Friday, December 4, 2020

Luke 4

 Good morning and welcome back! I am having a good time reading and discussing.

This chapter starts with the temptation of Christ. This story is in all three gospel, but only minimally mentioned in Mark; John has no mention of it, but does refer to Satan as "the prince of this world" having no power over Jesus (John 12:31). In all three cases, the temptation immaterially follows Jesus' baptism. I'm not sure if I have noticed it before, but the temptation was driven by the Holy Spirit! In v 1a, my text reads, "The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness for forty days." If the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness for temptations, are we driven by the Spirit also in our temptations? Does the Spirit use these temptations as a test? There is a bit on unsettling text (vv 10-11) that Satan seems to be able to quote Scripture just as easily as Jesus!How does that make you feel, that even Satan knows Scripture? And the final verse in this section (v 13) really shook me. I don;t know if I have read it before (although I must have since it is highlighted in yellow in my Bible!), "After the devil had tempted Jesus in every way, he left him until a better time." We don't read any more of Satan's temptations to Christ, so is Satan around us now throwing temptations to us?

Jesus begins teaching the people and he goes first to Nazareth. As he goes to the synagogue, the priest hands him the scroll for the reading of the day. Can you imagine coming to church and me handing you the Bible and saying, 'Please read!'" The interesting part is Jesus read from Isaiah and it basically outlines Jesus' ministry and mission! Could what Jesus read at the synagogue be our mission also? How are wed doing in that respect? In v 21, Jesus responds with "While you heard these words just now, they were coming true!" Some translations read "Today, the scriptures have been fulfilled." What do you think Jesus means when he says these words? 

Another phrase I'd like to look at is in v 22 when the people comment saying, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" There are a few moments in my life when similar words were spoken about me. Many years ago I was leading a teacher workshop at the Buffalo Museum of Science. My dad went with me just to observe me work and be in my element. He ran into someone that he knew and they were chatting on the side and the question came up by the person,"Doug, why are you here?" I could see my dad smiling and saying, "That's my son!" Several times, my daughters, Lauren and Morgan, were asked, "Aren't you Paul's daughters!" It is interesting that we are sometimes know as somebody's child! The important of family ties and relationships?

I struggle with the meaning behind verses 29-30 as the people try to run Jesus out of town and throw him off a cliff. I have written in the margin of my Bible "Examine this more" and obviously I haven't! So, I will investigate this more and get back! Jesus did say some seemingly harsh words in the previous set of verses. My interpretation is that not all people will accept Jesus and be saved or that Jesus is here only for the Jews. Thoughts?

Jesus leaves and goes on a healing mission. He goes out to exorcise two demons, and on both cases, they shout out something similar, "You are the Son of God!" (vv 34, 41). Are you surprised that even the evil forces know Jesus, but sometimes we fail at it?

Finally, in v 43, Jesus comments "I must preach about God's kingdom to other towns, too. This is why I was sent." This was a new learning for me! I don't ever remember seeing this before! Jesus obviously knew his mission, and now that mission has been told and addressed to the crowds around him.

I am really enjoying the reading and the conversation. Thanks for being part of this!

Pastor Paul


  1. This was great! My Bible version also says that “Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.” I had never thought about the fact that Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit. I can’t wrap my head around the idea that the Holy Spirit (or God as being part of the trinity) would “test” us. If that is true, then I have failed the test more times then I care to think about. I hope that the test is more about how we change, grow and learn from each “test”. I can only hope anyway!! 😃 It makes sense to me that Satan would know the scripture as well as Jesus because Satan at one time was an angel. Now, not knowing when, exactly, Satan left Heaven but Satan was always a part of earth - and if he has always been fighting God for control - then I am thinking he was everywhere God was, heard everything, and was fighting God every step of the way. What I am thinking makes sense in my head but maybe I am not expressing it very well!! LOL. I believe that Satan does continue to test us and I believe he always will. The public reading during the “service” in the synagogue has always been done and is still done today. In my version it says, “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.” So I think Jesus did this often, as others, but to read this particular passage was not a coincidence. Or maybe it was a sign or “signal” that Jesus was to make his astonishing announcement.I believe that what Jesus read should be part of our mission as well. I have to say that I am probably not doing well! I try to do as much as I can physically, but verbally, I do not do as well as I am sure I should! . I think Jesus meant - in my words - Look at me, listen to me, I am the one that is spoken about in this reading! HA. I have always said that there is always a “title” given to us - Oh, this is my Mom, Oh, this is the Super’s assistant, Oh this is my sister - always connections and titles. But I am sure they mostly meant - how can he possibly be the anointed one - how can the spirit of the Lord be upon him - isn’t he the son of a carpenter? In a way Jesus foretells his own rejection by saying in 24 that no prophet is accepted in his own country. Or, as it seems, his own town. But I would think, in Jesus’ day, that if someone heard Jesus say the things that he did, and knowing him and his family for a long time, they would have to think he either WAS the Son of God OR he was a lunatic and committing blasphemy- which was not only a sin but breaking the law. What a great point - the evil forces know Jesus but we sometimes fail at it! So true! We either say it’s medicine, science, coincidence - but not always credit Jesus for the wonderful things that happen in our lives. Something that I will try to remember!! “I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also; for therefore am I sent”. And aren’t we all?

    1. I like your "given a title" comment...we seem to always give people titles- mostly good, but some not so good! And most people were really unsure what to thing of Jesus...I mean...was he really Joseph's son? And why is Jesus going around doing all these things that only God can do! Great commentary!

  2. I dont think it worked I dont see my comment

  3. Now it is working I will try again tomorrow

  4. I struck me today that the writer of Luke makes a lot of word pictures for us. Maybe I’m a visual reader but yesterday I could picture the dove descending through clouds. Today I read about the devil and pictured a “being” maybe a person. Normally I think of the devil as thoughts or ideas. Then the demons came out of the man with the unclean spirit and others who had various illnesses. Some demons yelled “you are the Son if God!” I have wonder what that looked like!

    1. Luke is great at really describing things. Like you said, you can also imagine what the places and sounds and smells were. Mind art is a powerful tool to help remember stories and make connections to our life! Does Satan have a person-like image? Who may be the devils in our life? May be hard to distinguish them from the "regular" people right! Love your imagination! Great comments! Thanks!

  5. Staten was a fallen Angel and he knew God and his way . Why would he want to leave Gods side to be bad. But yes he temps us all the time. GOD the father was testing his son ,as probably we get tested by Staten. I know I fail a lot. Pastor Paul maybe you should test us some time. Might make us better Christian, even stronger. I Think Jesus knew everything that was about to happen to him. He know he would be with his Father.

  6. Me test? kids at school would always ask...
    Will this be on the test?!" My reply...if I say it, its important and if its important you should know it- whether its on the test or not!" We all fail at the tests too RoseMarie! And you're right- the tests/temptations do make us stronger people! Thanks for the comments!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...