Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Mark 12

This chapter covers late Tuesday and/or maybe early Wednesday of Holy Week. Remember, chapter 11 started on Monday and went to Tuesday. There is no real clear indication of time in this chapter, but chapter 14 (I know this is only chapter 12) has the story of the Passover meal.

We begin Chapter 12 with a relatively familiar (?) story. Just to clarify: the vineyard is a Hebrew Bible reference to Israel, so the vines were the people of Israel, and the vine-dressers were the rulers of the Israel world. The "servants" were the prophets that came to prophecy (Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, etc) -- but nobody would listen. The son was the Son (Jesus). The vine-dressers could either accept the Son or refuse the Son (which we know they did). The vineyard owner (God), once hearing what happened to the Son (vv 9-11), gave the vineyard to other farmers (the Gentiles). The Jews were the original "chosen ones" but in their rejection of Jesus, the Gentiles became the chosen people. How does that settle with you? What would have happened had the Jews accepted Jesus?

The Pharisees try o trick Jesus to turn the crowd against him (vv 13- 17)...if Jesus agreed with the Roman government, then maybe the people would be upset enough so the Pharisees could arrest Jesus! I really giggle at the statements of flattery (v 14) the Pharisees use to "honor" Jesus! Does flattery work? Are you surprised the Pharisees used that method? People paid many taxes to Rome, and they hated it! They were funding their oppression and the injustices that Rome initiated against (especially) the Jews. "Should you pay taxes?" (v 15) If Jesus says yes, then Rome wins because Jesus would have essentially denounced God's rule over Israel; if Jesus says no, Rome wins again because they find him as an enemy of Rome and arrest Jesus. It seems like Jesus is in a no win situation! I love Jesus' response (v 15b) (my translation) "Come on guys- really?!" Ultimately, we hear the words from Jesus (v 17), "Give unto Caesar.." Jesus is saying we can be citizens of both Rome and God. If we benefit from the government, then pay the taxes, but also do the work for God's empire. The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive- government and God. Jesus is saying, "Give the coin to Caesar, give your life to God." Can we do that? Do we do that? The Pharisees walk away grumbling and murmuring (I assume).

Sadducees (vv 18- 27) were well educated, influential and wealthy. They did not believe in resurrection (that is why they were 'sad, you see'), spirits or angels. Mosaic law (Deuteronomy 25:5-6) established lavirate marriage (levir- Latin for brother-in-law); if a man dies before having children with his wife, the brother was to take the wife and create an heir for the dead brother.They ask a somewhat absurd question- expecting maybe to trick Jesus or trip him up. Jesus essentially says (vv 24-27) that heaven and the resurrected world is different than the world we live in. Jesus says that resurrection is real (v 26) (I am the God of... not I was the God of...) but that the new life will be a mystery until we get there.It doesn't answer our questions- but it should help us trust God?

Another question to stump Jesus (v 28) and Jesus responds with the essence of the laws....to love God. From this, we see that what God really wants from us is love. Is that too hard for us to do?

Jesus then turns the tables some and asks the Pharisees and Saducees a question (vv 35-36) , "Do you really know who I am?" (my translation). If the Pharisees and Saducees were as smart as they said, they wold know that Jesus was both the root of David and the offspring of David! I like v 37, "The crowds listened with pleasure..." I see the crowds looking at the Pharisees and Saducees with a "Yah, now how you gonna answer that" face! With a snide smile too!

Jesus moves to "warning" of the Saducees (vv 38- 40). They are disciples who educate and teach. But Jesus warns of their hypocrisy= looking/ wanting recognition, demanding priority, seeking the best, acting as if they were "holier than thou" but they weren't really. It was mostly show. How many people do you know are like that? Are you like that?

The final story is tough for us. The concern God has is how we give, not how much we give. The rich men flaunted what they gave, whereas the widow was meek and mild. In today's standards, a mite (the copper coins)  may equal $1, so the woman gave $2.She gave sacrificially; they gave out of excess. The spirit of the gift is more important than the "value" of the gift. I wonder how many people judge others during the offering when actually cash is put in (rather than covered in envelopes)? God doesn't need our money-- God needs our hearts!


  1. Honestly, your interpretation about the vineyard story made it very clear 😃! I was ALMOST there but just couldn’t get my mind around it - LOL. Thank you! But it also makes it VERY sad. To think “they” were so cruel and unreceptive to God’s messengers and then to His own son breaks my heart. I think Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees about taxes was like His answer about who gave Him authority. He puts the Pharisees in a position that they cannot find fault with His answer. But it also shows that Jesus is NOT there to be “King” on earth as some Jews felt - or to overthrow Rome. He was there to bring the Jews to the Kingdom of God. Which should have been a hint as to what Jesus’ purpose on earth was! I strongly believe in giving unto Caesar what is Caesars!!! But I believe as strongly that we give our lives and hearts to God! Sometimes, if the flattery is TRUE, it can work. I think the question about men marrying their brothers’ wives is rather tedious, but the point is great!! I never thought of it that way until we read Luke for Advent! HA - sometimes to love everyone or, in particular, SOME people is difficult, I have to admit -for me. Vs. 37 in my bible says - And the common people heard him gladly! I like that it says - common people - Jesus was refuting the “higher ups”! Do you know who I am? Do I? I mean, I know he is in David’s family. I know His earthly parents are Mary and Joseph - but do I know who He REALLY is? I am not sure. But I do like how you put - Jesus was both the root of David and the offspring of David! Holier than thou - sad, but I do know people - and sometimes organizations, churches, etc. that - feel this way. But do they really think that? Do I sometimes? Hmmmm. Do I give out of my excess or what I think I need to live? I agree - the spirit is more important. God doesn’t need our money - but churches do in order to do God’s work - but as you, Pastor Paul, say on Sundays - our gifts should also includes ourselves as offering. I liked this chapter!

    1. Glad I could help with the vineyard...sometimes it just takes time and a little different perspective to see things!
      I like your thought about putting the Pharisees in an awkward position-- whatever answer they give is the "wrong" answer!
      I like that translation you have with the word "common people" as it adds a slightly different perspective to the story!
      Great comments and thoughts Donna!

  2. I also thank you for explaining the story of the vineyard. I am so disappointed in people who do think they are holier than thou. They preach one thing and live life another way. I believe there are people out their now who are saying they are Christians and painting a very different picture in how I believe. I hope that I am open minded and we don’t have to believe exactly the same but I believe kindness and goodness to ALL is gods way.
    The widows offering is a favorite reading and lesson. We see this all the time and I would strive to live my life as she does.

    1. Hi Cindy- the church is full (?) of those that are holier than thou- just watch when a stranger comes in or someone "different" comes in! We are a very hypocritical place at times!
      Nobody says we all have to believe the same thing...but that we should love all people!
      Strive to give what you have- that's a great lesson.
      Nice ideas Cindy, thanks!

  3. I understand what you are saying about the parable of the vineyard but also in my mind it also seems as Jesus is again telling of his death. but that he is he block to the building into heaven.??
    I am guessing from what Jesus said we still need to pay our taxes Just a bit of my humor. LOL

    Loving God with all our might, heart, soul, mind and strength is sometimes where we fail as well as loving our neighbor as we are a judgmental being something I feel we all need to work on I know that i do. I try not to be too judgmental but find at times that I fail with that.
    I think that the woman who gave all she had was saying that she had faith and trusted in Jesus to take care of her. Just thinking again.

    1. Yes- Jesus is again telling the story of his upcoming death!
      Yes-- pay your taxes Clara!! ;)
      Trust Jesus- like the widow did with her offering.
      Nice commentary Clara! Thanks!

  4. Thank you for explaining the vineyard parable. as usual, it went right over my head! Now it makes sense. What I don't understand is that God built the wine press and everything else, and then went abroad. Am I correct in thinking that God built the world and left it to us to do with as we pleased? If so, we have wrecked it and even killed Jesus when he came to "get God's share" of the proceeds. What does this mean? I don't look at Jesus's journey on earth as " coming to collect God's dues.

    As for the remainder of the stories in this chapter, I am most taken by the elderly widow who gave $2.00 that she needed to eat, pay her taxes, the electric bill, medications, or whatever. What faith this woman has - it's incredible. She is clearly facing arrest, starvation, illness, etc., but her faith in God trumps (notice the small 't') all her earthly issues. I know that I give out of excess, and that I sometimes question my faith.

    This chapter has made me feel very humble in that I am falling down in my faith and my beliefs. It also raises some questions: Why did Jesus come to Israel? Why then? Why not now when the world, especially America, is in such turmoil? I also thought that Jesus comment that God is the God of the living was interesting. What does this mean. I have no idea.

    If Jesus were to coma today as He did in Biblical times, how would He be received? I think he would be labeled as an insurrectionist and He would probably be sent to prison. (I remember the Sharon Tate murders and that Charles Manson proclaimed that he was Jesus.) I guess this isn't much different than His time in Jerusalem.

    1. Interesting thought Jack...God did create what we have and in Genesis the text can indicate that God gave us control of the earth while God watched. We have squandered what we were given and have done quite a poor job with the care of the earth. Free will!
      Good commentary on the widow's mite! Thanks!
      An interesting comment- why didn't Jesus come now? There is definitely a God presence but people need to be willing to accept that presence. The Holy Spirit is active and moving, but there is much resistance- especially here in the US. I sometimes wonder what would happen if Jesus, in the flesh, showed up here in our world. Would he be treated any differently than 2000 years ago? His goal was to upset the apple cart, to stop the status quo. We have people trying to do that and we see the results!
      Great thoughts Jack! Thanks!

  5. I do proof read these comments, but I noticed that some typos survived.

  6. I never understood this parable until now. I wonder why Jesus would say some of them that we can't understand? As for taxes, yes we should pay our fair share. Yes going to heaven will be a happy, loving one with God time. Have read some books,seen some movie's about people and kids dying and God telling them that it wasn't there time yet,that they had things to do. So many things to wonder about. Sounds like a nice place to be. Yes when we meet and see new people, I don't know why we have to act the way we do. What a wonderful world this world be if we all lived by it. No other God but me. Love one another with all your heart.

  7. Jesus told the parables to people that were alive 2000 years ago. They could probably understand much of what he said as they were familiar with the terms and concepts he used. I agree that some of them are difficult to understand, but once we learn the basics, then we can figure them out!
    Great ending comment= what a wonderful world this would be if we did love each other! We have lots to learn!
    Great comments Rose Marie- Thanks!!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...