Friday, January 15, 2021

Mark 10

 Good morning!

We start with a tough question for Jesus- can a man divorce his wife?  The question really focuses on Deuteronomy 24:1- A man can divorce his wife if she is found to be "unclean" But what does uncleanliness mean?! Two camps of thought in Hebrew times- uncleanliness meant sexual impurity for one; the other was anything the man didn't approve of (bad dinner one day, dancing in the street, talking to another man...). The Pharisees were testing (v 2) to see if Jesus would go against Moses (and God's laws through Moses). Jesus' response (v 3) is actually a test for them, "What did Moses command?" Moses (God) didn't command anything- God permitted divorce...big difference in terminology! Divorce was permitted due to "hardness of the heart" (stubborn). Kind of confusing, I know...sorry. Jesus then goes to a discussion about marriage- the problem was not that they didn't understand divorce- they didn't understand marriage! God's plan isn't fulfilled in divorce- it is fulfilled in union! I am going to step out and say here...union between all people is part of that fulfillment too. Two people joined together as one should be stringer that the two individuals alone- that's the perfectness of marriage. Verse 9 adds another level of spirituality..."What God has joined together (not what the clergy joins together!)...marriage is a God thing! 

The disciples ask more questions on this confusing topic. We are missing some information here (see Matthew 19:9). In God's eyes, divorce for sexual immorality is permitted, divorce for other reasons is not...and that's what the disciples are asking about. I know this is a difficult topic with the divorce rate in the United States. 

People bring their children to Jesus (vv 13-14) likely for "dedication" purposes. The idea here is that children love Jesus, Jesus loves children! His followers (disciples) try to stop the parents- Judaic law frowns upon children interacting with adults- but Jesus says to stop. Do we know people that try to prevent kids from coming to Jesus (or to church...think about your church and their acceptance of children).

The rich young man addresses Jesus as "good teacher" (v 17- 18). People never addresses rabbis as good, the word implied sinlessness. This is the only instance of a rabbi being called good (as it should be) and Jesus responds with "Do you really know what you're saying when you call me good?!" The man asks "What do I have to do..." as if getting eternal life was earned. "Justification by faith" is taught to us in Romans 1:17...we can't do anything to earn our is belief. Jesus lists the commandments and the man says, I have done all this. Compassion overcomes Jesus- the man is rich, has made it to the top of the ladder, is probably well known- but still has emptiness in him! The man doesn't know God. Do we know people like that?! Jesus responds with...there is only one more thing you must do...follow me. Too difficult- the man walks away. Again, do we know people like that...following God is too tough?

Jesus then goes on to talk about riches (vv 23- 25+). The essence of these words are to say we can have all the money, and things and riches, but if we don't follow God, we have nothing. The rich man had become too independent, and lost reliability on God. Adults are sometimes like that (referring back to the little children); their faith and belief is unquestioning. We need to have the dependence on God like children have dependence on us. 

Jesus continues his walk to Jerusalem (vv 32- 34) and the followers are amazed and frightened. Amazed at Jesus' courage to face his impending death, frightened at Jesus facing impending death. But they continued to follow. Would you have continued to follow? Jesus brings up the betrayal and handing over to the Gentiles (first time Gentiles have been mentioned in this capacity, and this would have been a great insult- rather than being handed over to Jews). Jesus continues with a description of what would happen. Imagine, if you can, being one of Jesus' disciples and hearing this. I have a hard time now with it-- how must they have felt?

The questions that come from James and John (vv 35- 37) are under the assumption that Jesus is an earthly king and will create an earthly kingdom. James and John wanted literal seats of power. This seems to be a continuation of the question- which among us is the greatest. Jesus responds with (v 38) "You just don't get it!" (my translation). It seems like James and John may get something great (vv 39- 41), and the other ten seem to be angry with the possible movement up the ladder of James and John. 

Jesus continues with the statement (v 43) about greatness and servant-hood. In Jesus' kingdom it isn't wealth, popularity, or social status that is important...humbleness is what counts. How does our society go against that statement? Where are you--- popular and great or servant and humble?

Blind Bartimaeus shouts out to Jesus to heal him (v 46+), The people try to silence him, but he continues. Do you have that persistence in prayer? And he doesn't ask for healing- he asks for mercy! Bartimaeus knows what he needs from God- mercy. have that knowledge! Jesus then asks what Bartimaeus needs, and the response is "to see" (v 51). Don't we all have that request- to see? Bartimaeus regains his vision because he believed (v 52) and Jesus says to go on your way. Bartimaeus follows Jesus. Jesus is the way!

Some really great stories today...with some huge implications for us. We get to Jerusalem on Monday (remember- we take weekends off) with Mark's interpretation of Palm Sunday and the next few chapters focus on Jesus Passion. Probably going to be a tough week hearing some of the stories.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Enjoy the rest of the day and the weekend. 

Pastor Paul


  1. The questions of divorce is a hard one for me - given my own history. I understand the reasoning given that may find divorce acceptable but sill. I like your take on it - we all understand divorce in one way or another but do we understand marriage? I certainly did not. And that has been a conversation that I have had with God many times over. My study bible says that what is meant in vs. 14 and 15 is that we should be prepared to accept Heaven as a gift - we cannot earn it. But I don’t agree with that. Heaven is a gift that we have to earn - by living as Jesus tells the rich young ruler. I cannot enter Heaven with the simplistic belief of a child. I am not a child and have experienced many things in my life. But I do believe and try to live as Jesus would like us to live! I have always been a little confused about the rich man that Jesus told to give everything away and follow me. Which is strange because Jesus and his disciples depended on those with money to support them as they went about on their ministry. And it is then a cycle - those with money give tot he poor, then the poor have money and they give back to those that used to be rich and then they are poor, and on and on. Especially when Jesus says it would be easier for a camel to get through the eye of the needle then for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. And really, it is the rich who continue to support non profit organizations with large endowments. However, this is the first time I have read that Jesus says in vs. 24 how hard it is for those that TRUST in riches to enter into the kingdom of God. I had never read it that way before - not that you HAVE riches but that you TRUST them! And also the way that you have explained it! However, I do think we earn our way into heaven - having belief/faith - that is a way we earn it . Living by the commandments - another way we earn it. Even Jesus recites the commandments when the rich man asks how he can have life eternal. Isn’t that, in a way, earning it? I was a bit shocked when I read that Jesus said - turn me over to the Gentiles -but that is what happened - first the chief priests and scribes will condemn Him to death and then shall deliver Him to the Gentiles - the Romans. Knowing how the Romans did put people to death back then - and with Jesus’ own description of what will happen to him - I am not sure I wouldn’t be afraid to follow Him into Jerusalem. I would be very afraid. AND, loving and following Jesus as they did, I am sure they did not want HIM to go through it either. Again its pointed out that you must have faith to be healed - hmmmmm. - as with the blind man. I have prayed to “see” - I guess with my internal eyes - and prayed for guidance in a situation many times. Awwww - James and John - no wonder Jesus calls them the Sons of Thunder! Sometimes I wish the Bible had more stories about what Jesus actually preached and maybe less about the miracles. Have a great weekend everyone.

    1. The divorce comments are always tough to talk about. The way I look at it- marriage is too easy to get into- we don't really think about what marriage is and many people enter into the sacred bond and don't understand it. Plus, people aren't always what we think they are. I'd rather have a marriage end in divorce than have someone stay in an abusive or unfulfilling relationship.
      I wold argue your point that heaven has to be earned! Sola fide " justified by faith alone. Grace is a gift and the works we do don't help us earn grace or heaven. Live life the way Jesus would like us to and things are good!
      The rich young man had troubles giving up his money- so he wasn't dedicated to God and didn't trust is the factor here. Living by the commandments is listening to God and obeying God and doing what God wants- not earning things- I don't think.
      We all have the desire to see more!
      Good commentary Donna. Thanks!

  2. When you start chapter 10 things seem very cut and dry. But the truth is that we are human and we have free will to make decisions. Since God makes us able to make choices- good or bad- I don’t believe that he won’t forgive us for mistakes if we ask. I believe that it’s the 2 people that make a marriage a marriage. If you’re lucky enough to get it right on the first try, terrific! If not, you’re only human. And I agree, any two people- not just a male and a female.
    When there are harsh word in the Bible I always remember that these were written by people long after Jesus lived. Probably by multiple people. If I were writing I might remember things from my personal point of view. Could that have happened?
    I believe that some of this is for teaching purposes. The basics are there- those who are truly matched and are in a good marriage are blessed, children are wonderful, we shouldn’t worship money, our faith is so important- as is working on it.

    1. Free will is tough! That's what gets us into trouble doesn't it! But we have a forgiving God and a gracious God that is always willing to offer free grace as a gift if we reach out for it!
      Great comment about marriage- it is any two people working together! There is a verse from Ecclesiastes 4:12 that I use in wedding ceremonies: "And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." A cord made of tree strands (person 1, person, God) is stringer than two!
      Great point about the Bible too. The original Greek/ Aramaic had to be written from memory and that always affects how we remember things! Plus, in the translation of those words to English there is always wiggle room- that's why there are so many different translations!
      Great comments Cathy!

  3. This chapter starts with divorce and as Donna said it's a hard one for me also being a divorced person myself and then marrying again and when I did I married another person that was divorced I can't believe that that will prevent me from being able to be in God's kingdom. The intent with my first marriage was forever but it didn't end up that way I believe God forgives our sins if what I did was a sin in His eyes. Didn't He say" Ask and you shall receive" thus asking forgiveness is there for us all.
    Jesus loves everyone and especially children as they have faith much stronger than I think adults They believe you will be there for them n o matter what shall we call it "blind faith" Adults have to work on that aspect I think that's what Jesus meant hen he said "like a child"
    I think Jesus meant that riches are okay as long and they are not our "god" but that we should also use them to help others and be willing to give them up if necessary. The young man called Jesus good possibly because he knew who Jesus was but still was willing to do all except give up his riches, so he went away.
    For the third time Jesus tells of his death and the disciples still don't understand what it means . As James and John ask Jesus if they can be on his right and left side of his throne they seem so think that Jesus kingdom is here on earth. The other disciples are angry that James and John asked this and did not include them Jesus tells them that they must be like servants as the son of man himself came to serve. Are we any better than Jesus that we can't serve also I believe is what he meant???
    The blind man believed in Jesus had faith, asked for mercy, was humble and his sight was restored. Very important factors!

    1. I don't believe marrying the "wrong" person is a sin. Like I said with Donna, I'd rather see someone leave a marriage than stay in one that is unhealthy- for either partner. Marriage is hard and people have difficulties with who they originally select. I am ok with divorce if it is needed.
      You are right about Jesus' comment about children and faith. I like the "blind faith" as it points to our last story in this chapter!
      Great comments and thoughts CLara!

  4. I like this comment: "We need to have the dependence on God like children have dependence on us." I don't follow it in real life, but it is something I should shoot for. What is being said here (I think) is that all of the riches and the material things one owns mean nothing if you don't have faith in God. I know I have amassed a trove of material things, and I still feel empty at times. I know the solution, but it is a tough choice and a strong commitment to make. In my translation, it states that I should give up all - including family (wife, kids, grandchildren) as well as material things to follow Jesus. I can see giving up material goods, but I have a real problem with giving up family. I personally do not believe that this is what Jesus wants of us.

    I think that Jesus's courage to face His death at the hands of the Gentiles (Romans) is due to his faith in His Father, God. I have never faced this eventuality, but when I feel overwhelmed by life in general, I sit down (or lay down) and turn things over to God. I always feel calmed and relieved by doing this. I think that these times are the few times when I can honestly say that I pray.

    It seems that Bartimaeus is a very smart man - maybe ahead of his time. He knows that he is asking for mercy and not just another favor from Jesus. I don't know that I could be that humble if that was me in that position. Right now, I am hoping for the COVID-19 vaccine. I hope that in my wishing and hoping that I do not appear that I am looking for a favor from God.

  5. Great comment about dependence- that will preach some day! And you are right- we can have everything- but if we don't have God- what are we? The giving up family part is tough. It is difficult to understand what Jesus means here- I should preach that one someday too!
    There is definitely calmness given by God when we get overwhelmed and anxious. But we need to turn to God. God is always present, but we forget that sometimes!
    Ask for mercy- not for healing! Great point!
    Good commentary Jack- thanks!

  6. I have always listened to the marriage rules, but sometimes it a WHILE to become one. We learn by our mistakes. Children are so easy to love and to believe in Jesus. In today's world the word of God is being changed to fit our life style. Money is often a substitute for God, if we are obsessed with it, it becomes an an idol. Hopefully I would be a servent to God.

  7. We do learn by our mistakes- not all divorces are a result of mistakes, but I understand your point. Plus, people, things, life changes and we respond differently to those changes.
    I agree with your statement- the word of God is changed to fit our world. Not exactly how God intended God's word to be used!
    Money does become our idol and we like to find comfort on that. The common opinion- the more money we have the happier we are. Not so true!
    Good points Rose Marie!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...