Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Luke 8

 Lots of action in this chapter!

Luke brings out the importance of women in Jesus' ministry. Many people believe that just men were followers of Jesus, but we see here (v 2) a list of women that were part of Jesus' followers. In addition, we see that hey financially helped Jesus do ministry. This shows us that Jesus was accepting of outside resources, maybe a humble side of him. Many of us are too proud to accept help- yet Jesus did!

Then the parable of the soils-- not the parable of the sower, since it is the soil rather than the sower that determines if  the seed will grow!Whenever I read this parable, I think of the the seeds I have planted and the soil types they have landed on. I know some of the seeds sprouted quickly and died just as fast! I also know that some never took off. But there are some, that are thriving and doing well and now planting their own seeds! How has your seed planting been going?

A piece that I struggled with is Vv 16-18. What the author is saying I think has a lot to do with momentum. Faith has momentum. I believe it takes a while to get it gong, but once it starts it grows at a quick rate. Any help on this one?

We don't know how long its been since Jesus has seen his family (vv 19-21), yet they seem to get no special attention from Him. Jesus comments that his family is anyone who draws close to him and listens and obeys! I wonder how his family felt about his "popularity" and if they (especially brothers) knew? No mention of Joseph, interesting!

Another aspect of Jesus' humanity is sown to us in v 23, when Jesus falls asleep in the boat. He must have been tired and the gentle rocking of the boat I am sure help speed him to sleep. Plus, he knew he had capable people in control. But then the storm comes and he asks the question, "Where is your faith?" Jesus calms the storm and things seem to be fine, but the disciples chatter among themselves and question who Jesus is (v25b). For us, we need to remember that as long as Jesus is in our boat, we won't drown. We may go through some storms and we may feel like the end is near, but Jesus can control the boat!

Another exorcism story-- and this is one that we are all familiar with ("deviled ham!") Again, it is interesting that the demons know Jesus (v 28) and call him by name. Legion was the "name" of the demon; in Rome, a legion referenced 6000 troops in the army (not to say that there were 6000 spirits in the man, but there may have been several). Jesus commands the demons to go into the pigs (pigs were non-Kosher according to Levitcal laws) and the pigs all drown. An interesting twist to the story is that when the townspeople came, they saw the man, clothed and sitting at the feet of Jesus, and they were afraid! Were the people more afraid of what Jesus would do to them rather than what Satan is doing now? Are we afraid? Jesus then tells the man to go and tell others what has happened (compare to Matthew 5:14). Why the change in requests from Jesus?

The story of the bleeding woman has always been a story that I like. She was ceremoniously unclean (and has been for years) and anyone that touched her would be unclean. She knew that, but risked what she could to just touch Jesus. That's faith and belief! When Jesus questions who touched (v 45), I could imagine her fear. But he turns to her and says "You are well because of  you faith" (v 48). Jesus doesn't become sin or unclean because of her, but she becomes whole and complete. We have the opportunity to help people become whole again by taking them to Jesus! During this whole series of exchanges, there is Jarius' daughter dying in the background. How do you think Jarius felt when Jesus was talking with the woman? Jesus brings the daughter back to life and then quickly says "do not tell anyone what happened" (v 56). Again, a change in Jesus' telling/ not telling request. I wonder why?

Have a good day and enjoy the reading!

Pastor Paul


  1. The parable of the soils is so good as we all struggle I think to keep our faith as trials and tribulations face us, we can wither as the seed on the rock or get tangled up in the brambles It is hard to always stay strong We are all facing a storm now called Covid 19 but if we keep our faith and believe in God this too will pass. (it is so hard to keep faith that God will heal the world) The unclean bleeding woman had faith that if she touched Jesus robe she would be healed but it was not the robe that healed it was her faith in Jesus.
    the stories of Jesus healing the sick, possessed, blind and deaf must have traveled far and fast about Jesus continued it would seem that Jesus didn't want people to tell of these healings It must have been upsetting to Jesus for people to follow Him for this reason and not for His word. Just thinking!

  2. Clara, I agree with your statement that it is sometimes hard to keep faith- especially when we are faced with some major things! Faith is a huge thing- and like you say, it isn't Jesus' robe- it is our faith! The people of Jesus' time were grabbing on to what they could, and seeing/hearing about Jesus' miracles and healing, etc. was something that they could grasp. I imagine Jesus was somewhat upset when people followed for that reason rather than for the coming of God's kingdom!

  3. I find it interesting that the women mentioned in Luke were grateful for the miracles that Jesus performed on them and showed that gratitude by following Him and supporting Him and His disciples but did not do any actual preaching. And the men that are mentioned as having been healed in some way, Jesus sends away (home or to the priests or etc). So if not for the women, where would they be? Just sayin’! 😃. The parable of the sower is so familiar I have actually forgotten the true meaning. It is very similar to the parable of putting good wine into old/bad bottles of Chapter 6. If we are to change, if we are to encourage change in others, it all must be good - the bottles, the garments, the soil. unfortunately, I do not know how my planting is going. I think that people then were more afraid of both Satan and Jesus. Watching a person who “SAYS” He is the Son of God perform miracles - one of which is causing pigs to jump off a cliff and drown - what can He do to them? We do not recognize miracles any more. We are not afraid of Jesus - it is all love and forgive. Which is great! But where is the fear of punishment if we continue to sin and not try to change? Where is our strong faith? So strong we only need to touch him, only need to ask him to say the word and someone is healed, only need to fall at His feet and wash them and ask for forgiveness and we are forgiven. Now they are to tell their story - is Jesus nearing the end of his ministry and much must be told? I don’t think that the woman who was bleeding was unclean. My version says” a women having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any” So many physicians had tried to heal her (and would have had to touch her) but could not. Casting out a demon is different then bringing someone back from the dead. Casting out a demon is acceptable, bringing someone back from the dead must have been extremely frightening! Maybe that’s why again Jesus says - tell no one! For versus 19-21 here is what I think, I think that Jesus says “My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it” was to demonstrate that you do not have to be related to Jesus to be saved or forgiven but you MUST believe in Him and obey Him. I think there are sections of the Bible that say Jesus’ brethren (or half brothers) did not believe in Him. I think Jesus was making the point of - you are MINE IF you believe and obey. Not just because you are my Mother and brethren or related!

    1. You bring up some good points Donna! As far as the women not going out preaching/ teaching...the men wouldn't have listened anyway! And a change in us often does have an impact on those around us. One huge underlying part of our ministry is how we act. I have said it a few times, act in a way so people ask why you do what you do! I want to go back to the statement you made about punishment for continuing doing "bad". Do you think we are punished here on earth? But, you are correct, we don't usually talk of the consequences of bad- specially in the Methodist church- Wesley was all about grace and forgiveness so that is out company line! For the woman with a bleeding disorder- My translation says nothing about spending all her money on doctors. I knew it should be in there- but its not! Interesting that the editors decided to leave that out! Great commentary and deep thinking!

    2. I think that we are punished here on earth -but not in the way people think. When I was living my life definitely NOT as God intended, I was never completely happy, never at peace, always felt like I was running somewhere. But when I started trying VERY hard to do as I should, I Felt that grace - maybe it was always there, but I didn’t feel it. I could take that deep breath and relax.

  4. This whole chapter tells us how important faith is. How amazing things happened to those who have great faith. Like Clara, I feel that keeping our faith strong through Covid is difficult. It’s hard to not be like the disciples in the boat who are afraid and worried.

    1. It is tough to continue to have faith, especially now, when we see and hear all that is going on. But know, God didn't create the COVID mess, but is comforting us (if we let God). It is hard to not be afraid and to worry--we, like the disciples, need to trust!

  5. Speaking of faith- in the bible it says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains or even heal people. So since i havent moved any mountains lately or healed anyone does that mean that i dont have enough faith? And about the "unclean" woman- werent women considered unclean when they were menstrating? And this poor woman was bleeding for years! I never thought about how jesus felt when everyone was after him to heal them- you guys are right- they were more interested in being healed than anything else but after they were healed i would think they would praise god

    1. Your faith comment is "true" but definitely some limits to human power. The statement was form Jesus to his disciples when they couldn't cast out demons. Jesus said , basically, its because you don't have faith! So, you do have faith Lessie, its just that you use it in other ways- you don't need to move mountains, you need to help people (blood drives). And yes, menstruating women were considered unclean until they went through their ritualistic cleansing. Good ideas!

  6. Jesus stories about sowing of the seeds. They see what I do,but they can,t see. They here what I say, they Don,t understand. But the good soil represents, people who here Gods word and produce faithful people. Most of the others stories are of faith. Jesus says stop the weeping she is only a sleep. Because the crowd laughed at him. Jesus took her by the hand and said in a loud voice, get up my child.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...