Friday, December 18, 2020

Luke 18

 I love the first verse, "always pray and never lose hope!" Jesus doesn't mean on your knees prayer all the time, but a continual spirit of prayer, an on-going conversation with  God. And do not lose hope- always have heart. There are many obstacles that get in our way for prayer, things that come up and prevent us form praying. Is it easy to be in the spirit of prayer all the time or do you find it difficult to be in prayer? Prayer is hard- but we can all do it! God will answer the prayer that we send God, maybe not the way we want, but there will be an answer (and we hear that in v 7); God, unlike the unfair judge, doesn't respond from being worn out by our constant prayer. I think God enjoys continual conversation with God.

If you think you are all that, it is easy to look down on others (v 9). Jesus tells another story about humbleness. The Pharisee (oh, those Pharisees) seems to be listing his accomplishments (vv 11-12) more than having a conversation with God; he seems to be showing just how good he is (when in reality, Jesus isn't a fan of the Pharisees because of their actions); the Pharisee seems to be talking more to himself than God. When we pray- is it a conversation with us or with God? His speech seems well polished and eloquent. Then there is the tax collector who seems to really be humbly asking for forgiveness and grace. He is hidden and seems ashamed of who he is and what he has done; his prayer is probably more awkward sounding and hesitant. Why is humbleness such a hard trait for people to embrace?

People bring babies to see Jesus (v 15). What a testimony to them and also to Jesus and Jesus' gentle nature. And Jesus responds to them in their language- the language of touch. I know when I am with Joseph- he is constantly touching something and wanting to be touched. It is a comfort for me and for him! Do we lose our language of touch as we grow up? Why is that? And to have child-like faith- just believe because they do! Oh to be a child with that kind of faith again! Why do we lose that child-like faith as we mature?

The rich man addresses Jesus as "Good Teacher"(some translations say "Good Master")-- a unique title for him acknowledging that Jesus is "good" (i.e. without sin) Rabbis are generally referred to as either"Teacher" or "Master" but the adjective "good" before is special for Jesus. The rich young ruler (or rich young leader) knows all the commandments and say that he upholds them. Jesus says he must give his possessions to the poor. the ruler becomes sad and we see the dichotomy of "very sad" (or in some translations  "very sorrowful") and rich in the same sentence. We expect that rich people are happy- but when they have to depart from their wealth they become very sad. Why is money such a hard thing to depart from? Why do we focus so much on money and wealth? Yes, God wants us to be self-sufficient, but hoarding money doesn't really do anything. I can remember after my mom died, we were settling the estate and looking at the material things she had left. The "estate" value was very very minimal and she had some nice things. I made the comment that went something like "This is all she has." My nephew quickly chimed in, "Yah, because she gave everything away. This is all she has!" My view changed completely! God wants to be our #1 priority- not money and things. Can we do that easily?

Jesus then reminds the disciples that they are on their way to Jerusalem and describes what will happen. The meaning was hidden from them though (v 34). Why? Maybe God thought that they couldn't handle it, so decided to hide the meaning? Maybe God thought that the disciples would have given up and left if they really knew what was going to happen. What do you think? Would you have given up and left knowing the end?

The blind man addresses Jesus as "Son of David", a clear indication he is addressing Jesus as Messiah! Even though he is blind, he gets it. (That will preach some day!) They are in Jericho, closer to Jerusalem, and when the man speaks to Jesus, Jesus stops-- even though he was on a mission to his ultimate death- Jesus had time to stop and help a believer! The man "cried out" (v 38) indicating emotion. Do you cry out to Jesus? The man is healed because of his belief and immediately begins following Jesus. Would you follow Jesus? I mean, really follow?

Have a good day- beautiful sunshine is streaming in the windows (it is 3PM now)! Plow went down the road a few times, so off to more shoveling to clean the end of the driveway and then I am done!

Pastor Paul


  1. In my Bible it says that God will “avenge” his own speedily (not like the judge who responded just to get the woman to stop pestering him! )Avenge means to inflict harm in response to an injury! Is this what Jesus really meant to say! God will answer quickly to avenge you! Which is what the woman in the parable is also asking for! ???? So if God answers our other prayers in His time - is that different? I have to admit that at times I am more humble then others! But just as I don’t think I am better then anyone else, I don’t think I am less! I think I am only humble to God - not others! Especially since Jesus even says only God is good! Sooooo if I should be humble n front of others, I fail! I love that - the language f touch! So cool! I think we loose the child like faith because we have seen and endured so many bad things in life! We loose the ability to simply believe without proof! 😢. Whenever I read the parables about the rich giving away all they have, I always think - then they would be the poor - so then do the rich (who were previously poor) now have to give everything back? A vicious cycle to be sure! Money is security! Even though the disciples say (brag?) how they gave up everything - but so what? They were fed and clothed by others so in reality, in the beginning, what did they give up? Only after Jesus died and rose did they truly sacrifice! I would like to say that God has always been my number one priority - but I raised two children, I had to work to provide! How could I have walked away from it all? Easier for men - then and now- women are there doing what they are not! I am kindof surprised that the Disciples did not understand the meaning of what Jesus was saying! They were Jewish and if they truly believed Jesus was both the Son of God and the Son of Man, wouldn’t they know what the prophets said? Maybe they didn’t want to believe? It is amazing that the blind man truly knew who Jesus was! I often cry out to Jesus - but would I truly follow him? Give up everything! Hate my family and my own life to become his disciple? Honestly? I am not sure!

    1. Some very confusing and thought provoking words from Jesus for us! I struggle with much of this chapter and really need to do more work on it! I enjoy your comments! Thanks!

  2. Verse 17 is confusing to me. “truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it,”
    Does this mean that anyone can enter the kingdom of God as long as they are “pure” in their beliefs? (Humble, not worshiping money, kind)
    Or does it mean that if you don’t enter the kingdom of God when you are a child you are out of luck?
    I hope it’s the former lol.

    1. The first thought you have is the correct thought-- pure in heart, humble, like a child. Its that unblemished spirit that God wants! Good thing it isn't just children, because I would be out of luck! Good thought!!

  3. I am thinking that Jesus wants us to pray for daily for what we are asking for we can't expect to ask once and the prayer will be answered. Also be humble have faith and trust like a child Children have trust in us that we will be there for them and provide and care for them and I think that is what Jesus wants from us.
    again jesus speaks of his death coming and that he will rise on the third day disciples do not understand which i am sure if I was there I would have been confused as what that meant also. Agin the money thing Does that mean that any rich person will not be in heaven I can't believe that is true perhaps only if that rich person loves money more than God??

    1. Rich people do get into is what they do with their money- shellfish, greedy, and pompous people will have some explaining to do-- I think that is what we are looking at in this passage! Good comments!

  4. I think sometimes when I pray ,I may be taking up to much of his time. I may be to simple, an thankful for is many blessings. As children we are told to grow up and act your age. Older people have to set examples for children. It's really hard. It's hard without making money numbe 1. Most of the people think they have to keep up with the Jones, or you will be judged. So be humble and be as a child in your heart. Yes have more faith and follow him which these studies are doing.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...