Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Luke 2

 The primary focus of Luke 2 is the birth of Christ and the years that follow in his childhood. Luke is the only gospel that gives us some idea about Jesus as a child, and even that is minimal. I am surprised that Luke left lots out (and even more surprised that the other gospels say nothing) but then again, the childhood of Jesus isn't the important" thing in the whole scheme of life!

Notice the accuracy of Luke as he describes the historical time period during which Jesus' birth happened (vv 1-4) This is just one instance of Luke's attention to detail. We start with the registration (translate- census, like this year for the United States!). All people had to go back to their hometowns to register for tax purposes and potential drafting int o the army. Can you imagine how people would react to this in the United States today?! I just thought of this, but it is interesting how Rome is exercising its power and Jesus will be trying to stop the oppression and injustices of the Roman society (and the world).

The birth event, as we all know, happens in Bethlehem. Bethlehem, in Hebrew, is the contraction of two words, beth -meaning house and -lehem meaning bread. So, the translation of Bethlehem is "house of bread"; Jesus, in John 6:48, says, "I am the bread of life." Just some interesting commentary!

The first people to hear news of Jesus' birth were the shepherds on the hill outside of town. Shepherds were some of the lowliest members of society and often disregarded Roman laws and religion. However, they were the first to hear the news! The angels (v 10)use words very similar to what Gabriel said to Zechariah and Mary, "Do not be afraid." They then go on and use various titles for Jesus, "Today, your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord." Why do you think the angles addressed the shepherds using these three terms and what might they mean to the poor shepherds living under Roman occupation? The shepherds were the first witnesses to Jesus as the Christ. They told everyone about it (vv 17-18), the people were amazed, yet they didn't believe. Why do you think the people didn't believe the shepherds? 

Mary and Joseph take Jesus to be presented to God and for Mary's purification ritual. Upon arriving at the Temple, Joseph and Mary sacrifice two doves (v 24).  Read Leviticus 12:6-8; what does this say about the financial status of Mary and Joseph? How does this fit with your assumptions are of their economic status?

We next meet both Simeon and Anna. Simeon is described as "a good and godly man...and the Holy Spirit was with him" (v 25) while Anna is described as "a prophetess...staying in the Temple and worshiping God...and praying day and night (vv 36- 37). Who might our Simeons or Annas be? Can you think of people in your life that are good and godly, praying night and day? As soon as Simeon say Jesus, he knew that Jesus was the Christ. I love Simeon's prayer in vv 29- 32, and his request to God that "I can now die in peace because I have seen your salvation." I had never noticed the foreshadowing of Simeon (v 35) to Mary as he says, "the things that will happen will make your heart sad, too." I wonder how Mary felt as she heard these words? Did she know what the future held for her baby? What did she know about Jesus' upcoming life? Anna, probably the third witness to Jesus, "spoke to all who were waiting for God to free Jerusalem" (v 38). I wonder what people thought? Did they believe her or was she just pushed away?

Verses 41-53 are the only words we have about Jesus as a child (in the canonical gospels). Are you surprised that our gospels do not contain any more information about Jesus as a child? Do you wonder what he was like? I certainly do! Did Jesus have the terrible twos? When did he learn to talk? What were the first words he said? What was he like as a teenager?! Did he do things like a "normal" kid would do? Did he get invited to birthday parties? Just wondering!

I hope you are enjoying the reading and are getting to learn and understand more!

Pastor Paul


  1. I didn’t realize that the census was for potential drafting in the army. I thought that it was only for taxation. Interesting. I am not sure if we, today, would be so willing to travel to our hometowns to register. However, if it were the only way, then we would!! And we have drafted according to the lottery so how different would that be?! I think the angels used all three terms so that there would not be a misunderstanding. He was not a savior in the earthly sense - not in the way we think of a “hero”. He was a savior in the heavenly sense. And Christ the Lord shows his connection to God and to them. I think the shepherds were very curious, they wanted to see what the angels spoke of. Shepherds flew way below the radar - not concerned with laws or religion. I cannot even fathom what they thought this event might mean to them. Having visited Israel and seen the Bedouin or shepherds, it appeared that they were still wanderers, living their own life by their rules. I can see why people did not believe the shepherds. They did not have the best of reputations and lived on the fringe of society. What I cannot wrap my mind around is, why did the angels appear before the shepherds? My Bible only says that according to law they were to offer a pair of turtle doves or two pigeons. It does not say exactly what Mary and Joseph offered. But in reading Leviticus, it says a lamb of the first year for purifying and a pigeon or turtle dove for a sin. However, since it was not a lamb, I think that they were poor, which is what I had imagined. I know of no one who prays night and day but I do know of some people whose faith is so strong and has survived great tragedy in their lives. I don’t think that Mary knew exactly what was going to happen to her son. At the end of Chapter 2 , in my bible, it says “his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.” I think she took in everything she heard and was told and thought about them every day. I think the fact that Luke chose to mention Anna at all shows that she was a woman who was respected and believed. Perhaps because of her great age and that she was a prophetess I think people believed her. After all, they were looking for redemption. I am surprised they don’t speak more of Jesus’ life as a young person. I also am surprised that Luke says nothing of their going to Egypt! Looking forward to tomorrow

  2. Some great insight Donna! Thanks.
    In the NCV, Leviticus 12:8 says "if she cannot afford a lamb, she is to bring two pigeons or two turtle for a burnt offering, one for sin offering." This would suggest that Mary (and Joseph) were lower economic status (which is what we assume). The "sin" offering may get the wrong translation or understanding. It wasn't sin but, I think, it was in reference to the concept of purification from blood loss after birth and delivery. There probably wasn't an English word that translated best, so sin was used.
    Great ideas...thanks Donna!

  3. I just read that Mary and Joseph could not find Jesus one day. Jesus had stayed behind in Jerusalem but his parents did not know this. When they found him they said “why have you treated us like this”- sure sounds like a teenager and worried parents to me.

  4. I just read that Mary and Joseph could not find Jesus one day. Jesus had stayed behind in Jerusalem but his parents did not know this. When they found him they said “why have you treated us like this”- sure sounds like a teenager and worried parents to me. Been there...

    1. Hahahaha! I get that! I really do wonder what Jesus was like as a kid, as a teen, and young adult. There are some accounts, but just not canonized into our Bible. Great comments!

  5. In many ways I think we are like the people back then .Many injustices,people in power, taxes, census,etc. We are just in a different time zone. The shepherds were like inferior people,they roamed around. When the angles came it ROSE there spirits and confidence to see the child and spread the word. Someom was full of the HOLLY Spirit, blessed the child Jesus,and told Mary of the great things he would do. Mary kept these things in her heart.I think that Anna was good, but like many, are not so good. At 12 yrs, when his parent's found him. Why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my father's bussiness. I think he did this all ways. I found this when I was looking up things. JOHN 21:24-25. There are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written down one by one, that even the world could not contain them books.Amen

    1. Hi Rose! I like that last part you put in from John! I didn’t realize it so I looked it up and read it! Thanks!

    2. There are several accounts of Jesus' life, but they were not canonized into our Bible. I will have to dig them out and get some more insight for us all! Great work and commentary!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...