Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mark 13

 This is a quite difficult chapter to understand with conversation of the rapture near the end of the chapter. It is hard because we don't know exactly when and we don't know exactly how! The events of this chapter are likely happening on Wednesday of Holy week as the next chapter (chapter 14) tells us about the Passover meal.

We begin this chapter with the admiration of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple took Herod (and others) approximately 80 years to construct! It was a marvel for all to see...but that began to be the problem. The Temple itself was becoming more important than God in the view of many people. People began to worship the Temple proper. Do you think people today sometimes worship the church building more than God? Jesus foretells the destruction of the Temple (v 2) which does happen in the fall of Jerusalem by Rome some 40 years later. 

The disciples ask Jesus later in the day when this will happen and what will be signs of this happening (vv 3-4). Jesus doesn't answer their first question (although He does in Luke 21:8-23), and his second answer takes the remainder of chapter 13, using a historical perspective.  Jesus warns of false prophets and messiahs coming- that isn't the sign. Jesus warns of war and impending destruction- that isn't the sign. There will be global pandemics and hunger- that isn't the sign. Many people today are looking at the weather patterns the last year or so and the COVID pandemic as signs of the rapture...but these are not the signs! How does that settle with you? Jesus says the thing that must happen is everyone must know of the "Good News" (v 10). Persecution and hate and mistrust do not exempt you from preaching the Gospel (v 9), you are to go out and tell everyone. Are you? Jesus warns that life will get bad, things will get crazy, families may even turn against each other (vv 12- 13) but of you keep te faith and keep teaching- you will have salvation. 

The sign, according to Jesus (v 14) is the "abomination of desolation" which is referred to in Daniel 11:31, "Forces sent by him shall occupy and profane the temple and fortress. They shall abolish the regular burnt offering and set up the abomination that makes desolate." (NRSV). The essence is that the Temple becomes so desecrated with idols, sacrifices of unclean animals (pigs) and brothels in the courtyard, that the Jews abandon it. When you see that happening-it is time! It is time for the Tribulation (vv 15- 22) - God unleashes God power and anger on the earth, a time period of such great calamity and carnage will occur. The saving grace (v 27) is that Jesus will send angels to rescue those that believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is God. I don't know about you- but this sounds scary!

Once we begin to see these signs of the tribulation (v 29), we will know that the rapture is coming. However, Jesus then goes on to say, "all these things will happen while the people of this generation are still living" (V 30). What generation? People of the day were thinking this return of Christ would happen in their life time...we are still waiting 20000 years later!

Jesus tells the people to stay on the watch, that even he didn't know when this would happen....only God would know (v 32). Does this upset you that Jesus doesn't even know when this will happen? The remaining parable (vv 34- 35) reminds us to stay alert and always be on the watch. Always be ready. Always be on the lookout. Always be doing God's work. Are you ready?

I hope the events and commentary didn't upset anyone too much. Stay faithful to God!

Pastor Paul


  1. This chapter scares me. I pray that I become more a where of what Jesus said. Take heed that no one deceive you. Many will come in my name. This sounds like what's happening in our world today. So I will study,love God with all my heart,help other when and where I can, for God said. Take heed,watch, pray, and what I say to you all. Watch.

    1. It is a strange time we are living in and an indication that we are to turn to God.
      Good thoughts Rose Marie Thanks!

  2. Yes this is a very scary chapter as we don't know when Jesus will comes again Jesus tells us to be alert and watch Many things happen that make us think that is what Jesus is talking about wars against other nations, famines, poverty and diseases etc have all been happening since Jesus yet he still has not returned Jesus also said everyone must know of the Good News Is it possible that this still has not happened. When we see Jesus returning in the clouds then we will know. We best be ready, believe and have faith in him do not let other false prophets lead us astray. Be ready and watch!

  3. You are all correct this is a scary chapter! Jesus warns, things will get bad, things will get crazy, families will turn from each other. There will be global pandemics and hunger. Wow this all sounds very familiar. It can really bring you down but I believe I am an optimist and there is hope and for this group our faith thank god!
    Turning to god is so very helpful.

    1. Much of what Jesus talks about is scary! and is seeming quiet familiar! It is easy to get down in the dumps, like you say, but we need to have continued faith in God and continued hope that the world will improves. Nice commentary Cindy!

  4. Sorry, above was an accident. I think chapter 13 is very interesting! Jesus goes into great detail to tell the apostles (and us) what are NOT signs - wars, famine, earthquakes. Maybe He does that because He does not want us to look into those things as signs. But He does tell us that there will be many false Christs and false prophets and that we are not to be deceived. But Jesus says there will be many - so I am thinking this is not a sign either. Jesus gives us this information so we will not be deceived. I believe that vs. 9 and 11 is Jesus telling the apostles what is going to happen to them. In that case, I am thinking, that vs. 10 is also Jesus speaking to the apostles. Because if the end will not come until the gospel is published in all the nations (vs. 10) it will not happen. Many countries have gone from abolishing religion to allowing it - Russia, China, and now countries like Iraq - so our work would never be done from generation to generation - if that makes sense. I do not understand vs. 12 at all but 13 seems like Jesus is again talking to the disciples - just as it was them He was talking to when He foretold His death. In my Bible the abomination of desolation requires two things to happen - one that the temple will be destroyed by Rome (which happened around 70AD as you mentioned) and the erecting of an image of the AntiChrist in the temple. And when that happens, Jesus tells the people of Judea that they are to leave immediately and go to the mountains. Does this mean that being in the mountains will save them? And does this mean that only the chosen people will be saved because He does not give direction to anyone else. But Jesus does tell us that we are to be watchful, not to be deceived by these false Christs and false prophets, and not to be found sleeping when Jesus does return. It doesn't upset me that Jesus nor the angels know when the end will happen - only God - because if Jesus did and He told us exactly what to look for and when, we would live in constant worry and fear! Instead He tells us to pray, be watchful, to LIVE and fulfil Jesus' two commandments until that time comes. I hope when the angels come to collect His elect (vs. 27) that means me!

    1. Right- Jesus says that war, famine, etc are NOT signs- but I have had several people over the last few months wonder if this is the end. Some people are seeing the things going on and predicting that the end is near! Regarding proclaiming the Gospel to all the nations- that is a big task (and the known world was smaller 2000 years ago!).
      About going to the mountains- there are two points here I think. 1. There would be some safety getting away from the towns. I know the rapture will be so great, but to get away from chaos may help some. 2. Ancient Judaic tradition puts God on the mountain tops, so they would be closer to God when they are in the mountains. Maybe?
      I hope I am in the chosen group too....but who knows!
      Great thoughts Donna!

  5. Yes, this chapter is very unsettling. Jesus foretells of this destruction happening in the "current generation," but it didn't happen in the time of the people then on earth (I hope that made sense.) When did this happen? Or hasn't it happened yet? The idea of families turning against each other is frightening, yet it is foretold by Jesus. I pray that this doesn't happen in our lifetimes or the lifetimes of my grandchildren or their children. The thought of the Rapture happening is also scary. The fact that our country may be falling apart, to me doesn't signify the end of time. This is just the "normal" evolution of the world. It is akin to survival of the fittest, i.e., the Law of the Jungle. I sometimes think that this is the way of man on earth. It is not a pleasant thought, but I believe it. Sad, but is this the reason Jesus came to earth to begin with? If it is, what have we learned. I'm afraid of what the answer may be.

    1. One of the "big problems: is people took Jesus saying "in this generation: meaning that it would happen in the next 40 years or so- one generation. It didn't...and so people continue to wait and wonder when it will happen as they look for the signs that Jesus said won't be signs!
      You raise some good points about the "evolution of the world" Jack- and I agree- what did we learn when Jesus was here? Many people are of the "me first" attitude, but have faith. There are good and generous and compassionate people in the world! Good points Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...