Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Luke 9

 Jesus selected his disciples earlier (6:12-16) and they have been following Jesus and witnessing what he could do for a while. It is now their turn. Jesus not only calls them together, but gives them abilities to do ministry (v 1). The selection and going out continues today as God equips those whom God calls. What special gifts do you have to do ministry? They are sent out, taking nothing, to teach and preach. In my education career, we went through so many phases-- from chalkboards with only white chalk, then they "invented" yellow chalk, and then even colored chalk! We eventually had computers and whiteboards and now Zoom. I have always said, I can teach anybody anything if you just give me time with the person. You don't need fancy equipment to teach God's message. How are you doing at teaching?

Herod (vv 7-9) wasn't a man of spiritual interest, so he was probably looking out for competition. Herod beheaded John because of John calling Herod out for what he did with his brother's wife (Matthew 14:1-12). Herod wanted to meet Jesus, but never did until the day of Jesus' crucifixion! Why do you think Jesus "avoided" meeting Herod?

In some translations, the followers of Jesus were called "disciples" in v 1; they are now called apostles in v 10 (my translation calls them apostles in both cases).  A disciple is a "learner" while an apostle is "one with authority". While they certainly maintained their disciple status, they had also moved up some in the authority level. Are you more of a disciple or an apostle? As tired and as busy as Jesus is, he welcomed the crowds that followed him (v 11b), speaking volumes of his compassion and attitude for others! Jesus goes on to heal and teach. Eventually, the disciples say that the people should go away since there is no food and it is getting late. Jesus turns and says "You feed them" (v 13). Jesus responds to us the same way, telling us to "feed" them. How are you feeding those that are hungry? In John's account of the feeding of the 5000 (John 6:8-9), the bread and fish came from a young boy; there is no indication here where it came from. In 2 Kings 4:42-44, Elijah fed 100 men with some bread and grains; here Jesus feeds 5000- showing Jesus is greater than Elijah! There were 12 baskets leftover (12 tribes of Israel), telling us that God provides in excess! How has God provided for you?

Who do you say Jesus is (v 18b)? His disciples had been with him for a while so they should "know" the answer, but Peter is really the only one to respond "the right way". Jesus then talks about his suffering, death, and resurrection. Imagine what the disciples were thinking that day! Jesus continues by saying that if you want to follow me, you must give up things! Ultimately taking up our cross daily means that we will "die a glorious death with Jesus" daily. Gaining everything (v 25) is trivial in comparison t what we can gain when we follow Christ-- ultimate salvation and eternal life. Some very heavy material for the disciples to hear. They probably didn't get it, many of us don't always get it!

I love the story of the transfiguration! The comfort for me is that the immediate recognition of Elijah and Moses by Peter, James, and John indicates to me that we will be able to immediately recognize others in heaven- no need for name tags! I wonder why Moses and Elijah were the men in the transfiguration- why not Abraham or David or Daniel or Noah? Moses usually is representative of the law, and Elijah is usually representative of the Prophets. Then God's voice from the clouds come and says "This is my son whom I have chosen. Listen to him!" (v 35) Can you imagine what Peter, James, and John must be feeling right now! Do we listen to Jesus as God commanded?

Immediately after coming down from the mountain, they are faced with crowds again and a request from a dad to heal his demon possessed son-- that the disciples could not do! Two things: Ever have those mountaintop experience days and then are immediately thrown into realty? How does that settle with you!? I know when I go to the Catskills, I get those mountaintop experiences, but then face a 2-hour drive home and all those good feelings slowly fade away! In verse 41, we see a side of Jesus we haven't seen before, frustration! Jesus knows his time on earth is drawing to a close and his disciples still don't have enough faith! Do you think Jesus/God gets frustrated at us with our sometimes lack of faith? How can we grow our faith? The demon seemed to be strong in this boy as we hear that the boy was thrown to the ground and Jesus gave a strong command (v 42). The devil often strikes hard the closer someone gets to Jesus- ever feel that way? I know I certainly do! And after all this, he reminds his disciples (vv 44-45) what his mission really is and that Jesus will suffer and die.

The disciples seem to have a childish argument. I remember a conversation similar to this with one of my daughters. She asked, "Dad, who do you love more, me or my sister?" Ever have that conversation with your kids? Maybe Peter, James, and John thought they were more loved because they went to the mountaintop with Jesus; maybe the other guys were jealous! Jesus turns the tables and says this little child is the greatest. How do you think that made the disciples feel? Is tat the answer they wanted? Does Jesus always give us the answers we want?

"If you aren't for us, you're against us" is a great sub-title for the next section. John seems upset that someone else is doing ministry that isn't part of their group and Jesus basically says, let him if he is doing ministry in the name of God. Do we get like that sometimes? Look at what tat church is doing? How can they be doing that?

Jesus' mercy can be seen in the next section (I don't know if I have ever read or heard this one!). The town (they were Samaritans, usually don't have good relationship with Jews) rejected Jesus and the disciples wanted to destroy the town with fire from heaven (v 54). Jesus' response (my translation), "Hey guys, just leave them alone!" What can we learn from this small passage? Imagine if humans treated others that way! Just because they are different doesn't mean we have to hurt them!

To end (vv 57- 62), Jesus' commentary is that if you want to follow me, ta must be a priority in your life. You cannot do anything else and be successful at following me. Too many things in our life can cause distractions and we end up getting off the path of following. Jesus needs a full commitment from us. What in your life causes you to be distracted? How easy is it to fall off the path?

Today is a great day to stay inside and read! Have a blessed day!

Pastor Paul


  1. In a small way I can understand how Peter James and John must have felt when on the mountain and seeing Moses and Elijah and experiencing what they did there. When I saw Phantom of the Opera (one of my favorites shows) it was over too soon and when the lights came back on and people were leaving the theater I sat there not wanting to leave I just wanted it to play all over again. What a far greater experience it would have been had I been on the mountain with Peter John and James.
    I wonder how the disciples felt when they were able to heal etc when Jesus gave the the power to do that.

    I can understand in a small way how Peter James and John must have felt upon the mountain when they saw Moses and Elijah and experienced what they did there. When I saw "Phantom of the Opera" at Radio City Music hall (one of my favorite shows)it was over too soon and as the lights came back on and people were leaving the theater I continued to sit there for awhile(I didn't want to go) I just wanted it to play all over again. Imagine the experience I would have had had I been up on the mountain with Peter James and John and Jesus Himself.
    We being humans, as the disciples were, must have felt the same things we feel envy, hate, love etc. of course "the Mom likes me best" syndrome.
    Also I wonder the feeling the disciples must have felt when Jesus gave them power to heal and sent them out.
    Just thinking and wondering.

  2. Great analogy with "Phantom" What a great show and what a great feeling, to have it be all over and then life starts again! We need to cherish those special times! And how did the disciples feel when they were sent out? How do you feel knowing that you are sent out too! Great thoughts!

  3. I loved this chapter! Literally, I help feed the hungry whenever I can - even giving money to those who beg for it (which happens in Binghamton). I figure if they are lying - that’s their sin -but if I don’t give as Jesus told me, then it’s my sin. However, metaphorically speaking - I am not sure how well I am doing feeding the hungry! I believe that disciples are anyone who learns from a teacher. We, who learn from Jesus, are disciples. However, apostles are those whose were set to deliver those teachings to others. Apostle means messenger. Jesus gave the “great commission” to the 12 disciples, making them apostles. Although sometimes Paul is considered an Apostle. We interpret the commission given to the 12 disciples as given to us. But what we actually deliver is the Good Word. We repeat what is given to us in the
    Bible - not by living and working with Jesus - if that makes sense. The thing that struck me in Luke 9 is vs. 21 and 22. Again Jesus says - don’t tell anyone BUT he tells them WHY they should not tell anyone. The time has not come and it MUST happen exactly as foretold by the prophets. I think that this is why Jesus avoided Herod as well. I think this also answers the question why Jesus tells others why they should not tell. It also says that Herod wonders if John has come back to life. This, I think, tells us that John was in jail when John sent his disciples to ask if Jesus was the Son of God and the Son of Man. Yes? I hope I am a true disciple. At least I strive to be! When Jesus asks Who do People say I am - Peter gives us the correct answer. Perhaps the others knew that correct answer as well. I sometimes ask - Who does Jesus say I am? I hope he says - Good Servant! Maybe Elijah was included in the transformation because he never actually died? And Moses because he was the first servant sent by God to help God’s chosen people? And Moses followed God’s word to the letter! He had great faith. Which Luke is always telling us -even when the apostles did NOT have faith enough to heal the boy, Jesus rebukes them. He must rebuke me as well! I try to keep my faith strong - but people get sick, people die, people suffer - it’s hard. Honestly, I LOVE that - if they are for us then they are not against us. We should remember that in all the isms you talk about! If they are not against us, then they are for us!! Hmmmmmm. Jesus does not give me the answers I want, or in the time i want it, or I don’t think it’s the answer I need. Very frustrating. Yes - Jesus tells his disciples - no, they cannot destroy the village. Oh if we could ONLY love others as we love ourselves ! Oh if only I could!

    1. Good point about the great commission being delivered to us! I like that! We are all disciples, even the smallest action we do for someone can be interpreted as ministry if it is done with the love of God. On the same note, people that know we go to church watch us and see how we act. Those actions do teach lessons! Good discussion Donna. Thanks!

  4. I am definitely a disciple! I am learning a lot from this study we are doing! Thank you all for that. I think its very easy to fall away from god and we have all kinds of distractions that keep us from serving god- internet- tv- phones- work ( most people work 12 hrs a day or even 2 jobs) i have never seen an opera it must be something!its funny that the desciples wanted to send fire down on the town because i always say its a good thing im not god i would have sent a big fire ball down by now! Must be the german and me and not very christian like. I always wish i had jesus temperament! It seems even when we do fall away its not long before god reels us back in! His love is unconditional and im thankful for that.

    1. Your first statement hits the nail on the head...we are all disciples! And your closing statement sums it all up...unconditional love! We all strive to be loving like Jesus, but the world gets in the way! Nice thoughts Lessie!

  5. My first comments are about yesterday’s reading. I was worried about Covid and Pastor Paul replied that God did not make Covid happen. God tries to comfort us - if we will let Him. This morning I read these words and they really hit me. I’m so busy with my own talking and thinking that maybe I’m missing that comfort. I overslept this morning but instead of being upset with myself I decided that maybe I needed the rest. My first text of the day was from my daughter and it said “I love you!!!”. It was snowing today, quiet and beautiful AND I got to work from home. I’m going to try to keep thinking about comforting things instead of thinking about the negative so much. I think I am missing God working in my life.

    1. Stay positive! I know it is difficult with all that is going on, but that is hope! Watch this coming Sunday's message about that! We have to hold on to hope...we can let the darkness win, but we can also fight against that and enjoy what we have. The snow was beautiful yesterday...although it made moving my pigs to the truck slightly difficult! Good points Cathy! Glad joined us!

  6. Yes I am learning but it helps a lot when we study together, am still a disciple. Yes I help where I can and donate. The reason Jesus stayed silent was because he was expressing strength, power and authority over the time. Yes when I stay in tune with Gods word every thing goes along well. Then I get busy with life and fall off the path. Maybe it's the devil stepping in?

  7. We all stumble at times, and it is group work like this that helps get us back on the path! I do wish we could do this in person...we would have some great discussions! We are all learners! Good points RoseMarie!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...