Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Mark 7

 Jesus' ministry is under review! Pharisees from Jerusalem came (v 1)- and this was the second delegation sent (first was Mark 3:22). This was not unique to Jesus. Jerusalem often sent religious authority to investigate/ evaluate "prophets" and those claiming to be "messiahs" with the goal of protecting Israel from hypocrites and false messages. Do we evaluate Jesus today? Do others "evaluate" Jesus' mission and message? There is then a whole discourse on ceremonial washing (vv 2-5)- not washing related to cleanliness (health perspective). Much of these washings were ceremonial and tradition based rather than scripture based, yet the disciples and Jesus were still criticized. Do we do that? "Criticize" Jesus for not following our traditions? Rabbis and teachers if the law had more "seniority" than the scriptures and what they said was deemed super important- even maybe more important that the scriptures! Do we sometimes "make up" things that are "more important" than the scriptures? In the end- it comes down to the words, traditions and rituals of people having more importance than those from God!

Jesus' comeback is from the Hebrew prophet Isaiah (v 6). Some translations start with Jesus saying, "You hypocrites..." The Pharisees get so wrapped up in "People laws" that they push people away from God; people couldn't uphold all the man-made rules - so they walked away from God. You can look like a good person, but are you (vv 6b-7)? You can read the Bible, but do you love God? You can go to church- but do you love God? You can do ministry- but do you love God? You can sing the hymns and say the liturgies- but do you love God? Human doctrine takes the place of God doctrine. How often do we see that in the church? In your home church? In your life?

Jesus then relates back to Moses (vv 10- 13) with the comment- children are to always obey and respect their parents.If your parents need something, the son could respond with- "Well, I have something here, but it is dedicated to God ('Corban')" By being "ultra-religious" the son disobeys God's command of honor. Do you know people that can "use" religion in a seemingly obscure way for their benefit?

Jesus then addresses the crowds and the theme is God is more concerned about how we respond rather than what we consume (vv 14- 23). Jesus basically is saying God wants us to examine our hearts and ask are we doing what God expects us to do? Are we? How are we acting- in public and in private? Does our public life match with our private life? Charles Spurgeon (English Baptist preacher and theologian, mid 1800s) wrote "Sin is not a splash of mud on man's exterior, it is a filth generated within himself." Thoughts?

Jesus travels about 50 miles to reach Sidon and Tyre, Gentile cities! This is unusual, because Jesus' ministry initially was to the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24). This story (vv 24-30) is a good continuation of the previous though. It is a Jewish law that Jews cannot and should not ever interact with Gentiles. And what does Jesus do? Goes into the house of a Gentile! Yikes! He wanted to keep it hidden- maybe to stop any rioting that may have happened or not to needlessly offend anyone. But it couldn't stay hidden (v 24b). Isn't that great! Jesus cannot be hidden! At first, Jesus seems to reject the woman saying (v 27), "The children (Jews) should be fed before the dogs (Gentiles)." And the woman's somewhat snarky (in my mind) response (v 28), "Yah, but even the dogs get the crumbs the children leave behind!" Touche, Jesus! Her request is granted and her daughter is healed. Would you have the courage to call Jesus out like the woman did?

Jesus uses a rather unconventional method to heal a man's hearing (vv 33- 35)! The story is reminiscent of Isaiah 35:5-6: "Then the eyes of those who are blind will be opened, And the ears of those who are deaf will be unstopped. And the tongue of those who cannot speak will shout for joy."

The closing verse is really important to hear (v 37). The people were amazed and said "Jesus does everything well." Yes, Jesus does!

Enjoy the day, Get outside and reflect on the readings.

Pastor Paul

Then those who limp will leap like a deer,


  1. I don’t think I makeup things or evaluate Jesus or the Scripture BUT I have rationalized it. I have done things that I knew were wrong, I rationalized that Jesus was OK with it - I know it’s because I knew what I was doing was wrong and that I felt extremely guilty. SO, I rationalized my actions to “fit” what the Scripture and Jesus’ teachings. Well, I’m not hurting anyone, I’m not breaking any commandments - but, of course I was in some way - I just ......rationalized. I think we are kidding ourselves if we don’t think traditions and rituals are not as important today. Try to change from a Traditional service to a Conventional one. Try changing the type of music that is sung. Try preaching a different view of the scriptures. Unfortunately, it is still important. I think all of us, me included, have used religion to prove our point of view, to support what we are doing. If it weren’t true, there wouldn’t be so many denominations or religions. I do love God and I hope that all I do reflects that and I hope I do it while being sincere. I can’t speak about what is in other people’s hearts. I absolutely feel that our sin is generated within ourselves- what we say and what we do and what we think produces our sin. Not what we eat or the rituals we do or do not do. But it does surprise me how many times Jesus does act against the Jewish Law when he says things like - I have not come here to break the law or give unto Caesar what is his. I understand it’s to teach a lesson but still that does seem odd! And it does seem odd to me that so many of Jesus’ miracles are mentioned. Many many times! Why were they so important? I still cannot justify what Jesus said to the Greek woman about children vs. dogs, it seems harsh compared to yesterday’s readings - Jesus shows compassion. Especially when HERE He is obeying Jewish law. I am really enjoying reading Mark

    1. Rationalize-- great word choice!!
      And I get it- ritual is important! I know and have been told several times!
      One of the reasons I like Jesus so much is that he is such a rebel- but with a cause! He does break the (Judaic) rules, but then always has a reason to back it up.
      The miracles are important I think so that people took an interest in Jesus. Many prophets came before preaching a similar message- the miracles set Jesus apart.
      I too am enjoying the Mark stories! Thanks Donna!

  2. How many times have we heard that Cleanliness is next to Godliness but do we ever stop to think what that means? This story about washing hands a Jews tradition and law certainly brings that into focus. Cleaning our outside doesn't by any way take care of the inside which is what is the important part of this story that Jesus brought up to the law makers and Pharisees. . I know that I need help with the inside part as being a human I often criticize others for what they are doing but do not stop to think what I am doing even by criticizing them I am doing wrong. I guess that makes my a hypocrite Even our thought can be unclean in Jesus eyes. So how do we stop thoughts I am guessing prayer is the biggest answer to that.
    That is something I need to work on.
    amazing story of Jesus curing the gentile girl not being present with her in the flesh shows his strength Did the people even ponder that happening i wonder. So often we are hearing that Jesus tells the people he has healed not to tell others but they all seem to tell of his healings and the news travels fast.

    1. Right- I didn't think of the saying "cleanliness is next to Godliness" Good point! We all need help with the inside parts!
      Good news travels fast doesn't it! Good comments Clara!

  3. Yes I hear Gods word, hopefully I can spread them, probably fall short. Sometimes I see or hear things that are not right, but I try not to criticize or judge, but just listen, till you walk in there shoes. V-27 has me confused. I would never be able to talk back to God. Is this what she doing? Yet she was not afraid. When you tell someone to keep a secret,the first thing they do is spread it, is this what Jesus wants them to do? To many questions sorry.

  4. It is tough not to criticize or judge, but then how do you try to correct behaviors? That's a tough one! And yes, the woman was being slightly sassy back to Jesus! Imagine that= and, like you said- Mark does't say that she was afraid!
    It is good to have questions! Questions mean you're thinking and trying to understand! Great Job Rose Marie!

  5. I like it that Jesus is a rule breaker. A person who try’s new ways. I’ve found that the church is one of the hardest places ever to try something new!
    Breaking the rules or trying new things can lead to new ways of doing things or new ways of thinking.

    1. I too love the fact that Jesus is a "rebel" and law breaker! And I agree 100%- ever try to change something in the church- almost impossible! I am a rule breaker- well at least a rule bender! Nice comments Cathy!

  6. I am sorry I missed a few days so I am just catching up. First of all I want to say how lucky we all are to have faith. It is truly a gift. I do not know how those who don’t get through the tough stuff. I also would like to say that I agree with Cathy’s comment from yesterday that god is bigger than a denomination. I also try very hard not to judge but fail miserably. I hear people speaking of god and then are so unkind. None of us are perfect and sometimes we make mistakes but we must be careful and kind.
    Would I have the courage to call Jesus out...how wonderful would it be to have a discussion with him.

  7. Glad you're back Cindy!
    Faith truly is a gift! I am participating in a course of study class on the Reformation. I have done lots of reading on Martin Luther yesterday and today (and tomorrow and the next day...). One of his biggest ideas was justification by faith- Salvation from faith- we don't have to earn it! Faith is a gift!
    And I agree- it would be great to have a real sit down, face to face discussion with Jesus!
    Great comments Cindy!

  8. Oops. I forgot to do my reading yesterday. I remembered at a late hour and it is now going on midnight here in the Wild West!

    As for yesterday's reading, I am not going to go back and write comments at this late hour, but I am going to say that I thought the story of John's beheading was kind of "off topic" from the remainder of the chapter. I though this was quite strange.

    As for tonight's reading - Chapter 7. I was quite taken by the cleaning ritual that Jesus spurned. His reasoning that filth comes from the heart and not the stomach seemed odd at first, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. This was born out in the comment that the rabbi's washings were more ceremonial than real. I our current environment, it is very important to assure that what goes into out stomachs is clean. Once again, however, Jesus is correct in saying that our hearts must be clean as well.

    The parable about the Syrophoenician woman and her daughter went right over my head. I thought of the house dogs as canines and not of Gentiles. My bad. This is me, and I will never understand symbolism. I hope Jesus never talks to me in parables, or I will not understand the message He is trying to convey to me. Does anybody think that there would have been riots if anybody found out that He went to see a Gentile? This Gospel takes place in the the Middle East, not the sad story of what we have become in our beloved country.

    I think we all need to say a prayer for the cessation of the cancel culture that has become all to pervasive in the US. I think that while Trump did a lot for the country, he managed to drive a sword into our hearts. I pray for Biden, but I personally don't think that he has what's needed to unite us again. I apologize for the digression.

  9. John's beheading was strange- why was it included in the gospel? And did it really need to happen!
    True- clean hearts = clean thoughts and words!
    The symbols are tough to get sometimes. And you wouldn't know that dogs referred to Gentiles unless you were of the time period or someone told you! I bet his disciples probably questioned what Jesus was doing talking to a Gentile!
    Pray for all.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...