Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mark 8

 We begin with a story very similar to one we just read...a  very large crowd (some translations say 4000 men) that is hungry. Jesus shows compassion (v 2), "I feel sorry for them..." then asks what should we do, hoping that one of the disciples would say, "Hey, you just did this a few days ago, why don't you do the same miracle." But, they didn't! Did they forget? Do we forget what Jesus can do? Jesus asks how much food they (the disciples) have- rather than seeking food from the crowd. They give up the bread, and only after they see the miracle and the bread is distributed- then they give up the fish (v 7). How are we similar-- only giving to God a little bit to see what happens, then trusting with more eventually?

The Pharisees come back, trying to up the ante some by asking for a big miracle- one from God...not the small stuff you have been doing (v 11)! Jesus sighs at their continued unbelief (v 12). Do we hear Jesus sigh sometimes at us? Jesus' response is (my interpretation), "Sorry, no miracle for you! You didn't believe me in the first place, why is one more going to help. Let me go  to the true believers."

Jesus warns of the "yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod" (v 15). In ancient days, a small lump of yesterday's dough was kept and used to leaven today's bread...and the process continued day after day, similar to making sour dough bread. You always keep a small batch of starter for the next batch. Jesus' warning was that the Pharisees and Herod could "infect" the people like the yeast would "infect" the bread dough. Jesus was warning them about the evilness of the Pharisees and Herod toward Jesus. Are we as easily "infected" by evil and unbelief?

The disciples were thinking of the yeast in literal terms "We have no bread"(v 16), rather than i spiritual terms. Jesus then questions their understanding and if they even remember what Jesus did for the 5000 and the 4000. Was Jesus' tone in this question one of anger, frustration, or concern?

Jesus is then presented with a blind man (v 22) and he proceeds to rub spit in his eyes...probably because his eyelids were stuck shut. Jesus progressively allows the man to see...maybe in  the symbolism of how the spiritual eyes of the disciples will gradually be opened. How does that compare with your understanding of Jesus and faith...was it a gradual opening of your eyes or an all of a sudden "miracle"?

Then the "series of questions from Jesus" occur in vv 27- 30. Who do people say that I am? One of the great prophets that would hopefully turn over this oppression and corruption we are living in! Who do you say that I am? That's a tougher question. It is easy to say what others think- but what do you think? Peter comes with "You are the Christ!" (v 29b). The Christ or the Messiah, in ancient times, was a person anointed by God to overthrow the political kingdom that was in current power...not as we think today! Peter, and the rest of the disciples, were partly correct. Who do you say Jesus is?

Jesus then goes on to really explain to the disciples who Jesus is (vv 31-32). Imagine hearing those words...that Jesus was eventually going to be executed but then rise from the dead! How could that be- Messiahs were string and powerful- not to be killed! How would you have responded? Peter tells Jesus to stop talking like that and then Jesus openly, in front of the others, chastises Peter and says "Get behind me Satan!" (v 33). Confusing, but if we look- Peter basically is telling Jesus to stop what he is doing then if he is to be killed. Jesus can't stop his mission; Satan is the one that wants Jesus to stop. Maybe Peter's statement was part of the Pharisee leavening back in the beginning of the chapter?

Jesus ten adds a new caveat- if you want to join me, you must be willing to give up your life. It was bad enough that Jesus says he was to be killed- now he is asking us to potentially be killed too?! (v 34) Take up your cross- meant execution. Crosses were symbols of execution and dominance by Rome- not the religious symbols they are today. Who would be willing to do that-- take up their cross for Jesus? Some "famous" words from Jesus in v 35...the only way to find true life is to follow Jesus into death. It doesn't matter what you have in this entire world- if you don't have Jesus it is all for naught. Tough words to hear, but important! Have faith and believe in Jesus.

Chapter 9 begins with the transfiguration followed by more tough words from Jesus. He is real;y hitting hard his mission and ministry!

Enjoy the day! 

Pastor Paul


  1. Jesus again feeds a multitude with a few loaves of bread and some fish.
    This group were not Jews but Gentiles I believe as he was in Sidon,, He keeps going back and forth across the sea.
    It is amazing that the disciples cannot seem to understand that Jesus can take care of their needs even though they have witnessed it twice when Jesus fed the multitudes twice I believe when Jesus talks of the yeast of the Pharisees and h
    Herod that he is speaking of something bad or evil so the yeast can ruin the whole batch of bread. Im not sure if i am understanding it correctly but i hope i got the gist of this story.
    Jesus heals the blind man in two stages perhaps to show that the healing doesn't have to happen instantly but can take time to heal? maybe to show that when we ask Jesus for something it make take time for it to happen Be patient! Jesus continues to tell people not to tell of what he has done as he told the blind man to go home and not to return to the village.
    He also warns the disciples not to tell that he is the Messiah perhps as they don't yet understand the reason that he is here? and he begins to tell them of what is coming and that they must take up the cross and follow him to save their souls. I hope I am understanding this chapter and at least got it partly right. Continue to have faith, love Jesus and follow him even unto death if necessary.

    1. Clara, I really like what you said about healing the blind man - sometimes it’s quick; sometimes it’s in stages and to be patient.

    2. Healing isn't the only thing we need to wait for! It is everything! Patience is something we all need to learn and remember! We live in such a fast paced world that we want results immediately!
      You are correct with the "yeast" of the Pharisee...if you have done any canning or baking with yeast or other fermented products- a small amount of bad can contaminate the entire bunch!
      Great commentary Clara!

  2. I love reading the KJV and mine is a study Bible so it has thoughts and comments included. But sometimes, when I really want to understand something, I read a different version. I did that today with Chapter 8. I understood the feeding of the 4,000 since it was so similar to the feeding of the 5,000 but it did have a different ending. Even with everything that happened, the disciples were upset and concerned that they did not have enough bread to eat. How could they be concerned when Jesus had fed so many with so much left over? I think Jesus’ questions to the disciples were more of exasperation - Seriously? Are you kidding me? And, I am sure, when I talk to God or when I do something He is definitely not pleased with - Jesus thinks the same about me! In my Bible it says that leaven(not yeast) stands for evil influences. So I researched it a little on the internet and Wikipedia agrees with that and added “a few commentators do see the leaven as reflecting future corrupting influences in the Church. “. So looking at it in that light, I do see what Jesus might have been meaning to say when he spoke to the Apostles - was he also prophesying? My faith has always been - I attended Religious Education in elementary school - so it was always a part of me. However, my understanding of some of the scriptures is both - sometimes I get it right away (or think I do) and sometimes it takes several different readings and conversations until I think I understand the meaning. But of course, at a different time, that changes as well. I have to say that I like Peter’s answer to Jesus better in Matthew 16:16 -“Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” - which is more what I think - but to add “My savior”. At first I didn’t understand why Jesus was rebuking Peter. But then I understood. Jesus was upset because Peter was doing exactly what the devil did in the wilderness - tempting Jesus to deny what He was meant to do! But I really think Peter was doing it out of his love and devotion to Jesus - and everyone knew what it meant to be found guilty and crucified, what Jesus would be going through! I think I would have reacted more like Peter. I might not have understood exactly what Jesus was saying, but I would definitely would have understood what Jesus was going to suffer and I would have begged Jesus not to go any further as well. Because there is so much religious freedom in my lifetime, it’s hard for me to answer the question of “taking up the cross.” I don’t know what I would do if my faith if discovered could lead to death and/or suffering. I would like to think I would but..... HOWEVER, I have always (or at least always tried ) to live by “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” I do not want to lose my soul.

    1. I do sense Jesus' frustration with the disciples (and us at times). Really?! Are you kidding me? I just did the same thing last week guys!
      Leaven and yeast can be used interchangeably- something that was used to make dough rise- and it does reference evil. I look at it as "puffing up your chest"
      Good comments about Peter and "temptation" I like that!
      Great comments Donna! Thanks!

  3. Yes I have read the bible some what, but studying it is an eye opening experience. I think Jesus life was sad ,he preached healed,fead people,raised people from death. Still did not believe or understand what was going to happen to him.On earth I think he the son of man. In heaven ,he is the son of God? With studying more ,praying more, loving everyone,having faith, hopefully I will make it.

    1. Study is much different than reading! I can fly through a book but to actually study it and know what it means add a different level! I do sense Jesus' frustration and exhaustion with all his work! Great thoughts Rose Marie!

  4. I am probably going way off course here but I am going to put down what I thought as I was reading this. In the last two readings we’re talking about feeding those who are hungry I couldn’t help but think about how we take care of those who are hungry here in the United States With our soup kitchens, food pantries and donations. I am so very sad about the divide in our country. I have people in my life who I care for very much and we are not agreeing in ways I never thought possible. When I read this about feeding those who are hungry i thought about those I am not agreeing with and those who also seem to be very unkind. I believe that everyone of these people would share their food with someone who is hungry. It really made me stop and think why ARE we so divided? We all want what we believe is the right thing.
    God Bless

    1. You are not going off course! If I were preaching this story I would definitely talk about food insecurity in the United States and how we can work to slow it down. I'd then also go into a tangent about spiritual hunger and how we can feed those that are spiritually hungry (to address your second point). We are divided, we do have a huge gap between the "two sides" yet we do sometimes come together! Keep feeding the hungry! Great thoughts Cindy!

  5. I never knew that there was a second miracle with the loaves and fish. I am so ignorant of the Bible that it makes my head spin. I hope that I have made some progress in remedying this situation in the past several years. It has been my association with Little Meadows UMC that has started (or maybe "corrected" is a better term) my spiritual journey. For this, I give thanks.

    It sounds like Jesus is a little frustrated with his disciples when they ask him how they were going to feed the multitudes. And it seems that He is frustrated as well when asked for a sign by the Pharisees, He gives the sigh that comes "straight form the heart." (Translation is The Jerusalem Bible that was my father's and which I have used repeatedly.) He appears to be annoyed when He them to get lost and there will be no sign coming. If Jesus displays any human qualities, it is here. What I am attempting to say is perhaps Jesus is human and, although sinless, he still suffers from fatigue, anger and frustration. He disposes of these emotions much better than I do.

    In the case of the healing of the blind man, to answer the question posed by Pastor Paul, my spiritual faith and faith in Jesus was definitely a gradual "opening of my eyes." I still struggle with the concept of Jesus and all the miracles he performed. There is part of me that still doubts that this ever happened. And what about today? With the mess the current world is in, where is Jesus? If we ever needed him, we need him now more than ever.

    In the last section, "would I give up my life for Jesus?" I certainly could not say yes, but I feel funny saying no. I will struggle with that question for the rest of my life, and, with my age and my family history, that can't be more than 10 years if I am fortunate.

    1. Not many people know about the two feeding stories- some theologians say it was the same story told just a different way. Study makes the difference!
      Ahh...I like the words "straight from the heart" You can almost feel it! I do think Jesus would get frustrated, tired, cranky...all feelings and emotions we have!
      And you have more than 10 years my friend!! Peace! Good comments and thoughts Jack- thanks for sharing!

  6. Yesterday I could really see Jesus as a rebel. Today’s chapter makes him seem human to me again. His human emotion shows when he feels sorry for the crowd, when he asks “why do you need a sign” and “do you not yet understand?”
    His impatience is something I can relate to. And yet his divinity shows in the miracles he performs, the way that he already knows and accepts his fate.
    “Get behind me Satan! For your are setting your mind not in divine things but on human things.”
    How difficult it must have been to understand both worlds.

  7. In reading through everyone’s comments it seems like we’re all struggling with understanding something today. I am praying for each of us to find some peace.

    1. Good points Cathy. I do see Jesus dealing with his human emotions in these readings! And we are all struggling with something. This forum is good to get some of those struggles out, I wish we could meet in person and have some serious talk with each other- maybe someday we can try a brief gathering- maybe even outside on a nice day! Great words today Cathy- thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...