Thursday, December 17, 2020

Luke 17

Lots of snow out there!! Good day to stay in (or take a break from snow removal) and do some reading!

My commentary for this first part is "Sin happens!" (v 1). I am sure we all know that! When we sin, we need to recognize that and ask for forgiveness. Jesus comments that we have the right to call out people that sin against us, because they might not know it (v 3b). How many times have people done something against us, and we just let it stew and cause tension!? Visit YouTube and search for "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns...this will help address the other parts about causing others to sin!How many times have we caused others to sin-- knowingly or unknowingly?

The disciples ask Jesus for more faith (v 5). If you remember from previous stories, they had faith enough to heal and cast out demons! Imagine what they could do with more faith!Small faith does great works, imagine what big faith can do! Imagine what we could do with more faith! Do we ask God to give us more faith? The mulberry tree is said to have a very extensive root system, and some trees may live well over 600 years. If you have unforgiveness, hate, bitterness, or whatever with roots as deep as the mulberry tree, imagine what a little more faith in God will help you do- Jesus can help you rip those roots right out!

Jesus talks again about humbleness. I think what he is saying here (vv 7- 10) is basically don't pat yourself on the back for doing work that I expect of you. A comment I frequently say in response to people saying thanks to me is, "Just doing my job!" There is always work (ministry) to do, and when we do that ministry, we shouldn't be looking for thanks. Many  times when I would be at district/ conference gatherings, we would be asked to tell about what we are doing in ministry; much of the time it seemed like people were bragging and patting themselves on the back. I never comment about the ministries that we do- but word gets out and comments come back to us that we are doing great ministry. Why do people think they need to brag if they are doing God's work?

People sometimes get bogged down with the "external church" and forget about he "internal church" (vv 11- 20). Ten lepers were healed and they went to the temple for purification rituals (external church) but only one (and it was a Samaritan) came back to thank Jesus (internal church). We should be thankful for what we have and show gratitude. We sometimes get too involved in the rituals that we forget the reasons behind them. I know saying the Lord's prayer or offering communion, it seems like we just say the words and don't really focus on what is being said. Why is that? Why do we focus more on the ritual (external church) than the meaning (internal church)?

I love the words of verse 21, "God's kingdom is within you!" People are waiting for the coming of God's kingdom- and it is in us! Do we let God's kingdom be recognized? Do we recognize that God's kingdom in within us?

The final words from Jesus show us again his urgency in Jesus' return. Jesus again tells us about his upcoming death (v 25) and the suffering that must happen. I remind people often- you can't skip the cross- it is an integral part of the story of salvation! The commentary about Noah and Lot is to remind the listeners that just like when these men were around, people were having parties and going through "normal" routines and were not prepared for the things to come (the flood for Noah and the rain of fire and sulfur on Sodom). People have rejected the prophecies and the "warnings" of Christ's eventual return. When Christ/God decide to return-- it is going to happen! And we need to be ready at all times! How do we prepare for something that we don't know when it will happen? re you prepared?

The last verse I really have to work on. Verse 37b "Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather." idea!

Have a great day reading and stay warm and safe.

Pastor Paul


  1. “Occasions for stumbling are bound to come” says vs 1. We certainly know about being in trouble- as a whole world. Covid makes me want to be closer to God. I want to have faith that our world will get through this, as we all do. I bet many people get more “religious” when troubling times come. We want Jesus to heal those who are sick like he healed the lepers. Its easy to be faithful in happy times. It’s the troubling times that challenge our faith.

    1. Some good a powerful words, Cathy. You are right, it is easy to have faith when all is well-- it is the trying times that we begin to doubt- but that is when we need faith the strongest! It would be interesting to see if church attendance increases when troubling times come! I would say yes!

  2. Hmmmm - I like that we can rebuke someone who has offended us - over and over - and to forgive only when they ask for forgiveness. May work in a relationship I am having with a family member. I don’t feel quite as guilty. Vs. 1 also reminds me that troubles will come! I am a little unclear about your question - cause others to sin? How can I do that? Awwww, more faith. Wouldn’t that be nice? Or, perhaps, constant faith - having faith no matter what is happening in our lives! When I first read verses 7-9, I was getting the impression that Jesus was saying that we should not feel better then those more unfortunate than we are, inviting them to eat with us, thanking them for their work. But then when I read vs. 10 it seemed different. It almost seemed to say - we have only done our duty - nothing more. Is Jesus trying to tell us we SHOULD be doing more? Like not just thanking the servant who serves us but inviting him to eat with you? I agree - there are “rituals” in church that I can do on remote control - but the message that the clergy person gives - THAT’s where the “internal church” becomes real to me. I also loved the part that said that the Kingdom was within us- so what are we waiting for? It’s almost like the saying that you should tell people you love that you love them before it’s too late1. That really struck a chord with me!! I agree - 26-36 reminds me to always be on watch, aware, that the return of God can happen at any moment! It reminds me to live my life every day like today is the day! In my study bible it says that the disciples asked the question in vs. 37 referring to verse 33-36 - when will this happen? And, according to the notes in my bible, Jesus answer in 37 is also referred to in Matthew 24:28. (My Bible says eagles instead of vultures). But it also refers to Rev 19 vs 17-18, Maybe those that are left on earth after the calling will be devoured by eagles? I have enjoyed reading Luke. There is a The Gospel of Luke on Netflix. I watch each portion that deals with our readings each day. It is VERY interesting!

    1. Yes, it is ok to tell people they have hurt you or sinned against you- just do it in love! I like your "constant faith" words- faith does seem to increase and decrease depending on what is going on! Constant faith would be good! I think we can all do more, but we get sidetracked and busy with other priorities, so I think Yes, invite the servants to dinner! And I agree about he rituals becoming wrote memorization- and the message is where the rubber meets the road (hope I give good ones!). I will have to look at the Revelation reference. That was kind of my thought that the vultures would be here to scoop up the leftovers! Good commentary! I will have to look at the the Luke program on Nextflix

  3. I think as Cathy says that we often prau for God's help when there is a crisis or problem such as illness. we need to remember God all the time and ask for his help or forgiveness We are all human and sin probably daily even tho it may not be a big sin could only be a little sin like a little white lie. He is there for us if we only call on him.
    The ten lepers were healed but only one thanked him and he was pleased even tho the man was a Samaritan the others were healed and went to the priest and on their way not thanking God for his help. Again we are told of Jesus return and to be ready as we do not know when it will happen That is something to be kept in our minds as we may have not asked him for forgiveness and kept to our faith and WOW we will be left.

    1. Right- I agree- many people are quick to ask God for help, but slow to thank God for what we have! Little sin v big sin! Dona T and I have had conversations about this!! Good commentary and thoughts- Thanks!

  4. Yes we all sin, sometimes we think we are doing good, but it was not. Yes, ask forgiveness and understanding his works. Sometimes its so simple, but we make it hard. Need more faith within. Yes l brag, about food pantry. My reason would like more people to come to help. We made, and bring such good food to eat for lunch. About v 37 Rev 17 So great will be the slaughter in war of Armageddon that an Angel will call together the fouls of heaven to eat the flesh of those who fall in battle.

    1. Why do people make things so hard sometimes?! Bragging or making an announcement- it is hard to distinguish sometimes! And thanks for the Revelation reference- I will have to look that one up! Good comments! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...