Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Luke 14

 Jesus is always  testing the Pharisees (and they are always testing him!). We start this chapter with another healing on the Sabbath. The "obvious" point Jesus is making is that work on the Sabbath is good if it is being done for the purpose of God. One thing to notice, the man didn't ask for help- Jesus just did it! Do we wait for people to ask for help, or do we just do it? Jesus is trying to lead by example and just go help people!

The next set of verses (vv 7- 11) reminds me of when the disciples asked who was the greatest disciple among them! Jesus was always about humbleness and he really puts it out there in this story.  Why do some people think they are greater than they really are? Is it wrong to be humble? I like how Jesus comments that (in my words) you just may get knocked down a few pegs if you go about thinking you're all that!

Our goal is to help all, not just those that can reciprocate later. Jesus reminds us to invite all to the table (v 13). Humans tend to invite people that are like them; humans tend to gather with those that are similar. Why do we sometimes hesitate inviting "them" to the dinner table? Many arguments in the church happen because "those people" are invited or are attending or are doing things with us! Why is that so?

I am not a cost-benefit analysis expert, but I think that is where Jesus is going on the next set of verses (vv 15- 24). There is a party and people make excuses for not attending...Jesus is inviting people to join the kingdom and they have other things that are more important: material possessions (field and oxen) and family. There is a cost to discipleship. and like Jesus said in the previous chapter, "I have come to bring division in the family." A former student of mine was essentially asked to leave his home when he started taking an interest in God and religion; he did many mission trips to Europe and Asia and he is now a lead  youth pastor at a large non-denominational church! Do we think of the costs of becoming a disciple? What about the original twelve?

The salt verses seem to be just placed in the sequence of events. I don't really know who Jesus is talking to or what this is in response to! My take on these verses is that Jesus is saying  you have to come to me full and ready! Jesus likes salty people!

The closing verse in this chapter will definitely preach some day! "You people who can hear me, listen!" From this, it sounds as if not everybody is hearing. And even those that are, they may not listen! Are you both hearing and listening?

Enjoy the day. Prepare for the snow. I will try to get caught up...sorry.

Pastor Paul


  1. I LOVE the question you ask about waiting for people to ask or just going ahead and helping them in some way. Since the lesson about healing on the sabbath is clear from previous chapters, this question is a new lesson to learn and one I didn’t even think about. In fact, I went back and reread it because I never noticed that the man doesn’t actually ask for help! I have to admit I am a rather proud person. I do not like people to help me - I like to do it myself. Something that also prevents me from waiting for an answer from God - I just go ahead and do what I think needs to be done. Not always correct ofcourse. BUT because of that, it’s hard for me to go ahead and start helping people before they ask. But there are so many ways that I could help people that would not insult them. A really good thought and one I hope I remember! I have to admit there are times I did think I was all that and more. But then something happens that reminds me that I’m really not! LOL. I used to say we had children just to keep us humble! Sometimes I can walk away from a situation and think I really handled that well and am kindof proud of myself. But then the very next time a situation comes up I walk away thinking - WOW, I really missed the mark on that one! I think it means I should be praying and LISTENING to God more on how to handle a situation! Isn’t it natural for like kind to associate with like kind? All animals do it. But, of course, we do have the power to think and reason. I remember once my dryer broke and I had to take wet clothes to the laundry mat. I was so upset because I was planning on going away. While there, a man asked me for money (which I did give him) but a woman came up to me and started talking to me. I was reading so I answered her in short sentences, hoping she would get the hint. As I left, she handed me something. I smiled and got in my car. When I pulled it out of my pocked, it was an invite to her church. Don’t you think I felt like an idiot? Here I had the opportunity to have a great talk with this woman and perhaps others around us would hear and maybe learn, but, no, I was just too good for that. A very good lesson (similar to vs. 7-14) to learn!!!! How awful for anyone to be asked to leave their home for any reason! How brave of that young man. I am lucky. I have never been in a position to have to choose - be a disciple or loose friends, family, position. The original twelve were very brave - but, were also provided for by women. I’m not sure how it would be for me if someone came along and said - Hey, Donna, leave everything and lets just wonder around and preach the word of God! I’m not sure. Would I forsake all that I have to be a disciple? Hmmmmm. Do I? Do I pay for my comforts first and then others? I will have to think about that! I like that statement that Jesus likes salty people. I hope so! I try to hear and listen - but..........

  2. Jesus seemed to do alot of healing on the sabbath when he was with the Pharisees but he did not fail to do so even tho they said he was breaking the law I like what Donna said about our kids keeping us humble. How many times are we brought down in front of others by our children. I think our greatest friends should be the ones we can do for not the ones who can do for us as they will be our friends forever

  3. I love verses 20 and 21. How reassuring to feel that God automatically loves us. “Those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them.
    And vs 27- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Such comforting words.
    I think helping people is important. I think accepting help is also important. When I help someone I benefit from the good feeling that I get from my actions. We shouldn’t deny others that same pleasure.

  4. Humility is the path to promotion in the kingdom of God 15-24 An open invitation to come to God for salvation,and consider carefully the cost of service. The devotion to family has to take 2 nd place to God.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...