Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Ephesians 1

 Paul's introductions are usually longer...this is quite brief! But, Paul says what he has to say (v 1)- I am an apostle because that is what God wanted! (remember Paul's Damascus Road incident- a God incident?! Paul was in Ephesus several times, the last time for over three years-- a long time for Paul to stay in one area!

Paul begins with blessings to and from God for "us" (vv 3-4); theologians suspect Paul is writing to both Jews and gentiles in this letter, so the "us" really means all of us! Paul tries to expand the Kingdom of God to include as many as possible. Do we do that? God selected us (vv 4-5) before we even knew anything about God! How does that make you feel? Paul continues with the words..."And that pleased God (v 5b). The fact that I am a child of God, chosen by God--pleases God! Never though of it that way!

Paul talks of our redemption through Christ's blood (v 7). Redemption implies that something was turned over on behalf of us (or paid for) The original Greek word is lootruo which means to liberate on receipt of a ransom. Chris'ts blood was that which was paid so we could be free from sins and offered grace (v 7-10)-- all part of God's grand plan for humanity. 

Paul continues talking and discussing about how we are God's chosen children (vv 11+) and this was always God's plan (although some would argue it was the Jews, but remember the Jews turned down God's offer). All this is offered, but we have to believe and have faith (v 13). How many people have heard the offer and yet refused it? What is our role in helping people accept the offer of grace and salvation from God? The Holy Spirit is brought into the conversation (v 14), so we have the Trinity (God, Son, Spirit) all present, all for us, all because God wanted to do it!

So far, a very different letter than what we just read from Galatians. In the first couple verses in Galatians, Paul was chastising them for their lack of faith! What a different beginning here!

More positivity comes when Paul mentions that he always remembers them in his prayers giving thanks to God for the works that the church in Ephesus has done. His desire is for more wisdom so they could further their knowledge of God and have an even more intimate relationship with God. The blessings and exclamations of thanks for the church in Ephesus continues! Paul really loves this church and these people. I wonder, if Paul wrote a letter to your church today, what would Paul have to say? Would it be blessings and thanksgiving as we have in the letter to Ephesus or would it be somewhat disciplinary as in the Galatians letter?

We have the same power that God has if we believe (vv 19-20). The power that God used to resurrect Christ is available to us.  And tat is that same power that Christ has- power over everything- rulers, authorities, kingdoms! What a great feeling and sense of awe Paul has about God and Christ and the people of Ephesus!

I love the closing verse in this chapter (v 23b) My translation says, "The church is filled with Christ, and Christ fills everything in every way." Wow! But then, I think...Is the church (is your church, is my church) filled with Christ? I hate to say it, but I sometimes wonder!

This is a great introductory chapter and I am very uplifted and excited to read more words from Paul and to his people in Ephesus!

Pastor Paul


  1. I find i am a little confused. Is Paul saying that God knew even before he created Adam and Eve that they would sin? I find it had to understand tht God would create life and the beautiful garden only for this to be a sinful world.
    Paul wants the church ( the believers of Jesus not a building) to follow God, do his good works and love on another. We should praise God for his many blessings and have conversations with him daily. if we sin we need to ask his forgiveness and carry on .
    I hope i have at and inkling of this chapter right.

    1. If we believe in an omniscient and omnipresent God...then yes, God knew what Adam and Eve would do before they did it. Remember, we (and Adam and Eve) have free will...the ability to do what we want. God gave us that ability of free will so we could have freedom.
      I like the Ephesians letter- its not too tough to understand! You have it!
      Nice job Clara!

  2. At the end of your message you write is your church filled with Christ...I have to believe you are doing your best to make that so. I have not met you yet but am looking forward to meeting you once we are able to.
    This morning on the today show I saw a wonderful piece on a woman who read the book
    A Purpose Driven Life by pastor Rick Warren while in rehab. How it was life changing for her and the journey she took after this. I believe you are helping us and those in your parish in ways you probably don’t even know.

    1. Thanks!
      Purpose Driven Life is a good book. I have read it maybe twice. I try! Thanks for the comments Cindy!

  3. This is a very uplifting beginning for this letter. My Bible also says this was probably meant to be a circular letter so the beginning of each letter would change a little according to whom it was going to. So it makes sense that the opening dialogue would be short. However, whoever was receiving this letter obviously pleased Paul with their actions and their belief. My Bible also says that since 3-14 is a doxology - Paul in vs. 3 speaks of what God has done and worships Him, then 4-13a are blessings from Jesus and finally of the blessings from the Holy Spirit 13b -14. Also in 5 it says “according to the good pleasure of His will” - which has a different meaning, I think. And 5a says “having predestination us into the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself.” I think wording it this way means all of us = from the time we were conceived, born - we were predestined to be a child of God - by God’s pleasure. In my translation vs. 12 and 13 say that all people who first trusted in Christ and those that trusted after they heard the word of truth - the gospel - and then believed - will receive the inheritance and the promise. And I feel Paul meant all Gentiles and all Jews who heard and then believed - after all, Paul was a Jew and a Roman citizen and he believed - as were the apostles - so I think they all thought that Jesus and God meant everyone who heard the word and then believed. I think there are people who read/hear the word and then reject it but i also think that there are people who read/hear the word and then rationalize it so it fits what they think - so they can go on living as they always did. I think our role is to tell verbally those who do now know or believe, then to show them through our actions, and then pray for them and the Holy Spirit to enter their lives. HA - I think it depends on the day on what kind of letter Paul will write my church. As humans, sometimes we get it right and sometimes we are way off! I also love vs. 23 - my translation says in 22 and 23 - “And hath put all things under his feet, and give him (Jesus) to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. “. Filleth all in all - you, me, the church, our neighbors, citizens in other countries, people who live differently then I might - everywhere and everyone! Can’t wait to read more.

    1. Correct about the circular letter- its goal was to be passed from place to place to place.
      I believe we are all included in God's family- if we want it. There are some people that ignore the invitation (this weekend's message!). It is God's desire for all of us to be included in God's kingdom. This weekend will examine some of the points you bring up! Coming up with excuses not to believe or have faith, etc.
      I like your "HA!" statement! I agree with that!
      Thanks for the commentary Donna!

  4. I wonder if Paul saw himself as a person whose job it was to try to bring people together. He wanted the people of Ephesus to "Keep up the good work". He tells the people that he prays for them and wants them to grow in their faith.
    Vs 13 is interesting to me. At the end of the verse my Bible says that believers were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit. I am very intrigued by the idea of a Holy Spirit. I looked up some information about the Holy Spirit and I found this: In John 15:26 Jesus says of the Holy Spirit: "But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me." One source says that words related to the Holy Spirit are: Dove, Comforter, intercessor, presence of God and spirit of Truth. Sometimes when I am very anxious I have asked the Holy Spirit to come into me through my breath. Then I try to breathe slowly and calm my thoughts. And it works!

    1. Paul is like a cheerleader in some of his letters- encouraging and pulling the team together! It is powerful when someone says they are praying for you or there are others praying for you. Paul's prayer list must have been quite lengthy!
      The Holy Spirit is the feeling I get when I am troubled, anxious, angry, is that calming sense that there is something greater. Remember, the Gospels were written after many (all?) of Paul's letters! But Paul does know of the Holy Spirit- probably through his Damascus Road experience.
      Good thoughts Cathy!

  5. For whatever reason, I could not keep my mind on the material in this chapter. I should get in the habit of doing this earlier in the day when I am fresher (is that a word??). My one questions/comment I have is that it sure looks like God had made the earth to be inhabited by sinless people. Where did He go wrong? How could a perfect being create such an imperfect world? That is probably why He sent Jesus to try to straighten the place out. We all can see how that turned out. I have wondered from time to time if God is a perfect being. If He is, then how did the world become such a mess? In today's world, there is so much hatred, as there had to be in Jesus's time. Maybe this is why Paul had so much anger toward the Galatians. Maybe he decided he needed to take a different track toward the Ephesians. To be sure, I now believe that God is a perfect being, as is Jesus.

    As a side note, Rhea and I are reading each chapter aloud to each other every evening (it is now 9:40 here). However, Rhea will probably not be commenting on the blog very often since she has to write everything out in longhand and then transcribe it to the computer. Rhea and computers do not get along. If our president thinks everybody can code, he has not met Rhea. She can't do it. Period. End of conversation. She has many wonderful qualities, but a technical mind is not one of them.

    1. Hahaha! I get it Jack- I do my toughest material (sermon prep, this blog, course of study reading) in the morning and my easier material (house work, pleasure reading, etc) later.
      God probably did intend fro a sinless world, but God also gave us free it is us that went wrong, not God- unless the gift of free will was a mistake by God!
      Correct- for Jesus coming to earth- to give us an idea of what God desires! God is perfect- it is us that have managed to create hate and evil!
      It is good that you and Rhea are working on this together! It is good to have a partner in crime! And I am not a technical person either!
      Tell her Happy Birthday from LM!!
      Thanks for the comments Jack!

  6. God has a plan for us, we are his chosen children, he loves us so much. As Paul was spreading the word of God to the church's. God was pleased. To get members in some church's, even in some today, they keep secret. Paul used secret to teach that God sent his son Jesus, to shed his blood and die for us,so our sin will be forgiven. Now the secret is out. The Holy Spirit is in each of us, that is Gods special seal, to us, to love one another, have faith. About my church, that's where I learn more about God and it is preached so that I can understand. This is a very fruitful and loving church.

  7. I like your comment- the Holy Spirit is God's special seal!
    Good thoughts Rose Marie- thanks


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...