Thursday, January 7, 2021

Mark 4

 Jesus often used a boat as a pulpit; it gave him space away from people, the acoustics were probably heightened, and the view for the people watching would have been great! I imagine some of the religious authority were having a fit because Jesus was doing something that just wasn't supposed to be done! We hear our first parable (vv 3- 8), an intimate weaving of  daily life with spiritual truth. The parable of the sower- or maybe more correctly- the parable of the soils (as it is the soil, not the sower, that determines the harvest). I think we can all identify people that correspond to the different soils that Jesus talks about. I know I can! What type of soil are you? What is your harvest like?

It seems like the disciples didn't get the point of the parable (v 10). I wonder if the people understood? When I am teaching/preaching, I often wonder, "Are they getting this?" Jesus' parables can be taken in at many different levels; depending on your career/occupation- you hear different aspects to the parables, but to really understand the spiritual aspect, you need to dig deep and think about the "key" Jesus gives you. V 14- Jesus says, "The sower is like a person who plants God's message in people." Ah-ha! Now the lights come on! Jesus uses parables so the hearer can dig deep and find truth-- or turn away (v 12). Do you always understand the parables the first time you hear them?

As Jesus explains the parable to the disciples, I look at his explanation through the lens of preacher/teacher. Preachers are often critiqued for "not doing a good job" in explaining or sharing a message, but maybe it is how well the congregation listens, not how good the preacher preaches! On a typical Sunday, I can see who gets it, who is struggling, who has too much on their mind, who is still tired from a late Saturday night, who is attending to get their check mark...I, as a preacher, am in each of those categories at different times too!

The next story is somewhat of a follow-up to the parable of the soils. If you have the Light, don't hide it; put it out there (vv 21- 23)! By its nature, Light is hard to contain- so let it out! Do we sometimes keep the Light hidden or do we always let that light shine? When we understand God's word, we then become accountable to it (v 24), passing it on to others. Are you good at passing on the message of God to others? And our spiritual growth gathers momentum (v 25), The more we know, the more we understand, the more we get to tell others! How does that fit in your life?

In the next commentary about seeds (vv 26- 29), the way the seed grows is like the kingdom of God and our faith. Seeds just seem to grow, God's kingdom and our faith "just seem to grow" with care and nurturing by those around us. Those seeds of faith are planted in us and it is the work of the Holy Spirit that causes them to grown and develop and mature into seeds for others. I have used John 12:24 in some of the funerals I have officiated: "I tell you for certain that a grain of wheat that falls on the ground will never be more than one grain unless it dies. But if it dies, it will produce lots of wheat." (Contemporary English Version). How is your harvest going? How is your sowing going?

It seems like Mark adds a disclaimer after the mustard seed parable (vv 33- 34) Jesus uses parables- sometimes people get it, sometimes they don't but Jesus always explains the parables to the disciples when they are alone. I wonder why Jesus doesn't explain the parables to the people?

I just noticed an interesting statement that Jesus used (v 35); Jesus says to the disciples, "Let's go to the other side of the lake..." Jesus doesn't say "Let's get caught in a storm and perish." Jesus'promise to us its, let's go and survive! In addition, the author says (v 36), "They took Him just as he was." Tired, dirty, sweaty after a full day of preaching, probably hungry, maybe a little cranky from being so exhausted. Do we take Jesus as He is, or do we tr to fit Jesus into some kind of human-made mold of who we think Jesus should be? The storm kicks up, and Jesus is asleep. He is exhausted and even though he had things to worry about (Pharisees are angry at him, worry about the crowds and their needs, worry about what the future brings, etc), Jesus grabs a nap! What signal does that send to us?! It was the voices of the disciples that woke Jesus, not the wind, not the water crashing over the sides of the boat, not the rain, not the rocking of the boat...the voices. Similar to a sleeping mom (or dad) that nothing can awaken them- except the voice of their child in the next room! We are always on Jesus' radar! It seems like the disciples are angry with Jesus (v 38) saying "Don't you care?" How often do we use those same words, Jesus, don't you care about us? The final commentary by Jesus is about his friends, not the storm (v 40). Jesus could have commented, "Yikes, that was a crazy storm!" but comments "Do you still have no faith?" The most disturbing part of this story (for Jesus), is the lack of faith of his disciples! How would Jesus respond to us? Does Jesus use the same commentary... "Do you still have no faith?" We may feel like we are in a small fishing boat in the middle of a great storm; we may feel like we are on the Titanic, going down; we may feel like we can't make it-- but Jesus is there in the boat with us!

Chapter 5 tomorrow- short- but two very important stories for us to unpack!

Pastor Paul


  1. I wonder why Jesus doesn’t explain the parable to the people too! In my Bible Jesus says “to you has been given the secret if the kingdom of God, but for those outside, everything comes in parables; in order that they may look but not perceive, and may indeed listen but not understand, so that they may not turn again and be forgiven.
    Why would Jesus want people not to understand? Then Jesus goes on to explain the parable to the disciples.
    I love the part about Jesus calming the winds and the sea. I’m always praying for calm and peace. I think you can be an anxious person but still have faith.

    1. I also question why Jesus didn't explain the parables to the people that listened. I have no answer for that- guess I will do some research and find out if I can figure that out! We all need calm and peace right now! Thanks for the comments Cathy!

  2. That was my question why did Jesus explain the parable to the disciples but not the people? My thought was that he was teaching them how to carry his word after the ascension?? so they understood more about his reason for being on this earth??Just thinking and wondering. Why didn't he think the people needed to understand also?? It's easy to understand the seeds not growing in certain soils and or being choked out by weeds etc but the deeper meaning may not have been revealed to the people.
    And why have a lamp lite it in the dark and hide it under a bushel? you certainly would be blind in the dark then.
    Jesus falling asleep in the boat and then a storm happening and the dixciples afraid show how we allcan become afraid not matter our faith and how we can become afraid if we think that Jesus is not with us.
    Just thinking and wondering.
    After the news yesterday we can all wonder if we have lost sight of j
    Jesus and is he there? Sometimes I just ramble on Please forgive me.

    1. Jesus was prepping the disciples to carry on after Jesus' death-and I also struggle with not telling the "regular" people! The point of the lamp story-- we all have the Light of Christ in us, so don't hide it but get it out there! We all have fears, but we need to remember that Jesus is in the boat with us! We do need to remember that especially now! Great comments Clara!

  3. Life sometimes is hard. We make mistakes, have fun, and sad times. I always say it is my row to hoe. What we sow is what we reep. When we tell his stories to others,may just a little mustard seed will bring a good harvest of faith. I say I have faith, but sometimes I Wounded? Is that doubt?

    1. I think we all doubt- and that is OK. As we doubt, we actually grow in faith because we are more in a searching mode. The more we seek, the more we find and the deeper our faith! Good point Rose Marie!

  4. I do not always understand they parables the first time I read them And sometimes I think I understand but when other people give ether I thoughts I might think something else! I thought that Jesus - in the Light under the Bushel parable - meant our actions. Just as you would not hide a light under a bushel but put it on a candlestick stand, your actions you cannot be hidden from God. Nothing we do or say can be kept secret from God. All our actions will be manifested. And the more we hear, the more we should act better, believe stronger, tell more and then more will be given to us. You know, even though one’s faith might be strong and even though we know that God is always with us, it doesn’t prevent awful things from happening in our lives. Even though Jesus was surprised that the disciples were anxious about the storm and Jesus berates them, that doesn’t mean the boat sometimes doesn’t sink and we suffer consequences, right? Death or some sortof handicap? I have real faith in God but I still wear my seatbelt. I still see the doctor when I am sick. Does this make sense? I agree with Clara - I think Jesus explains everything to the disciples because they are with Him 24/7 and He can tell them many things and answer their questions. It would be impossible for Him to answer the questions of hundred of people. Then the disciples would go out and talk to smaller groups and be able to answer their questions. And maybe the parables would cause the “general population” to think about it. My biggest surprise in the reading of Mark 5 was the last verse - 41 - And they feared exceedingly and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? If the apostles, seeing and hearing all that they did, STILL did not know what type of man Jesus was, can we blames the Pharisees for doubting, begin afraid, wondering? I mean, completely?

    1. Some really good points Donna! We can have faith- but you are right- sometimes the boat does sink! People suffer, there is death, things go wrong...but having faith keeps us strong in the face of the bad...maybe? One part about the parables, that you bring up, is maybe they started conversations between the people? The conversations would allow them to know each other and begin to learn some more about God? And I agree with your final comment- if the disciples didn't really know Jesus- how would we expect the Pharisees?! Good commentary Donna!

  5. I feel like there is so much to say about Mark 4.
    First of all there is the question about why is Jesus teaching from a boat...who would have ever thought teachers would be teaching over a computer. Our wonderful teachers continue to make such a difference in our lives.
    Jesus said, if you have ears pay attention. We all think we are but we definitely listen better at different times and different subjects.
    As for doubting and being afraid when Jesus spoke. I know I have often thought if Jesus appeared to me now would I believe him. I hope so.

    1. Good point about teachers using computers now! Who would have ever thought that was going to happen! I agree with what you say- we all have ears, but do we all hear!? I am taking a class on the Reformation and was watching a YouTube video yesterday- and just could not hear what the guy was saying! Or how many times have we said things to our kids and they just give us that blank stare! Your last comment is great and a big question-- If Jesus were to appear today- would I believe him? Like you say, I hope so! Great comments Cindy!

  6. I have a very technical mind, as I am sure you know. As such, however, I have a hard time understanding symbolism, which to me is what these parables are. On that note, I do understand the story of Jesus napping while the boat is taking on water. "Have you no faith?" There are many times in my life where I felt that I was sinking. At those times, I had very little faith and, somehow, I got by, thanks to doctors and my beloved wife, who never lost faith in me. I am prayerful that, if I sink to such depths again, that I will be able to find the faith I need thanks to my journey in faith that I have found here. I feel confident that I have found the rich soil that I need to grow spiritually into a wildly blossoming being, especially at the age I am now.

    As I write this, I am still very upset about the events at our Capital building yesterday. My faith in a man I believed in was shaken to its very core, and, I pray it never happens again.

  7. Jesus uses symbols all the time. Many of the authors of the various biblical texts use symbols. Some of them (Revelation) were to prevent being persecuted (only the people "in the know" understood what the symbols were) and some were to make stories slightly easier to understand. Once someone explains the symbology behind things- it becomes easier! Jack, in light of the events in Washington, we all are wondering about faith now! It is hard to understand, and saying "have faith" doesn't seem to make it easier! Great thoughts Jack! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...