Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Mark 3

 I really like how Mark starts with "Another tie when Jesus went to the synagogue..." (v 1), indicating to us that Jesus was a regular for attendance at worship! I sometimes forget that point! Jesus meets the man with the withered hand, but God's grace/ mercy allowed him (the man) to use his feet to get to worship! How many times do people not attend church for something minor, and this man still comes even with a bad hand! The religious authority knew Jesus was going to heal, that's why they were there! They were watching carefully, so they had expectations of healing-- they knew about Jesus but they didn't know  him. Are we like that sometimes-- we know about Jesus, but don't know Jesus? Then Jesus comes out with "the question"- Should I do good or do bad on the Sabbath?! John Wesley ("founder" of Methodism) is attributed to saying, "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can..." I think Jesus would agree! We see a side of Jesus that people don't often think about (v 5), Jesus was angry, probably at the hardness of the hearts of the men that were watching Jesus. Jesus was trying to change their hearts and get them to understand, but they refused. Does Jesus get angry at us because of our (sometimes) cold hearts?

The crowds came; many towns in the list of places are from a great distance, possibly indicating "the entire world" came to see Jesus. Did they come to hear him or did they come for healing and miracles? It is good to come and be healed, but, like the religious authority from the first story, we need to know Jesus too! The demons knew Jesus, and by calling his name "Son of God" they are attempting to control Jesus! Jesus responds "Don't tell them who I am" (v 12) Jesus wants people to know his message before they know who he really is (my thoughts).

Aside from the crucifixion and resurrection, the selection of the 12 disciples is probably Jesus' most important act. These are the people that would carry out Jesus' message after Jesus' ascension. Jesus' inner circle would be with him at all times listening and learning about God's kingdom- more so  than any other person. Out of the 12 men selected (12= number of tribes of Israel), we know and hear much about Peter, James, John, and Judas; we know some about Phillip and Andrew; the rest of the disciples we don't really now much about. I am sure they did great works, but we don't know about them. Their recognition came in Paradise, I am sure! My personal belief is that I don't need recognition here on earth for something that I should be doing. Many times I have said, "Just doing my job" with the idea that we all should be doing good, it is expected and I don't really need recognition for something that is expected from me! Some people question why Judas was chosen, if Jesus knew the ultimate "goal" of Judas. My question would be, why was I chosen?!

Jesus performs another exorcism, and the Pharisees respond (v 22) with "He must have Beelzebul living in him." Jesus responds with (my translation), "If I were Satan, why would I force out demons from others- that defeats my purpose!" A house divided cannot stand. Abraham Lincoln used this verse in his June 16, 1858 acceptance speech as Illinois Senator. How does this relate to our current political division in the country?

Why did Jesus' mother and brothers come (v 31)? Maybe to see Jesus? Maybe to take him home, thinking he really was possessed (see Mark 3:21)? Where was Joseph? We don't ever hear of Joseph again after Jesus' birth. How did his brothers respond to Jesus' "fame" and "mission"? Did Jesus have sisters? Some theologians question if Jesus had siblings, to maintain the perpetual virginity of Mary. Whatever the case, it seems like Jesus' family had no special privileges compared to the other people gathered. How does this settle with you? Then a huge sweeping invitation to all gathered there, even the Pharisees..."Whoever does what God wants is my brother and my sister." (v 35) Many clergy address their people as "brothers and sisters" Does this statement from Jesus help you understand that? Do you feel as sister or brother to Jesus?

Chapter 4 is next- and we will see/hear some of the familiar parable that Jesus uses in the other Gospels. 

Pastor Paul


  1. I do want to believe that I don’t need to be recognized for what I should be doing here on earth but it does feed your soul when we help others which makes us feel better. I believe that this time of political division is unsettling and disappointing. We cannot change the world but we can all have an impact by small acts in our own communities.

    1. I agree with your first comment...I shouldn't need recognition, but it does feel good. I think maybe we shouldn't expect it, but if it comes to us-- good! We are a deeply divided nation and it is obvious that we need to come together and work for the common good...but who decides what that is! Small local impacts will make big waves eventually...keep going! Nice commentary. Thanks Cindy!

  2. Again Jesus is defying the laws(according to the lawmakers) by healing on the Sabbath I guess in these days if we listened to the law makers of that time we would have to close the hospitals on the Sabbath Think of the mess we are in now with the pandemic and hospitals, we would really be in a pickle it's bad enough with out these laws from that time. Although some the the stores etc that are open now probably don't need to be open on Sundays its mostly for our convenience that they are since so many bread winners work during the week. But that's reasoning,right?
    It's amazing that the evil spirits knew that Jesus was the Son of God and that the people didn't realize that he was. Satan knows who Jesus is, didn't he tempt him for 40 days and nights in the wilderness?
    Jesus chose his 12 disciples who were all common people and not anyone of fame
    Question why did he chose Judas Iscariot as we know Judas was treacherous and greedy Did Jesus know when he chose him that Judas was the one who would betray him? However it had to happen for Jesus to be crucified and rise from the dead. Some of the disciples we don't hear much of but they must have gone out teaching God's word after the ascension.
    I don't know much of Jesus family other than it says his mother and brothers, did he have sisters? Women were not mentioned a lot but Jesus did spend time and talk of and praise women. We don't hear of Joseph either other than the time o Jesus birth and that he was a son of a carpenter
    Many reasons to wonder about Jesus family but then the story of his family are ones that follow him

    1. Your second comment is spot on...the demons knew who Jesus was, but he people couldn't understand! And even today, people struggle understanding! I like the fact that Jesus chose common people for being disciples. It shows us that we all can do it! The big question seems to revolve around Judas- as you suggest. Why did Jesus pick him? I guess to show tat all people can be a member of Christ's family? I'd be interested in hearing more about Jesus' family. I will have to look for a source document about them! Great thoughts Clara!

  3. In our lives today we have lots of excuses. But we still help those in need. The 12 apostles Jesus chose had a wide rang of backgrounds,living and working together, obeying God. The power of Staten today is to temp us so we will ignore and disobey God. Gods plan for Staten will end when God returns. Those who belong to God's family are closer to him then his natural family. Yes I would like to know more about Joseph and if Jesus had brothers and sisters?

    1. Great comments RoseMarie! We are tempted daily, and many are able to oppose that temptation. It is hard some days though!

  4. I think it’s interesting that Mark starts out again with a miracle, but this time the miracle has a point - is it better to do good or harm? A question I think I should ask myself each time I open my mouth or take an action - which, unfortunately, sometimes comes to me after the fact! I like the question - do we know OF Jesus but do we KNOW Him. I feel like I know Jesus - but then I might reread something from the Bible or hear/read something that someone says and I learn something new and “know” Jesus all over again. The Bible is definitely a “living” book. In these readings, I have often asked the same. Did people come to heal or hear? And did they need the miracle to believe? But, then, there have been times that I have asked for a sign - how many of us haven’t? Luckily I didn’t need it to believe, but how many are on the “edge” where the sign or miracle of Jesus’ time would not help them? But signs or miracles are hard to recognize in this world. I think it strange that a couple of the disciples names are different in the Gospels, which does make it difficult sometimes to know who they are talking about. As with other people. I agree with Clara, I would like to THINK I don’t need recognition, but sometimes........ Even John and James argued about who was “best”. I like your question about being chosen but I have to admit that my question was more - what was I chosen for? I wish that were a little clearer - 😃 I believe Jesus had siblings. And my thoughts on his comments about His mother and brethren related in Mark are the same as those when I read it in Luke- it was a point - ALL are my mother and my brothers - because we are all children of God - we are all the same. Incidentally, I am ok with division in politics, religion, thoughts - as long as ultimately it agrees. We can all have different interpretations of the Bible, praise HIM differently, as long as we all believe in God. We can all think differently politically as long as we respect our Constitution, laws and government - if that makes sense. Jesus says in John that God did not send him to indemnify the world but to save it. I think there is a strong possibility that Jesus had sisters - well half-sisters, as well as half-brothers.

    1. Whenever we do something, we should be asking- will this do harm or will this do good! I am beginning to bridge the gap between knowing of Jesus and knowing Jesus...its taken many years- and I still struggle at times! Did people come to heal or hear- I like that! That will preach some day! We all need those signs don't we! Regarding names of the disciples- some authors use Greek variations, some use the original Hebrew variation, some use family is confusing at times! Great commentary about family and family relationships with Jesus! Thanks Donna!

  5. Oh my goodness! What a day to read “and if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Watching our divided country on tv is so very disheartening. How could this be our country. And then I read “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.” What does this mean?
    Sorry to be a downer today. That hope we talked about at Christmas seems far away today.

    1. Yah- coincidence that the reading today included that! It is very sad seeing how divided we are as a nation and there is a strong need to unify all the people- but how can that happen? Who is right? I have to investigate the Holy Spirit question- I was somewhat confused- will get back to you! I hear you- the hope of Christmas seems so far away! Continue to look for small glimmers of hope and find peace. Great comments Cathy!

  6. This will be short due to the "late" hour. (It is 9:45 PM here.) have been watching the events in D.C. all day and I am quite troubled. When Jesus states that a house divided cannot stand, I get very concerned about the future of our great country, or our once great country. I agree with Cathy Sorber's comments and I feel very troubled tonight.

  7. I get it Jack. I feel the same way. I just sat and watched and continued to ask "How can this be happening? In our country?" A very troubling and sad day. I hope we can become more unified and strong again. Find peace, Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...