Thursday, January 14, 2021

Mark 9

 The story of the transfiguration is a great story. As many of you know, I enjoy hiking the Catskill mountains and especially enjoy reaching the summit a  having the trees open up and giving me a beautiful view of the valley below. But there is something mysterious about the view-less peaks!

Summit of Bearpen Moutain (3603') in the Catskills
Summit of Vly Mountain (3530') in the Catskills

Anyway- Peter, James, and John (either Jesus' three closest friends or the three guys that would get into the most trouble when Jesus is gone!) start out on a mountain retreat with Jesus that turns into something amazing (like some of my Catskill summits- a regular day with amazing revelations at the peak). The sights these three men see (vv 3-4) are the visions of the Son of God that people expected for Jesus rather than the humble human aspect! Agree or disagree? Comments on that? Remember this story follows (6 days later) the story of Jesus telling the people he must die on the cross. The meeting with Elijah (representing the prophets) and Moses (representing the Law) add to the stunning-ness of the transfiguration. All three- the Law, the Prophets, and the New Covenant- together as one. The text says the three talked. I wonder what they said? Were Elijah and Moses asking questions? Was Jesus preaching? Did Peter, James, and John hear and understand? Peter wants to build some shelters (vv 5-6) and stay here. Forget rejection, suffering, and crucifixion- let's just keep this glory here as long as we can! Can you blame Peter? The Cloud of God comes (many stories in the Hebrew texts use a cloud to cover God- nobody could see God's face or they would surely die (Exodus 33:20) and we hear words reminiscent of Jesus' baptism by John. They just heard Jesus say something similar a few days ago- and now God is telling them essentially the same thing. Do you think they got it now? Instructions from Jesus- don't tell anyone! I don't know about you, but I would have a hard time keeping this quiet!

I have to be honest- I don't really understand the Elijah part- will do more wok on that! Sorry!

They come down from the mountain and run into crowds and controversy. Do you blame Peter for wanting to stay on the mountain? I love the mountains or being on the trail in the woods, but I know when I get back to the truck, I will face the regular problems of life again! All the more reason to hike the Long Path, the Finger Lakes Trail, the Appalachian trail-- longer time away from reality!

From the description (vv 17-18) it seems like the boy might suffer from epilepsy. I hear frustration in Jesus (v 19) as he (in my mind) almost aggressively says to bring the boy here. Can you feel Jesus' frustration mounting from the beginning of the Mark text. He seems more and more anxious now. The father almost questions Jesus' ability (v 19b) with the word "if"! Do we question Jesus' ability at times? Jesus responds with the statement about faith and the man responds with help me have more! The man obviously had some faith- but was asking for more! Lessons for us? Ultimately the spirit is exorcised and the boy is well. Then the disciples ask a tough question (v 28)- Why couldn't we do that? Jesus responds with some tough to hear words (v 29)- "That kind can only be put out with prayer" (some translations say prayer and fasting). The idea here is that prayer and fasting draw us closer to God- tough words for the disciples to hear! Do you hear those same words at times- get closer to God?

Jesus ( vv 30-32) wants quiet time with the disciples so Jesus can re-emphasize the points he made in chapter 8- Jesus must die and will rise again. But they still didn't get it. One would have expected Peter, James, and John to have an epiphany after the transfiguration- but there is no indication here that happened (and Peter is likely the source of most of the information for Mark's gospel!). I feel bad for Jesus and for the disciples- Jesus keeps trying and they keep not getting it!

Jesus then has that "teacher quality" come out (vv 33- 34). Many times in my career, I would hear some jabbering in the room when kids were working; I'd go over and ask- "Hey, what are you kids talking about?!" They say nothing! Those of you that have kids or worked with kids- ever have anyone of them ask you, "Who do you like the most?" The disciples were wondering who was going to be second in charge when Jesus overthrew the government- as a new, upcoming king was expected to do!

Jesus sits- an indication that he will be in teaching mode (rabbis would sit when they taught or had an important lesson to say). Jesus challenges them with the least and the most important statement (v 35). Jesus was describing himself when he said the least will be servant to all, so therefore he was the greatest. Where do you see yourself in the least and the greatest story?

John (vv 38) then tries to get another in trouble for doing an exorcism in the name of Jesus. Jesus' response (vv 39- 42) is basically saying- this is not an exclusive club here! You don't need to worry about other people's business- you worry about you. God will settle things out. Do you know people like that in the church- always worried about other people's business? Small acts of kindness will be remembered as much as small acts of evil toward other (v 42+). This reminds me of the song Slow Fade by Casting Crowns

Jesus then seems to promote self-mutilation to prevent sin (vv 43- 48), but the point he is trying to make is that leading a sin free life is difficult and full of costly sacrifices. Sin comes from the heart and mind- not the eyes, legs, ears, etc...

I hope you enjoy today's readings and enjoy the day we have been given. Remember- it may be cloudy outside but the SON is always near!

Pastor Paul


  1. thanks for the pics - they are GREAT! And such a nice image! I think you are right - when I picture Jesus I do sometimes think of him as described on the mountain. I never think of Him as He must have been while being crucified or on the cross. Sometimes I think of Him as I picture Him when walking with the disciples. I don’t think the disciples get it until Jesus rises and they see Him on the shores at Galilee. But, then, who really would? In yesterday’s readings there were comments about His human qualities, but He really had to have human qualities in order to suffer on the cross - I know that sounds cruel, but without actual suffering His/God’s sacrifice would not mean anything. If that makes sense.....and His human qualities shows again in this Chapter. Is Elijah John the Baptist? Is Jesus getting more frustrated because He knows His time is limited and the disciples don’t seem to “get it”? Honestly, why wouldn’t the father of the boy question Jesus’ ability? AFter all, the disciples came - probably very confident in their ability to heal the boy - and, yet, they couldn’t. I wonder how many times they tried? And did they all try? I think it’s the same with me, I know that people of great faith and belief still die, still suffer - so sometimes I wonder why. However, after reading this part of Mark and having read Luke last time, I can see why people think when bad things happen to people it’s because they either do not believe in God or do not believe enough. Neither of which I agree with -God loves us all and offers His Grace to all. So why do some suffer in some way? Sometimes I see my self in both - as the least and as the greatest. Sometimes I feel very close to Jesus and feel that He is very close to me - that I am special to Him in some way. But, of course, then something happens and I am humbled and realize we are all special to Jesus in some way. I am surprised by the parable told in Mark vs. 39 - 48 - it seems very long for a parable, very repetitive - especially to be in Mark. However, I LOVE the point of Whoever is with us cannot be against us - even if he is not part of the “group” - and that is my takeaway lesson. If someone believes in God but does not worship the same way as we do, they are still “with us” . If someone helps people, but we may think there is a better way, they are still “with us”. I hear, sometimes, “well that’s not what Catholics think/act”. or “well that’s not what the nationality thinks/acts”-but as long as the bottom line is the same - they are “with us”. I hope i explained those thoughts clearly. Awwww -yes, the Son shines always! Enjoy the day.

    1. I get your comment that Jesus had to have human qualities...but we often don' think of them!
      I do think Jesus' frustration comes from the closeness of the cross and the non belief of the people. But, people still sometimes struggle! And we know everything!
      Great commentary Donna! Thanks!

  2. The transfiguration must have been a marvelous event. Imagine see Jesus’ clothing become white and seeing Moses and Elijah with Jesus. I did a little reading about this part. One account said that Elijah came back because it was a prophecy fulfilled. Verse 12 says the Elijah came to restore all things. This could mean that he would represent Israel being reconciled to Jesus’ new ways. Also, I think that Elijah was also killed for his beliefs. Just my thoughts- no proof to offer lol.
    There is so much in this chapter. Healing, foretelling, even people trying to out do others. Maybe that’s just human. Everyone wants to feel important in this world. Sometimes we all forget just how important we all are to each other.

    1. You are right about Elijah's return...see Malachi 4:5-6! Some good points Cathy! Thanks!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Thank you God did creating a beautiful world!
    Another chapter that takes some thinking! First of all I wonder how the other disciples felt when Jesus chose Peter, James and John to go upon the mountain with him especially when they came back down and told them of nothing that happened there? possibly some jealousy ? When Jesus referred to Elijah coming to prepare the way and make ready for the Messiah was he referring to John the Baptist?
    The three must have been frightened when they saw the Transfiguration, I know I would have been even though it was an awesome thing to behold and what did it mean?
    When they came back down from the mountain and the people are arguing Jesus seems to be very annoyed with them Did he feel the disciples should have been able to heal the boy or was their healing abilities only that one time? He then heals the boy and tells the disciples that prayer is what is needed to cast out evil spirit in other words I believe he meant prayer is what we needed to cast out sin. Jesus does seem to becoming frustrated? Jesus again tells the disciples of what is coming that he is going to die and and then be resurrected. they do not understand and how could they, Would I had I been there, probably not.
    and first of all they don't want him to die and not be with them any longer
    Jesus also tells that we should be more like servants, that serving others is a show of real leadership Also children are a part of that and should be taught as well as adults that they as just as important.
    Jesus words to ward off sin if your hand cause you to sin cut it off etc with the foot and eye is very harsh because thinking of amputation is a harsh thing but Jesus said it is better to be into Gods' kingdom with only one hand, foot or eye is better than being in the fiery pit with Satan. How often do we sin using our hands and especially our tongues I think referring to this I probably would be mute. My tongue sometimes gets away with me I need to stop and think before I say some things, etc,
    Jesus refers to his people as having the qualities of salt perhaps as salt was a preservative and used to save food and also as a flavor to make it taste better so the world needs "salt' to not spoil and or decay and for the people to make a difference or to "flavor" each other?
    This was a great chapter as it was very thought provoking for me ans I hope I understood it as it was meant.
    Have a great day everyone!

  4. Right- how did the other 9 feel when Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to go on a walk!
    Jesus did think that the disciples should have been able to heal the boy- but they weren't close enough to God- thus the statement from Jesus "This one needs prayer and fasting!"
    I like your commentary on salt being a preservative! Good points!
    Nice job Clara!

  5. I have often wondered how we have gotten the images of what we think Jesus looks like. “His clothes became much whiter than any bleach on earth could make” is written in my Bible. When I think of Jesus I usually have the images I have seen when he is teaching. It must have been frustrating for the disciples to try to cure the boy but they could not. Jesus said “anything is possible if you have faith.” I was in a Bible study many years ago when someone said this. A young mother who had recently lost her husband to cancer replied, “are you saying my daughter and I didn’t pray hard enough “? The discussion ended with some very hurt feelings.
    I also believe god loves us all and gives his grace to all.

    1. Interesting question Cindy! Jesus was of Middle Easter descent- so he probably wasn't as Caucasian looking as we think he was! I imagine him wearing roves- the clothing of the day, but dusty and possibly frayed at the bottom from all the walking and working he was doing. I imagine dry looking wrinkled skin from the heat and sun, really dark skinned, and of course wearing some style of Birkenstock sandals! Your translation sounds interesting- as white as any bleach! What translation do you read?
      The "lack of faith" in healing is tough. I have been with people as they are dying and have had family members say things like,"guess I didn't pray hard enough" Tough words with no easy response. Death happens. Sickness happens. Hurt happens. Pain happens. Faith in God helps us deal with those things but it won't take them away. Thanks for sharing Cindy!

  6. I agree with your comment on the Transfiguration. The reason is that the robe Jesus is wearing turns a brighter white than any earthly bleach could make it. The meeting with Moses and Elijah is significant to me because Moses lived in the order of one thousand years before Jesus. John, Peter and James did not understand the conversation between Jesus, Moses and Elijah and they were dumbfounded when Moses and Elijah disappeared since they were ready to make tents for them to sleep in. At many times during Mark's Gospel, Jesus warns folks not to tell anybody about what happened. This also happens during the Transfiguration. I agree. I would have a hard time keeping it quiet. I have often wondered why Jesus wanted his miracles kept quiet. It is obvious that this did not happen and the word got out of his healing power due to the crowds that developed where ever Jesus went. I also have a tic that I cannot explain - every time I attempt to type Jesus's name, I invariably spell it wrong and have to correct it. I will never receive any awards for my typing!

    Incidentally, I had to chuckle at the elevations you posted in the above photos. Our house is at an elevation of 3840 feet. To the west is a giant hill on top of which is the Great Falls airport. I will get it's elevation the next time I go up there. I'll send some photos when I have the ambition, of which I am short of since my surgery. I am feeling more myself with every passing day and I have taken a TV repair job for next week which is the first one since my surgery. Again, I digress.

    It certainly appears the Jesus is getting more and more frustrated with his disciples in this session with the little boy and his disease. I think that this demon was beyond the disciples capability to exorcise. Why wouldn't the boy's father think that Jesus could exorcise the demon when the disciples couldn't? Also, this could have been a learning experience for the disciples in that there are some demons that must be exorcised by prayer as well as faith.

    He discusses the Passion again which He knows is coming, but, of course, the disciples don't. Once again, they don't understand what He is talking about and I think that they may believe that He is losing it.

    I still have both of my hands, my feet and my eyes, and I know that I have used all of them (especially my eyes) to sin. I pray that I am forgiven when the judgement comes. This makes me think of a Bill Cosby show when he states that folks he is talking about are "old now, and they are trying to get into Heaven." I feel like that sometimes.

  7. I think one big reason Jesus wanted his miracles and other things kept quiet is he didn't want to be mobbed by crowds that just wanted healing. He had a bigger mission and that is what he wanted to be know for.
    Your house elevation is 3840'?! The tallest Catskill peak is Slide Mountain at 4190'! Guess we don't have really big hills in the east! Glad your getting back to your usual self! Thanks for sharing!
    Hood comment- the disciples don't get it- but Jesus keeps talking about impending death- maybe he is just a little crazy! (their thoughts).
    Continual faith and trust in God is what one needs to be in Paradise.Martin Luther was a huge proponent of that- one of the reasons for the Protestant Reformation. Luther honed in on the idea of justification through faith ("sola fide" Latin for faith alone) while he was studying Romans (1:17). Keep the faith Jack! Great comments! Thanks!

  8. Yes,I agree,the law ,the prophet's Moses. The cloud being God? Ex 33 20 You cannot see my face, no man shell see me and live. Yes I love nature, so I know how Peter felt in the Mts,peace. The disciples were arguing about who was going to be top dog. Jesus tried to explain to them the new rules that serving other is the way to the top. Desire to get ahead of others will hinder us as disciples.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...