Psalm 105:1-4. The author of the devotional focuses on these last words: "Seek the Lord and the Lord's strength; Seek the Lord's face continually."

We have said many times in worship and discussion that when times are tough, it is difficult to see God because we get caught up in the bad that is going on; our emotions take over and we tend to lose focus.  It is when we begin to calm down and think that we can see God. 

We are all facing troubles: isolation and quarantines, loss of family, unable to connect with family, fear of the future, watching the racism, oppression, and injustices that are happening, financial difficulties, family/ relationship struggles...the list could continue. As we read today, though, we need to seek God and look for God's strength. When we do that, we can then begin to rebuild and deepen our strength and faith in God. 

There have been several times in my life that I have faced some really unsettling and "traumatic" (for me) events. The death of my dad and my mom were probably two of the most difficult times for me. In both cases, but especially with my dad (as I was relatively "new" to God), I lost faith and trust in God. I was so angry and so upset at God for "letting" these things happen. I lost confidence that God was even there. I can distinctly remember with my dad's death, going into the woods behind my house and just yelling at God and letting my anger and frustration out. As I was walking back home, I felt a sense of calm and peace come over me; I could sense the presence of God with me and the comfort that things were going to be OK. "Seek the Lord's strength"

We can choose to look at the darkness and evil and focus on that, or we can use that as we seek and ask for God's strength. God will take us from where we are to a place closer to God so that we  can know and understand the peace an grace that God offers each one of us.

The author of the devotional ends with the questions, "What battle do you need God's power to face right now? How can you hand your struggles to [God]?"

I would also add, "How can I help you get closer to God?"


Pastor Paul

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