Sunday, December 6, 2020

Luke 6

 Sorry I'm late with this...someone had to work this morning!!

I see the overall theme of chapter 6 as being the coming of God's kingdom and the idea that it will change the world upside down, the status quo will be gone and there will be a new way that we can't even imagine!

The Pharisees and the teachers of the law are a,ways trying to trip up Jesus and become quite at odds with Jesus' style and ministry! The first few verses illustrate that (vv 1-5). We will chat about the Sabbath rule later, but I see Jesus saying here is feed those that are hungry! Laws (Levitictal laws) shouldn't dictate how/when we feed the hungry. This is somewhat of a follow-up of the comments in Luke 5 about the cloth and wine skin, etc....the old (Levitical laws) don't mesh with the new (new covenant with/ through Jesus).

in v 6, we see Luke's detail again. It wasn't just that he an had a crippled hand, it was his right hand...Luke= detail!in v 9, Jesus asks a  tough question "Is it lawful to do good or evil on the Sabbath?" The Pharisees and teachers if the law were looking to trip up Jesus with the Sabbath comment. Jesus' response basically is saying there is never a wrong time to do good! Interesting commentary, The author writes (v 11) that the Pharisees were angry (some translations say they were in a rage) you can't heal, but its OK to be angry and plot a possible assassination attempt?! This section of verses was about breaking the rules and upsetting the status quo. How do you feel about breaking rules and upsetting the status quo? Does the status quo need to be adjusted?

Luke then lists the 12 apostles; 12 apostles= 12 tribes of Israel. Notice that Judas Iscariot (v 16) is listed  as the one "who later turned Jesus over to his enemies." Remember- the gospels were written well after Jesus' death, so the authors had prior knowledge! Some people question- why did Jesus pick Judas. And some comment back with Why did Jesus pick me?! How would you  respond?

We then get into Luke rendition of the Sermon on the Mount, called the Sermon on the Plain. Jesus was an itinerant preacher/ teacher, so he probably repeated his lessons to many people at many different times. My guess is, like all good pastors, he had some "traveling sermons" that were generic enough to use when he needed to talk with a group quickly! Notice how Jesus moves down to stand "on level ground" (v 17)' I see this as a sign that Jesus wants to be equal with the people- not higher/ better! Verse 19 begs the question, Can we reach out and touch Jesus to then in turn touch and heal a hurting world? Jesus then (v 20) "looked at his followers" (some translations say "looked at his disciples"), in essence telling them that it is is their job to help the poor, the hungry, the crying...Jesus is looking at you saying these same words. How do you respond? The continuing verses (vv 20-26) essentially outline Jesus' ministry and mission and I see them as outlining social action and an end to oppression and injustices in Rome and across the world. We still have that cry from Jesus to end the oppression and injustices that are in our world. How can we help do that?

The next command from Jesus (vv 27- 36) is to love your enemies! For a brief time, imagine what the world would be like if we could love our enemies! Who are your enemies? Can you love them? Why/ why not?

We then turn to Jesus' commentary about judging OTHERS! It is so easy to pick out what others are doing wrong- why can't we see what we are doing wrong? Why is it difficult for us to pick out our faults? We are definitely more tolerate of ourselves than we are of others! This is a call from Jesus for mercy and grace and forgiveness!

The final sets of verses are about trusting and obeying God. It may require a radical change in us! We have to turn  around and be good at our heart and root (vv 43- 46). We say and act what is in our hearts...even if we try to be good, an evil heart will send evil words out! We have to trust God and obey the words God says to us. Do we struggle at trusting God? Why do we struggle at trusting God? 

I look forward to comments! Enjoy the reading!

Pastor Paul


  1. I think that the status quo should always be examined and adjusted as we learn and grow. At my job I tell people that this is the way it will be until we change it!
    Sometimes because we are human we can’t see the whole picture or don’t understand another’s point of view. Sometimes it takes looking in the rear view mirror to see things clearly.
    I think Jesus wants us to change, adjust, reevaluate, forgive and forgive ourselves for being human. Doing unto others as you would have them do to you isn’t always easy.

    1. Change isn't always easy though...especially when it comes tot he church! And when life changes we have a a hard time adjusting! I like your comment about looking in the rear view mirror! You are right- we don't always see the other person's view of things, so it makes it difficult for us to see another way! Good points!

  2. Jesus said to the Pharisees(The Son of man is Lord on the Sabbath,and there is never a wrong time to do good. About breaking the rules. I think what you sow is what we reap. Jesus picked Judas because he knew what was going to happen. Because Jesus knew all. Yes we do a lot for the people , but we still lack love and faith. Yes I try to forgive and love. I have a hard time trusting because I can't believe what is happening in the world today.

    1. Your last comment especially hits me! I too have a hard time trusting when I look at the world! It seems like lying,cheating, and always trying to one up the next person is the way to live! Great commentary!

  3. I agree with Cathy - the status quo should always be examined and changed, if needed. However, I can only work on my corner of the world and adjust the status quo that I live in and that I can adjust! That goes for changing injustices and oppression - my corner of the world. I am not a huge rule/law breaker. But Jesus’ point is very clear - which is worse, saving a life on the Sabbath or destroying one? Feeding the hungry or letting them go hungry? Did Jesus know that Judas Iscariot would betray him when he picked him? I don’t know. We all have free will. Did he know that someone would? Probably. I know Jesus picked me, what he picked me for, I am never quite sure. Sometimes I feel I am responding to a situation exactly as Jesus wants me to. Other times, I walk away from a situation and know that I have totally missed the boat. Jesus does tell us to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit the sick and those in jail. Sometimes I am doing what I should be doing. Other times I forget, get too busy, get caught up in other things! I have to honestly say, I don’t have any enemies in the true sense of the word. But I know there are people who do not like me, people who have set out to hurt me, people who have lied to me and about me and tried to make other people not like me. Maybe they are enemies. I honestly don’t know if I love them or if I have truly forgiven them. Especially those who continue to do so. But it does bother me to read - if you forgive, you are forgiven. Because I want to be forgiven! Self evaluation is always difficult - however, the longer i have lived and had different experiences, the easier it has become. I totally trust God, I do not struggle against it! However, have I had evil thoughts and words? Unfortunately, I have!

    1. I think you’re being very hard on yourself, Donna. I don’t know you but you seem to be trying very hard to do what you need to. You’re human and we all fail.

  4. We all try- and I think we all fail some! Sometimes we are in the bot with Jesus, and other times we aren't even on the right dock! I like your comment about changing your corner of the world. We start small and stay focused...soon small changes can ripple across the area we are in and hopefully benefit all. In the words of the hymn "Pass It On" (Kurt Kaiser, 1969), "It only takes a spark to get a fire going!" Lots of small sparks can do great things when it comes to changing an archaic system! And I know why you were chosen! Teacher! Great comments!



A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...