Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Luke 15

 Here we go again...Jesus eating with "those sinners" and the Pharisees just having a fit about it! For the Pharisees, humanity had two classes: unclean and righteous-- and neither could mingle wit the other. The story here shows Jesus' intentional and deliberate ministry. HE didn't comment about inviting them, they just all came-- and Jesus didn't shoo them away. Jesus definitely was challenging the discipleship and commitment of the Pharisees! Do you think others notice when you "eat with the sinners and tax collectors" (vv 1-2)? Should it matter? The next two stories combine together to form a statement that God seeks the lost and won't give up until we are found! The story of the lost sheep resonates with me. Sheep like to be together in small groups, but if one wanders will just keep wandering...and wandering...and wandering! These verses show us that God looks and seeks even for that one that is lost. God still cares for the others-- but they will be safe in the group. It reminds me of this past summer with the Black Lives Matter movement. Yes, all people are important, but now its time for us to look out and care for our brothers and sisters of color. How does it feel to know that God is looking and seeking for the lost?

The story of the "prodigal" son is a classic (I guess that's how we could describe it!).I have written in the margin of my Bible next to this story "The Gospel within the Gospel." This story sums up God and God's love for us. The father allows the son to make mistakes (God allows us to make mistakes) but then the son eventually realizes it (v 17) and desires to return to his father (not to his home, not to his village, his father). We live life the way we want, but we eventually come to a point where we realize the mistakes we have made and we want to return to God. God, like the father, runs with open arms to greet us! Imagine that picture-- God running to meet you!

Short chapter but  few very powerful comments about God's desire for us to be united with God.

Pastor Paul


  1. When I was in Israel, we were told from a person whose family were shepherds that when a sheep wanders off, they bring it back to the fold - over and over. However, after awhile, they will break the leg of the sheep that wanders and carry the sheep across their shoulder until the leg heals. By doing this, the sheep becomes used to the shepherd and the shepherd’s smell and becomes close to the shepherd and wanders no more. I wonder. When I wander off down a direction I should not be going, my life is not good and I am not truly happy. is that God’s lesson to me? I don’t think people notice when I eat with the sinners and tax collectors because at different times in my life I HAVE been the sinner and tax collector! I think all the parables reinforce vs. 7 - more joy in heaven when one sinner repents then 99 just persons who need no repentance. That makes me feel good. That God loves me that much - even though I so often stray and I think He knows I will again - although I do my best!! I hope God will always run toward me!!

    1. Hmmm...that's pretty tough on the sheep! Glad God doesn't break our leg! But we do learn- like you said- not being truly happy helps us make a different decision! There is lots of comfort knowing the joy we can bring God when we repent and come back to God! Thanks!

  2. Speaking of the lost sheep I hope the lambs are doing well. seems we are to care for lost items that cannot think for themselves but Jesus waits for us to come back to him once we have strayed. He will welcome us back with open arms if we only as for forgiveness. Thank God for his many blessings on us.

    1. The two lambs from the other night are good...had two more born last night in the storm and they are doing well so far! Busy being a shepherd! I like the vision of God with open arms welcoming us back in! Thanks!

  3. Interesting- 2 parables in the same chapter about “lost sheep”. Chapter 6 says “rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost”. The end of verse 32 says (speaking of the wayward brother) “he was lost and has been found”. This chapter seems to be about how wonderful it is when lost sheep find their way home. When we stray from our right path we have the opportunity to be forgiven and God is glad to welcome us back into the fold.

  4. It is a nice though that God rejoices when we turn back to God! Like a shepherd that cares for a flock, God cares for us and would do anything to help save us! Good thoughts! Thanks

  5. Yes it is a great feeling to know that God will forgive us and run to us when we get back on track.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...